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The Delta Statement Lifestyles A3 Thursday, September 4, 2014 
Lurlynn Franklin Art Exhibition on 
display at Wright Art Center Gallery 
Whitney Carter 
News Editor 
The Wright Art Center 
Gallery brought new art 
to Cleveland by beginning 
their season with artist 
Lurlynn Franklin of Memphis. 
Franklin, who is also a 
poet, playwright and author, 
is an art educator at Whitney 
Achievement Elementary. 
The exhibition called, 
Colored Cartoons in Undeniable 
Blackness raised awareness 
on the borderline between 
stereotype and actual truth, said 
The show opened on Aug. 
21, and Franklin recited poetry 
from her book Fabled Truths. 
Franklin used different 
forms of painting to create 
her work such as watercolors, 
acrylics, etc. 
The small details of each 
piece of art contributed to the 
story being told. 
Franklin does not always 
refer to her work as just art. 
I call them quilts because 
quilts usually tell a story, and my 
works tell stories said Franklin. 
Not only does Franklins 
work discuss stereotype, but 
it covers race and the roles of 
a woman. Her art combines 
seriousness with humor. 
She covers the fi ne line 
between what people think verses 
what is reality, but also puts a 
spin of comedy to her work. 
The exhibition will be on display until Sept. 26. Photo by Whitney Carter 
When that honesty is out 
there, I try to be as blandly as 
possible with things, Franklin 
said, But I know sometimes 
people cannot take it that way, 
but humor streams throughout 
everything I do. 
Along with her comedic 
paintings, she recited her 
Franklin does the same 
with her quilts as she does 
with her writing. She fi nds a 
way to make a serious subject 
Franklin does her writing 
and painting individually, but 
her works usually fi nd a way to 
relate to one another. 
My work is done 
separately, but since I am 
obsessed with certain subject 
matter, they just fl ow on their 
own little parallel train, she 
said. I am able though in this 
book to group them together. 
Colored Cartoons in 
Undeniable Blackness will 
be on display until Sept. 
26. For more information 
contact Michaela Merryday at 
Move-in Day 2014 
Athletes and other students helped move new students into their rooms for the semester. Photos by Elisabetta Zengaro 
The 24-Hour Play Festival was open to any student interested in participating. Photo by Caroline Bickley 
DSU hosts second annual 
24-Hour Play Festival 
Whitney Carter 
News Editor 
The Delta Players held its 
second annual 24-Hour 
Play Festival in Jobe 
Auditorium on Aug. 23 
to open their season for this 
academic year. 
This form of theatre had 
participants meet the night 
before at 8 p.m. Everyone 
proceeded to be split into groups 
which contained one writer, one 
director and actors. 
Each group had a certain 
genre to guide them as well as a 
random line that began the play 
and a closing line that ended it. 
The writer and the director 
had from that time until 8 a.m. 
the next morning to create 
a 10-minute play. Everyone 
arrived Saturday morning and 
had until 8 p.m. Saturday night 
to memorize lines and make the 
freshly written play come to life. 
gives newbies a wonderful 
opportunity to dip their feet 
in the pool without having to 
make a full commitment, said 
Michael Ewing, instructor of 
communication studies and 
theatre arts. Its also great for 
all of us procrastinators because 
you only have 24 hours. That 
audience is going to show up 
Saturday night at 8 p.m., and you 
got to be ready. Its a blast! 
is open to anyone who wants to 
be involved. 
because everyone who is 
interested in participating in the 
festival is given a chance to either 
write, direct or act, said Dr. 
Healthy Lifestyle Center opens 
Laura Orsborne 
Staff Writer 
The newly unveiled Healthy 
Lifestyle Center (HLC) 
recently opened its doors 
to Cleveland and the 
surrounding community. Located 
at 1321 Highway 8 W. Suites 11- 
12, across from the old movie 
theater, they currently offer 
numerous services and plan to 
add more. 
The inception of the HLC 
began when Dr. Shelby Polk, 
assistant professor of nursing, 
was in her nurse practitioner 
program at the University of 
Mississippi Medical Center. 
She always felt the problem 
with healthcare was patients 
were not taught what they need 
to know, but only told what they 
need to do. 
The HLCs primary focus 
is prevention, and the HLC 
currently provides the services of 
preventing obesity, diabetes and 
heart disease. 
In the future, Polk hopes to 
help with other chronic diseases 
such as asthma, congestive heart 
failure and tobacco abuse. 
Their weight management 
programs include Thin Within 
and Shake Down. 
Thin Within is a faith-based 
program lasting for 16 
weeks. Shake Down is a 10- 
week program for parents and 
children, where all children must 
be accompanied by a parent. 
they have the 16-week National 
Diabetes Prevention Program for 
people with pre-diabetes or at-risk 
who are overweight, obese, 
physically inactive or have a 
family history of diabetes. 
into those categories, said Polk. 
diabetes management program 
for people previously diagnosed. 
replacement programs, New 
Directions and PrescriptFit. 
Both are high protein, low 
carbohydrate shakes, puddings 
and soups. 
planning on aerobic classes, but 
these are not yet set up. 
Gold, geared toward the people 
not ready for a full Zumba class, 
yoga and Pilates, along with 
other cardio equipment including 
treadmills and bikes. 
nurse practitioners and nurses 
from the surrounding area, as 
well as the DSU nursing faculty, 
who choose to have practice days 
at the HLC. 
have the nursing practitioner 
and nursing students, along with 
students from health, physical 
education and recreation 
Tech Talk with Matthew Hancock 
A festival like this 
The 24-Hour Play Festival 
I really enjoy the festival 
For a healthier lifestyle, 
for developing diabetes. 
At-risk people include those 
Just about anybody fi ts 
The center also offers a 
The HLC offers meal 
In the future, the HLC is 
Classes will include Zumba 
The center is staffed by 
The ultimate goal is to 
Toshiba Canvio External HDD 
Noah Lelek, assistant professor 
of communication studies and 
theatre arts. They dont have to 
audition to get a role. Everyone is 
The festival is also a 
After each play was 
performed, the audience got a 
chance to vote on which play 
they enjoyed the most. 
This year the winning 
group, The Stung & the 
Breathless, which was directed 
by Charles Coleman, written by 
Andy Mullins and performed by 
Stephanie Messer, Emily Shy 
and Megan Swartzfager, received 
a $50 dollar gift card. 
For more information 
regarding The Delta Players 
contact Michael Ewing at 
mewing@deltastate.edu or Noah 
Lelek at nlelek@deltastate.edu. 
program and the family and 
consumer science dietetic 
program participate in the center. 
Funded by the Delta 
Healthy Families Project, a 
grant covering 21 counties in 
the Mississippi service region 
A, the HLC is focused on three 
main componentspatients, 
healthcare providers and the 
Now that the center is 
open, patients have a place to go 
get the help they need. 
Conferences and 
workshops will help the 
healthcare providers to educate 
their patients. 
The HLC also goes to 
community farmers markets 
providing education and 
services, as well as schools 
and churches conducting health 
Polk said although there are 
fees associated with each of the 
programs offered, at this time 
 scholarships are available 
and fees are waived due to grant 
The grant lasts for three 
years, but Polk said she and the 
grant committee will rewrite the 
grant to extend the HLC and its 
If you are committed to 
change, go ahead and call for an 
appointment. The HLC number 
is (662) 843-6251. They are 
open Monday through Friday 
from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 
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  • 1. The Delta Statement Lifestyles A3 Thursday, September 4, 2014 Lurlynn Franklin Art Exhibition on display at Wright Art Center Gallery Whitney Carter News Editor The Wright Art Center Gallery brought new art to Cleveland by beginning their season with artist Lurlynn Franklin of Memphis. Franklin, who is also a poet, playwright and author, is an art educator at Whitney Achievement Elementary. The exhibition called, Colored Cartoons in Undeniable Blackness raised awareness on the borderline between stereotype and actual truth, said Franklin. The show opened on Aug. 21, and Franklin recited poetry from her book Fabled Truths. Franklin used different forms of painting to create her work such as watercolors, acrylics, etc. The small details of each piece of art contributed to the story being told. Franklin does not always refer to her work as just art. I call them quilts because quilts usually tell a story, and my works tell stories said Franklin. Not only does Franklins work discuss stereotype, but it covers race and the roles of a woman. Her art combines seriousness with humor. She covers the fi ne line between what people think verses what is reality, but also puts a spin of comedy to her work. The exhibition will be on display until Sept. 26. Photo by Whitney Carter When that honesty is out there, I try to be as blandly as possible with things, Franklin said, But I know sometimes people cannot take it that way, but humor streams throughout everything I do. Along with her comedic paintings, she recited her poetry. Franklin does the same with her quilts as she does with her writing. She fi nds a way to make a serious subject discussable. Franklin does her writing and painting individually, but her works usually fi nd a way to relate to one another. My work is done separately, but since I am obsessed with certain subject matter, they just fl ow on their own little parallel train, she said. I am able though in this book to group them together. Colored Cartoons in Undeniable Blackness will be on display until Sept. 26. For more information contact Michaela Merryday at mmerryday@deltastate.edu. Move-in Day 2014 Athletes and other students helped move new students into their rooms for the semester. Photos by Elisabetta Zengaro The 24-Hour Play Festival was open to any student interested in participating. Photo by Caroline Bickley DSU hosts second annual 24-Hour Play Festival Whitney Carter News Editor The Delta Players held its second annual 24-Hour Play Festival in Jobe Auditorium on Aug. 23 to open their season for this academic year. This form of theatre had participants meet the night before at 8 p.m. Everyone proceeded to be split into groups which contained one writer, one director and actors. Each group had a certain genre to guide them as well as a random line that began the play and a closing line that ended it. The writer and the director had from that time until 8 a.m. the next morning to create a 10-minute play. Everyone arrived Saturday morning and had until 8 p.m. Saturday night to memorize lines and make the freshly written play come to life. gives newbies a wonderful opportunity to dip their feet in the pool without having to make a full commitment, said Michael Ewing, instructor of communication studies and theatre arts. Its also great for all of us procrastinators because you only have 24 hours. That audience is going to show up Saturday night at 8 p.m., and you got to be ready. Its a blast! is open to anyone who wants to be involved. because everyone who is interested in participating in the festival is given a chance to either write, direct or act, said Dr. Healthy Lifestyle Center opens Laura Orsborne Staff Writer The newly unveiled Healthy Lifestyle Center (HLC) recently opened its doors to Cleveland and the surrounding community. Located at 1321 Highway 8 W. Suites 11- 12, across from the old movie theater, they currently offer numerous services and plan to add more. The inception of the HLC began when Dr. Shelby Polk, assistant professor of nursing, was in her nurse practitioner program at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. She always felt the problem with healthcare was patients were not taught what they need to know, but only told what they need to do. The HLCs primary focus is prevention, and the HLC currently provides the services of preventing obesity, diabetes and heart disease. In the future, Polk hopes to help with other chronic diseases such as asthma, congestive heart failure and tobacco abuse. Their weight management programs include Thin Within and Shake Down. Thin Within is a faith-based program lasting for 16 weeks. Shake Down is a 10- week program for parents and children, where all children must be accompanied by a parent. they have the 16-week National Diabetes Prevention Program for people with pre-diabetes or at-risk who are overweight, obese, physically inactive or have a family history of diabetes. into those categories, said Polk. diabetes management program for people previously diagnosed. replacement programs, New Directions and PrescriptFit. Both are high protein, low carbohydrate shakes, puddings and soups. planning on aerobic classes, but these are not yet set up. Gold, geared toward the people not ready for a full Zumba class, yoga and Pilates, along with other cardio equipment including treadmills and bikes. nurse practitioners and nurses from the surrounding area, as well as the DSU nursing faculty, who choose to have practice days at the HLC. have the nursing practitioner and nursing students, along with students from health, physical education and recreation Tech Talk with Matthew Hancock A festival like this The 24-Hour Play Festival I really enjoy the festival For a healthier lifestyle, for developing diabetes. At-risk people include those Just about anybody fi ts The center also offers a The HLC offers meal In the future, the HLC is Classes will include Zumba The center is staffed by The ultimate goal is to Toshiba Canvio External HDD Noah Lelek, assistant professor of communication studies and theatre arts. They dont have to audition to get a role. Everyone is welcome! The festival is also a competition. After each play was performed, the audience got a chance to vote on which play they enjoyed the most. This year the winning group, The Stung & the Breathless, which was directed by Charles Coleman, written by Andy Mullins and performed by Stephanie Messer, Emily Shy and Megan Swartzfager, received a $50 dollar gift card. For more information regarding The Delta Players contact Michael Ewing at mewing@deltastate.edu or Noah Lelek at nlelek@deltastate.edu. program and the family and consumer science dietetic program participate in the center. Funded by the Delta Healthy Families Project, a grant covering 21 counties in the Mississippi service region A, the HLC is focused on three main componentspatients, healthcare providers and the community. Now that the center is open, patients have a place to go get the help they need. Conferences and workshops will help the healthcare providers to educate their patients. The HLC also goes to community farmers markets providing education and services, as well as schools and churches conducting health fairs. Polk said although there are fees associated with each of the programs offered, at this time scholarships are available and fees are waived due to grant funding. The grant lasts for three years, but Polk said she and the grant committee will rewrite the grant to extend the HLC and its services. If you are committed to change, go ahead and call for an appointment. The HLC number is (662) 843-6251. They are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Weve all used fl ash drives for various classes whether it was to store the thesis youve typed up for your next class or transfer a power point presentation to a professors computer before presenting it in class. Some of us have been using these since high school, and as more things become digitized, our digital library is ever growing. Be it documents and projects for school, or movies and other media obtained online, we all have those kinds of fi les. Convenient as it has become, the more we gather, the less space we have to store the growing number of school projects, family pictures or feature fi lms. Having copious amounts can even slow down your computer, and nobody likes lag. An easy way to mitigate the space this data consumes and the speed it would cost your PC is a fl ash drive, which can vary in storage space by some GBs. While fl ash drives are an easy way to store data and easier still to move from place to place, another and perhaps better option would be investing in an external hard disk drive. An external hard disk drive, HDD for short, works like a fl ash drive, only bulkier and with a much larger storage capacity. While not as portable as a fl ash drive, its still very practical to store data and keep room for other things in your computer. One particularly good (and cost affordable) option would be the Toshiba Canvio HDD, which comes in varying sizes from 500 GB C 1.5 TB, the cheapest option being the 500 GB at a reasonable $50. To give you an idea of how much this device can store, the 500 GB option alone could store 142,000 photos, 131,000 songs or 410 movies. Being USB 3.0, it transfers and copies fi les at a much faster speed than the old USB 2.0, but is still backwards compatible with a USB 2.0 port. What would take USB 2.0 over 2 minutes to transfer 400 songs, would only take less than one minute with 3.0, blazing fast speeds. Toshiba also offers a cloud backup service. Should anything unforeseen happen to your HDD, it would back up all of your data on the cloud server. However, the hardware itself is quite durable. Using built-in internal shock sensor and ramp-loading technology, it helps you protect your HDD from accidents, drops and a bit of wear and tear. I personally use this particular product to store all my media and have been using it for the past three years. Ive yet to run out of space, and it still works as well as it did when I fi rst plugged it in.