Come e dove si incontra Maria nella BibbiaDenis Sahayaraj KulandaisamyCome e dove si incontra Maria nella Bibbia? - Prof. Denis S. Kulandaisamy, Roma.
Competencias por nivel_collegeTolkiengrossoEste documento describe las competencias de lengua castellana que deben ser validadas en cada nivel (6ème/M1 a 3ème/M4) del collège en Francia. En cada nivel se especifican 1-2 competencias clave para la lectura, escritura y expresión oral, con mayor complejidad requerida a medida que aumenta el nivel.
13e9c0a398BmiyamuraThis document outlines a marketing campaign, including establishing a core idea and communication objective, providing an overview of the campaign flow, and detailing aspects of the campaign such as the website, public relations, and social media presence. The campaign aims to communicate its core message through an organized multi-channel approach across digital and traditional marketing avenues.
Vinhomes Golden River (Ba Son)VinhomesSiêu dự án Vinhomes Golden River được kiến tạo trên mảnh đất Ba Son nằm bên sông Sài Gòn, ngay trong lòng Quận 1. Tiên phong áp dụng mô hình “Thành phố trong lòng thành phố” – “a city winthin a city” nối tiếng trên thế giới tại Tp HCM. Vinhomes Golden River mang đến một cuộc sống vẹn toàn với hạ tầng tiện ích hoàn hảo cho cư dân của mình ngay trong nội khu đô thị.
Academic major presentationRohan RaoThis document provides an overview of computer engineering and aeronautical and astronautical engineering programs at Purdue University. It describes some key courses in each program like signals and systems, electronic devices design, aerodynamics, and thermodynamics. It also outlines career paths for each field such as artificial intelligence, software engineering, and systems engineering. Requirements for each program are also summarized, noting similarities like chemistry and physics requirements, but also differences in math requirements and free electives between the two programs.
identifying bias in team selectionSida Ly-XiongThis document discusses forming teams and the stages they go through. It addresses characteristics of effective teams like having complementary skills. It prompts examining strengths and challenges when choosing teams based on similarities vs. diversity. The document also discusses unconscious biases and suggests ways to address them, such as implicit association tests and embracing vulnerability.
HIVScreeningApprovedLisa Thorson Wahlestedt, MD MPHThis document summarizes the position statement of the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) regarding routine HIV screening. The ACPM supports routine HIV screening for all adolescents and adults ages 13-64, as well as pregnant women, based on evidence that risk-based screening is inadequate and leads to low testing rates, lack of HIV status awareness, and late diagnoses. The ACPM endorses opt-out consent procedures, use of rapid HIV tests, streamlined counseling separate from screening, and linking patients to treatment. The organization also recommends annual repeat testing for high-risk groups and repeat testing every 5 years for the general population.
Magnat CInema Ultra with THX Ultra 2 CertificationJason MarrThis document describes the Magnat Cinema Ultra home cinema speaker system. It is THX Ultra2 certified and includes front LCR speakers, surround speakers, a subwoofer, and Dolby Atmos upfiring speakers. The system offers various configuration options from 5.1 to 7.2 setups. It is designed with versatility in placement and mounting of the speakers in mind. The technical specifications of the individual speakers are also provided.
Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Treatment Updatespa7181. A study presented data on using brentuximab vedotin (BV) consolidation after autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) for primary refractory Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). BV improved progression-free survival compared to placebo in all patient subgroups analyzed.
2. Another study found that a combination of BV and bendamustine had a high overall response rate of 96% for relapsed/refractory HL, with a complete response rate of 83%. This compared favorably to historical data for these agents as single therapies.
3. A trial evaluated the use of positron emission tomography (PET)-driven therapy for early stage HL and found that patients who were PET-
identifying bias in team selectionSida Ly-XiongThis document discusses forming teams and the stages they go through. It addresses characteristics of effective teams like having complementary skills. It prompts examining strengths and challenges when choosing teams based on similarities vs. diversity. The document also discusses unconscious biases and suggests ways to address them, such as implicit association tests and embracing vulnerability.
HIVScreeningApprovedLisa Thorson Wahlestedt, MD MPHThis document summarizes the position statement of the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) regarding routine HIV screening. The ACPM supports routine HIV screening for all adolescents and adults ages 13-64, as well as pregnant women, based on evidence that risk-based screening is inadequate and leads to low testing rates, lack of HIV status awareness, and late diagnoses. The ACPM endorses opt-out consent procedures, use of rapid HIV tests, streamlined counseling separate from screening, and linking patients to treatment. The organization also recommends annual repeat testing for high-risk groups and repeat testing every 5 years for the general population.
Magnat CInema Ultra with THX Ultra 2 CertificationJason MarrThis document describes the Magnat Cinema Ultra home cinema speaker system. It is THX Ultra2 certified and includes front LCR speakers, surround speakers, a subwoofer, and Dolby Atmos upfiring speakers. The system offers various configuration options from 5.1 to 7.2 setups. It is designed with versatility in placement and mounting of the speakers in mind. The technical specifications of the individual speakers are also provided.
Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Treatment Updatespa7181. A study presented data on using brentuximab vedotin (BV) consolidation after autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) for primary refractory Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). BV improved progression-free survival compared to placebo in all patient subgroups analyzed.
2. Another study found that a combination of BV and bendamustine had a high overall response rate of 96% for relapsed/refractory HL, with a complete response rate of 83%. This compared favorably to historical data for these agents as single therapies.
3. A trial evaluated the use of positron emission tomography (PET)-driven therapy for early stage HL and found that patients who were PET-
2. • Данные о населении страны получают в результате
переписи населения
• перепись населения должна проводиться
регулярно ( один раз в 10-15 лет)
• в России перепись населения проводилась в:
1897 1926 1936 1949 1989 2002 2010 годы
3. Страны Население 1990г.
Страны Население 2000г.
Китай 1120 Китай 1284
Индия 830 Индия 1014
СССР* 289 (148*) США 281
США 250 Индонезия 212
Индонезия 180 Бразилия 170
Бразилия 150 Пакистан 156
Япония 124 Россия 145
Пакистан 112 Бангладеш 130
Бангладеш 110 Япония 127
Нигерия 90 Нигерия 112
4. 1284
212 170 156 145
130 127 112
млн. чел.
5. ДЕМОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ КРИЗИС – период резкого снижения
численности населения страны вследствие войн, революций,
эпидемий, других социальных потрясений.
XX век:
1 демографический кризис: 1914-1922 годы
( 1 мировая война, революция 1917 года, гражданская война, эмиграция)
2 демографический кризис: 1932-1937 годы
( коллективизация сельского хозяйства, голод 1933-34 г., репрессии)
3 демографический кризис: 1941-1945 годы
(Великая Отечественная война)
4 демографический кризис: 1990 годы – настоящее время
( экономический кризис, нестабильность,
неблагоприятная экологическая обстановка )
7. Цели урока
1. Узнать, что такое воспроизводство населения.
Его основные типы и их характеристика.
2. Определить, что такое естественный и
механический прирост населения. Проследить
изменения ЕП и МП по годам.
3. Вывести формулу естественного прироста и
механического прироста
4. Научиться решать задачи.
8. сложившееся в данный период
определенное соотношение рождаемости и
Традиционный Высокая,
Современный Невысокая,
Низкий или
9. совокупность процессов
рождаемости,смертности,естественного прироста,
обеспечивающих непрерывную смену поколений
(естественное движение населения)
Формула естественного прироста
ЕП = Р - С,
где Р – рождаемость (число родившихся за год на 1000 жителей )
С – смертность ( число умерших за год на 1000 жителей)
ЕП – естественный прирост (убыль)
11. Воспроизводство населения
Краснодарского края
годы 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 2000 2010 2013
14.0 14.4 15.2 15.5 13.1 9.1 12.2 13.2
9.2 10.9 12.4 12.8 13.2 15.4 13.6 12.9
4.8 3.5 2.8 2.7 -0.1 -6.3 -1.4 0.3
12. Домашнее задание
Параграф 38, отвечать на вопросы
после параграфа устно.
Используя интернет найти
информацию о механическом приросте
населения России и Краснодарского