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ENERFISH Integrated Renewable Solutions for Seafood Processing Stations Ha Dang Son ( M.Eng, AIT ) RCEE Energy & Environment, JSC (Vietnam)
Overview Within ECs Seventh Framework Program: ENERGY-2007-2-TREN: Collaborative project with predominant demonstration component ENERGY.2007.8.2.1: Poly-generation ENERGY.2007.8.1.2: Manufacturing industry: SMEs energy innovation KBBE-2007-3-3-04: Useful waste  Partly funded by Finlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs for major technological equipment Project period: 36 months
Cleaning Wastes Fish Treatment Cooling Fillet Freezing Cold Storage Fish waste oil Biodiesel Energy Production Electricity Heating energy Cooling energy Fish powder Local, National Local Local Local Europe USA Neighboring countries Local National China Biofuel Fish waste oil OUTPUTS MARKET
Objectives To develop and demonstrate polygeneration technologies in the fish processing sector using locally produced RES To develop and demonstrate a cooling/freezing cascade based on CO 2 . To erect the demonstration plant in Vietnam High growth rates of tra and basa pangasius over the past ten years, with high fat content. Potential market for the demonstrated technology in South East Asia, where 9 out of 10 worlds top aquaculture producers are located.  The demonstrated technology will be exploited and disseminated widely in Europe, by market potential surveys and training of staff.
R&I activities Development DEMO Dissemination Exploitation market plans Markets In Asia Europe Etc. Potential Demand CDM Whole Polygen Cooling plant Subsystem Special Knowledge Delivery Delivery Delivery Ideas Concepts Technologies Knowlegde Before project During project After project Background Foreground Business activities Knowlegde property Cooperation Synergy Resources
Partners VTT Technologies Research Center of Finland Preseco (Finland) Vahterus (Finland) TV Rheinland (Germany) Technofi (France) National Energy Foundation NEF (UK) RCEE Energy and Environment, JSC (Vietnam) Hiep Thanh Seafood, JSC (Vietnam) AF Industry, JSC (Vietnam) Energy Conservation Center of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
Hiep Thanh Group Rice Processing and Export Over 19 years of experience in exporting drain rice 3 subsidiary companies with 45 rice polishing lines Capacity: 2.500 MT/day (900.000 MT/year) Pangasius Raising and Processing Business started in year 2000 Supply 10.000 tons/year. 70 ha fresh pangasius raising farm One fish feed factory: 300 MT/day 2 processing factories: 230MT raw material/day; 2 freezing warehouses: 7.000MT final product capacity Planning for new fish feed and seafood processing factories (expected 2009).
Biodiesel process  (1x1214) (inc.chemical pretreatment) Diesel engine/ Generator 1.1 MW(el) 1.3MW(th) (13 Biodiesel) (即~5t) CO 2 -Freezing/Chilling: 0.3 MW; (6.3 MWh/day) Grid or industrial use (16.5 MWh/day) Waste  treatment (17 t) Fish oil Waste water treatment (flotation)  Sewage Glycerine Treatment (0.9 t)  Useful glycerine product (120 t fish /day) (22% fat) Animal feedstock Mass and Energy balances are per day (~ 1 MWh/day 60C) (~ 25 MWh/day Process integration) Compressors Exchanger Antioxidant Use Fileting  Safe  storage biodiesel Hot water steam 2 1 7/8 9 3 4 6 5 10 (7t biodiesel) (1.3 t methanol 5 t water 0.05 t KOH) (5.5 MWhe/day ) (39 t fillet /day)
CO2 cooling/freezing  Cascade connection
Cooling process 40  尊 C -20  尊 C -20  尊 C -15  尊 C, 23 bar -15  尊 C; 23 bar ~ -15  尊 C -40  尊 C to fish  preparation area to storage or freezer 60 kW 210 kW 0.7 kg/s 0.8 kg/s 0.3 kg/s; 15,5 bar 14 kW 55 kW 109 kW 448 kW COP cold  1.52  (theoretical)  x = 0.3 1,9 bar  x = 1,0 10 bar
Crude glycerol Cosmetics, antifreezers pharmaceuticals  Livestock Feed  Ornamental fish feed Enhanced biogas  production Incineration Refinery: Metanol separation Purification: filtration chemical addition,  vacuum distillation Ion exchange Increased  product value Increased refinery costs
Contact For more information, please contact: RCEE Energy and Environment Joint Stock Company Suite 12A-08, ICC Building, 71 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street Telephone: +84 4 6291 2407 Facsimile: +84 4 6275 2408 E-mail: [email_address] Website: www.rcee.vn

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Introduction on Enerfish project

  • 1. ENERFISH Integrated Renewable Solutions for Seafood Processing Stations Ha Dang Son ( M.Eng, AIT ) RCEE Energy & Environment, JSC (Vietnam)
  • 2.
  • 3. Overview Within ECs Seventh Framework Program: ENERGY-2007-2-TREN: Collaborative project with predominant demonstration component ENERGY.2007.8.2.1: Poly-generation ENERGY.2007.8.1.2: Manufacturing industry: SMEs energy innovation KBBE-2007-3-3-04: Useful waste Partly funded by Finlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs for major technological equipment Project period: 36 months
  • 4.
  • 5. Cleaning Wastes Fish Treatment Cooling Fillet Freezing Cold Storage Fish waste oil Biodiesel Energy Production Electricity Heating energy Cooling energy Fish powder Local, National Local Local Local Europe USA Neighboring countries Local National China Biofuel Fish waste oil OUTPUTS MARKET
  • 6. Objectives To develop and demonstrate polygeneration technologies in the fish processing sector using locally produced RES To develop and demonstrate a cooling/freezing cascade based on CO 2 . To erect the demonstration plant in Vietnam High growth rates of tra and basa pangasius over the past ten years, with high fat content. Potential market for the demonstrated technology in South East Asia, where 9 out of 10 worlds top aquaculture producers are located. The demonstrated technology will be exploited and disseminated widely in Europe, by market potential surveys and training of staff.
  • 7. R&I activities Development DEMO Dissemination Exploitation market plans Markets In Asia Europe Etc. Potential Demand CDM Whole Polygen Cooling plant Subsystem Special Knowledge Delivery Delivery Delivery Ideas Concepts Technologies Knowlegde Before project During project After project Background Foreground Business activities Knowlegde property Cooperation Synergy Resources
  • 8. Partners VTT Technologies Research Center of Finland Preseco (Finland) Vahterus (Finland) TV Rheinland (Germany) Technofi (France) National Energy Foundation NEF (UK) RCEE Energy and Environment, JSC (Vietnam) Hiep Thanh Seafood, JSC (Vietnam) AF Industry, JSC (Vietnam) Energy Conservation Center of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Hiep Thanh Group Rice Processing and Export Over 19 years of experience in exporting drain rice 3 subsidiary companies with 45 rice polishing lines Capacity: 2.500 MT/day (900.000 MT/year) Pangasius Raising and Processing Business started in year 2000 Supply 10.000 tons/year. 70 ha fresh pangasius raising farm One fish feed factory: 300 MT/day 2 processing factories: 230MT raw material/day; 2 freezing warehouses: 7.000MT final product capacity Planning for new fish feed and seafood processing factories (expected 2009).
  • 14. Biodiesel process (1x1214) (inc.chemical pretreatment) Diesel engine/ Generator 1.1 MW(el) 1.3MW(th) (13 Biodiesel) (即~5t) CO 2 -Freezing/Chilling: 0.3 MW; (6.3 MWh/day) Grid or industrial use (16.5 MWh/day) Waste treatment (17 t) Fish oil Waste water treatment (flotation) Sewage Glycerine Treatment (0.9 t) Useful glycerine product (120 t fish /day) (22% fat) Animal feedstock Mass and Energy balances are per day (~ 1 MWh/day 60C) (~ 25 MWh/day Process integration) Compressors Exchanger Antioxidant Use Fileting Safe storage biodiesel Hot water steam 2 1 7/8 9 3 4 6 5 10 (7t biodiesel) (1.3 t methanol 5 t water 0.05 t KOH) (5.5 MWhe/day ) (39 t fillet /day)
  • 15. CO2 cooling/freezing Cascade connection
  • 16. Cooling process 40 尊 C -20 尊 C -20 尊 C -15 尊 C, 23 bar -15 尊 C; 23 bar ~ -15 尊 C -40 尊 C to fish preparation area to storage or freezer 60 kW 210 kW 0.7 kg/s 0.8 kg/s 0.3 kg/s; 15,5 bar 14 kW 55 kW 109 kW 448 kW COP cold 1.52 (theoretical) x = 0.3 1,9 bar x = 1,0 10 bar
  • 17. Crude glycerol Cosmetics, antifreezers pharmaceuticals Livestock Feed Ornamental fish feed Enhanced biogas production Incineration Refinery: Metanol separation Purification: filtration chemical addition, vacuum distillation Ion exchange Increased product value Increased refinery costs
  • 18. Contact For more information, please contact: RCEE Energy and Environment Joint Stock Company Suite 12A-08, ICC Building, 71 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street Telephone: +84 4 6291 2407 Facsimile: +84 4 6275 2408 E-mail: [email_address] Website: www.rcee.vn