Over three Sabbaths, Paul reasoned with Jews in Thessalonica from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that Christ had to suffer and rise again according to the prophets, and that Jesus was the Christ. Some were persuaded to obey the Gospel, joining Paul and Silas, while others were not and became envious. When Jews who were not persuaded stirred up some evil men, they gathered a mob and attacked the house of Jason where Paul was staying, seeking to bring Paul and his companions out to the people.
The document provides details about Noah's Ark and its significance as a representation of salvation through Jesus Christ. It describes the Ark's invitation from God for Noah to enter, its materials of gopher wood and pitch which point to Jesus, and its size which indicates Jesus' sufficiency to save all who come to Him. Key elements of the Ark like its single door, window, and three levels picture theological truths of salvation through faith in Christ.
The document discusses the doctrine of baptism according to the Bible. It provides several witnesses from Scripture that baptism is essential, including Jesus' words about being "born of water and the Spirit" in John 3:5. It also examines the Greek word for baptism and provides various historical sources that indicate baptism was practiced by immersion in the early church rather than sprinkling.
This document summarizes the letters to the seven churches of Revelation chapters 2-3. The first letter is addressed to the church in Ephesus from 31-100 AD. While commending their hard work, Jesus criticizes them for abandoning their first love. The second letter goes to the church in Smyrna, which endured severe persecution from 100-313 AD but remained faithful. The third letter is to the church in Pergamum from 313-538 AD, a time when false doctrines like those of Balaam and the Nicolaitans were entering the church.
Period of the spiritual instruction baptismCondryChapel
The document discusses the ordinances of communion and baptism in Christianity. It states that communion and baptism are ordinances commanded by Christ and practiced by the early church as visual aids to better understand Christ's redemptive work. Baptism represents new spiritual birth, and both ordinances were instituted by Christ, taught by the apostles, and practiced in the early church. The document provides biblical support for characterizing and practicing these ordinances.
This document unpacks baptism from three perspectives: linguistically, historically, and theologically. Linguistically, the Greek word "baptizo" means to immerse or submerge. Historically, baptism originated as a Jewish cleansing ceremony, especially for converts. Theologically, baptism signifies personal submission to Christ's lordship through death, burial and resurrection with Him, as well as a public declaration of faith.
The document discusses evidence for Jesus' resurrection from the dead, beginning with the empty tomb on Easter morning. It notes that the tomb was found empty by women who encountered angels saying Jesus had risen, as was foretold. Several proofs of the empty tomb are discussed, including the intact burial cloths and Roman guards being bribed to spread a false story. The document argues this shows the disciples did not steal Jesus' body and provides evidence that he resurrected and appeared to his disciples for 40 days, establishing Christianity.
December 23 2018 - Sunday service - The surpassing Greatness of Knowing Chris...Catherine Lirio
1. The document discusses the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, listing 11 reasons why knowing Christ is the greatest knowledge. These reasons include that Christ is our Lord, God, righteousness, savior, eternal life, and only way to God.
2. Additional reasons discussed are that Christ is the life changer who transforms believers into new creations, and the pattern for living on earth that believers should imitate.
3. Further reasons are that Christ is the bondage breaker who sets believers free from sin and slavery, and the destroyer of the devil's work who defeats demons and the power of evil.
Water baptism involves full immersion in water and symbolizes dying to the old sinful self and being resurrected to a new life in Christ. It is an act of obedience commanded by Jesus to be done after repenting from sins and having faith. In the early church, baptism typically followed salvation and preceded baptism in the Holy Spirit. To be baptized one must repent of sins, have faith in Jesus, and confess belief that He is the Son of God.
The document discusses various references to baptism in the Bible. It provides 67 entries that cite passages from the New Testament discussing John the Baptist's baptism, baptism with the Holy Spirit, Christian baptism, and baptism as an act of faith and repentance through immersion in water. The passages reference baptism as a symbolic cleansing and as a public declaration of faith in Jesus.
Building the Body of Christ
-Zac Poonen
1. The Full Gospel
2. The Balance Of Truth
3. Having A Firm Grip On The Christian Life
4. The Threefold Exchange At The Cross
5. That Which Was From The Beginning
6. Married To Christ
7. How God Exposes Pharisees In The Church
8. Faith, Brokenness And Victory
9. Are You Serving God Or Money?
10. Standing In The Gap Before The Lord
11. Two Types Of Backsliders And Two Types Of Leaders
12. A Church Triumphant Over Satan
13. No Man Can Boast In God's Presence
14. Warnings To The Church For The Last Days
15. What A Happy Year It Will Be
16. Will You Shrink Away From The Lord When He Returns?
17. The Influence Of One Man
18. Learning Gentleness From Jesus
19. Your Decisions Determine What You Become
20. Satan Is The Ruler Of Darkness And The Father Of Lies
21. Helping God!!
22. The Ministry Of Melchizedek
23. The Secret Of Discernment
24. Submission To The Elders Of The Church
25. A Spiritual Check-up
26. Proving God's Perfect Will
CFC, Christian Fellowship Church, Christian Fellowship Center, Christian Fellowship Centre
Vintage confessionof baptism_short_4.22.12Vintage Church
The document defines baptism and discusses different views on its meaning and practice. It states that baptism is a ceremonial cleansing with water that signifies religious purification, and is seen by some as connected to the Old Testament practice of sprinkling. Others view baptism as symbolic of burial and resurrection through immersion in water. The document examines biblical passages cited in support of both sprinkling/pouring and immersion, and discusses infant baptism.
This document provides a summary of five signs of spiritual life that should be evident in Christians according to Jesus' example:
1) Dusty shoes - living a relevant life by going out into the world as Jesus did.
2) Worn-out knees - living a yielded life through prayer as Jesus was prayerful.
3) Rolled-up sleeves - living an authentic, servant-hearted life as Jesus humbly served others.
4) Open hands - living a generous life as Jesus generously gave himself for others.
5) Outstretched arms - living a compassionate life by feeling the suffering of others as Jesus was moved with compassion.
This document outlines elements of effectively communicating the gospel message based on examples from the Bible. It discusses that believers should (1) communicate the gospel orally with passion, (2) teach the essential truths and content of the gospel message, including Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and (3) explain and read scripture to others about Jesus. The document encourages Christians to follow the examples of figures like Paul and Philip in sharing their faith unashamedly.
A description of the Bible's teaching on the Rapture which is what Revelation 4:1 is about. If you want to see a video version of this series in 5 minute clips go to http://community.webshots.com/user/matav1
1. The document discusses the three baptisms that Christians experience: baptism into Christ through salvation, water baptism performed by disciples, and baptism in the Holy Spirit performed by Jesus.
2. It examines examples of these baptisms from the life of Jesus, Acts, and the Epistles. Jesus demonstrated all three baptisms as an example for believers.
3. The document encourages believers to follow Jesus' example by experiencing all three baptisms, including seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses reasons for Christian hope based on facts about Jesus that cannot be denied, even by skeptics. It notes that Jesus lived based on historical Roman records, and that the New Testament is a reliable historical document written by eyewitnesses within the lifetimes of other eyewitnesses. If the New Testament accounts are not true, it would have to be a carefully constructed lie, which the passionate eyewitness testimony of the authors makes unlikely.
The document provides a summary and interpretation of Revelation chapter 6, which describes the opening of the seven seals of a book by Jesus. Each seal reveals a horse and rider representing a major period in the history of the church. The first four seals depict the early, pure church followed by periods of persecution, corruption through worldliness, and the establishment of the papacy leading to the slaughter of believers. The fifth seal shows martyrs crying out under God's altar. The sixth seal portrays signs in nature and the wicked recognizing Jesus' imminent return. The seventh seal signals silence in heaven as beings depart to gather the redeemed from Earth.
One of the greatest miracles that Christ performed on this earth was the resurrection of Lazarus from the grave, depicted in the gospel of John Chapter 11. By doing so, many of the peoples eyes were opened and they believed that Christ was in fact God. So who was this Lazarus?
St. Monica Liturgical Ministry Retreat (April 18, 2015)pennpadre
This document summarizes portions of 1 Kings 17, which describes Elijah proclaiming a drought in Israel at God's command. It introduces Elijah and recounts how he is fed by ravens and stays with a widow whose flour and oil are miraculously sustained. When the widow's son falls ill and dies, Elijah prays and the son is revived. The document also summarizes 1 Kings 19, where Elijah flees in fear after confronting King Ahab and complains to God that he alone remains faithful in Israel.
The document discusses the concept of resurrection from death as discussed in the Bible. It references several passages where Jesus talks about being the resurrection and the life. It also references passages that discuss Jesus' own resurrection from death and how that offers the promise of resurrection to eternal life for believers. The document explores both the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of believers at the end of time.
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Why is proclaiming the Gospel of Christ necessary? What are some reactions you have had when you shared the Gospel? Why do many people react negatively to the Gospel of Christ? (John 6:60-66; Mark 6:1-6)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential to Christianity and our salvation. His resurrection proves His deity and that His death atoned for our sins. There are many witnesses that testified to seeing the risen Jesus, including his disciples, women, angels, Paul, and over 500 people at once. We can have personal proof of the resurrection through experiencing Jesus' saving power and presence in our lives today. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared numerous times to His disciples and others over a period of 40 days, instructing them and preparing them for their mission.
Water baptism involves full immersion in water and symbolizes dying to the old sinful self and being resurrected to a new life in Christ. It is an act of obedience commanded by Jesus to be done after repenting from sins and having faith. In the early church, baptism typically followed salvation and preceded baptism in the Holy Spirit. To be baptized one must repent of sins, have faith in Jesus, and confess belief that He is the Son of God.
The document discusses various references to baptism in the Bible. It provides 67 entries that cite passages from the New Testament discussing John the Baptist's baptism, baptism with the Holy Spirit, Christian baptism, and baptism as an act of faith and repentance through immersion in water. The passages reference baptism as a symbolic cleansing and as a public declaration of faith in Jesus.
Building the Body of Christ
-Zac Poonen
1. The Full Gospel
2. The Balance Of Truth
3. Having A Firm Grip On The Christian Life
4. The Threefold Exchange At The Cross
5. That Which Was From The Beginning
6. Married To Christ
7. How God Exposes Pharisees In The Church
8. Faith, Brokenness And Victory
9. Are You Serving God Or Money?
10. Standing In The Gap Before The Lord
11. Two Types Of Backsliders And Two Types Of Leaders
12. A Church Triumphant Over Satan
13. No Man Can Boast In God's Presence
14. Warnings To The Church For The Last Days
15. What A Happy Year It Will Be
16. Will You Shrink Away From The Lord When He Returns?
17. The Influence Of One Man
18. Learning Gentleness From Jesus
19. Your Decisions Determine What You Become
20. Satan Is The Ruler Of Darkness And The Father Of Lies
21. Helping God!!
22. The Ministry Of Melchizedek
23. The Secret Of Discernment
24. Submission To The Elders Of The Church
25. A Spiritual Check-up
26. Proving God's Perfect Will
CFC, Christian Fellowship Church, Christian Fellowship Center, Christian Fellowship Centre
Vintage confessionof baptism_short_4.22.12Vintage Church
The document defines baptism and discusses different views on its meaning and practice. It states that baptism is a ceremonial cleansing with water that signifies religious purification, and is seen by some as connected to the Old Testament practice of sprinkling. Others view baptism as symbolic of burial and resurrection through immersion in water. The document examines biblical passages cited in support of both sprinkling/pouring and immersion, and discusses infant baptism.
This document provides a summary of five signs of spiritual life that should be evident in Christians according to Jesus' example:
1) Dusty shoes - living a relevant life by going out into the world as Jesus did.
2) Worn-out knees - living a yielded life through prayer as Jesus was prayerful.
3) Rolled-up sleeves - living an authentic, servant-hearted life as Jesus humbly served others.
4) Open hands - living a generous life as Jesus generously gave himself for others.
5) Outstretched arms - living a compassionate life by feeling the suffering of others as Jesus was moved with compassion.
This document outlines elements of effectively communicating the gospel message based on examples from the Bible. It discusses that believers should (1) communicate the gospel orally with passion, (2) teach the essential truths and content of the gospel message, including Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and (3) explain and read scripture to others about Jesus. The document encourages Christians to follow the examples of figures like Paul and Philip in sharing their faith unashamedly.
A description of the Bible's teaching on the Rapture which is what Revelation 4:1 is about. If you want to see a video version of this series in 5 minute clips go to http://community.webshots.com/user/matav1
1. The document discusses the three baptisms that Christians experience: baptism into Christ through salvation, water baptism performed by disciples, and baptism in the Holy Spirit performed by Jesus.
2. It examines examples of these baptisms from the life of Jesus, Acts, and the Epistles. Jesus demonstrated all three baptisms as an example for believers.
3. The document encourages believers to follow Jesus' example by experiencing all three baptisms, including seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses reasons for Christian hope based on facts about Jesus that cannot be denied, even by skeptics. It notes that Jesus lived based on historical Roman records, and that the New Testament is a reliable historical document written by eyewitnesses within the lifetimes of other eyewitnesses. If the New Testament accounts are not true, it would have to be a carefully constructed lie, which the passionate eyewitness testimony of the authors makes unlikely.
The document provides a summary and interpretation of Revelation chapter 6, which describes the opening of the seven seals of a book by Jesus. Each seal reveals a horse and rider representing a major period in the history of the church. The first four seals depict the early, pure church followed by periods of persecution, corruption through worldliness, and the establishment of the papacy leading to the slaughter of believers. The fifth seal shows martyrs crying out under God's altar. The sixth seal portrays signs in nature and the wicked recognizing Jesus' imminent return. The seventh seal signals silence in heaven as beings depart to gather the redeemed from Earth.
One of the greatest miracles that Christ performed on this earth was the resurrection of Lazarus from the grave, depicted in the gospel of John Chapter 11. By doing so, many of the peoples eyes were opened and they believed that Christ was in fact God. So who was this Lazarus?
St. Monica Liturgical Ministry Retreat (April 18, 2015)pennpadre
This document summarizes portions of 1 Kings 17, which describes Elijah proclaiming a drought in Israel at God's command. It introduces Elijah and recounts how he is fed by ravens and stays with a widow whose flour and oil are miraculously sustained. When the widow's son falls ill and dies, Elijah prays and the son is revived. The document also summarizes 1 Kings 19, where Elijah flees in fear after confronting King Ahab and complains to God that he alone remains faithful in Israel.
The document discusses the concept of resurrection from death as discussed in the Bible. It references several passages where Jesus talks about being the resurrection and the life. It also references passages that discuss Jesus' own resurrection from death and how that offers the promise of resurrection to eternal life for believers. The document explores both the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of believers at the end of time.
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Why is proclaiming the Gospel of Christ necessary? What are some reactions you have had when you shared the Gospel? Why do many people react negatively to the Gospel of Christ? (John 6:60-66; Mark 6:1-6)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential to Christianity and our salvation. His resurrection proves His deity and that His death atoned for our sins. There are many witnesses that testified to seeing the risen Jesus, including his disciples, women, angels, Paul, and over 500 people at once. We can have personal proof of the resurrection through experiencing Jesus' saving power and presence in our lives today. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared numerous times to His disciples and others over a period of 40 days, instructing them and preparing them for their mission.
The Bond We Once Shared
The day I saw you, I was held so tight,
By your smiling eyes, shining bright.
Your voice so sweet, innocent, pure,
And your mind, intelligent, sure.
I found a way to start a chat,
From that day on, my heart was trapped.
Each day Id wait to catch your glance,
Watching you, hoping for a chance.
We laughed, we talked, shared little things,
Bought snacks together, spread our wings.
Conversations grew wild and deep,
Closer we got, no secret to keep.
One week passed, and side by side,
Your scent, your touch, I couldnt hide.
Id recall how it felt so warm,
To be wrapped within your charm.
But when you knew you held my heart,
You broke the bond, we fell apart.
You shut me out, no more to speak,
The silence left my days so bleak.
Yet Im not mad, I wish you love,
That someone will cherish you above.
For in my life, you gave me light,
When I felt defeated in the fight.
You came when all was dark and cold,
Gave me strength, made me bold.
And if we meet again one day,
I hope we smile, with peace to stay.
I write this poetry for a woman who shall remain unnamed, one who brings happiness to my heart. It also serves as a way to provide emotional closure for myself.
Old Testament Events Foreshadowing the Lord Jesus Christ Vernon AposagaHoneyVernonAposaga
The major events of the Old Testament such as the story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, the Passover during the time of Moses, the giving of the Ten Commandments, the construction of the Tabernacle, and the raising of the Brazen Serpent each serve as symbolic representations of the Lord Jesus Christ. These events foreshadow His coming and point to His redemptive work throughout history.
Free from prison mean have a freedom and eternal lifeTImothy leonard
Shalom everyone, i m sharing the word of god with you all
Spiritual Freedom: Spiritually, being "free from prison" refers to liberation from the bondage of sin. The Bible describes sin as a form of captivity that can imprison the soul. Jesus' sacrifice is seen as the key to unlocking this prison, offering forgiveness, healing, and freedom.
Isaiah 61:1 (NIV): "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."
John 8:36 (NIV): "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in Gods plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for lifes challenges.
Trusting in Gods plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with Gods power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journeystarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
What are the most effective spiritual healing techniques for reducing stress_...Worldfamouspsychicreader
Our fast-paced world has made stress an unavoidable part of life. From work pressure to personal responsibilities, the constant demands of daily life can take a toll on mental and physical well-being.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy mother. Remember that thou wast begotten of them; and how canst thou recompense them the things that they have done for thee? Sirach 7:27-28
Break Forth into Joy.pptx"Break Forth into Joy: Embracing God's Salvation and...TImothy leonard
This presentation explores the powerful message of Isaiah 52:1-10, where God calls His people to awaken and rejoice in the promise of redemption. It reflects on how believers can experience true joy through faith, even in challenging times, by embracing God's free gift of salvation and grace. Through daily practices of prayer, thanksgiving, and sharing joy with others, we can live as testimonies of God's love and hope. The presentation emphasizes that lasting joy is found not in the circumstances of life, but in the eternal promises of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The 際際滷Share slide show does funky things to the slide formatting and a few slides are wrecked by its slide show, but the downloaded pptx and the Dropbox slide show are good, see link below.
My attempt to explain how the metaphysics of the universe works using speculative philosophy and physics. I use the philosophy of idealism, consciousness primary, along with support from modern physicists who support this argument. I propose that the basis of the universe is non-dual monistic idealism. Using the Buddhist metaphysics of an unconditioned basis of being (infinite space-time & potential) we see how monistic idealism plays out in the non-random rules, structure, and repeating patterns of a manifested & conditioned universe. I also propose that the unconditioned basis-of-being is the G旦del "X" (unrecognized complexity) factor that explains the existence of the manifested conditioned universe per his ontological proof. Idealism can also explain the structural theodicy and suffering of the manifested universe, it is not a problem of evil but of ruthlessness for a purpose. Idealism also refutes a personal conditioned theistic God as Absolute or Ultimate, but does not refute (allows) spiritual power and meaning in the world. I include my Neoplatonic-like cosmological proof of God as the unconditioned basis of being, a terminal ontological ground-state (as brute fact), as being a non-theistic source of the universe. It is a long pptx, but it is a big subject.
Dropbox allows the use of PowerPoint for the web where the slides and animations works: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g7ubfflicp2daqj8k52yl/How-the-Universe-Works.pptx?rlkey=e27bt96av3elx9aiyxiv9ekz5&st=vasftnm0&dl=0
A New Year, A New Life Celebrating Hope and Victory in Christ.pptx
1. The Bible says
John 10:10 Ang kawatan dili moanhi,
kondili aron siya makapangawat, ug
makapamatay, ug makapanglaglag;
ako mianhi, aron sila may kinabuhi, ug
makabaton niana sa labing
2. A New Year, A New Life: Celebrating
Hope and Victory in Christ
4. The Bible says
1 Timothy 3:16 Ug sa walay langtugi,
daku ang tinago sa pagka-diosnon: Ang
Dios nga gipadayag diha sa unod,
gipakamatarung sa Espiritu; nakit-an sa
mga manolonda; giwali sa taliwala sa
mga kanasuran: gitohoan dinhi sa
kalibutan; gibayaw sa himaya.
5. The Meaning of What Jesus
Did on Calvary
Justice, Evil, Love and Forgiveness
6. The Bible says
1 Peter 2:24 Nga siya sa iyang
kaugalingon mao ang nagdala sa atong
mga sala sa iyang lawas ibabaw sa
kahoy, aron kita, nga sa nangamatay
ngadto sa sala, mabuhi kita ngadto sa
pagkamatarung; tungod sa mga samad
niya nangaayo kamo.
39. Pontius Pilate
inscription; the original
stone, now located in the
Israel Museum,
An inscription bearing
the name of Pontius
Pilate was found at
Caesarea Maritima
June 15, 1961 during
the excavation of the
Roman theater.
Pilate inscription displayed in the Palace area
at Caesarea. Photo by Ferrell Jenkins.
41. The Israel Museum, Jerusalem - an ossuary
of Caiaphas, the high priest from
the time of Jesus
42. Ossuary of Joseph Caiaphas
High Priest in
Jerusalem AD 18-36
Limestone Ossuary contained
The bones of a 60 yr old male
Discover in Jerusalem - 1990
43. The Bible says
Mark 3:21 And when his friends had
news of it, they went out to get him,
saying, He is off his head.
John 7:5 Kay bisan ang iyang mga
igsoon wala motoo kaniya.
44. The Bible says
Acts 15:13 James speaks during the Council
of Jerusalem.
1 Corinthians 15:6-7 After that, he appeared to
more than five hundred of the brothers and
sisters at the same time, most of whom are still
living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he
appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
45. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews,
Book 20, Chapter 9, Section 1.
Josephus, born ca. AD 37
writes about events in
Jerusalem, AD 62
Flavius Josephus
48. Pliny the Younger: The 247
letters that helped shape our
view of the Roman Empire
49. Pliny the Younger, ca. AD 112 (3/3)
I interrogated them as to whether they were
Christians. If they confessed I interrogated them a
second and third time, threatening punishment. If
they persisted I ordered them to be led off
[to execution]. ... As for those who denied that they
were or ever had been Christians, when they
invoked the gods in words given by me, and prayed
with incense and wine offerings to your statue,
which I had ordered to be brought for this very
purpose along with images of the gods, and also
cursed Christ (which it is said that no true Christian
can ever be compelled to do), I thought they should
be discharged.
50. Pliny, ca. AD 112 (3/3)
... many people of every age, every rank, and
of both sexes are being and will be called to
trial. Nor is it only cities that are affected, but
the disease of this superstition is also
reaching villages and farmsteads. It seems
possible to check and correct this. It is pretty
well agreed that the temples, which had
almost become deserted, have now begun to
be frequented again, and all the sacred rites
which had been neglected for a long time are
recommencing and the flesh for sacrificial
rites is being sold, for which up to now it was
hard to find a purchaser.
51. The Bible says
Revelation 3:5 Kadtong makadaug,
pagasul-oban sa ingon sa mga bisti nga
maputi ug dili ko pagapalaon ang iyang
ngalan sa basahon sa kinabuhi; ug
igasugid ko ang iyang ngalan sa
atubangan sa akong Amahan ug sa iyang
mga manolonda.
52. The Bible says
Revelation 20:15 Ug kong may bisan
kisan nga wala hikit-i, nga nahasulat
sa basahon sa kinabuhi, gitambug
siya ngadto sa linaw nga kalayo.
Editor's Notes
#14: Robert Koldewey
began excavations at Babylon 1897
#42: The Bible tells us that Caiaphas was the Jewish high priest under whom Jesus stood trial. Matthew 26:57 describes it this way:
Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled.
(Matthew 26:63). According to Pilate and the Romans, however, his crime was insurrection, because he claimed to be the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37).
Joseph son of Caiaphas was the Jewish high priest from 18-36 CE. He is known chiefly for his involvement in the arrest of Jesus as described in the New Testament.
The Caiaphas family burial cave was discovered in southeastern Jerusalem. This is the most elegant of the 12 ossuaries found inside. The full name of the deceased - Joseph son of Caiaphas - appears twice. The name and the chests elaborate decorations suggest that this was indeed the ossuary of the Caiaphas from the New Testament.
Then those who had seized Jesus led him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders had gathered. (Matthew 26:57)
Correction: Aug. 21, 1992
A picture caption last Friday about the discovery of bone boxes near Jerusalem belonging to Caiaphas, the Jewish High Priest who tried Jesus, incorrectly translated the Aramaic inscriptions shown. They contained letters of Caiaphas's name, not the phrase "Joseph, son of Caiaphas.
#45: Galatians 1:19 Paul refers to James as the Lords brother.
1.油The list of eyewitnesses to Jesus resurrection appearances, which is quoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, guarantees that such appearances occurred.
These included appearance to Peter (or Cephas, as his Aramaic name is given), the twelve disciples, the 500 brethren, and James, Jesus own younger brother.
For example, we have very good evidence in the Gospels that neither James nor any of Jesus younger brothers were believers in Jesus during his lifetime. There is no reason whatsoever that the early church would generate fictitious stories concerning the unbelief of Jesus own family had they been faithful followers of Jesus all along. And so it is reasonably certain historically that neither James nor his other brother were followers of Jesus during his lifetime. But it is equally indisputable that James and his brothers did become active Christian believers following Jesus death. James was considered to be an apostle in the early church and he eventually rose to the position of sole leadership of the Jerusalem church. In fact according to the first-century historian Josephus, whom I alluded to before, James was martyred for his faith in Christ in the AD 60s during a lapse in the civil government.[10]油Now think about that. Most of us have brothers. What would it take to convince you that your brother is the Lord so that you would be willing to die for this belief? Can there be any doubt that the reason for this remarkable transformation in James is because, in Pauls words, then he appeared to James? Even Gerd L端demann, who is the leading German New Testament critic of the resurrection today, himself admits, and I quote, It may be taken as historically certain [and those are his words, not mine] that Peter and the disciplines had experiences after Jesus death in which Jesus appeared to them as the risen Christ.[11]
#49: Pliny the Younger, ca. AD 112; Letters 10.96 I interrogated them as to whether they were Christians. If they confessed I interrogated them a second and third time, threatening punishment. If they persisted I ordered them to be led off [to execution]. ... As for those who denied that they were or ever had been Christians, when they invoked the gods in words given by me, and prayed with incense and wine offerings to your statue, which I had ordered to be brought for this very purpose along with images of the gods, and also cursed Christ (which it is said that no true Christian can ever be compelled to do), I thought they should be discharged.