The document discusses several graphic design projects including:
1. Developing a corporate identity for Eli Lilly's corporate event inspired by the Olympic Games with bright colors and imagery of a torch and flames including their logo.
2. Creating a trademark and graphic solution to serve as the basis for shops selling office and industrial equipment for a company called LPR.
3. Designing a corporate identity for Gals Group.
4. Designing a product catalog, flyers, and other branded materials for a company called Asiatides.
5. Designing a shop window display for Nike stores.
Nordic Agency AB is a creative agency specializing in digital and mobile marketing such as digital solutions, interactive experiences, and technology services. It provides services including interface design, mobile application development, identity creation, web design, video advertising, and mobile app design for iPhone, iPad and Android. The agency has created solutions for clients such as Cialis, Grant's Art, and PRT agency. It has developed websites, interactive games, and viral marketing campaigns. Nordic Agency AB prides itself on providing high quality, custom creative solutions for brands.
This document discusses professional mobility and the evolving workplace. It notes that technological change and innovation are accelerating life cycles and the pace of life. The modern workplace requires independence, the ability to work in chaos and solve complex problems, as pipeline concepts no longer apply. Employers seek employees who can work 24/7 without distraction. Professional mobility involves professional activities performed via mobile devices and networks. The future workplace will be redefined, with new life attributes and requirements for employees.
8. 亠仂仆亳亟 亞舒亠于
从亠舒亳于仆亶 亟亳亠从仂
亠从仍舒仄仆仂亞仂 舒亞亠仆于舒
仂于仍舒亟亠仍亠 弍亳亰仆亠舒: digital
舒亞亠仆于仂 Nordic Agency AB
仂仆仂于舒亠仍 从舒亟亠仄亳亳
舒仍亳于亶 仂亠
9. Leonid Bugaev
enterpreneur, expert in mobile
technologies, creative
director. Has 14 years
experience in the internet
business. Owner of Nordic
Agency AB (digital advertising
agency, Stockholm -
Moscow). Took senior
positions at several marketing
agencies in Russia and
abroad. Created projects for
clients including Heineken,
Procter&Gamble, Unilever,
Danone, HP, Microsoft, Intel
10. like me // 从仂仆舒从 // 亟舒于舒亶亠 亟亢亳
twitter: @lbugaev