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960 Grid System
    An introduction

   by Mario Hernandez
 Web developer for the federal government
 Freelancer with over 10 years experience in
  web design
 Front-end designer
 Main platform: Drupal
 Founder of DesignsDrive.com
How far has css come?
 CSS is more powerful than ever
 JQuery and Javascript
What is 960 Grid System?
 The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web
  development work鍖ow by providing commonly used
  dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels.
 Created by Nathan Smith (http://sonspring.com/about)
 There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can
  be used separately or in tandem.
 Get it at http://960.gs
Three things:
 You should have a good understanding of css
 This framework will not solve all your
 The grid is not for all websites (newspaper/
  magazine style)
 Rapid development
 Clean grid structure
 Cross browser compatibility - web standards
 Light weight code (~20kb)
 Build complicated layouts easily
 You are limited to a 960 width
 As with any framework, you lose some
 Its not your own code
The true power of 960 is demonstrated when building
          complex newspaper-like layouts.
An introduction to the 960 grid system
An introduction to the 960 grid system
css classes: grid_x

1                                11

    2                                 10

        3                                  9

            4                                  8

                5                                  7

                    6                                  6

                        7                                  5
css classes now in session
  alpha (鍖rst child grid within a grid)
  omega (last child grid within a grid)
  pre鍖x_x (to apply empty space before)
  suf鍖x_x (to apply empty space after)
  pull_x (to horizontally reposition content)
  push_x (to horizontally reposition content)
An introduction to the 960 grid system
An introduction to the 960 grid system
Lets get started
    Download & demo
An introduction to the 960 grid system
Other options
 web: http://designsdrive.com
 email: designsdrive@gmail.com
 twitter: @designsdrive

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An introduction to the 960 grid system

  • 1. 960 Grid System An introduction by Mario Hernandez
  • 2. About Web developer for the federal government Freelancer with over 10 years experience in web design Front-end designer Main platform: Drupal Founder of DesignsDrive.com
  • 3. How far has css come? CSS is more powerful than ever CSS3 & HTML5 JQuery and Javascript
  • 4. What is 960 Grid System? The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development work鍖ow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. Created by Nathan Smith (http://sonspring.com/about) There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem. Get it at http://960.gs
  • 5. Three things: You should have a good understanding of css This framework will not solve all your problems The grid is not for all websites (newspaper/ magazine style)
  • 6. Pros Rapid development Clean grid structure Cross browser compatibility - web standards Light weight code (~20kb) Build complicated layouts easily
  • 7. Cons You are limited to a 960 width As with any framework, you lose some 鍖exibility Its not your own code
  • 8. The true power of 960 is demonstrated when building complex newspaper-like layouts.
  • 11. css classes: grid_x 12 1 11 2 10 3 9 4 8 5 7 6 6 7 5
  • 12. css classes now in session alpha (鍖rst child grid within a grid) omega (last child grid within a grid) pre鍖x_x (to apply empty space before) suf鍖x_x (to apply empty space after) pull_x (to horizontally reposition content) push_x (to horizontally reposition content)
  • 15. Lets get started Download & demo
  • 17. Other options http://www.blueprintcss.org/ http://www.thegridsystem.org/
  • 18. Questions? web: http://designsdrive.com email: designsdrive@gmail.com twitter: @designsdrive