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                     2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100   * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org

                 Absentee Voters  Your Crucially important Absentee Voter Plan
                                                                   9 Find out
T       he Absentee Voter Plan is virtually a                                  procedures for AVballot
        separate "plan within a plan" to reach a              counting and signature verification and plan
        group of people who vote days, some-                  according ly.
times weeks, before Election Day. Depending on
the district, they can represent a large block of                   10   Familiarize yourself with the laws
voters, have a fairly consistent demographic                  governing AV.ballots in your district.
(seniors) and are identified by the clerk who
provides the voter lists. Absent voters (AV's)                      11    FlagAV voters in your master voter
need to be contacted and AVballots.need.to be                 data base so that they do not get non-targeted
monitored as carefully as possible.                           mailings from your campaign.

      1   Obtain the list of AVvoters from previ-                 There are two very important    things to
ous elections from the clerk.                                 remember about absentee voters:

      2 Send out   a First Class or "address                       They are mostly senior citizens who are
correction requested" (introductory) campaign                 highly likely to vote. Target your outreach
piece.                                                        pieces accordingly!

      3    Update your AVlist based upon returns,                   This is an area where voter fraud is most
.and take the returned envelopes back to the                  likely to occur. Large percentages die between
 clerk for them to remove deceased or moved                   elections, but somehow manage to vote anyway.
 voters from their list.                                      The laws about counting AVballots vary from
                                                              state to state, but if verification of signatures
      4 Find   out when AVapplications       for this         and ballots is the responsibility of an appointed
election will be mailed.                                      or an elected city or county clerk, thepossihil-
                                                              ityoftampering    remains a concern.
      5   Determine deadline for applications to
be returned and when this list will be available.

      6 Update    your list using list of returned

      7 Find    out when AVballots will be mailed.

      8 Time your final mailing piece to arrive the
same day or the day before' their ballots arrive.

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Absentee Voters

  • 1. THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS'99 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LP.org Absentee Voters Your Crucially important Absentee Voter Plan 9 Find out T he Absentee Voter Plan is virtually a procedures for AVballot separate "plan within a plan" to reach a counting and signature verification and plan group of people who vote days, some- according ly. times weeks, before Election Day. Depending on the district, they can represent a large block of 10 Familiarize yourself with the laws voters, have a fairly consistent demographic governing AV.ballots in your district. (seniors) and are identified by the clerk who provides the voter lists. Absent voters (AV's) 11 FlagAV voters in your master voter need to be contacted and AVballots.need.to be data base so that they do not get non-targeted monitored as carefully as possible. mailings from your campaign. 1 Obtain the list of AVvoters from previ- There are two very important things to ous elections from the clerk. remember about absentee voters: 2 Send out a First Class or "address They are mostly senior citizens who are correction requested" (introductory) campaign highly likely to vote. Target your outreach piece. pieces accordingly! 3 Update your AVlist based upon returns, This is an area where voter fraud is most .and take the returned envelopes back to the likely to occur. Large percentages die between clerk for them to remove deceased or moved elections, but somehow manage to vote anyway. voters from their list. The laws about counting AVballots vary from state to state, but if verification of signatures 4 Find out when AVapplications for this and ballots is the responsibility of an appointed election will be mailed. or an elected city or county clerk, thepossihil- ityoftampering remains a concern. 5 Determine deadline for applications to be returned and when this list will be available. 6 Update your list using list of returned applications. 7 Find out when AVballots will be mailed. 8 Time your final mailing piece to arrive the same day or the day before' their ballots arrive.