This document provides information about designing a jumpsuit line targeted towards the bohemian lifestyle. It outlines customer demographics as mid-late 20s, male and female, living in Austin, TX earning $60-100k. Psychographics include being cultured, nature-loving, eco-friendly free thinkers. Past jumpsuit trends from the 1920s to 2000s are described. The concept draws from original hippies and beatniks as a reaction to social/political changes. Proposed products include jumpsuits in khaki, dust, herb, salvage and brawn colors inspired by the movement. Potential stockists are listed as vintage stores in Austin.
3. Customer Profile
Mid-late 20s
Female and male
Austin, TX
Cultured/ worldly
Nature loving
Appreciates good quality
Down to earth
Free and independent thinker
4. Past Trends
Invented by Thayat in 1919
Baggy + dull color: 1920s-1940s
Semi-tight capri pants - 1950s
Floral + bright prints - 1960s
Bell-bottom pants - 1970s
Long sleeves + skinny pants - 1980s
Denim/one-colored - 1990s
Low cut - 2000s
5. Zeitgeist and Future Influences
Concept here derives from the original hippies,
descendants of the beatnik culture
Hippie culture was a direct result to social and
political changes from the post-war era
Make love not war - motto can be seen in the communal
living at Haight-Ashbury (California) and Woodstock (New
York) where musicians like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin
revolutionized ideas about gender, sex, music, drugs and
Movement of today reacts to social and political control
of gender, culture and environmental rules
6. Colors + Theme
Conformist - As
khaki based
colors were used
in wartime
uniforms, this
hue evokes a
sense of irony,
as the
collection is
based on a
Dust - Tiny
particles of the
most essential
Earth matter,
connecting the
hippie culture to
its most primal
Herb - The
of a classic
Salvage - The
perfect color in
depicting the
cruciality of
products and
fabrics, to
eliminate our
carbon footprint
on planet Earth.
Brawn - A
representation of the
stedfast attitudes of
the hippie
personified through
the strength of
8. Companies
SoCo vintage stores
Feathers Boutique Vintage
Prototype Vintage Design
Other vintage shops
New Bohemia
Monkeys Vintage and Print
Charm School Vintage
Blue Velvet