Experience Design, Convergence + The Digital AgencyCritical Mass
The document discusses the challenges of designing complex digital products and experiences. As technology has advanced, products have become more complicated to use which frustrates users. Experience design has emerged to address this by focusing on human, technical, and aesthetic factors. The roles of experience designers and digital agencies are also becoming more interdisciplinary and "fuzzy" as they address the full digital experience rather than isolated aspects. The ideal team brings together overlapping skills to design experiences across multiple channels in a way that is people-driven.
This document discusses how businesses can use social media for branding (B2B social media). It begins by defining B2B as business-to-business commerce between companies rather than directly with consumers. While B2B marketing differs from business-to-consumer (B2C) in targeting individuals rather than masses, the concepts of message, presentation, and building trust in the brand are similar. The document then provides suggestions for how companies can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others to find prospective clients, learn about their industry and competitors, and build their brand in the B2B space.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
The document summarizes some of the creative presentations and inspiration the author experienced at the SXSW conference in Austin. It discusses three main topics:
1) The author learned to make ideas more vivid by combining words with visual elements like maps, graphs and shapes to better convey concepts.
2) The author was inspired by a filmmaker who created impressive works with simple equipment, reminding people they can create great things with motivation.
3) A presentation on web design discussed achieving beauty through universal design principles, socio-cultural influences and subjective personal tastes, and focusing on improving users' lives through emotional and reflective design.
The document provides an overview of Urban Meyer's Utah Spread Offense, including explanations of formations, player positions, blocking assignments, routes, and key running and passing plays. Diagrams illustrate plays like the zone read, trap, counter, screen, and shallow cross from various formations like solo, trey, trips, and empty. The presentation was created from game film but images are copyrighted for educational purposes only.
Technology plays an important role in modern education. It offers powerful new tools for teaching and learning, from basic devices like projectors to more advanced technologies like computers and online learning platforms. While technology provides benefits like access to vast information and more flexible learning, it also presents challenges. Some argue it could narrow education or reduce human interaction. Overall, technology in education is still developing and its full impact remains to be seen, but it will likely transform education by making it more interactive, individualized, accessible and computer-mediated going forward.
Acest studiu descrie cercetarile facute asupra programului Meditatiei Transcendentale (TM) si un plan al lui Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, creatorul acestui program, pentru a dezvolta familii "invincibile" bazat pe un model al sistemelor coerente (invincibilitatea este o caracteristica generala a sistemelor coerente de a respinge influenta factorilor externi perturbatori).?
The document discusses various strategies for improving website usability and conversion rates, including:
- Testing different page designs, calls to action, and messaging to see what most effectively converts visitors to customers.
- Ensuring key information is visible, interactions are intuitive, and the site design follows principles of cognitive psychology.
- Learning from case studies of how companies like Facebook and PhotoShelter improved conversions through usability testing and experiments.
- Common problems on e-commerce sites like long checkouts that should be addressed through linear and simplified designs.
- Suggestions for the types of A/B tests that could provide insights for improving the Reallusion website and products.
The document provides an overview of a quick passing offense that utilizes three basic patterns: hitch, slant, and fade. It describes the routes run by each receiver within each pattern, including the #1, #2, and #3 receivers. It explains that the quarterback's pre-snap read will determine which side of the field he throws to, looking to a single "key" defender. The individual routes for each pattern and examples of how the quarterback reads the defense and determines where to throw are then shown.
Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrate animals including spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites. They have an external skeleton, four pairs of legs, and live in a variety of habitats including aquatic and terrestrial environments. They hunt and trap insects using webs or other methods. Over time, arachnids evolved modifications for living on land including respiratory and excretory structures as well as leg adaptations for more efficient movement. Male arachnids look for mates that have many legs, are active during the day, and are a similar body size.
English is important for a teaching degree for two main reasons: participating in European projects where English serves as a common language between partners, and potentially teaching English lessons during one's career. Additionally, skills from English teaching could transfer to teaching children with special needs.
Melinda: Methods and tools for Web Data InterlinkingFran?ois Scharffe
This document presents a framework for interlinking web datasets. It discusses publishing principles for datasets on the web, including using URIs to identify resources and including links to other datasets. It introduces tools for interlinking datasets through explicit links, implicit ontology alignment, or by matching datasets that share a common ontology. Six specific interlinking tools are analyzed based on their degree of automation, matching techniques used, ability to handle ontologies, and output. The document concludes by providing an example of applying a link specification to interlink datasets between DBPedia and Geo.
The document discusses credibility-based branding and how it can increase sales. It outlines 8 essential criteria for logos to be credibility-based, including symbolizing the business, communicating trustworthiness, and consistency in application. Credibility-based branding applies these principles across all marketing communication to create a consistent system that persuades customers and has a financial return.
The offense's philosophy is based on maintaining possession through ball control and limiting mistakes in order to prevent the other team from scoring. The offense aims to drive for 5 yards on each play and have a high number of plays with a net gain of 5 yards. The formations will stretch the field both vertically and horizontally and force defenders to defend both the run and the pass. The simplified offense allows the team to take advantage of their tools and create an explosive offense that controls the game's pace.
PatientsLikeMe.com allows patients to share medical records in an online community. By attracting thousands of patients who share information, they are able to gather and resell valuable data to pharmaceutical companies. Flattr.com operates a donation system that allows online readers to donate small amounts to content creators each month via a monthly subscription. Groupon.com uses an exclusive daily deal model where they guarantee a merchant a minimum number of customers for a heavily discounted product or service, taking 50% of revenue from deals that meet the minimum.
Acest studiu descrie cercetarile facute asupra programului Meditatiei Transcendentale (TM) si un plan al lui Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, creatorul acestui program, pentru a dezvolta familii "invincibile" bazat pe un model al sistemelor coerente (invincibilitatea este o caracteristica generala a sistemelor coerente de a respinge influenta factorilor externi perturbatori).?
The document discusses various strategies for improving website usability and conversion rates, including:
- Testing different page designs, calls to action, and messaging to see what most effectively converts visitors to customers.
- Ensuring key information is visible, interactions are intuitive, and the site design follows principles of cognitive psychology.
- Learning from case studies of how companies like Facebook and PhotoShelter improved conversions through usability testing and experiments.
- Common problems on e-commerce sites like long checkouts that should be addressed through linear and simplified designs.
- Suggestions for the types of A/B tests that could provide insights for improving the Reallusion website and products.
The document provides an overview of a quick passing offense that utilizes three basic patterns: hitch, slant, and fade. It describes the routes run by each receiver within each pattern, including the #1, #2, and #3 receivers. It explains that the quarterback's pre-snap read will determine which side of the field he throws to, looking to a single "key" defender. The individual routes for each pattern and examples of how the quarterback reads the defense and determines where to throw are then shown.
Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrate animals including spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites. They have an external skeleton, four pairs of legs, and live in a variety of habitats including aquatic and terrestrial environments. They hunt and trap insects using webs or other methods. Over time, arachnids evolved modifications for living on land including respiratory and excretory structures as well as leg adaptations for more efficient movement. Male arachnids look for mates that have many legs, are active during the day, and are a similar body size.
English is important for a teaching degree for two main reasons: participating in European projects where English serves as a common language between partners, and potentially teaching English lessons during one's career. Additionally, skills from English teaching could transfer to teaching children with special needs.
Melinda: Methods and tools for Web Data InterlinkingFran?ois Scharffe
This document presents a framework for interlinking web datasets. It discusses publishing principles for datasets on the web, including using URIs to identify resources and including links to other datasets. It introduces tools for interlinking datasets through explicit links, implicit ontology alignment, or by matching datasets that share a common ontology. Six specific interlinking tools are analyzed based on their degree of automation, matching techniques used, ability to handle ontologies, and output. The document concludes by providing an example of applying a link specification to interlink datasets between DBPedia and Geo.
The document discusses credibility-based branding and how it can increase sales. It outlines 8 essential criteria for logos to be credibility-based, including symbolizing the business, communicating trustworthiness, and consistency in application. Credibility-based branding applies these principles across all marketing communication to create a consistent system that persuades customers and has a financial return.
The offense's philosophy is based on maintaining possession through ball control and limiting mistakes in order to prevent the other team from scoring. The offense aims to drive for 5 yards on each play and have a high number of plays with a net gain of 5 yards. The formations will stretch the field both vertically and horizontally and force defenders to defend both the run and the pass. The simplified offense allows the team to take advantage of their tools and create an explosive offense that controls the game's pace.
PatientsLikeMe.com allows patients to share medical records in an online community. By attracting thousands of patients who share information, they are able to gather and resell valuable data to pharmaceutical companies. Flattr.com operates a donation system that allows online readers to donate small amounts to content creators each month via a monthly subscription. Groupon.com uses an exclusive daily deal model where they guarantee a merchant a minimum number of customers for a heavily discounted product or service, taking 50% of revenue from deals that meet the minimum.
1. Adam i Ewa ... Rozpaczliwie zaj?ci sob? zapominali, ?e ka?dego dnia ?wiat stawa? si? brzydszy i smutniejszy. Wprawdzie nape?niali go czar? nienawi?ci i l?ku, ale któ? chcia? uwierzy?, ?e kiedy? nast?pi jakikolwiek koniec. Nie brano nawet pod uwag? mo?liwo?ci rozstania, wierz?c, ?e takowe nie istniej?, albowiem s? jedynie granice bli?szych lub dalszych odleg?o?ci. S?ońce i ksi??yc mija?y jak kolejne pory roku. Tylko t?sknota za czym?, co doskona?e, a przecie? utracone, wype?nia?a im godziny rozmy?lań w chwilach wolnych od g??bokich spojrzeń i milczenia, kiedy zm?czeni wracali do namiotu z którego mogli podziwia? nieogarni?ty do końca wzrokiem kszta?t nieba. Eligiusz Dymowski .....
18. Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593). W?oski malarz, manierysta. Urodzony w Mediolanie. W latach 1549 - 1558 pracowa? przy katedrze mediolańskiej. Poza tym projektowa? tkaniny dla Como. Jednak prawdziw? s?aw? zyska? dopiero jako malarz Habsburgów. "Arcimboldo tworzy? wielowarstwowe portrety niepokoj?ce, oblicza nabrzmia?e od brodawek i skrofu?ów, które wy?ania? z nagromadzonych owoców, kwiatów, k?osów, ?d?be? s?omy, zwierz?t, tak jak Inkowie co wstawiali umar?ym oczy z cienkiej z?otej blaszki, w policzki za? wstawiali kawa?eczki tykwy"