The document describes the Integration Service organization in a municipality. It has 10 employees including a manager, caseworkers, assistants, coordinators, an administrator, and receptionist. Their responsibilities include coordinating refugee integration work, providing initial housing and financial assistance, Swedish classes, and helping refugees become self-sufficient within 24 months through employment or education. They provide open intake sessions on Mondays to help newly arrived refugees practically and guide them through the process from reception to establishment over two years.
Marketing anno 2011 kan niet los worden gezien van zoekmachinemarketing. Dit geldt ook voor event marketing. In deze sessie wordt ingegaan op de best practices voor zoekmachine-optimalisatie en de inzet van Google Adwords als advertentieplatform voor uw event marketing.
- Hoe kunt u uw doelgroep doorlopend bereiken, ook buiten de periode in de aanloop naar uw event toe?
- Hoe kunt u extra toegevoegde waarde bieden vanuit een zoekmachinemarketingstrategie?
- Welke advertentiemogelijkheden binnen Google Adwords zijn succesvol voor evenementen en welke minder?
- Hoe haalt u maximaal synergie uit social media i.c.m. zoekmachinemarketing?
Op deze en andere vragen krijgt u antwoord en concreet toepasbare tips in de presentatie.
This document discusses philosophies for aging well. It suggests that as children we look forward to getting older, but that outlook changes as we reach milestones like 30, 40, and 50, where aging is seen more negatively. However, getting into one's 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond can be enjoyable if one focuses on staying active mentally and socially, laughing often, and cherishing relationships and health. The key is to not dwell on numbers and limitations but rather find joy in everyday moments.
1. ASAGA provides financial education and sells silver and gold coins. It uses a multi-level marketing structure where members can earn commissions from their own sales and the sales of members they recruit.
2. Members can purchase product packs starting at CHF 190 and going up to CHF 3,000. They can pay in full or make a partial down payment and pay the rest in installments.
3. Members earn unilevel commissions of 5-100% on the sales of their recruits, as well as binary commissions of up to CHF 30,000 per week depending on their rank. Ranks are achieved by monthly sales volume and the fastest way to advance is to purchase a pack for CH
This document describes a training service provider called Clickstart located in Chennai, India. Clickstart has 6 years of experience in corporate and retail training. They have a centrally located training facility with 3600 square feet of space and 120 computer stations. Clickstart provides training in mobile device programming, IT software like C++ and Java, IT infrastructure topics, and can also assist with sourcing trainers. Their training facility has 5 air conditioned classrooms that can accommodate between 20-30 students each, along with amenities like cafeteria, projectors, backup power, and a library. More details about Clickstart's services and contact information are provided.