The Bond We Once Shared 12/11/2024 The day I saw you, I was held so tight, By your smiling eyes, shining bright. Your voice so sweet, innocent, pure, And your mind, intelligent, sure. I found a way to start a chat, From that day on, my heart was trapped. Each day Id wait to catch your glance, Watching you, hoping for a chance. We laughed, we talked, shared little things, Bought snacks together, spread our wings. Conversations grew wild and deep, Closer we got, no secret to keep. One week passed, and side by side, Your scent, your touch, I couldnt hide. Id recall how it felt so warm, To be wrapped within your charm. But when you knew you held my heart, You broke the bond, we fell apart. You shut me out, no more to speak, The silence left my days so bleak. Yet Im not mad, I wish you love, That someone will cherish you above. For in my life, you gave me light, When I felt defeated in the fight. You came when all was dark and cold, Gave me strength, made me bold. And if we meet again one day, I hope we smile, with peace to stay. I write this poetry for a woman who shall remain unnamed, one who brings happiness to my heart. It also serves as a way to provide emotional closure for myself.