Module 7: Assessment of framework conditions and necessary adaptationsTuong Do
Module 7: Assessment of framework conditions and necessary adaptations (Training on "On-Grid Applications of Biomass, Biogas and Waste-to-Energy Power Plants for " in HN on December 10-12, 2013)
The document describes the ENERFISH project which aims to develop and demonstrate polygeneration technologies in the fish processing sector using locally produced renewable energy sources. The project will develop and demonstrate a cooling/freezing cascade based on CO2 and construct a demonstration plant in Vietnam. The demonstrated technology has potential to be widely adopted in Southeast Asia where most of the world's aquaculture producers are located.
The project update provides information on the key agencies, outputs, and status of activities for a climate change adaptation and mitigation project focused on the transport and energy sectors in Vietnam. Key outputs include climate change action plans, vulnerability assessments, awareness campaigns, and capacity building activities like training in modeling and GIS tools. The update outlines the overall approaches and status of activities to develop climate change scenarios, infrastructure inventories, risk assessments, mitigation scenarios, and draft action plans to strengthen climate resilience and transition to low carbon development. Responsibilities for ongoing sub-components are also assigned to project staff.
Adaptaci坦n de Lavaderos por la Mecanizaci坦n del Campo Orlando Dal Pozzo (AL...ASINMET Mendoza
Este documento describe l鱈neas y equipos para el procesamiento de frutas y hortalizas frescas, deshidratadas e industrializadas. Incluye secciones sobre recepci坦n, acondicionamiento, que involucra limpieza, lavado, selecci坦n y calibrado, y empaque, que puede ser semiautom叩tico o asociativo. El documento provee detalles sobre equipos como zarandas, alimentadores vibratorios, lavadoras rotativas y pesadoras para cada etapa del procesamiento.
El documento describe los m辿todos de aprendizaje en ni単os y los desaf鱈os que enfrentan los ni単os marginados. Propone que darles a estos ni単os oportunidades de ser aceptados, comprender sus problemas y brindarles apoyo para mejorar sus habilidades los puede ayudar a superar sus l鱈mites. Tambi辿n sugiere que mejorar la comunicaci坦n entre padres e hijos, educar a los padres y desarrollar la confianza de los ni単os puede contribuir a que tengan una mejor calidad de vida.
The Positive Leadership 2009 2010 TweetbookGraham Watson
The document discusses the importance of summarization for processing large amounts of text. Automatic summarization systems aim to generate concise summaries by identifying the most important concepts and events within source text. However, accurately summarizing text remains a challenging task that requires understanding language and context at a human level.
This document is a resume for Satya Hanuman Panja, who is seeking a position as an Assistant Engineer. He has over 2 years of experience in automation projects working for Larsen & Toubro Control and Automation and KMV Projects Limited. His experience includes developing PLC logic and SCADA systems, commissioning automation systems, and installing electrical systems. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering and certifications in electrical automation.
Este documento presenta el dise単o de un ambiente de aprendizaje mediado por TIC cuyo objetivo es desarrollar valores como el respeto, la tolerancia y la participaci坦n ciudadana en los estudiantes. Describe las caracter鱈sticas de los estudiantes y docentes, los objetivos cognitivos, procedimentales y actitudinales, as鱈 como los aspectos pedag坦gicos y tecnol坦gicos considerados en el dise単o.
Weslley de oliveira felix e thiago henrique massantiweslleyoliveira2
O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre o continente europeu, incluindo sua 叩rea de 10,5 milh探es de km2, popula巽達o de 744,7 milh探es de habitantes e moeda principal, o Euro.
Este documento describe las tradiciones navide単as en Espa単a. Algunas de las principales tradiciones son la loter鱈a de Navidad el 22 de diciembre, la decoraci坦n de belenes y 叩rboles de Navidad, la cena de Nochebuena y la misa del gallo el 24 de diciembre, y los regalos que traen los Reyes Magos el 6 de enero.
La historia de la inform叩tica comenz坦 en 1622 con la m叩quina de Pascal, la primera capaz de realizar sumas y restas. En 1889 se cre坦 la m叩quina tabuladora de Hollerith para el censo americano, utilizando la l坦gica de Boole. En 1944 se construy坦 el Harvard Mark 1, el primer ordenador electromec叩nico basado en la m叩quina anal鱈tica de Babbage.
El documento argumenta a favor de la miner鱈a responsable en Mendoza. Se単ala que Mendoza tiene una larga historia minera y abundantes recursos minerales metal鱈feros que podr鱈an generar miles de puestos de trabajo y miles de millones de d坦lares en inversiones e ingresos para el estado si se explotan de manera responsable y sostenible. Sin embargo, una ley de 2007 prohibi坦 la miner鱈a metal鱈fera en la provincia, lo que le ha costado perder estas oportunidades en la 炭ltima d辿cada.
This document discusses lessons that business leaders can learn from Olympic and Paralympic athletes to achieve exceptional and consistent results even under pressure. It argues that exceptional leadership is attainable for anyone and outlines attributes like guts, determination, teamwork, focus, practice, and self-belief that are shared by great athletes and business leaders. The document provides tips for leaders such as setting meaningful goals, focusing on strengths, recruiting the right talent, and sharing best practices in order to "medal" or succeed each day.
El documento compara las posturas de Edipo y S坦crates ante el castigo. Relata c坦mo Edipo se condena a s鱈 mismo al exilio y se considera la persona m叩s impura por haber matado a su padre y casarse con su madre. Tambi辿n muestra c坦mo S坦crates acepta ser condenado a muerte por corrupci坦n de la juventud y habla ante sus jueces sobre por qu辿 un fil坦sofo debe aceptar la muerte con valor y esperanza de recompensas despu辿s de la vida.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It includes a photo credit and encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by clicking a button labeled "GET STARTED".
AGM Transitions challenges for our clients in 2017Graham Watson
Career strategies need to be more adaptable to change. Messaging must clearly express one's skills and fit with target opportunities and organizations. Successfully operating across borders requires additional focus given political pressures. Succession planning is crucial for business continuity as leaders must retain knowledge and strengthen relationships through leadership transitions. Reputations must be proactively managed, and social media presence is now essential, as careers are increasingly shaped by online profiles and networks.
This document outlines the methodology and key deliverables for Vietnam's National Target Program on Climate Change. It discusses establishing executive and implementing agencies, lessons from an inception phase, and a focus on mitigation and adaptation in the energy and transport sectors. Key outputs include technical working papers, climate modeling, GHG inventories and projections, adaptation and mitigation options, awareness campaigns, draft action plans, and pilot projects at the national and provincial levels.
WB CFU Study On CCM Options For VietnamSon Ha-Dang
The document summarizes a study on climate change mitigation options for Vietnam. It discusses trends showing increasing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use, transport, industry, agriculture, forestry, and waste management due to economic growth and development. The study then evaluates options for reducing emissions through technologies and practices in each sector, finding potential for switching to renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, expanding public transport, capturing landfill methane, and more sustainable agriculture and forestry.
1) Vietnam has 5 registered CDM projects that have been issued over 4 million CERs, ranking it 6th globally. 92 other CDM projects have received approval letters.
2) The Designated National Authority (DNA) of Vietnam is the Department of Meteo-Hydrology and Climate Change under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The approval process involves submitting documents to the One-Door Office and Vietnam DNA for evaluation and approval letters.
3) Key challenges include low awareness of CDM, lack of official baseline emission factors and benchmarks, and limited local consultant capacity. The DNA is working to build capacity and promote CDM project development.
Este documento presenta un resumen del m辿todo de gesti坦n de tareas GTD (Getting Things Done). GTD se basa en 4 fases: recopilar tareas e ideas, procesar la informaci坦n para determinar la acci坦n requerida, organizar las tareas en categor鱈as, y revisar peri坦dicamente. El documento tambi辿n describe c坦mo aplicar GTD en el trabajo diario de I+D+i, incluyendo ejemplos de c坦mo recolectar, procesar, organizar y revisar tareas. Finalmente, se mencionan algunas herramientas que pueden usarse para implement
The document discusses warehousing and storage. It defines warehousing as storing goods on a large scale in a specified manner. Warehousing ensures a continuous supply of goods to the market by addressing delays in transportation, uncertainties in production, and mismatches between production and use times. The objectives of warehousing are to facilitate the movement of goods throughout the supply chain and provide timely customer service at minimum cost. The document outlines various warehousing operations including receipt, storage, and delivery of goods as well as services provided.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la anatom鱈a, incluyendo sus diferentes tipos como la anatom鱈a descriptiva, cl鱈nica, microsc坦pica y macrosc坦pica. Incluye un gr叩fico sobre el inter辿s de los estudiantes en la anatom鱈a, una tabla de datos, un video y varias im叩genes sobre anatom鱈a, as鱈 como hiperv鱈nculos y una bibliograf鱈a relacionados con el tema.
Women, Wine & Words- Self Leadership With Patricia Murugami on 7 October 2015Patricia Murugami
The document summarizes a presentation by Patricia Murugami on her Total Leadership Growth Equation. The equation represents growth (G) through raising one's heart, head, and hand (3 H's). It also involves intentionally raising these higher. Murugami developed the equation while studying for her doctorate. She discusses each letter in the equation, explaining what it means to raise one's heart, head, and hand on different levels. The goal is holistic growth as a person through overcoming challenges and contributing to others.
Este documento presenta el dise単o de un ambiente de aprendizaje mediado por TIC cuyo objetivo es desarrollar valores como el respeto, la tolerancia y la participaci坦n ciudadana en los estudiantes. Describe las caracter鱈sticas de los estudiantes y docentes, los objetivos cognitivos, procedimentales y actitudinales, as鱈 como los aspectos pedag坦gicos y tecnol坦gicos considerados en el dise単o.
Weslley de oliveira felix e thiago henrique massantiweslleyoliveira2
O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre o continente europeu, incluindo sua 叩rea de 10,5 milh探es de km2, popula巽達o de 744,7 milh探es de habitantes e moeda principal, o Euro.
Este documento describe las tradiciones navide単as en Espa単a. Algunas de las principales tradiciones son la loter鱈a de Navidad el 22 de diciembre, la decoraci坦n de belenes y 叩rboles de Navidad, la cena de Nochebuena y la misa del gallo el 24 de diciembre, y los regalos que traen los Reyes Magos el 6 de enero.
La historia de la inform叩tica comenz坦 en 1622 con la m叩quina de Pascal, la primera capaz de realizar sumas y restas. En 1889 se cre坦 la m叩quina tabuladora de Hollerith para el censo americano, utilizando la l坦gica de Boole. En 1944 se construy坦 el Harvard Mark 1, el primer ordenador electromec叩nico basado en la m叩quina anal鱈tica de Babbage.
El documento argumenta a favor de la miner鱈a responsable en Mendoza. Se単ala que Mendoza tiene una larga historia minera y abundantes recursos minerales metal鱈feros que podr鱈an generar miles de puestos de trabajo y miles de millones de d坦lares en inversiones e ingresos para el estado si se explotan de manera responsable y sostenible. Sin embargo, una ley de 2007 prohibi坦 la miner鱈a metal鱈fera en la provincia, lo que le ha costado perder estas oportunidades en la 炭ltima d辿cada.
This document discusses lessons that business leaders can learn from Olympic and Paralympic athletes to achieve exceptional and consistent results even under pressure. It argues that exceptional leadership is attainable for anyone and outlines attributes like guts, determination, teamwork, focus, practice, and self-belief that are shared by great athletes and business leaders. The document provides tips for leaders such as setting meaningful goals, focusing on strengths, recruiting the right talent, and sharing best practices in order to "medal" or succeed each day.
El documento compara las posturas de Edipo y S坦crates ante el castigo. Relata c坦mo Edipo se condena a s鱈 mismo al exilio y se considera la persona m叩s impura por haber matado a su padre y casarse con su madre. Tambi辿n muestra c坦mo S坦crates acepta ser condenado a muerte por corrupci坦n de la juventud y habla ante sus jueces sobre por qu辿 un fil坦sofo debe aceptar la muerte con valor y esperanza de recompensas despu辿s de la vida.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It includes a photo credit and encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by clicking a button labeled "GET STARTED".
AGM Transitions challenges for our clients in 2017Graham Watson
Career strategies need to be more adaptable to change. Messaging must clearly express one's skills and fit with target opportunities and organizations. Successfully operating across borders requires additional focus given political pressures. Succession planning is crucial for business continuity as leaders must retain knowledge and strengthen relationships through leadership transitions. Reputations must be proactively managed, and social media presence is now essential, as careers are increasingly shaped by online profiles and networks.
This document outlines the methodology and key deliverables for Vietnam's National Target Program on Climate Change. It discusses establishing executive and implementing agencies, lessons from an inception phase, and a focus on mitigation and adaptation in the energy and transport sectors. Key outputs include technical working papers, climate modeling, GHG inventories and projections, adaptation and mitigation options, awareness campaigns, draft action plans, and pilot projects at the national and provincial levels.
WB CFU Study On CCM Options For VietnamSon Ha-Dang
The document summarizes a study on climate change mitigation options for Vietnam. It discusses trends showing increasing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use, transport, industry, agriculture, forestry, and waste management due to economic growth and development. The study then evaluates options for reducing emissions through technologies and practices in each sector, finding potential for switching to renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, expanding public transport, capturing landfill methane, and more sustainable agriculture and forestry.
1) Vietnam has 5 registered CDM projects that have been issued over 4 million CERs, ranking it 6th globally. 92 other CDM projects have received approval letters.
2) The Designated National Authority (DNA) of Vietnam is the Department of Meteo-Hydrology and Climate Change under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The approval process involves submitting documents to the One-Door Office and Vietnam DNA for evaluation and approval letters.
3) Key challenges include low awareness of CDM, lack of official baseline emission factors and benchmarks, and limited local consultant capacity. The DNA is working to build capacity and promote CDM project development.
Este documento presenta un resumen del m辿todo de gesti坦n de tareas GTD (Getting Things Done). GTD se basa en 4 fases: recopilar tareas e ideas, procesar la informaci坦n para determinar la acci坦n requerida, organizar las tareas en categor鱈as, y revisar peri坦dicamente. El documento tambi辿n describe c坦mo aplicar GTD en el trabajo diario de I+D+i, incluyendo ejemplos de c坦mo recolectar, procesar, organizar y revisar tareas. Finalmente, se mencionan algunas herramientas que pueden usarse para implement
The document discusses warehousing and storage. It defines warehousing as storing goods on a large scale in a specified manner. Warehousing ensures a continuous supply of goods to the market by addressing delays in transportation, uncertainties in production, and mismatches between production and use times. The objectives of warehousing are to facilitate the movement of goods throughout the supply chain and provide timely customer service at minimum cost. The document outlines various warehousing operations including receipt, storage, and delivery of goods as well as services provided.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la anatom鱈a, incluyendo sus diferentes tipos como la anatom鱈a descriptiva, cl鱈nica, microsc坦pica y macrosc坦pica. Incluye un gr叩fico sobre el inter辿s de los estudiantes en la anatom鱈a, una tabla de datos, un video y varias im叩genes sobre anatom鱈a, as鱈 como hiperv鱈nculos y una bibliograf鱈a relacionados con el tema.
Women, Wine & Words- Self Leadership With Patricia Murugami on 7 October 2015Patricia Murugami
The document summarizes a presentation by Patricia Murugami on her Total Leadership Growth Equation. The equation represents growth (G) through raising one's heart, head, and hand (3 H's). It also involves intentionally raising these higher. Murugami developed the equation while studying for her doctorate. She discusses each letter in the equation, explaining what it means to raise one's heart, head, and hand on different levels. The goal is holistic growth as a person through overcoming challenges and contributing to others.
1. Develop MACC for formulating Green
Growth Action Plans of 3 provinces:
Bac Ninh, Quang Nam, Ben Tre
Ha Dang Son
Centre for Energy and Green Growth Research
Sofitel Plaza Hotel, H N畛i
Three pillars of VGGS
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
Low Carbon
Lifestyle and
By 2020:
GHG emission intensity
reduced by 8-10% from the
level of 2010 (10-20% in
energy sector)
Up to 20% With international
How those indicators reflected at
provincial level?
Promoting Greening Industrial and
Agricultural Productions:
Which sectors to be
Related programmes/projects?
4. GG Action Plan: from National GGAP to
Provincial GGAP
VGGS National GGAP
Provincial GG Strategy and Action Plan
List of prioritized
GG projects
Source: Adapted from Dr. Hoi Seong Jeong/E&C, 2014
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
5. Policy, Strategy, Planning
Objectives &
Gaps and Challenges to meet
Objectives & Targets
Adaptation CBA
Recommended actions to meet
Objectives & Targets
Prov. data
5 Framework to develop P-GGAP
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
6. -
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Tri畛u tCO2e
K畛ch b畉n KT-XH K畛ch b畉n TTX
6 Quantifying provincial GHG emissions
Indicators Unit Quantity
GHG Emission in 2010 ktCO2e ?
Group of GG measures - ?
Baseline GHG Emission in
ktCO2e ?
GHG Emission
Reductions in 2020
ktCO2e ?
Percentage of reductions
compared to baseline
% ?
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
7. Classifications of provincial GHG Emissions
Global protocol for
GHG emission
inventory (GPC)
Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
8. Provincial GHG emission sources - GPC
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
Residential buildings
Commercial and office buildings
Industry and Construction
Energy use in industry
Energy use in agriculture, forestry and fishery
Mining and coal processing
Fossil fuels: oil and gas
9. Provincial GHG emission sources - GPC
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
Industrial Process and Product Use (IPPU)
Industrial processes
Product use
10. Provincial GHG emission sources - GPC
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
Waste management
Solid waste disposal
Biological treatment of solid waste
Incineration and open burning
Wastewater treatment
Agriculture, forestry and land use (AFOLU)
Land use
Non-CO2 on land
11. Foundation
Legal framework:
Provincial strategic plans: SEDP,
National master plans
Provincial development plans
Statistic yearbooks
Collected from provincial agencies
Studies from national target programmes/projects: NTPRCC, VNEEP, SD-CC, NEP,
Reports on the implementation of provincial plans
Guideline: IPCC 2006.
Guideline: GPC 2014.
MACC Tool: MACC Builder Pro.
Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
12. 12
Process for MACC development
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
Demand determination
Period 2010 - 2020
Emission scenario determination
Period 2010 - 2020
Analysis and selection of CO2 emission reduction
Investment calculation in 2015,
MACC development in 2015, 2020
Power development plan
Socio-economic development plan
Land use planning
The draft of socio-economic development plan in 2016-
Mineral mining development plan
Petrol supply system development plan
Statistic yearbook
Collected Data
Discount rate
Energy saving in household sector
Energy saving in buildings, offices, hotels
Emission reduction in livestock sector
Biogas application
Fertilizer use change
cultivation method change
plant change
land use change
13. MACC Results for Bac Ninh province
Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS
14. GDP Structure14
Year 1997
C担ng nghi畛p - X但y d畛ng D畛ch v畛 N担ng l但m nghi畛p v th畛y s畉n
Year 2013
C担ng nghi畛p - X但y d畛ng D畛ch v畛 N担ng l但m nghi畛p v th畛y s畉n
08.09.2015Final Workshop KOIKA TA-VGGS