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The Amityville Horror poster
Title The Amityville Horror. Amityville is a real life place in America and the word horror is fairly self-explanatory. This suggests something horrifying that may have happened at some point in Amityville but you have to watch the film to find out what that was.
Title Graphics Red, thin and long, with the letter Y dripping like blood. This could mean theres lots of blood and death in it as the letters seem designed specially so they put the observer in mind of blood. It could also mean that some may find this film sick and twisted as thats how some people may find letters designed like this.
Tag-line  Watch em and kill em. This might mean it is from the man in the posters point of view and he has been watching the residents of the house for a long time for some reason and now hes going to kill them. It is possible hes a hired assassin because the words sound like orders by a higher authority who wants the residents dead for some reason.
Star No star is mentioned. This means anyone could live or die and increases the suspense of the film.
Images A big, old-fashioned house in the background, trees on either side that look like curtains and a man who looks like hes walking towards it (as he has his back to the observer), wearing a T-shirt and trousers and holding what looks to be a gun. This implies most of the film will take place in a big house in the middle of the woods that perhaps cant be found easily and the curtain trees hide it from prying eyes. This also makes it the perfect venue for someone to come to the house and kill everyone, like it looks like that man may be planning to do.
Target Audience Fans of horror, Michael Bay, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and true stories because it looks like a horror, it says at the top that its from Michael Bay who produced the TCM (so its the first thing you read) and it says just underneath the title that its based on a true story. It doesnt seem to be aiming to any particular age limit as the poster has not included a certificate but it probably wouldnt be suitable for anyone under 15.
Unique Selling Point (USP) Its produced by Michael Bay and its based on a true story which can be seen above and below the title. This gives an impression it may be similar to the TCM but perhaps itll be slightly more realistic.
Colours Grey house, black trees and a slight bit of light coming through from behind the house and towards the man. This may indicate the wood as being a dark and scary place with the house as the one safe place for now as its a little bit lighter in colour but the light may be revealing to the residents that a threat is coming out of the woods, trying to give a warning that its really too late for.
Genre Horror because of what is suggested in the other sections. There could also be an element of mystery in it as the observer doesnt know why this person wants to kill anyone, if they have been hired, who that was and why and, as there seems to be no actual star

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A Horror Poster

  • 2. Title The Amityville Horror. Amityville is a real life place in America and the word horror is fairly self-explanatory. This suggests something horrifying that may have happened at some point in Amityville but you have to watch the film to find out what that was.
  • 3. Title Graphics Red, thin and long, with the letter Y dripping like blood. This could mean theres lots of blood and death in it as the letters seem designed specially so they put the observer in mind of blood. It could also mean that some may find this film sick and twisted as thats how some people may find letters designed like this.
  • 4. Tag-line Watch em and kill em. This might mean it is from the man in the posters point of view and he has been watching the residents of the house for a long time for some reason and now hes going to kill them. It is possible hes a hired assassin because the words sound like orders by a higher authority who wants the residents dead for some reason.
  • 5. Star No star is mentioned. This means anyone could live or die and increases the suspense of the film.
  • 6. Images A big, old-fashioned house in the background, trees on either side that look like curtains and a man who looks like hes walking towards it (as he has his back to the observer), wearing a T-shirt and trousers and holding what looks to be a gun. This implies most of the film will take place in a big house in the middle of the woods that perhaps cant be found easily and the curtain trees hide it from prying eyes. This also makes it the perfect venue for someone to come to the house and kill everyone, like it looks like that man may be planning to do.
  • 7. Target Audience Fans of horror, Michael Bay, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and true stories because it looks like a horror, it says at the top that its from Michael Bay who produced the TCM (so its the first thing you read) and it says just underneath the title that its based on a true story. It doesnt seem to be aiming to any particular age limit as the poster has not included a certificate but it probably wouldnt be suitable for anyone under 15.
  • 8. Unique Selling Point (USP) Its produced by Michael Bay and its based on a true story which can be seen above and below the title. This gives an impression it may be similar to the TCM but perhaps itll be slightly more realistic.
  • 9. Colours Grey house, black trees and a slight bit of light coming through from behind the house and towards the man. This may indicate the wood as being a dark and scary place with the house as the one safe place for now as its a little bit lighter in colour but the light may be revealing to the residents that a threat is coming out of the woods, trying to give a warning that its really too late for.
  • 10. Genre Horror because of what is suggested in the other sections. There could also be an element of mystery in it as the observer doesnt know why this person wants to kill anyone, if they have been hired, who that was and why and, as there seems to be no actual star