This document discusses the Focused Conversation Method, an approach for public participation and rulemaking that uses social media. It involves establishing ground rules for respectful discussion, focusing the conversation on key issues, and ensuring a diversity of perspectives are represented. The method aims to get better and more understanding public input to help government policymakers. It has been used in workshops in Taiwan and shown to increase participation rates and quality of discussion.
This document provides information about different types of concerts and idols in Japan. It introduces various idols from genres like Jpop, voice acting, and underground idols. It also discusses light sticks, cheers, calls, and responses used at concerts. Specific idol groups mentioned include Love Live, Wake Up Girls, and AKB48. The document aims to educate people about the culture of being a fan of idols in Japan.
CLDTA Digital Tools in Curriculum_20140504Jenpei Chao
This document discusses using digital tools in language courses. It begins by outlining steps for course planning, including setting goals and assessing student proficiency levels. It then describes tools that can be used for different parts of the lesson, such as reviewing vocabulary on tablets or doing interactive exercises on websites. The document provides an example lesson plan on toys and games. It emphasizes preparation, considering technical issues, and managing the classroom when using digital tools. Overall, the document provides guidance on integrating digital resources at various stages of instruction.
I gave a 3-hour long talk to the EMBA (#17) students at National Sun Yat Sen University at Mar 29th, 2015.
A summary of my talk can be found at my blog:
2015/3/29 在北投捷運會館跟中山大學 EMBA #17 的學員們以「行动互联网时代的新经济与创新思维」為題,就行動互聯網、傳統與創新思維、社群與新媒體等三大方向作比較概括性的介紹。
Bluemix is IBM's cloud platform that provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). It offers public, dedicated, and local deployment options across global data centers. Bluemix provides built-in programming languages and runtimes, services from its catalog that extend app functionality, and tools for DevOps. It allows hosting your own apps and services or using prebuilt ones from IBM like Watson cognitive APIs.
如何利用社交媒体制造商机 Using social media to find business opportunitiesBelinda Ang
This is the deck for the Mandarin Workshop delivered at the 16th SME Infocomm Commerce Conference in Singapore.
The content is proprietary of and presented by Belinda Ang, thinkBIG Communications. All sources of the statistics are credited within. We appreciate it if you can return the link or credit back to us when you use this.
Thank you.