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ACCA Geography Bee

          February 28, 2013
             Grades 4-6
ACCA Geography Bee

             Round 1
ACCA Geography Bee
1. In what state is Mount Rushmore?
ACCA Geography Bee
1. In what state is Mount Rushmore?

ACCA Geography Bee
2. What is the majority religion in the country
   of Saudi Arabia?
ACCA Geography Bee
2. What is the majority religion in the country
   of Saudi Arabia?
ACCA Geography Bee
3. What mountainous trail in the eastern
   United States is over 2,000 miles long, and is
   a favorite of hikers?
ACCA Geography Bee
3. What mountainous trail in the eastern
   United States is over 2,000 miles long, and is
   a favorite of hikers?
ACCA Geography Bee
4. What is the name of the country outlined
ACCA Geography Bee
4. What is the name of the country outlined

ACCA Geography Bee
5. Construction on what canal through Central
   America began in 1881 and wasnt complete
   until 1914?
ACCA Geography Bee
5. Construction on what canal through Central
   America began in 1881 and wasnt complete
   until 1914?
ACCA Geography Bee
6. Name Martin Luthers home country.
ACCA Geography Bee
6. Name Martin Luthers home country.
ACCA Geography Bee
7. What is the tallest mountain in the world?
ACCA Geography Bee
7. What is the tallest mountain in the world?

                            Mt. Everest
ACCA Geography Bee
8. What peninsula in southeastern Mexico
   separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of
ACCA Geography Bee
8. What peninsula in southeastern Mexico
   separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of
ACCA Geography Bee
9. What is the capital of Australia?
ACCA Geography Bee
9. What is the capital of Australia?
ACCA Geography Bee
10. Cape Verde is an island country off the
   western coast of which continent?
ACCA Geography Bee
10. Cape Verde is an island country off the
   western coast of which continent?
ACCA Geography Bee
11. What is the name of the geographic zone
   between Africas Sahara desert and the
   southern Savannas?
ACCA Geography Bee
11. What is the name of the geographic zone
   between Africas Sahara desert and the
   southern Savannas?
ACCA Geography Bee
12. In art, Mrs. Rodriguez taught the class to
   paint circles in the style of artist Wassily
   Kandinsky. Kandinsky was an artist from
   which country?
ACCA Geography Bee
12. In art, Mrs. Rodriguez taught the class to
   paint circles in the style of artist Wassily
   Kandinsky. Kandinsky was an artist from
   which country?

ACCA Geography Bee
13. What is the capital of Chile?
ACCA Geography Bee
13. What is the capital of Chile?
ACCA Geography Bee
14. Which country is located between 18属 and
   53属 North; Brazil, China, Australia or
ACCA Geography Bee
14. Which country is located between 18属 and
   53属 North; Brazil, China, Australia or
ACCA Geography Bee
15. The Nile River delta is located in what
ACCA Geography Bee
15. The Nile River delta is located in what
ACCA Geography Bee
16. Arkansas, Oklahoma, Montana and
   Missouri are some of the states that were
   made part of the United States by what
   famous purchase?
ACCA Geography Bee
16. Arkansas, Oklahoma, Montana and
   Missouri are some of the states that were
   made part of the United States by what
   famous purchase?

Louisiana Purchase
ACCA Geography Bee
17. What is the capital of Canada?
ACCA Geography Bee
17. What is the capital of Canada?
ACCA Geography Bee
18. If you were to visit the city of Montevideo,
   in what country would you be?
ACCA Geography Bee
18. If you were to visit the city of Montevideo,
   in what country would you be?
ACCA Geography Bee
19. Name the U.S. state outlined below?
ACCA Geography Bee
19. Name the U.S. state outlined below?

ACCA Geography Bee
20. Name one of the two landlocked countries
   in South America?
ACCA Geography Bee
20. Name one of the two landlocked countries
   in South America?
ACCA Geography Bee

             Round 2
ACCA Geography Bee
1. The capital of Turkey is Istanbul. What was
   its official name from 330-1930?
ACCA Geography Bee
1. The capital of Turkey is Istanbul. What was
   its official name from 330-1930?
ACCA Geography Bee
2. The circle of latitude located at 23.5属 North
   is called what?
ACCA Geography Bee
2. The circle of latitude located at 23.5属 North
   is called what?
ACCA Geography Bee
3. What is the longest river in Europe?
ACCA Geography Bee
3. What is the longest river in Europe?
ACCA Geography Bee
4. In music, Mrs. Ziegenbein taught you about
   the composer Antonio Vivaldi. He was
   famous for composing The Four Seasons.
   What was Vivaldis home country?
ACCA Geography Bee
4. In music, Mrs. Ziegenbein taught you about
   the composer Antonio Vivaldi. He was
   famous for composing The Four Seasons.
   What was Vivaldis home country?
ACCA Geography Bee
5. Cape Horn is the southernmost point of the
   Tierra del Fuego archipelago on which
ACCA Geography Bee
5. Cape Horn is the southernmost point of the
   Tierra del Fuego archipelago on which
ACCA Geography Bee
6. Which language is spoken by the most
   people in the world?
ACCA Geography Bee
6. Which language is spoken by the most
   people in the world?
ACCA Geography Bee
7. Which state would you need to visit to find
   the geographical center of the 48 continental
   United States?
ACCA Geography Bee
7. Which state would you need to visit to find
   the geographical center of the 48 continental
   United States?

ACCA Geography Bee
8. The Gateway Arch is located in what U. S.
ACCA Geography Bee
8. The Gateway Arch is located in what U. S.

  St. Louis
ACCA Geography Bee
9. Cape Town is the capital of what African
ACCA Geography Bee
9. Cape Town is the capital of what African
ACCA Geography Bee
10. Which large Swiss mountain is unique for
   its pyramid-like shape?
ACCA Geography Bee
10. Which large Swiss mountain is unique for
   its pyramid-like shape?

ACCA Geography Bee

             Round 3
ACCA Geography Bee

      Final Round Category
          Category A
          Category B
          Category C
ACCA Geography Bee

    Final Round Category A

    Latitude and Longitude
ACCA Geography Bee
 If you were at 25属 South and 130属 East, in
 what country would you be located;
 Greenland, Mexico, Greece or Australia?
ACCA Geography Bee
 If you were at 25属 South and 130属 East, in
 what country would you be located;
 Greenland, Mexico, Greece or Australia?
ACCA Geography Bee

    Final Round Category B

      Population Trends
ACCA Geography Bee
 Name two of the three countries of the
 world that have the largest population.
ACCA Geography Bee
 Name two of the three countries of the
 world that have the largest population.
ACCA Geography Bee

    Final Round Category C

     Capitals of the World
ACCA Geography Bee
 What is the capital of China?
ACCA Geography Bee
 What is the capital of China?
ACCA Geography Bee

          February 28, 2013
             Grades 4-6

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ACCA Geography Bee (Grades 4-6)