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The Foundation of Faith: Jesus'
Church or the Bible?
The Old Testament Already Existed.
The Old Testament was
already written and
considered Scripture
before Jesus came, and
the Old Testament
makes up over 75% of
the entire Bible. So, to
say that people in the
first century didn't have
Scripture is to be
ignorant of history.
63 verses found, 63 matches
Matthew 9 verses found 9 matches
Mark 6 verses found 6 matches
Luke 8 verses found 8 matches
John 3 verses found 3 matches
Acts 4 verses found 4 matches
Romans 16 verses found 16 matches
1 Corinthians 8 verses found 8 matches
2 Corinthians 3 verses found 3 matches
Galatians 4 verses found 4 matches
Hebrews 1 verse found 1 match
1 Peter 1 verse found 1 match
It is Written (KJV)
The Foundation of Faith  Jesus Church or the Bible.pptx
The Foundation of Faith  Jesus Church or the Bible.pptx
The Foundation of Faith  Jesus Church or the Bible.pptx
The Foundation of Faith  Jesus Church or the Bible.pptx
The Foundation of Faith  Jesus Church or the Bible.pptx
Luke 4:16-21
He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath
day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read,
and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he
found the place where it is written:
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim
good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to
proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down.
The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began
by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."
Jesus Christ
Matthew 4:4 Apan mitubag siya ug
miingon: Nahisulat na: Dili lamang sa
tinapay mabuhi ang tawo, kondili sa
tanan nga pulong nga nagagula sa baba
sa Dios.
Jesus' words have been preserved.
If we never had the
words of Jesus recorded
or the words the apostles
recorded, we would have
to rely on what the
church fathers say. But
we aren't in that position.
Jesus promised the
apostles that the Holy
Spirit would help them
remember everything He
taught. Jesus says, 'But
the Helper, the Holy
The Bible says
John 14:26 Apan ang Maglilipay, ang
Espiritu Santo, nga pagasugoon sa akong
Amahan sa akong ngalan, siya magatudlo
kaninyo sa tanang mga butang, ug
magapahinumdum kaninyo sa tanan nga
akong gipamulong kaninyo.
The Bible says
hinigugmang igsoon nga si Pablo, sumala sa
kaalam nga gihatag kaniya; Ingon man sa tanan
niyang mga sulat, nga kanila ginapamulong niya
kining mga butanga; nga ang uban kanila mga
malisud nga sabton, nga ginatuis sa mga burong ug
mga mahuyang, ingon sa ginabuhat usab nila sa
uban nga mga kasulatan ngadto sa ilang
kaugalingong pagkalaglag.
(2 Peter 3:15-16)
Apostle Peter (-AD 64-86)
The Bible says
1 Corinthians 14:37 Kong may tawo nga
nagahunahuna nga siya manalagna, kun
espirituhanon, pailha siya sa mga butang
nga gisulat ko kaninyo, nga kini sila mao
ang sugo sa Ginoo.
The Bible is like that written messageit keeps God's Word
accurate and unchanging. If we only relied on people like
church leaders to pass it down, it could easily get mixed up
over time. But God made sure that His message stayed clear
by having it written down already in the first century.
The church isn't a particular
"In Matthew 16:18, God refers to believers in a local
area, and at other times, to believers all across the
worldthose who have true faith in the Lord Jesus."
In Matthew 16:18, they are the people of God, so there's no
reason for anyone to assert that the only true church is this
one or that onewhether Catholic, Orthodox, or another
denominationas that isn't what the Bible speaks about, and
it's not historically accurate.
Strong's Definitions is a collection of Greek and Hebrew
words and their definitions from the Old and New
Testaments organized by Dr. James Strong in 1890.
Which simply means the
called out ones.
What makes someone a real basketball player is not the gym
they play at or the jersey they wear; it's their genuine love for
the game of basketball.
The church isn't consistent, but the Bible is.
Since the church is simply the people of God, we as
believers are inconsistent. We can say some very
good things, but also some not-so-good things. We
can be right about certain pieces of theology, but
also wrong about others.
Polycarp of Smyrna
(AD 69-155)
For neither I nor any other such one can come
up to the wisdom of the blessed and glorified
Paul. He, when among you, accurately and
steadfastly taught the words of truth in the
presence of those who were then alive.
(Polycarp, Epistle to the Philippians, 3)
Ignatius of Antioch
(AD 35-108)
I do not, as Peter and Paul, issue
commandments unto you. They were
apostles: I am but a condemned man: they
were free, while I am, even until now, a
(Ignatius, Epistle to the Romans, 4)
"Jesus wants the foundation of our faith to be
His Word in Scripture, to guide the Church
the people of God. So, if anyone is saying
something contrary to the Bible, you can say,
'Chapter and verse, please,' because I check it
with the Bible. God's Word is our foundation."
What about the formation of the canon? Didn't
the church fathers or the church councils
create the list of books to be in the Bible? It's
important to realize that the councils and the
church fathers did not create the canon; they
merely recognized it.
"I have 10 handwritten letters on my desk. Seven are from my
wife, and three are from strangers. When I correctly pick all
seven of hers because I know my wife's handwriting, those
seven didn't suddenly become my wife's lettersthey already
were. I just recognized them."
"The authority of Scripture
comes from God, not from a
church declaring it so.
That's why, even before the
4th century, we see church
fathers citing the apostles'
writings as God's Word, and
even the apostles
themselves referring to each
other's writings as

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The Foundation of Faith Jesus Church or the Bible.pptx

  • 1. The Foundation of Faith: Jesus' Church or the Bible?
  • 2. The Old Testament Already Existed. The Old Testament was already written and considered Scripture before Jesus came, and the Old Testament makes up over 75% of the entire Bible. So, to say that people in the first century didn't have Scripture is to be ignorant of history.
  • 3. 63 verses found, 63 matches Matthew 9 verses found 9 matches Mark 6 verses found 6 matches Luke 8 verses found 8 matches John 3 verses found 3 matches Acts 4 verses found 4 matches Romans 16 verses found 16 matches 1 Corinthians 8 verses found 8 matches 2 Corinthians 3 verses found 3 matches Galatians 4 verses found 4 matches Hebrews 1 verse found 1 match 1 Peter 1 verse found 1 match It is Written (KJV)
  • 9. Luke 4:16-21 (NIV) He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."
  • 10. Jesus Christ says Matthew 4:4 Apan mitubag siya ug miingon: Nahisulat na: Dili lamang sa tinapay mabuhi ang tawo, kondili sa tanan nga pulong nga nagagula sa baba sa Dios.
  • 11. Jesus' words have been preserved. If we never had the words of Jesus recorded or the words the apostles recorded, we would have to rely on what the church fathers say. But we aren't in that position. Jesus promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would help them remember everything He taught. Jesus says, 'But the Helper, the Holy Spirit...
  • 12. The Bible says John 14:26 Apan ang Maglilipay, ang Espiritu Santo, nga pagasugoon sa akong Amahan sa akong ngalan, siya magatudlo kaninyo sa tanang mga butang, ug magapahinumdum kaninyo sa tanan nga akong gipamulong kaninyo.
  • 13. The Bible says hinigugmang igsoon nga si Pablo, sumala sa kaalam nga gihatag kaniya; Ingon man sa tanan niyang mga sulat, nga kanila ginapamulong niya kining mga butanga; nga ang uban kanila mga malisud nga sabton, nga ginatuis sa mga burong ug mga mahuyang, ingon sa ginabuhat usab nila sa uban nga mga kasulatan ngadto sa ilang kaugalingong pagkalaglag. (2 Peter 3:15-16) Apostle Peter (-AD 64-86)
  • 14. The Bible says 1 Corinthians 14:37 Kong may tawo nga nagahunahuna nga siya manalagna, kun espirituhanon, pailha siya sa mga butang nga gisulat ko kaninyo, nga kini sila mao ang sugo sa Ginoo.
  • 16. The Bible is like that written messageit keeps God's Word accurate and unchanging. If we only relied on people like church leaders to pass it down, it could easily get mixed up over time. But God made sure that His message stayed clear by having it written down already in the first century.
  • 17. The church isn't a particular institution. "In Matthew 16:18, God refers to believers in a local area, and at other times, to believers all across the worldthose who have true faith in the Lord Jesus."
  • 18. In Matthew 16:18, they are the people of God, so there's no reason for anyone to assert that the only true church is this one or that onewhether Catholic, Orthodox, or another denominationas that isn't what the Bible speaks about, and it's not historically accurate.
  • 19. Strong's Definitions is a collection of Greek and Hebrew words and their definitions from the Old and New Testaments organized by Dr. James Strong in 1890. biblehub.com/interlinear/ ekklesia 竜虜虜了侶旅留 church Which simply means the called out ones.
  • 20. Analogy What makes someone a real basketball player is not the gym they play at or the jersey they wear; it's their genuine love for the game of basketball.
  • 21. The church isn't consistent, but the Bible is. Since the church is simply the people of God, we as believers are inconsistent. We can say some very good things, but also some not-so-good things. We can be right about certain pieces of theology, but also wrong about others.
  • 22. Polycarp of Smyrna (AD 69-155) For neither I nor any other such one can come up to the wisdom of the blessed and glorified Paul. He, when among you, accurately and steadfastly taught the words of truth in the presence of those who were then alive. (Polycarp, Epistle to the Philippians, 3)
  • 23. Ignatius of Antioch (AD 35-108) I do not, as Peter and Paul, issue commandments unto you. They were apostles: I am but a condemned man: they were free, while I am, even until now, a servant. (Ignatius, Epistle to the Romans, 4)
  • 24. "Jesus wants the foundation of our faith to be His Word in Scripture, to guide the Church the people of God. So, if anyone is saying something contrary to the Bible, you can say, 'Chapter and verse, please,' because I check it with the Bible. God's Word is our foundation."
  • 25. What about the formation of the canon? Didn't the church fathers or the church councils create the list of books to be in the Bible? It's important to realize that the councils and the church fathers did not create the canon; they merely recognized it.
  • 26. Analogy "I have 10 handwritten letters on my desk. Seven are from my wife, and three are from strangers. When I correctly pick all seven of hers because I know my wife's handwriting, those seven didn't suddenly become my wife's lettersthey already were. I just recognized them."
  • 27. "The authority of Scripture comes from God, not from a church declaring it so. That's why, even before the 4th century, we see church fathers citing the apostles' writings as God's Word, and even the apostles themselves referring to each other's writings as Scripture."

Editor's Notes

  • #1: The Foundation of Faith: Jesus' Church or the Bible? Did Jesus leave us a church not a Bible this is a claim that many Catholics and Orthodox people make but is it true some claim that Christians for the first 400 years didn't even have the word of God to rely on I'm going to give you four reasons why that's not the case then they deal with a tricky objection that's often raised Number one the Old Testament already existed the Old Testament was already written and considered scripture before Jesus came and the Old Testament is over for 75% of the entire Bible so to say that people in the first century didn't have scripture is to be ignorant of History the Old Testament is what Jesus quoted all the time saying things like it is written have you never read in the scriptures and so on so God's word was Central in Jesus's mind he even encourages people not to live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God not by the word of any church leader or father who comes along but by the word of God 油 Number two Jesus's words have been preserved if we never had the words of Jesus recorded or the words the apostles recorded we would have to rely on what the church fathers say but we aren't in that position Jesus Promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would help them remember everything he taught Jesus says but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I've said to you so the apostles by inspiration of the Holy Spirit have preserved the words of Jesus and they also wrote their own Letters by inspiration of the Holy Spirit which were considered to be scripture even in the first century we see the Apostle Peter consider Paul's writings all as scripture in 2 Peter 3 even Paul himself knew that what he was writing was from the Lord if anyone thinks that he is a prophet or spiritual he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord so if we have the words of the Lord Jesus and the apostles who are writing God's inspired word already written and even considered scripture in the first century then why would we not hold the scripture as our ultimate Authority in terms of what we should believe why would we hold a pope or church fathers that we like as our Authority why would we favor them over the words of God are they going to be clearer than the Holy Spirit inspired scripture think of this analogy imagine last time you with your friends and someone said let's meet up at 300 p.m. next Thursday at the mall but because you didn't write it down you forgot what the plans were to meet up and so you ask one friend and he gives you the wrong day you ask another friend and he gives you the wrong time while another friend mixes up the location so even though they all heard the original statement they didn't recall it right but let's say that original message was written written down let's say in a group chat you can always go back to it to check what was actually said and so the Bible is like that written message it keeps God's word accurate and unchanging if we only relied on people like church leaders to pass it down it could easily get mixed up over time but God made sure that his message stayed clear by having it written down already in the first century so let's go to that 油 油 Number three the church isn't a particular institution it's the people of God well Jesus definitely did build his church Jesus wasn't referring to a particular organization or denomination when he said that he uses the Greek word eklesia which simply means the called out ones the people of God and it refers to Believers in a local area and other times refers to Believers all across the world so those who have true faith in the Lord Jesus and not their works are all part of Jesus's Church they're the people of God so there's no reason for anyone to make the assertion that the only true church is this one or that one whether Catholic Orthodox or another denomination as that isn't what the Bible speaks about and it's not historically accurate consider this analogy think about basketball players worldwide what makes someone a real basketball player it's not the gym they play at or the Jersey they wear it's their genuine love for the game of basketball some play in fancy NBA arenas others on Street courts or School gyms but they're all real basketball players because they love and play the game and that's exactly how Jesus church works just like no single gym can claim to be the only real basketball court so no single institution can claim to be the only real Church what makes you part of Jesus's church is your genuine faith in him just like what makes someone a basketball player is their love for the game not what court they play on 油 Number four the church isn't consistent but the Bible is since the church is simply the people of God we as Believers are inconsistent people we can say some very good things but also some not so good things we can be right about certain pieces of theology but also wrong about others but that's also true with every Church Father who's lived they can say inconsistent things and they can be inconsistent with each other and that's why many of the church fathers considered scripture to be the Umpire to find out who is correct because scripture is always consistent plus not even the Disciples of the Apostles like polycarp considered their writings to be on the same level as the apostles polycarp said for neither I nor any such one can come up to the wisdom of the blessed and glorified Paul he when among you accurately and steadfastly taught the word of Truth in the presence of those who were then alive Ignatius of Antioch also said I do do not as Peter and Paul issue Commandments unto you they were Apostles I am but a condemned man they were free while I am even until now a servant so no Jesus didn't leave us just a church he gave us his word in scripture to guide the church the people of God so if anyone is saying something contrary to the Bible you say chapter and verse please cuz I check it with the Bible yo God's word is our foundation now for the tricky objection which you've been waiting for you might be asking what about the formation of the cannon didn't the church fathers or the church councils create the list of books to be in the Bible now it's important to realize that the councils and the church fathers did not create the cannon they merely recognized it just like if I have 10 handwritten letters on my desk seven are from my wife and three of them strangers when I correctly pick all seven of hers because I know my wife's hand writing those seven didn't suddenly become my wife's letters they already were I just recognized them as such same with the Bible the church fathers didn't make the scriptures God's word they already were they simply recognized which books bore the unmistakable marks of divine inspiration much like recognizing my wife's handwriting so the authority of the scripture comes from God not from a church declaring it so that's why even before the 4th century we see Church fathers citing the apostles writings as God's word and even the apostles themselves referring to each other's writings as scripture leave. 油
  • #10: The Bible says how many Israelite Men there were
  • #16: "The Bible is like that written messageit keeps God's Word accurate and unchanging. If we only relied on people like church leaders to pass it down, it could easily get mixed up over time. But God made sure that His message stayed clear by having it written down already in the first century."
  • #18: In Matthew 16:18, they are the people of God, so there's no reason for anyone to assert that the only true church is this one or that onewhether Catholic, Orthodox, or another denominationas that isn't what the Bible speaks about, and it's not historically accurate.