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Body Works 
Activity 14B: Breakdown 
October 1, 2014
Activity 14B: Breakdown 
October 1, 2014 
Getting Started: Which would dissolve faster, complete uncut rib-eye steak or a 
rib-eye steak that has been cut into pieces? Explain your reasoning. 
Introduction: Read and summarize pg B-19 in one sentence. 
You already know the organs in the digestive 
system. But what exactly do they do? One 
important function of the digestive system is to 
break down food into smaller pieces. Only then 
can the nutrients in the food be absorbed by your 
Why is it important to chew your food? 
Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.
Key Words: Chemical Breakdown, control, digestive system, 
function, mechanical breakdown, organ, qualitative/quantitative 
data, surface area, variable 
Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure 
part A on pg. B-20? Write one sentence that 
describes what you will be doing. 
Results: The Model 
Elements of the digestive process 
Student Sheet 14.1 Human Digestive System 
Analysis: Discussion 
Reflection: How can understanding how your liver works help 
you make decisions about your health?
Elements of the Digestive Process 
 How did you decide when the chemical 
breakdown was over? Did you observe or 
record how long it took before the tablet 
piece completely dissolved?
Testing the Model 
 What are your observations? What did you 
see, hear, smell? 
 Based on your observations, why your think it 
is important to chew your food?
Key Words: Chemical Breakdown, control, digestive system, function, mechanical 
breakdown, organ, qualitative/quantitative data, surface area, variable 
Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure 
part B on pg. B-21? Write one sentence that 
describes what you will be doing. 
Results: Pre-Lab and pre-lab discussion 
Conduct Experiment 
Work on Bar-Graph 
Student Sheet 14.1 Human Digestive System 
Candy Time 
Analysis: Complete Conclusion
Experimental Design Elements 
Independent and Dependent Variables 
Controlled Variables
Independent and Dependent Variables 
 Independent Variables (IV) 
 IV means I control 
 Its the part of the experiment you are testing. 
 Dependent Variables (DV) 
 DV depends on the IV 
 It is the thing you are measuring
 IV - food people eat 
 Dr. Goldberger decided to test if food was causing 
people to get sick so he gave some people fruits 
and vegetables and others corn, fatback, and 
 DV  whether or not people get pellagra 
 Dr. Goldberger checked the people to see who got 
Pellagra and who did not.
What is the independent variable? 
 Asked another way: What are we testing?
What is the dependent variable? 
 Asked another way: What are we measuring?
 Educated guess or prediction 
 Always stated: 
 If IV then DV 
 This means you plug in the independent variable 
where it says IV and plug in the dependent 
variable where it says DV and rewrite your 
 Using the Dr. Goldberger example. 
 IV = different types of food 
 DV = if they got pellagra 
 Write a hypothesis that follows the format: 
If IV then DV 
If different types of food then if they get Pellagra 
If people eat food with vitamins then they will not get 
Controlled Variables or Constant 
 Different then control or control group. 
 These are things that could change every time 
you did the experiment if you didnt control 
 Take Dr. Goldbergers experiment. 
These are all things that could 
effect the experiment so they 
have to be done exactly the 
same for each person. 
 We assume the patients all ate exactly the same diet 
maybe they didnt. 
 Or if some exercised while others did not. 
 Or if some were able to shower and wash while others 
were not.
 What are some of the variables we need to 
keep the same in this experiment? How will 
we control them?
Activity 14 b breakdown
Pre-Lab Discussion 
 Question we are trying to answer 
 How does the size of your food affect the speed at 
which chemical breakdown occurs? 
 Does the amount you chew your food affect your 
ability to digest it chemically?
Activity 14 b breakdown
Candy Time 
 Some of you will get a piece of candy that is 
whole (complete). The rest of you will get 
candy that has been broken down into smaller 
 Time how long it takes you to finish your 
 Record what your body was doing on student 
sheet 14.1 and how that helped in digestion.
 Restate your hypothesis and explain whether 
it was correct or incorrect. Use data you 
collected to support your answer. 
 Restate the problem statement and answer it 
using data you have collected.
Amt of 
Time to dissolve (sec) 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 
Activity 14 b breakdown
Activity 14 b breakdown
Activity 14 b breakdown
Analysis Question 2 
 What part of digestion was modeled by 
breaking the tablet? 
 What part of digestions was modeled by 
adding the vinegar?
Analysis question 4 
 How does the size of your food affect the 
speed at which chemical breakdown occurs?
Analysis Question 5 
 Besides preventing choking, why is it 
important to chew your food?

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Activity 14 b breakdown

  • 1. Body Works Activity 14B: Breakdown October 1, 2014
  • 2. Activity 14B: Breakdown October 1, 2014 Getting Started: Which would dissolve faster, complete uncut rib-eye steak or a rib-eye steak that has been cut into pieces? Explain your reasoning. Introduction: Read and summarize pg B-19 in one sentence. Breakdown You already know the organs in the digestive system. But what exactly do they do? One important function of the digestive system is to break down food into smaller pieces. Only then can the nutrients in the food be absorbed by your body Why is it important to chew your food? 14B Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.
  • 3. Key Words: Chemical Breakdown, control, digestive system, function, mechanical breakdown, organ, qualitative/quantitative data, surface area, variable Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure part A on pg. B-20? Write one sentence that describes what you will be doing. Results: The Model Elements of the digestive process Student Sheet 14.1 Human Digestive System Analysis: Discussion Questions Reflection: How can understanding how your liver works help you make decisions about your health?
  • 4. Elements of the Digestive Process How did you decide when the chemical breakdown was over? Did you observe or record how long it took before the tablet piece completely dissolved?
  • 5. Testing the Model What are your observations? What did you see, hear, smell? Based on your observations, why your think it is important to chew your food?
  • 6. Key Words: Chemical Breakdown, control, digestive system, function, mechanical breakdown, organ, qualitative/quantitative data, surface area, variable Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure part B on pg. B-21? Write one sentence that describes what you will be doing. Results: Pre-Lab and pre-lab discussion Conduct Experiment Work on Bar-Graph Student Sheet 14.1 Human Digestive System Candy Time Analysis: Complete Conclusion
  • 7. Experimental Design Elements Independent and Dependent Variables Hypothesis Controlled Variables
  • 8. Independent and Dependent Variables Independent Variables (IV) IV means I control Its the part of the experiment you are testing. Dependent Variables (DV) DV depends on the IV It is the thing you are measuring
  • 9. Example IV - food people eat Dr. Goldberger decided to test if food was causing people to get sick so he gave some people fruits and vegetables and others corn, fatback, and syrup. DV whether or not people get pellagra Dr. Goldberger checked the people to see who got Pellagra and who did not.
  • 10. What is the independent variable? Asked another way: What are we testing?
  • 11. What is the dependent variable? Asked another way: What are we measuring?
  • 12. Hypothesis Educated guess or prediction Always stated: If IV then DV This means you plug in the independent variable where it says IV and plug in the dependent variable where it says DV and rewrite your hypothesis.
  • 13. Example Using the Dr. Goldberger example. IV = different types of food DV = if they got pellagra Write a hypothesis that follows the format: If IV then DV If different types of food then if they get Pellagra If people eat food with vitamins then they will not get pellagra.
  • 14. Controlled Variables or Constant Variables Different then control or control group. These are things that could change every time you did the experiment if you didnt control them. Take Dr. Goldbergers experiment. These are all things that could effect the experiment so they have to be done exactly the same for each person. We assume the patients all ate exactly the same diet maybe they didnt. Or if some exercised while others did not. Or if some were able to shower and wash while others were not.
  • 15. What are some of the variables we need to keep the same in this experiment? How will we control them?
  • 17. Pre-Lab Discussion Question we are trying to answer How does the size of your food affect the speed at which chemical breakdown occurs? OR Does the amount you chew your food affect your ability to digest it chemically?
  • 19. Candy Time Some of you will get a piece of candy that is whole (complete). The rest of you will get candy that has been broken down into smaller parts. Time how long it takes you to finish your candy. Record what your body was doing on student sheet 14.1 and how that helped in digestion.
  • 20. Conclusion Restate your hypothesis and explain whether it was correct or incorrect. Use data you collected to support your answer. Restate the problem statement and answer it using data you have collected.
  • 21. Amt of vinegar (mL) Time to dissolve (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 0 2.5 5 10
  • 25. Analysis Question 2 What part of digestion was modeled by breaking the tablet? What part of digestions was modeled by adding the vinegar?
  • 26. Analysis question 4 How does the size of your food affect the speed at which chemical breakdown occurs?
  • 27. Analysis Question 5 Besides preventing choking, why is it important to chew your food?