Seven incentives are provided for following The Stream including 13,000 square feet of professional space with work stations, meeting spaces and conference rooms along with building and technology security. Professional networking opportunities are offered through chamber membership and monthly events along with mentoring and professional development resources. Marketing and promotion are provided along with access to community resources and on-site administrative support and resources allowing one to work locally and reduce costs while gaining a productive environment.
Herm竪s hosted its first live music event at its London flagship store, featuring a performance by 18-year-old British singer-songwriter Jake Bugg. The event was part of Herm竪s' efforts to bring its traditions into the modern world and connect with younger customers by hosting cultural experiences in its stores. Bugg played songs from his acclaimed debut album for the audience at the 121 Regent Street location.
Historical Evaluation of Economic SystemDevika Perera
This document outlines 3 historical social and economic systems: 1) The primitive communal system characterized by collective labor, communal ownership, and no social classes. 2) The slave social economic system defined by private property ownership where slaves were treated as property. Society was managed by the state and divided into slave owners, slaves, and independent laborers. 3) The feudal social system based on feudal land ownership where forced laborers worked for the benefit of lords in exchange for use of land.
The document compares and contrasts aspects of North American and Latin American culture. It provides examples of art, including Grant Wood's American Gothic painting and Diego Rivera's mural depicting the Spanish conquest. For literature, it shares Walt Whitman's poem "Pioneers! O Pioneers!" about westward expansion in the United States, and a poem by Mar鱈a Josefa Muj鱈a honoring Sim坦n Bol鱈var and his role in liberating several South American countries from Spanish rule.
The Great Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq was a structure from the 6th century BC that served as an administrative center and shrine. The Seated Scribe statue from Egypt depicts a scribe from 2600-2300 BC who recorded the Pharaoh's words in hieroglyphics. The Great Wall of China, constructed from the 5th century BC to the 16th century, stretched over 8,851 km and provided protection from foreign invaders.
Historical evaluation of economic systemDevika Perera
This document outlines 3 historical social and economic systems: 1) The primitive communal system characterized by collective labor, communal ownership, and no social classes. 2) The slave social economic system defined by private property ownership where slaves were treated as property. Society was managed by the state and divided into slave owners, slaves, and independent laborers. 3) The feudal social system based on feudal land ownership where forced laborers worked for the benefit of lords in exchange for use of land.
Sahaj setu Feb, 12, 2012 Special Issue on G2C Services cscspv1
Sahaj Triumph at e-India Awards 2011
Srei Sahaj e-Village Limited won the Best Telecentre Initiative of the Year Award for its Uttar Pradesh eDistrict project at the e-India 2011 Awards. The project integrated the eDistrict portal, which automates government services, with Sahaj's portal, allowing over 30 government services to be accessed through Sahaj Common Service Centres. This has benefited rural citizens by providing services close to home instead of travelling long distances. A survey found the project saved citizens over Rs. 1.2 crores in transport costs. The award recognizes organizations using digital technologies to support rural development.
Ancient civilizations had six key characteristics: advanced cities with thousands of residents, complex technology like wheels and bronze tools, specialized division of labor, institutions for education, government, arts and religion, record keeping of history and customs in writing, and established religious practices. The document provides definitions of what constitutes an ancient civilization and assigns students an activity to analyze images of historical sites and artifacts by identifying the civilizations and characteristics they represent.
The document discusses several aspects of Roman society including:
1) The Roman family was patriarchal with the oldest male, the paterfamilias, having absolute power over the extended family. Women had few legal rights.
2) Slavery was widespread and essential to the Roman economy, with slaves making up as much as a third of the population and working in households, trades, agriculture, mining, and construction.
3) Religion was central to Roman government and life, with gods and goddesses associated with every aspect of society and nature. Animal sacrifice and interpreting signs from the gods guided decisions.
4) The Roman military was highly organized and effective, allowing Rome to dominate the
The document discusses the Apriori algorithm and modifications using hashing and graph-based approaches for mining association rules from transactional datasets. The Apriori algorithm uses multiple passes over the data to count support for candidate itemsets and prune unpromising candidates. Hashing maps itemsets to integers for efficient counting of support. The graph-based approach builds a tree structure linking frequent itemsets. Both modifications aim to improve efficiency over the original Apriori algorithm. The document also notes challenges in designing perfect hash functions for this application.
The document compares and contrasts aspects of North American and Latin American culture. It provides examples of art, including Grant Wood's American Gothic painting and Diego Rivera's mural depicting the Spanish conquest. For literature, it shares Walt Whitman's poem "Pioneers! O Pioneers!" about westward expansion in the United States, and a poem by Mar鱈a Josefa Muj鱈a honoring Sim坦n Bol鱈var and his role in liberating several South American countries from Spanish rule.
The Great Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq was a structure from the 6th century BC that served as an administrative center and shrine. The Seated Scribe statue from Egypt depicts a scribe from 2600-2300 BC who recorded the Pharaoh's words in hieroglyphics. The Great Wall of China, constructed from the 5th century BC to the 16th century, stretched over 8,851 km and provided protection from foreign invaders.
Historical evaluation of economic systemDevika Perera
This document outlines 3 historical social and economic systems: 1) The primitive communal system characterized by collective labor, communal ownership, and no social classes. 2) The slave social economic system defined by private property ownership where slaves were treated as property. Society was managed by the state and divided into slave owners, slaves, and independent laborers. 3) The feudal social system based on feudal land ownership where forced laborers worked for the benefit of lords in exchange for use of land.
Sahaj setu Feb, 12, 2012 Special Issue on G2C Services cscspv1
Sahaj Triumph at e-India Awards 2011
Srei Sahaj e-Village Limited won the Best Telecentre Initiative of the Year Award for its Uttar Pradesh eDistrict project at the e-India 2011 Awards. The project integrated the eDistrict portal, which automates government services, with Sahaj's portal, allowing over 30 government services to be accessed through Sahaj Common Service Centres. This has benefited rural citizens by providing services close to home instead of travelling long distances. A survey found the project saved citizens over Rs. 1.2 crores in transport costs. The award recognizes organizations using digital technologies to support rural development.
Ancient civilizations had six key characteristics: advanced cities with thousands of residents, complex technology like wheels and bronze tools, specialized division of labor, institutions for education, government, arts and religion, record keeping of history and customs in writing, and established religious practices. The document provides definitions of what constitutes an ancient civilization and assigns students an activity to analyze images of historical sites and artifacts by identifying the civilizations and characteristics they represent.
The document discusses several aspects of Roman society including:
1) The Roman family was patriarchal with the oldest male, the paterfamilias, having absolute power over the extended family. Women had few legal rights.
2) Slavery was widespread and essential to the Roman economy, with slaves making up as much as a third of the population and working in households, trades, agriculture, mining, and construction.
3) Religion was central to Roman government and life, with gods and goddesses associated with every aspect of society and nature. Animal sacrifice and interpreting signs from the gods guided decisions.
4) The Roman military was highly organized and effective, allowing Rome to dominate the
The document discusses the Apriori algorithm and modifications using hashing and graph-based approaches for mining association rules from transactional datasets. The Apriori algorithm uses multiple passes over the data to count support for candidate itemsets and prune unpromising candidates. Hashing maps itemsets to integers for efficient counting of support. The graph-based approach builds a tree structure linking frequent itemsets. Both modifications aim to improve efficiency over the original Apriori algorithm. The document also notes challenges in designing perfect hash functions for this application.
3. Que 辿 o m叩rketing?O m叩rketing 辿 o estudo da forma de satisfacermellor as necesidades do cliente, buscando tam辿n os beneficios para o negocio.
4. Concepto de mercadoMercado, en econom鱈a, 辿calqueraconxuntode transaci坦nsouacordosde negocios entre compradores evendedores. O mercado implica ocomercio regular e regulado, donde existe certacompetencia entre os participantes.
5. Fases do estudo de mercadoSon as seguintes:Plantexar o obxetivo
10. Sacar conclusi坦ns油Enquisa1. Gustar鱈alle aprender a bailar alg炭n estilo de baile?A: S鱈B: NonC: Dependendo do estilo que sexa 2. En caso de que a resposta anterior sexa s鱈, que estilo lle interesar鱈a?A: Baile cl叩sicoB: Bailes de sal坦nC: Baile modernoD: Street dance
11. Enquisa3. Gustar鱈alle bailar en parella, individualmente ou en grupos? A: Individual B: En parella C: En grupo 4. Se a resposta fose 束en parella損, cal das opci坦nsseguintes preferir鱈a? A: Do mesmo sexoB: De diferente sexoC: indiferente
12. Enquisa5. Como forma de pago, preferir鱈a unha matr鱈cula inicial aocomezo do curso ouunhamensualidade? A: Matr鱈cula que acolla todo o pagamento B: Unhamensualidade todos os mesesC: Unha matr鱈cula inicial baixa e unhamensualidadepequena todos os meses6. Canto estar鱈a disposto a pagar de matr鱈cula por recibir clases?A: De 100a 200 B: De 200 a 300 C: De 300 a 400
13. Enquisa 7. Ondelle gustar鱈a que estivese situada?A: No centro do pobo de CarballoB: Nas aforas de CarballoC: En outralocalidade8. Pensas que este tipo de negocio ten futuro nalocalidade? A: S鱈B: NonC: Dependendo da presentaci坦n ao p炭blico
14. Enquisa 9. Gustar鱈alle mostrar o traballo a outraspersoas?A: S鱈, pero a persoas que formen parte da academiaB: S鱈, a todo o mundo que queira veloC: Non10. Se marcouna pregunta anterior a resposta B, aceptar鱈a?A: Ofrecer bailes en inauguraci坦nsou eventosen Berganti単osB: Ofrecer bailes en toda GaliciaC: Ofrecer bailes en toda Espa単a e incluso f坦ra
15. An叩lise DAFOFactores internos que fan a organizaci坦n forteEste tipo de negocios contan con unhaforte demanda, sobre todo do p炭blico m叩isxoven, e nalocalidade de Carballo, onde est叩 previsto iniciar a actividade, tam辿n contamos con poboaci坦nmaior que se interesar鱈a por exemplo, polos bailes de sal坦n. O baile 辿 unhaactividade deportiva e aomesmo tempo divertida.Contamos con profesores especializados e con experiencia nos estilos de bailes a impartir.Nos arredores non se existe moita competencia, o que, sen duda, favorecer叩 o negocio.
16. An叩lise DAFOOs factores internos que fan a organizaci坦n feble O punto m叩is feble, neste sentido, ser鱈a a escasa experiencia en creaci坦n e xesti坦n de empresas, que ser鱈a aconsellable adquirir; e 叩 parte, que o local non sexapropiedade propia, se non que se alugar鱈a.
17. An叩lise DAFO Aspectos favorables do medioUn punto a favor neste caso ser鱈a a proximidade da academia ao centro do pobo, o cal facilitar叩 o desprazamento para alg炭ns e tam辿n para a s炭a localizaci坦n. Esto tam辿naxudar鱈a porque se poder鱈anatoparpreto de outrosestablecementos complementarios.
18. An叩lise DAFO Aspectos desfavorables do medioA r炭a onde se situar鱈a 辿 unha das m叩is transitadas do pobo, co cal, ser鱈a unhadesventaxa para os nenosm叩ispequenos que asistiran as clases.
19. M叩rketing mixAs clases ofrecer叩nseaos alumnos da seguintemaneira:Todos os d鱈as da semana excepto o venres, as clases ter叩n lugar de maneira grupal, e a selecci坦n de ditos grupos levarase a cabo mediante o nivel, a idade, e o estilo de baile. Pero o derradeirod鱈a da semana, agrupar叩nse en conxunto todos os grupos do mesmo nivel pero de diferentes estilos para disfrutaren de unha clase grupal diferente. O alumno que o desexetam辿npoder叩 solicitar un n炭mero de clases individuaissemanais, ao que se lle adecuar叩 o horario que llesexam叩is c坦modo.
20. M叩rketing mixO pago neste caso 辿 moisinxelo, simplemente se realizar鱈a unha matr鱈cula ao inicio do curso que ter鱈a un valor de 300 . Aquelas familias que o desexen, ter叩n a posibilidade de abonar a cantidade en varias mensualidades.
21. M叩rketing mixO negocio dar鱈ase a co単ecer das seguintes formas:Mediante publicidadena radio a nivel comarcal