Evaluation question 1simmo118My A2 level Evaluation question on "In which ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products"
Osf slide presentation Al BennerThis document promotes a family farm getaway event at a 54-acre organic farm in northeastern Pennsylvania on May 19th. Visitors can experience the farm's food systems and heritage breeds, learn skills like beekeeping and making wood-fired pizza in an earthen oven, and enjoy outdoor recreation with the family. The event aims to educate children about where food comes from and connect people to farming through hands-on activities.
Media evaluation analysis part 4Alex Dalton1) The document discusses audience feedback on a horror film trailer the author created. Classmates provided positive feedback on scenes involving hair being pulled and a changing mirror reflection, and enjoyed the sinister lullaby music and a jump scare.
2) Some felt the narrative was unclear, so the author added a text close-up for clarification. Most then understood the story better.
3) Overall feedback was very positive, with most giving scores between 7-10 out of 10. This showed the trailer successfully fit the psychological horror genre and appealed to its target audience.
Giaithuong lt2007 giaiba-2Hi HouseĐồ án "Quy hoạch tổng thể hệ thống mạng lưới đô thị và điểm dân cư nông thôn tỉnh Lạng Sơn đến năm 2020" của sinh viên
Hà Thị Thanh ( ĐH Kiến trúc Hà Nội)
ADAPT, The Future of Work, The Work of The Future, Special Report, Feb 1997Kalevi KorppiThe document provides an overview of the ADAPT initiative, which aims to help workers and companies in the EU anticipate and prepare for changes in work patterns brought about by rapid economic change. It discusses the challenges of industrial change, the EU's response, and how ADAPT fits within the Structural Funds. It then summarizes each EU member state's operational program and priorities under ADAPT, which generally focus on issues like improving skills and competitiveness, supporting SMEs, increasing productivity and employment, and developing local networks.
CloudCity Working Together Breakfast 9 April 2013CollaborationWorksThis contains all the presentations from the 9 April breakfast
David Gittins, EMC - What is Cloud? http://uk.emc.com/
James Wilson, WeLoveSleep - Why I now run a digital business www.welovesleep.co.uk/
Dan Fleetcroft, PES Performance – How Cloud supports collaborative design and supply chain management www.pes-performance.com/
Hannah Chaplin, Order Harmony - Example of Software as a Service www.orderharmony.com/
The final presentation from Eddie Murphy from MottMacDonald on collaboration can be found here: http://prezi.com/adtppkhyugmc/collaboration-case-study/?auth_key=813bd409969889be4ccc0c5442e00a5cec36d56b&kw=view-adtppkhyugmc&rc=ref-11356493
Chapter 15 3Talha ShawonThis document contains presentation slides summarizing key concepts about organizational culture from Chapter 15 of Organizational Behavior. The slides cover how cultures are formed and changed, four types of organizational cultures, how culture influences ethics and diversity, and the process of socialization. Specific topics include the components, layers, and emergence of organizational culture as well as guidelines for managing culture.
50 statesemily_martinezThe document lists state flowers, birds, mottos, and other symbols for various US states, including poppies and golden bears for California, orange blossoms and mockingbirds for Florida, blue spruce trees and lark buntings for Colorado, Oregon grape and western meadowlarks for Oregon, and willow goldfinches and rhododendrons for Washington state.
Maximalist housesHi HouseThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise has also been shown to boost self-esteem and can serve as a healthy way to manage stress.
50 statesJohn_EstepThis document provides brief summaries of 8 US states - New York, Texas, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Alabama, Kansas, and Arizona. Each summary includes the state capital city, date it joined the union, state flower, highest point with elevation ranking, current population ranking and population count from 2000 census. The states represent different regions of the country and dates of statehood ranging from the original 13 colonies to the early 20th century.
Persiapan Pemerintah Desa dalam Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa dan Mengenal H...Abdul KasimSetelah penerbitan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 43 tahun 2014 tentang petunjuk pelaksanaan UU Desa dan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 60 tahun 2014 tentang mekanisme pengelolaan Dana Desa yang bersumber dari anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (APBN), maka ada pergeseran dalam mekanisme pengelolaan anggaran di desa.
Media evaluation analysis part 3 (finished)JKGBHAlex DaltonThe document discusses the media technologies used during the construction, research, planning, and evaluation of a horror film trailer project. YouTube and IMDB were used in the early research and planning stages to find influences and gather information. Photoshop was used to create ancillary products like posters and magazines, using tools like layers, cropping, and blurring. Adobe Premiere was used to edit footage and construct the trailer, manipulating aspects like color, speed, and audio. Blogger, Facebook, and YouTube were utilized for sharing works-in-progress and gathering feedback through social media and an in-class screening evaluation.
The 20X Effect3sixty.com This document discusses strategies for increasing engagement on social media pages through developing conceptual posts that highlight a company's values rather than just promoting products. It notes that companies like Disney and Flocafe successfully increase engagement on Facebook by posting concepts related to their values, like "Keep Dreaming" or "The Best Part of Our Day." The document also introduces the concept of the "20X Effect," which is the idea that an engaged Facebook page can achieve 20 times as many free impressions from organic and viral reach compared to the number of page likes. It provides examples of pages that demonstrated this effect, achieving millions of free impressions over 10 months.
Идеи для новогодних вечеринокParty2GoВесёлые, забавные и традиционные аттракционы, которые способны украсить любую вечеринку и развлечь гостей - специальная подборка для новогодних вечеринок
От автопати до after-party. Чем бы нам развлечь гостей?Party2GoАттракционы и развлекательное оборудование в аренду на любые мероприятия, праздники и вечеринки
ADAPT, The Future of Work, The Work of The Future, Special Report, Feb 1997Kalevi KorppiThe document provides an overview of the ADAPT initiative, which aims to help workers and companies in the EU anticipate and prepare for changes in work patterns brought about by rapid economic change. It discusses the challenges of industrial change, the EU's response, and how ADAPT fits within the Structural Funds. It then summarizes each EU member state's operational program and priorities under ADAPT, which generally focus on issues like improving skills and competitiveness, supporting SMEs, increasing productivity and employment, and developing local networks.
CloudCity Working Together Breakfast 9 April 2013CollaborationWorksThis contains all the presentations from the 9 April breakfast
David Gittins, EMC - What is Cloud? http://uk.emc.com/
James Wilson, WeLoveSleep - Why I now run a digital business www.welovesleep.co.uk/
Dan Fleetcroft, PES Performance – How Cloud supports collaborative design and supply chain management www.pes-performance.com/
Hannah Chaplin, Order Harmony - Example of Software as a Service www.orderharmony.com/
The final presentation from Eddie Murphy from MottMacDonald on collaboration can be found here: http://prezi.com/adtppkhyugmc/collaboration-case-study/?auth_key=813bd409969889be4ccc0c5442e00a5cec36d56b&kw=view-adtppkhyugmc&rc=ref-11356493
Chapter 15 3Talha ShawonThis document contains presentation slides summarizing key concepts about organizational culture from Chapter 15 of Organizational Behavior. The slides cover how cultures are formed and changed, four types of organizational cultures, how culture influences ethics and diversity, and the process of socialization. Specific topics include the components, layers, and emergence of organizational culture as well as guidelines for managing culture.
50 statesemily_martinezThe document lists state flowers, birds, mottos, and other symbols for various US states, including poppies and golden bears for California, orange blossoms and mockingbirds for Florida, blue spruce trees and lark buntings for Colorado, Oregon grape and western meadowlarks for Oregon, and willow goldfinches and rhododendrons for Washington state.
Maximalist housesHi HouseThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise has also been shown to boost self-esteem and can serve as a healthy way to manage stress.
50 statesJohn_EstepThis document provides brief summaries of 8 US states - New York, Texas, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Alabama, Kansas, and Arizona. Each summary includes the state capital city, date it joined the union, state flower, highest point with elevation ranking, current population ranking and population count from 2000 census. The states represent different regions of the country and dates of statehood ranging from the original 13 colonies to the early 20th century.
Persiapan Pemerintah Desa dalam Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa dan Mengenal H...Abdul KasimSetelah penerbitan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 43 tahun 2014 tentang petunjuk pelaksanaan UU Desa dan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 60 tahun 2014 tentang mekanisme pengelolaan Dana Desa yang bersumber dari anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (APBN), maka ada pergeseran dalam mekanisme pengelolaan anggaran di desa.
Media evaluation analysis part 3 (finished)JKGBHAlex DaltonThe document discusses the media technologies used during the construction, research, planning, and evaluation of a horror film trailer project. YouTube and IMDB were used in the early research and planning stages to find influences and gather information. Photoshop was used to create ancillary products like posters and magazines, using tools like layers, cropping, and blurring. Adobe Premiere was used to edit footage and construct the trailer, manipulating aspects like color, speed, and audio. Blogger, Facebook, and YouTube were utilized for sharing works-in-progress and gathering feedback through social media and an in-class screening evaluation.
The 20X Effect3sixty.com This document discusses strategies for increasing engagement on social media pages through developing conceptual posts that highlight a company's values rather than just promoting products. It notes that companies like Disney and Flocafe successfully increase engagement on Facebook by posting concepts related to their values, like "Keep Dreaming" or "The Best Part of Our Day." The document also introduces the concept of the "20X Effect," which is the idea that an engaged Facebook page can achieve 20 times as many free impressions from organic and viral reach compared to the number of page likes. It provides examples of pages that demonstrated this effect, achieving millions of free impressions over 10 months.
Идеи для новогодних вечеринокParty2GoВесёлые, забавные и традиционные аттракционы, которые способны украсить любую вечеринку и развлечь гостей - специальная подборка для новогодних вечеринок
От автопати до after-party. Чем бы нам развлечь гостей?Party2GoАттракционы и развлекательное оборудование в аренду на любые мероприятия, праздники и вечеринки
Интерактивная командная игра "Монополия"Party2Go Предлагаем Вам увлекательную и крайне насыщенную непредсказуемыми поворотами игру , в нашей интерпретации получившую название «Кремлевская монополия»: действие происходит в некоем Городе С Кремлем В Центре…
Смысл игры таков: переносим на улицу известную «Монополию», с ее объектами недвижимости, полями «Шанс» и «Казна», добавляем новые поля: «Денежный дождь» (ловим летающие в «Кэшбоксе», «денежном ящике», летающие «купюры»), «Биржа» (покупаем акции известных предприятий), «Фортуна» (отправляемся в Казино или на Ипподром (аттракцион «Мышиные бега»)), «Пари» (возможность отправиться в Город мастеров и сразиться на условиях пари (на указанную в Прайсе денежную ставку) с одним из Мастеров игры в состязание, предложенное им (головоломка, задача, быстротечная игра и т.п.)); разбавляем эти поля репперными точками в виде муниципальных объектов (Магазин, Ресторан, Школа, Спортцентр, Больница и т.п.), на каждой из которых участникам, объединенным в команды, предстоит выполнять различные задания, в основном подвижные, естественно, за деньги: справился – получил, не справился – заплатил…
Вы можете оказаться в казино или на ипподроме (аттракцион «Мышиные бега»); в телецентре появится возможность поучаствовать в «съемках» «Ледникового периода» или «Больших гонок» или самим снять шуточную рекламу выбранного в результате жеребьевки продукта; а, к примеру, на киностудии предстоит озвучить отрывок из известного фильма, причем наверняка этот отрывок будет содержать некие сложные моменты вроде взрывов, шума дождя или завывания ветра… В спортцентре Вас поджидают наши игры- аттракционы «Баскетбол», «Американский футбол» и «Керлинг по-русски», в тюрьме придется искать ключ от темницы в сосудах с мышами, змеями и тараканами; таможню необходимо преодолевать по тропе контрабандиста с помощью фанерных «кочек»…
А еще – торговая пауза каждые полчаса, Кремлевская лотерея, котировки акций, Кремлевское радио (накануне записываются аудиоролики, адаптированные под Ваш праздник). В общем, гарантируем, что 3 часа, отведенные для игры, пролетят совершенно незаметно.
Данную игру можно использовать в качестве интерактивной зоны на корпоративных мероприятиях. Минимальная п