2017 media communication_mgmt_v9_0616_2017_slideshareTakao Chitose
Media Communication Session Material.
This presentation was made only for IFI Business School Master and Professional course in 2017.
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2017 media communication_mgmt_v9_0616_2017_slideshareTakao Chitose
Media Communication Session Material.
This presentation was made only for IFI Business School Master and Professional course in 2017.
You can download or clip this presentation. But in case of second usage, as it contains variety of intellectual properties and some of slides might difficult to figure out its context, please contact document owner.
The Future of Marketing Survey - JP Consumer Results AdobeJapanPR
This document summarizes the results of a survey on marketing and personalization conducted with 1,002 Japanese consumers in August 2021. Some key findings include:
- Only half of Japanese consumers value personalization, most preferring personalized offers or discounts. Younger generations are more open to recommendations.
- Helpful information and personalized recommendations are most likely to drive brand loyalty.
- Consumers find tailored communications via email, websites and apps most important. They care less about personalized digital ads.
- Email is the preferred channel for receiving offers, though younger consumers are more open to social media, text or chatbots.
- Timeliness and relevancy are most important for making email marketing useful. Frequency
Adobe productivity survey June 2020 JapanAdobeJapanPR
Fewer than half of Japanese workers are currently working from home due to COVID-19. Those working from home report less productivity, largely due to not having the proper technological setup or too many distractions at home. Companies have generally been understanding of decreased productivity while working remotely. Video conferencing fatigue is common, especially among those working from home and those in managerial roles. Microsoft 365 is the most popular method for sharing and reviewing files remotely, and over half of workers report issues with version control of documents. Most workers continue to send documents as email attachments.
Adobe Consumer Outlook Survey Japan RegionAdobeJapanPR
- Just under two-thirds of Japanese consumers felt neutral about brands preventing price gouging and stock shortages during COVID-19. Three-quarters felt brands were communicating the right amount but only 1/3 found the communications useful.
- Over half of consumers saw an impact on their employment from COVID-19, with personal health, job vulnerability, and the economy being the greatest concerns. While over 90% were initially willing to wait out restrictions, only slightly over half agreed with continued restrictions.
- Shopping was greatly impacted by COVID-19, with 85% facing difficulties mostly from out-of-stock products. Local retail support diminished as 65% had not helped local businesses.
Adobe Marketer Outlook Survey Japan 2020AdobeJapanPR
The document provides results from a survey of 302 marketers in Japan regarding their outlook during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some key findings include:
- Currently two-thirds of people are working from home, less than in other countries, and about half feel they cannot work as effectively from home. Faster internet and access to files/servers are needed to work more effectively remotely.
- Organizations have shifted brand messaging and imagery during the pandemic, with most addressing COVID-19 responses for customers. Nearly half have increased marketing spending due to COVID-19.
- Most expect changes to long-term strategy and marketing approaches as a result of the pandemic, including more long-term remote work. Compared to other countries,
This document summarizes the results of a survey about email usage among knowledge workers in various countries. Some key findings include:
- People in most countries spend 3+ hours per day checking work email and 1-2 hours on personal email, except in Japan which is lower. Indians spend the most time on work email.
- While most emails are opened, only around half are considered useful, especially in Japan, France and the UK.
- Most people check personal email or social media before work, though some resist checking work email until they arrive.
- About half of workers achieve an empty inbox ("inbox zero") on any given day, though in India most see this as an achievement.
- Only
The document analyzes data from an Adobe consumer experience survey conducted across multiple countries to understand consumer expectations for digital experiences and their views on technology. It finds that consumer experience expectations scores are highest in Australia/New Zealand and the US, and lowest in France and India. Consumers in different countries have varying preferences for human versus automated interactions and differing levels of optimism or concern regarding technology.
This document provides insights from Adobe's Experience Index survey of Japanese consumers. Some key findings include:
- Overall consumer experience expectations scores in Japan are 54% on average, consistent with scores in other countries. "Know Me and Respect Me" and "Delight Me at Every Turn" received the highest marks.
- Younger consumers aged 18-24 have the highest experience expectations scores. Concerns about privacy and job loss due to automation are increasing year-over-year.
- Consumers are most impressed by innovations that enhance real-world experiences. Addressing customer support and anticipating customer needs represents the biggest opportunity for improvement across industries.
Consumers in Japan were surveyed about their content engagement habits across devices and online platforms. Some key findings include:
- Nearly half of consumers use multiple devices constantly or frequently but typically only 2 devices at a time. Daily device usage averages 4.8 hours.
- TV streaming, digital displays and smart speakers are expected to be used most over the next 5 years.
- Retail stores and brand websites are important for research and purchases but social media is emerging for younger age groups.
- Content that is too wordy or poorly written is the most annoying to consumers and would cause many to abandon purchases. Few rated recent brand website experiences positively.
2018 Adobe consumer email survey - Japan reportAdobeJapanPR
The document is a report summarizing the results of an online survey of 1,000 white-collar workers in Japan regarding their email usage habits. Some key findings include:
- Most employees check their work and personal email at least every few hours, spending roughly an hour each day on work email and less time on personal email.
- While most check personal email before work, they generally do not check work email until arriving at the office. Smartphones are the preferred device for personal email and computers for work email.
- Around three-quarters of emails received are opened, with around four-fifths of opened work emails and two-thirds of opened personal emails being read. Employees expect their email usage to