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Body Works
Activity 17B: Gas Exchange
October 29, 2013
Activity 17B: Gas Exchange
October 29, 2013
Getting Started: Complete Anticipation Guide: Gas Exchange.
Introduction: Read pg.B-38 and write your RACE question.
Gas Exchange
Your blood transports the nutrients that you eat to different parts
of your body. It also carries oxygen from your lungs to other
organs and tissues. Your lungs are part of your respiratory
system. With every breath you take you inhale oxygen and exhale
carbon dioxide. Your body uses the oxygen to get energy from
food. When your body breaks down food, it produces wastes. One
of the wastes is carbon dioxide.
Indicators are chemcials that change their appearance in
How much carbon dioxide is in your exhaled
Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.
Key Words: control, indicator, function. Organ,
qualitative/quantitative data, range, respiratory system, structure
Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure
parts A on page B-39 and B on page B-40? Write a one sentence
summary for both part A and B.
Results: Data Table for Part A
Data Table for Part B
Analysis: Answer Analysis Question Part A # 2a,b, and c.
Answer Analysis Question Part B 3-7
Reflection: Many respiratory diseases limit a persons capacity to exchange
oxygen. One of these diseases is pneumonia, which causes the alveoli to fill up
with fluid. Another is pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of the
lung, making it painful to inhale and exhale. Explain how you believe these
diseases may affect your ability to breath.
Data Table Part A
Table 1: The Relationship between various solutions
and the presence of Carbon dioxide.
Cup Initial BTB
Final BTB
After Adding
A (Control)
B (Air)
C (Sodium
D (exhaled breath)
E partners exhaled
Class Data Part B
The relationship between students and the amount of carbon dioxide in
their breath.
Number of people Number of drops
Activity 17 b gas exchange
Activity 17 b gas exchange

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Activity 17 b gas exchange

  • 1. Body Works Activity 17B: Gas Exchange October 29, 2013
  • 2. Activity 17B: Gas Exchange October 29, 2013 Getting Started: Complete Anticipation Guide: Gas Exchange. Introduction: Read pg.B-38 and write your RACE question. Gas Exchange Your blood transports the nutrients that you eat to different parts of your body. It also carries oxygen from your lungs to other organs and tissues. Your lungs are part of your respiratory system. With every breath you take you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Your body uses the oxygen to get energy from food. When your body breaks down food, it produces wastes. One of the wastes is carbon dioxide. Indicators are chemcials that change their appearance in How much carbon dioxide is in your exhaled breath? 17B Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.
  • 3. Key Words: control, indicator, function. Organ, qualitative/quantitative data, range, respiratory system, structure Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure parts A on page B-39 and B on page B-40? Write a one sentence summary for both part A and B. Results: Data Table for Part A Data Table for Part B Analysis: Answer Analysis Question Part A # 2a,b, and c. Answer Analysis Question Part B 3-7 Reflection: Many respiratory diseases limit a persons capacity to exchange oxygen. One of these diseases is pneumonia, which causes the alveoli to fill up with fluid. Another is pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of the lung, making it painful to inhale and exhale. Explain how you believe these diseases may affect your ability to breath.
  • 4. Data Table Part A Table 1: The Relationship between various solutions and the presence of Carbon dioxide. Cup Initial BTB Color Final BTB Color After Adding BTB A (Control) B (Air) C (Sodium Hydroxide) D (exhaled breath) E partners exhaled breath)
  • 5. Class Data Part B The relationship between students and the amount of carbon dioxide in their breath. Number of people Number of drops 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14