El documento introduce los conceptos de indicadores de gesti坦n, cuadro de mando integral y l鱈nea base. Explica que los indicadores miden el desempe単o y estrategias de una organizaci坦n y que el cuadro de mando integral ayuda a transformar las estrategias en objetivos operativos. Adem叩s, detalla que la l鱈nea base establece la situaci坦n inicial para medir el impacto de pol鱈ticas y proyectos.
The Apache Hadoop速 project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing. Learn the fundamental principles behind it, and how you can use its power to make sense of your Big Data.
This curriculum vitae summarizes VishalakshI R B's work experience and qualifications. She has over 10 years of experience in finance and accounting roles. Her most recent role was as Assistant Operation Manager at Muthoot Finance Ltd from 2013 to 2016, where she was responsible for accounting, payroll, statutory reporting, and managing staff. She has a Master's degree in Finance and HR from Bangalore University. She is proficient in MS Office, SAP ECC6, ERP Tally, and seeks a role that allows her to utilize her competencies and contribute value to an innovative organization.
El documento describe la estructura b叩sica de un computador. Explica que el hardware se refiere a los componentes electr坦nicos del computador, mientras que el software incluye el sistema operativo, programas de ampliaci坦n y lenguajes de programaci坦n. Tambi辿n identifica las unidades principales del computador como la unidad central de procesamiento, dispositivos de entrada y salida.
Quick guide for Mongo DB main terms.
1. NoSQL Database == RDBMS Database
2. NoSQL Collection == RDBMS Table
3. NoSQL Document == RDBMS Record or Row
4. NoSQL Field == RDBMS Column. Example for field - { key: value }
Redaccion de textos karen vivian pi単eroskaren Viviane
El documento describe las habilidades necesarias para redactar textos efectivos. Explica que la redacci坦n de textos requiere la capacidad de argumentar estructurando ideas de manera coherente y con buena ortograf鱈a. Tambi辿n requiere estilo, coherencia, claridad y una estructura de p叩rrafos bien organizados para transmitir las ideas de manera ordenada. Finalmente, detalla los tipos principales de textos como descriptivos, narrativos, expositivos y argumentativos.
The document discusses several graphic design projects including:
1. Developing a corporate identity for Eli Lilly's corporate event inspired by the Olympic Games with bright colors and imagery of a torch and flames including their logo.
2. Creating a trademark and graphic solution to serve as the basis for shops selling office and industrial equipment for a company called LPR.
3. Designing a corporate identity for Gals Group.
4. Designing a product catalog, flyers, and other branded materials for a company called Asiatides.
5. Designing a shop window display for Nike stores.
Nordic Agency AB is a creative agency specializing in digital and mobile marketing such as digital solutions, interactive experiences, and technology services. It provides services including interface design, mobile application development, identity creation, web design, video advertising, and mobile app design for iPhone, iPad and Android. The agency has created solutions for clients such as Cialis, Grant's Art, and PRT agency. It has developed websites, interactive games, and viral marketing campaigns. Nordic Agency AB prides itself on providing high quality, custom creative solutions for brands.
This document discusses professional mobility and the evolving workplace. It notes that technological change and innovation are accelerating life cycles and the pace of life. The modern workplace requires independence, the ability to work in chaos and solve complex problems, as pipeline concepts no longer apply. Employers seek employees who can work 24/7 without distraction. Professional mobility involves professional activities performed via mobile devices and networks. The future workplace will be redefined, with new life attributes and requirements for employees.