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Advertising [email_address]
We are, on average, subjected to at least 600 advertisement per day (Clow and Baack (2004)) And this figure is increasing as a result of an ever-expanding variety of media. Advertising  does not have to be expensive, but such as television and national printed media are likely to be beyond our budgets. (Masterman and Wood 2010) Advertising [email_address]
Advertising is just one component of an intergrated marketing communications, one of pormotional tools available. Advertising is all too frequently misunderstood to represent all promotional activity. Sometimes advertising and publicity are confused Publicity is subject to editorial alteration and modification Distinction between advertising and sales promotion (Masterman and Wood 2010) Role of advertising [email_address]
The use of advertising that drives customers to websites, where further and greater information can be delivered is perceived as being an effective and efficient way to spend an event advertising budget. (Masterman and Wood 2010) Role of advertising [email_address]
The Results of advertising show that it can positively affect awareness, attention, interest, perception, opinion, attitudes and sales. The Advertising works. It can communicate, at least often enough, with target markets and persuade them to revise their beliefs more positively and then act accordingly. (Masterman and Wood 2010) Does advertising make any sense? [email_address]
We try to erase problems concerning recognizability! We try to solve problems concerning our image! The ultimate aim for advertising is to stimulate sales and increase profits (Jobber 1998) Why do we advertise? [email_address]
Cognitive level Informational or rationalized arguments, statement of superiority, comparisons  Affective level Emotional messages, experienceses, feelings Conative Actions, behaviour Levels of  effects in Advertising [email_address]
Increase knowledge Change attitude Persuade to buy Sales increase as a result of advertising that creates strong differentiated brands (Jones, 1995) (Masterman and Wood 2010) How advertising works? [email_address]
Markkinointiviestint辰 Elaboration Likelihood Model What is said? How it is said? Opinnion Opinnion What is the most important?
Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
Individual passes through stages of  A wareness I nterest D esire A ction Opponents maintain that advertising does not convert but rather reinforces values, maintains brands and defends market share  (Ehrenberg2000) The hierarchy of effects [email_address]
Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action The Other hierarchy of effests, DAGMAR-model [email_address]
Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase The Other hierarchy of effests, Ladvidge-Steiner-model [email_address]
To inform To persuade To remind Advertising objectives [email_address]
The primary role of advertising is longer-term brand building. Develop market position and competive advantage. Correcting misconseptions hold by customers. To persuade customers by including testimonials. Building brand image [email_address]
High involment, big significance when purchasing. The involment could static or temporarily. Rational Functional Emotinal Low involment, no significance when purchasing. The Levels of involment [email_address]
Awareness is pre-condition of purchase for customers Awareness for partners, such as sponsors Creating awareness [email_address]
Once brand equity and a clear market position have been achieved, it is important to reinforce that awareness. To remind customers Awareness reinforcement [email_address]
To encourage action Youll never know until you try It had to be tried before it could be judged Stimulating action [email_address]
"Ladies! If only you checked your breasts the same way". [email_address]
Relevance Humor Creativity Clearness and simplicity The Features of good advertising [email_address]
Misconceptions of advertising To get bored with advertising Mistrust or to get angry in advertising The Reasons of misunderstanding in advertising [email_address]
Ethics in Advertising The Council of Ethics in Advertising issues statements on whether or not an advertisement or advertising practice is ethically acceptable. The Council mainly deals with requests from consumers and with issues that are deemed to have public significance.  The consumers may request the Council to give a statement of a certain advertisement. The Council of Ethics in Advertising
lehtori Kari Keuru, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu

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Advertising 25.1.11

  • 2. We are, on average, subjected to at least 600 advertisement per day (Clow and Baack (2004)) And this figure is increasing as a result of an ever-expanding variety of media. Advertising does not have to be expensive, but such as television and national printed media are likely to be beyond our budgets. (Masterman and Wood 2010) Advertising [email_address]
  • 3. Advertising is just one component of an intergrated marketing communications, one of pormotional tools available. Advertising is all too frequently misunderstood to represent all promotional activity. Sometimes advertising and publicity are confused Publicity is subject to editorial alteration and modification Distinction between advertising and sales promotion (Masterman and Wood 2010) Role of advertising [email_address]
  • 4. The use of advertising that drives customers to websites, where further and greater information can be delivered is perceived as being an effective and efficient way to spend an event advertising budget. (Masterman and Wood 2010) Role of advertising [email_address]
  • 5. The Results of advertising show that it can positively affect awareness, attention, interest, perception, opinion, attitudes and sales. The Advertising works. It can communicate, at least often enough, with target markets and persuade them to revise their beliefs more positively and then act accordingly. (Masterman and Wood 2010) Does advertising make any sense? [email_address]
  • 6. We try to erase problems concerning recognizability! We try to solve problems concerning our image! The ultimate aim for advertising is to stimulate sales and increase profits (Jobber 1998) Why do we advertise? [email_address]
  • 7. Cognitive level Informational or rationalized arguments, statement of superiority, comparisons Affective level Emotional messages, experienceses, feelings Conative Actions, behaviour Levels of effects in Advertising [email_address]
  • 8. Increase knowledge Change attitude Persuade to buy Sales increase as a result of advertising that creates strong differentiated brands (Jones, 1995) (Masterman and Wood 2010) How advertising works? [email_address]
  • 10. Markkinointiviestint辰 Elaboration Likelihood Model What is said? How it is said? Opinnion Opinnion What is the most important?
  • 11. Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
  • 12. Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
  • 13. Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
  • 14. Esityskalvot, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu
  • 15. Individual passes through stages of A wareness I nterest D esire A ction Opponents maintain that advertising does not convert but rather reinforces values, maintains brands and defends market share (Ehrenberg2000) The hierarchy of effects [email_address]
  • 16. Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action The Other hierarchy of effests, DAGMAR-model [email_address]
  • 17. Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase The Other hierarchy of effests, Ladvidge-Steiner-model [email_address]
  • 18. To inform To persuade To remind Advertising objectives [email_address]
  • 19. The primary role of advertising is longer-term brand building. Develop market position and competive advantage. Correcting misconseptions hold by customers. To persuade customers by including testimonials. Building brand image [email_address]
  • 20. High involment, big significance when purchasing. The involment could static or temporarily. Rational Functional Emotinal Low involment, no significance when purchasing. The Levels of involment [email_address]
  • 21. Awareness is pre-condition of purchase for customers Awareness for partners, such as sponsors Creating awareness [email_address]
  • 22. Once brand equity and a clear market position have been achieved, it is important to reinforce that awareness. To remind customers Awareness reinforcement [email_address]
  • 23. To encourage action Youll never know until you try It had to be tried before it could be judged Stimulating action [email_address]
  • 33. "Ladies! If only you checked your breasts the same way". [email_address]
  • 34. Relevance Humor Creativity Clearness and simplicity The Features of good advertising [email_address]
  • 35. Misconceptions of advertising To get bored with advertising Mistrust or to get angry in advertising The Reasons of misunderstanding in advertising [email_address]
  • 36. Ethics in Advertising The Council of Ethics in Advertising issues statements on whether or not an advertisement or advertising practice is ethically acceptable. The Council mainly deals with requests from consumers and with issues that are deemed to have public significance. The consumers may request the Council to give a statement of a certain advertisement. The Council of Ethics in Advertising
  • 37. lehtori Kari Keuru, Versio 0.2 息 Humanistinen amma t tikorkeakoulu