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Experimental Design: 
Studying People Scientifically 
Activity 1A: Problem Solving: 
Save Fred! 
August 29, 2013
Activity 1A: Solving Problems :Save Fred! 
August 29, 2013 
Getting Started: Explain a situation where you had to solve a problem. 
How did you solve the problem and how did you determine the correct 
way to solve your problem? 
Introduction: Read the introduction on pg.A-4 and RACE your answer to the 
following question: Does the author believe all problems can be solved the in the 
same way. 
Solving Problems: Save Fred! 
We all solve problems every day- from little 
problems like what to wear to school, to bigger 
problems like whether to get a job or go to college. 
Different kinds of problems require different 
problem- solving approaches. One problem can 
often be solved in more then one way. What do you 
do when you are faced with a problem? 
What approaches do you use to solve 
Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.
Key Words: hypothesis, scientific method 
Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure on 
pg. A5 and A-6? Write one sentence that describes 
what you will be doing. 
Results: Student Sheet 1.1 Anticipation Guide: Ideas about Experimental 
Design. Complete the before column only 
Analysis Question 1 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 2 through 6. 
Reflection: What did you learn from this activity that you can 
use to solve other problems? How do you think this 
compares with how scientists solve problems?
Activity 1 saving fred
Activity 1 saving fred
Analysis Question 1
Question 2 
 Discuss the ways in which various groups of 
partners saved Fred? How were they similar 
how were they different?
Question 3 
Do you think scientists follow only one method 
to solve problems? Explain
Question 4 
Did you follow all of these steps in order?
Question 5 
Do you think scientists always follow all of these 
steps in this order? Explain.
Analysis 6 
 Review the after column of student sheet 1.1
the question 
Cite examples 
from a source 
Expand by 
Answering Open-Ended 
The race method
Scientific Method

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Activity 1 saving fred

  • 1. Experimental Design: Studying People Scientifically Activity 1A: Problem Solving: Save Fred! August 29, 2013
  • 2. Activity 1A: Solving Problems :Save Fred! August 29, 2013 Getting Started: Explain a situation where you had to solve a problem. How did you solve the problem and how did you determine the correct way to solve your problem? Introduction: Read the introduction on pg.A-4 and RACE your answer to the following question: Does the author believe all problems can be solved the in the same way. Solving Problems: Save Fred! We all solve problems every day- from little problems like what to wear to school, to bigger problems like whether to get a job or go to college. Different kinds of problems require different problem- solving approaches. One problem can often be solved in more then one way. What do you do when you are faced with a problem? What approaches do you use to solve problems? 1A Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.
  • 3. Key Words: hypothesis, scientific method Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure on pg. A5 and A-6? Write one sentence that describes what you will be doing. Results: Student Sheet 1.1 Anticipation Guide: Ideas about Experimental Design. Complete the before column only Analysis Question 1 Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 2 through 6. Reflection: What did you learn from this activity that you can use to solve other problems? How do you think this compares with how scientists solve problems?
  • 7. Question 2 Discuss the ways in which various groups of partners saved Fred? How were they similar how were they different?
  • 8. Question 3 Do you think scientists follow only one method to solve problems? Explain
  • 9. Question 4 Did you follow all of these steps in order?
  • 10. Question 5 Do you think scientists always follow all of these steps in this order? Explain.
  • 11. Analysis 6 Review the after column of student sheet 1.1
  • 12. R A C E Restate the question Answer the question Cite examples from a source Expand by explaining your answer 1. 2. 3. Answering Open-Ended Questions: The race method