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Sponsorship [email_address]
Just  Rubbish!  Exhibition about medieval sewage systems and rubbish, Pelkk辰辰 roskaa!, sponsored by Finnish waste management company.
ANTERO KARE  Moosedeer   ARS NOVA 4.4. - 9.6.02 Living art sculptures covered by bacterial growth, sponsored by none.
What are your own experience about sponsorship? Have you been involved in sponsorship project? Have you acquired and found sponsors for event etc.? Disscussion
B.C.-1600-The Era of Patronage Counselor of Ceasar August, Maecenas, a nobleman, financed easy life of famous poets Verilgil and Horazin. Ceasars financed gladiator battles. In the Middle age individuals sponsored artists.  The Medici family in Florence and Sforci family in Milan are among the most famous families of the time who encouraged the arts through their patronage. The History of sponsorship
1631-The Advent of Advertising In 1631, a French newspaper ran a classified ad. 1704, a Boston newspaper printed a display advertisement In 1861 Australian catering company Spiers & Pound sponsored English Cricket  team game-tour in Australia. A Soccer team in Blackburn (England) was sponsored by local iron factory and a soccer team, Nottingham Forest, was sponsored by Bovril 1898. The History of sponsorship
1910-1970 The Early Pioneers Baseball was sponsored by Gillette in 1910. The Olympic Games of Amsterdam, in 1928 was sponsored by Coca Cola. Firestone and Bosch have been sponsors of the Indianapolis 500 since 1911. The Eveready Hour was the first sponsored radio program in 1924 In 1956, The Kentucky Derby Festival was the first festival to have a title sponsor for one of its events: Philip Morris Festival of Stars The History of sponsorship
The First sponsors in Finland were manufactures of household appliances, e.g.  Rosenlew and Upo: RU-38 (Rosenlewin urheilijat) ja Upon pallo in 1960s. 1970-1984-The Era of Development 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games collected $400 million worth of sponsorship
What are the main reasons for development of sponsorship? Disscussion
NOKIA,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fGarj-e4D4 CARLSBERG,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPNmNxc_QJY KENTUCKY DERBY FESTIVAL,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chFi951dUdw Some examples around the world
What kind of targets sponsors had for sponsorship? What kind of publicity sponsors received? What is the Strength of Kentucky Derby Festival according to video? Disscussion
The total Value of sponsorship in 2009 was 151 million  and 2008 it was 179 million .  The Drop was about 16 %. Also amount of investment  (69 million ) to utilization of sponsorship, dropped 31 %.  The Association of Finnish Advertisers http://www.mainostajat.fi/mliitto/index.asp http://www.mainostajat.fi/mliitto/sivut/Sponsorointibarometri2010.pdf油 The Numbers of sponsorship in Finland
In Norway, sponsoring is the second most used advertising media, following direct newspaper advertising, and ranks just ahead of TV advertising. In Norway, approximately 3.2 billion NOK (399 million ) is used for sponsoring. (Olson, Thj淡m淡e and Br淡nn, 2002) And to compare e.g. in Norway
A study performed in Norway in 2001 among 400 companies showed that, on average, companies used about 9.8 % of their advertising budget on sponsoring. Of this, 32 % was used to sponsor sports.  The rest was used to support medical research, cultural events and educational organization. The main objective for this sponsoring was stated to be grabbing attention (Olson, Thj淡m淡e and Br淡nn, 2002) e.g. In Norway
Look over the the sponsorship barometer in groups! Finnish students translate essential words in rapport! Study statistical numbers and try  to find out what kind of changes has taken place! Do you find any trends? What sponsors are looking for in sponsorship in you opinnion? Groupwork
 Sponsorship is a mutually advantageous relationship between people or organizations in which the sponsor provides benefits for the sponsored in exchange for an association with a sport, events,  facilities or sport participants. European Council (1981)
 In general, sponsorship can be illustrated as a  mutually beneficial business relationship  between two parties being named as sponsor (usually  companies) and sponsored. Rami Olkkonen (2001)
 Sponsorship is a business method for communicating and marketing which, in the short and long term, has the aim of contributing to the sponsors brand awareness and image, as well as increasing the sponsors sales.  Sponsorship should benefit all those involved, and lead to a result that can be measured against predefined  objectives. Jiffer and Ross (1999)
 Sponsorship is a mutually advantageous business relationship between parties in which the sponsor provides benefits for the sponsored in exchange for a result that can be measured against pre-defined  objectives. David Ross (2008)
Sponsorship is not a form of charity, It is a business relationship. It is mutually advantegeous. Both partners has beneficial aims. Companies are sponsoring a sport or an event that has an image close to the companys present image or an image close to the image that the company might try to achieve. The Sponsor objects image will be transferred to the sponsor over time. Whats all about in sponsorship?
Shared values and  desired image
 In The good sponsorship capitalism and idealism are integrated. Per Gyllenhammar (1980-l.) IDEALISM Capitalism The Good Sponsorship
The effects of sponsorship increase when motivation or reasons for the sponsorship is introduced. Its not enough to sponsor, you also have to tell the audience that you are sponsoring and why you are doing it. Sponsoring is a cheap and profitable way to communicate with your customers ( Associate Professor Hans Mathias Thj淡m淡e, Ph.D.) The Basics of Sponsoring
Communicate through the sponsorship Audience Sponsor Sponsored Media
SPONSOR SPONSORED GOALS OBJECITVES Sponsor partners are different with their own unique set of marketing goals and objectives .
Sponsor partners and effectiveness Some companies perceive sponsoring as expenditure and not an investment in future profit.  Sponsoring is a very cost effective form of marketing communications/corporate communications, and is looked upon by more and more companies as an important communication tool, not just the managements playground.
Sponsorship Process
Study in groups sponsorship in internationally! Find statistics or reports! Find out trends in sponsorship! Groupwork
The End

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Sponsorship 13.1.2011

  • 2. Just Rubbish! Exhibition about medieval sewage systems and rubbish, Pelkk辰辰 roskaa!, sponsored by Finnish waste management company.
  • 3. ANTERO KARE Moosedeer ARS NOVA 4.4. - 9.6.02 Living art sculptures covered by bacterial growth, sponsored by none.
  • 4. What are your own experience about sponsorship? Have you been involved in sponsorship project? Have you acquired and found sponsors for event etc.? Disscussion
  • 5. B.C.-1600-The Era of Patronage Counselor of Ceasar August, Maecenas, a nobleman, financed easy life of famous poets Verilgil and Horazin. Ceasars financed gladiator battles. In the Middle age individuals sponsored artists. The Medici family in Florence and Sforci family in Milan are among the most famous families of the time who encouraged the arts through their patronage. The History of sponsorship
  • 6. 1631-The Advent of Advertising In 1631, a French newspaper ran a classified ad. 1704, a Boston newspaper printed a display advertisement In 1861 Australian catering company Spiers & Pound sponsored English Cricket team game-tour in Australia. A Soccer team in Blackburn (England) was sponsored by local iron factory and a soccer team, Nottingham Forest, was sponsored by Bovril 1898. The History of sponsorship
  • 7. 1910-1970 The Early Pioneers Baseball was sponsored by Gillette in 1910. The Olympic Games of Amsterdam, in 1928 was sponsored by Coca Cola. Firestone and Bosch have been sponsors of the Indianapolis 500 since 1911. The Eveready Hour was the first sponsored radio program in 1924 In 1956, The Kentucky Derby Festival was the first festival to have a title sponsor for one of its events: Philip Morris Festival of Stars The History of sponsorship
  • 8. The First sponsors in Finland were manufactures of household appliances, e.g. Rosenlew and Upo: RU-38 (Rosenlewin urheilijat) ja Upon pallo in 1960s. 1970-1984-The Era of Development 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games collected $400 million worth of sponsorship
  • 9. What are the main reasons for development of sponsorship? Disscussion
  • 10. NOKIA, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fGarj-e4D4 CARLSBERG, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPNmNxc_QJY KENTUCKY DERBY FESTIVAL, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chFi951dUdw Some examples around the world
  • 11. What kind of targets sponsors had for sponsorship? What kind of publicity sponsors received? What is the Strength of Kentucky Derby Festival according to video? Disscussion
  • 12. The total Value of sponsorship in 2009 was 151 million and 2008 it was 179 million . The Drop was about 16 %. Also amount of investment (69 million ) to utilization of sponsorship, dropped 31 %. The Association of Finnish Advertisers http://www.mainostajat.fi/mliitto/index.asp http://www.mainostajat.fi/mliitto/sivut/Sponsorointibarometri2010.pdf油 The Numbers of sponsorship in Finland
  • 13. In Norway, sponsoring is the second most used advertising media, following direct newspaper advertising, and ranks just ahead of TV advertising. In Norway, approximately 3.2 billion NOK (399 million ) is used for sponsoring. (Olson, Thj淡m淡e and Br淡nn, 2002) And to compare e.g. in Norway
  • 14. A study performed in Norway in 2001 among 400 companies showed that, on average, companies used about 9.8 % of their advertising budget on sponsoring. Of this, 32 % was used to sponsor sports. The rest was used to support medical research, cultural events and educational organization. The main objective for this sponsoring was stated to be grabbing attention (Olson, Thj淡m淡e and Br淡nn, 2002) e.g. In Norway
  • 15. Look over the the sponsorship barometer in groups! Finnish students translate essential words in rapport! Study statistical numbers and try to find out what kind of changes has taken place! Do you find any trends? What sponsors are looking for in sponsorship in you opinnion? Groupwork
  • 16. Sponsorship is a mutually advantageous relationship between people or organizations in which the sponsor provides benefits for the sponsored in exchange for an association with a sport, events, facilities or sport participants. European Council (1981)
  • 17. In general, sponsorship can be illustrated as a mutually beneficial business relationship between two parties being named as sponsor (usually companies) and sponsored. Rami Olkkonen (2001)
  • 18. Sponsorship is a business method for communicating and marketing which, in the short and long term, has the aim of contributing to the sponsors brand awareness and image, as well as increasing the sponsors sales. Sponsorship should benefit all those involved, and lead to a result that can be measured against predefined objectives. Jiffer and Ross (1999)
  • 19. Sponsorship is a mutually advantageous business relationship between parties in which the sponsor provides benefits for the sponsored in exchange for a result that can be measured against pre-defined objectives. David Ross (2008)
  • 21. Sponsorship is not a form of charity, It is a business relationship. It is mutually advantegeous. Both partners has beneficial aims. Companies are sponsoring a sport or an event that has an image close to the companys present image or an image close to the image that the company might try to achieve. The Sponsor objects image will be transferred to the sponsor over time. Whats all about in sponsorship?
  • 22. Shared values and desired image
  • 23. In The good sponsorship capitalism and idealism are integrated. Per Gyllenhammar (1980-l.) IDEALISM Capitalism The Good Sponsorship
  • 24. The effects of sponsorship increase when motivation or reasons for the sponsorship is introduced. Its not enough to sponsor, you also have to tell the audience that you are sponsoring and why you are doing it. Sponsoring is a cheap and profitable way to communicate with your customers ( Associate Professor Hans Mathias Thj淡m淡e, Ph.D.) The Basics of Sponsoring
  • 25. Communicate through the sponsorship Audience Sponsor Sponsored Media
  • 26. SPONSOR SPONSORED GOALS OBJECITVES Sponsor partners are different with their own unique set of marketing goals and objectives .
  • 27. Sponsor partners and effectiveness Some companies perceive sponsoring as expenditure and not an investment in future profit. Sponsoring is a very cost effective form of marketing communications/corporate communications, and is looked upon by more and more companies as an important communication tool, not just the managements playground.
  • 29. Study in groups sponsorship in internationally! Find statistics or reports! Find out trends in sponsorship! Groupwork

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Tuottajan ty旦v辰lineet - markkinointi ja tiedottaminen
  • #4: Tuottajan ty旦v辰lineet - markkinointi ja tiedottaminen Mold, mildew, anthrax
  • #13: As a result, sponsoring and advertising is the first activity dropped when the economy weakens.
  • #24: Tuottajan ty旦v辰lineet - markkinointi ja tiedottaminen
  • #26: Tuottajan ty旦v辰lineet - markkinointi ja tiedottaminen
  • #27: Tuottajan ty旦v辰lineet - markkinointi ja tiedottaminen