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Career Networking
Introductions: Hello! Chris Frew Scientific Recruiting Manager TechUSA, Inc. --Professional Networker--
Career Networking: Basics NETWORKING? A  social  method by which opportunities are created through  various networks  of  like-minded  people. Essential trait within almost all successful people!
Career Networking: Why? Learn, share ideas and solve problems Build long term relationships Your career lasts a lifetime  Two minds are better than one? What about 3, 5, 25, 100 minds? Make sure others know about you Your success will be a direct result of the relationships that you build We are all in this world together
Career Networking: Where? Where should you be networking? School Class Group Projects Clubs Alumni Events Sports Events Seminars Work Work Teams Lunches Company Events Conferences Associations Philanthropy Social Groups Sports Teams Church Groups Clubs Online: Social Media and Online Networks Facebook Linked-In Blogs Publications Presentation Articles
Career Networking: Class Examples Class Examples???  Career Networking Presentation Hopkins Biotech Network Informational Interview: CMAST
Career Networking: Tips Start with a plan: What do you want? Job Promotion Mentor Service Information Strategic Partner Brainstorm for contacts Examples: Friends Family Neighbors Classmates Professors Alumni Co-workers Former Employers Teammates Colleagues Community members Cashiers/Clerks Drs / Dentist Auto Mechanic Accountants Lawyers Recruiters Insurance Agent
Career Networking: 3. Be Prepared: Remember:  networking is about marketing so be ready to advertise the right message Practice your  Elevator Pitch  I run a Life Science Recruiting and Staffing Firm and we specialize in finding and placing top tier scientific professionals for contract, contract-to-hire and permanent positions. Tools: Resume  have an  updated  copy on you at all times Business Cards Online Profiles
Career Networking: Online Utilize and Leverage The Internet Eliminates boundaries Identify favorable connections 24/7 Personal Marketing What does your online image say about you? Be Professional Be Real Be Remember-able Chris Frew:   Linked-In Summary: Recruiter, Social Philanthropist, Creative Marketing Specialist, Service Broker, loving fianc辿...all in a days work. I work hard to build close and meaningful relationships from which good business opportunities fortunately emerge for all involved.
Career Networking: 4.  Networking is about others first: What can you do to help others within your network?  What can I do to help you with your goals? The Law of Reciprocity  People are subconsciously motivated to reciprocate anything that is done to or for them . The best way to impress others, is to first be impressed by others  What goes around, comes around Always be willing to give and help others first Share useful articles Make favorable introductions
Career Networking: 5.  Take advice and Follow up If someone takes the time to give you advice or help you out, make sure you do what they say. You can loose valuable allies by neglecting the advice and help that is offered to you. Contact referrals immediately Prompt follow up is the KEY!!! You should always send thank you notes, letters or emails when someone has helped you It is also important to keep them updated on your progress, especially if they referred you to a colleague of theirs
Career Networking: What companies are looking for: The one trait that companies require for every job: Good Communication Skills!!! Networking is a great way to develop those skills  5   Traits That Hiring Managers Look For Ability & Suitability Willingness Manageability & Teamwork Professional Behavior Are you a problem solver?
Career Networking: General Tips Start with the right attitude Think of it like a game/competition Have a plan (long & short term) Develop a professional online image Network with others in mind Dont be afraid to ask for what you want Keep in touch  it will separate you from the rest Use all of your networks Keep track of your networks - Organization Smile
Career Networking: Questions?
Useful Resources: www.hopkinsbiotechnetwork.org www.linkedin.com www.helpareporter.com http://carey.jhu.edu/alumni/events/ www. techcouncilmd .com
How To Ace The Interview! Thank you!!! Chris Frew 410-584-9003 [email_address]

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Advancing Your Career through Professional Networking

  • 2. Introductions: Hello! Chris Frew Scientific Recruiting Manager TechUSA, Inc. --Professional Networker--
  • 3. Career Networking: Basics NETWORKING? A social method by which opportunities are created through various networks of like-minded people. Essential trait within almost all successful people!
  • 4. Career Networking: Why? Learn, share ideas and solve problems Build long term relationships Your career lasts a lifetime Two minds are better than one? What about 3, 5, 25, 100 minds? Make sure others know about you Your success will be a direct result of the relationships that you build We are all in this world together
  • 5. Career Networking: Where? Where should you be networking? School Class Group Projects Clubs Alumni Events Sports Events Seminars Work Work Teams Lunches Company Events Conferences Associations Philanthropy Social Groups Sports Teams Church Groups Clubs Online: Social Media and Online Networks Facebook Linked-In Blogs Publications Presentation Articles
  • 6. Career Networking: Class Examples Class Examples??? Career Networking Presentation Hopkins Biotech Network Informational Interview: CMAST
  • 7. Career Networking: Tips Start with a plan: What do you want? Job Promotion Mentor Service Information Strategic Partner Brainstorm for contacts Examples: Friends Family Neighbors Classmates Professors Alumni Co-workers Former Employers Teammates Colleagues Community members Cashiers/Clerks Drs / Dentist Auto Mechanic Accountants Lawyers Recruiters Insurance Agent
  • 8. Career Networking: 3. Be Prepared: Remember: networking is about marketing so be ready to advertise the right message Practice your Elevator Pitch I run a Life Science Recruiting and Staffing Firm and we specialize in finding and placing top tier scientific professionals for contract, contract-to-hire and permanent positions. Tools: Resume have an updated copy on you at all times Business Cards Online Profiles
  • 9. Career Networking: Online Utilize and Leverage The Internet Eliminates boundaries Identify favorable connections 24/7 Personal Marketing What does your online image say about you? Be Professional Be Real Be Remember-able Chris Frew: Linked-In Summary: Recruiter, Social Philanthropist, Creative Marketing Specialist, Service Broker, loving fianc辿...all in a days work. I work hard to build close and meaningful relationships from which good business opportunities fortunately emerge for all involved.
  • 10. Career Networking: 4. Networking is about others first: What can you do to help others within your network? What can I do to help you with your goals? The Law of Reciprocity People are subconsciously motivated to reciprocate anything that is done to or for them . The best way to impress others, is to first be impressed by others What goes around, comes around Always be willing to give and help others first Share useful articles Make favorable introductions
  • 11. Career Networking: 5. Take advice and Follow up If someone takes the time to give you advice or help you out, make sure you do what they say. You can loose valuable allies by neglecting the advice and help that is offered to you. Contact referrals immediately Prompt follow up is the KEY!!! You should always send thank you notes, letters or emails when someone has helped you It is also important to keep them updated on your progress, especially if they referred you to a colleague of theirs
  • 12. Career Networking: What companies are looking for: The one trait that companies require for every job: Good Communication Skills!!! Networking is a great way to develop those skills 5 Traits That Hiring Managers Look For Ability & Suitability Willingness Manageability & Teamwork Professional Behavior Are you a problem solver?
  • 13. Career Networking: General Tips Start with the right attitude Think of it like a game/competition Have a plan (long & short term) Develop a professional online image Network with others in mind Dont be afraid to ask for what you want Keep in touch it will separate you from the rest Use all of your networks Keep track of your networks - Organization Smile
  • 15. Useful Resources: www.hopkinsbiotechnetwork.org www.linkedin.com www.helpareporter.com http://carey.jhu.edu/alumni/events/ www. techcouncilmd .com
  • 16. How To Ace The Interview! Thank you!!! Chris Frew 410-584-9003 [email_address]