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Ahmad Daoud Taleb Mousa
Nablus St, Aljalzoon, Ramallah,
Palestine (+972)
Tel: 022813425
Mobile: 0598641249
Date of Birth: 01/01/1990
Gender: (Male)
Marital Status: (Single)
Nationality: Palestinian
University of Birzeit, Faculty of Commerce and Economy, Ramallah,
BSc major in finance and banking and minor program in business
administration (good honor). (2007-2011)
High schooldegree of science Palestine,al-Amir Hasanhigh school.
Quds Bank - Ramallah, Palestine. (March 2015- Present)
Present)-(March 2015epartmentDuditingAInternalAuditorInternal
Evaluating, and examining policies and procedures and systems in the Bank.
Evaluating the reliability and integrity of information and the efficient and effective
use of resources.
Reviewing compliance with policies, procedures and regulations.
Reporting results and making recommendations to the Internal Audit Manager.
Following-up on the progress of implementation of recommendations and
directions included in the reports.
Participating in process and internal control improvement initiatives.
Demonstrate high standards of conduct and ethics as well as appropriate judgment,
independence and discretion.
Performing other related duties as assigned by the Office of Internal Audit .
Bank of Jordan- Ramallah, Palestine. (February 2012- March 2015)
October(departmentRCS and treasuryclerkschequeElectronic clearing
2014- March 2015).
-(February 2012tdepartmendepositscentral-Employeechequesdated-ostP
september 2014).
Key responsibilities:
dated checks that related to the customers' accounts,-Deposit and withdraw post
of 700 checks per day)proximity(aand sort them by bank and by date.
Get out payable checks to the issuance of the Clearing House.
Do some additional functions of matching statements and checks reports for
Open accounts for customers and update their data during an intervals to be
determined by the Bank.
fromWork in the Department of bank loans (receiving loan applications
customers, make sure to match applicants with the terms of the loans by making sure
that their financial situation in the Central Bank is Good).
Al-Zinati fuel Company in Ramallah-Palestine (2009-2011)
Sports, reading and writing novels, new technologies.
Cairo  Amman bank, Palestine. (During month of October, year
In different branch activities (loans section, teller, customer service Office
and money transfer section).
Bank of Jordan, Palestine. (10. March 2012-10. April
Time management training course.
Palestinianbanking institute, Palestine. (21. March 2015-28. March
Modern approachfor internal audit reporting.
EY Institution, Palestine. (8. June 2015-10. June 2015)
Internal audit: documentation and reporting.
Language: -Fluent in Arabic and English (reading, writing
and speaking)
:Computer knowledge
typing fast in English,MS Office programsWindows, SPSS, Photoshop,-
and Arabic.
Professional skills:
 Ability to prepare business and academic proposals.
 Excellent in using computer software.
 Good personalcommunication skills.
 Strong personality.
 Work with team as individuals.
 Commitment in time and deadlines.
Other skills:
 communication skills
 Problem solving
 Ability to work under pressure
 Basic knowledge of PC and computer software
 Professional appearance
 Service Customers
 A member of AL-Ameer Hasan high school football team. (2006)
 Participation in many volunteer activities in the university. (2007-2011)
 Member of bank of Jordan football team. (2012-prsent)

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Ahmad Mousa

  • 1. Ahmad Daoud Taleb Mousa Nablus St, Aljalzoon, Ramallah, Palestine (+972) Tel: 022813425 Mobile: 0598641249 a_d_t_2006@hotmail.commail-E PERSONALINFORMATION: Date of Birth: 01/01/1990 Gender: (Male) Marital Status: (Single) Nationality: Palestinian EDUCATION: University of Birzeit, Faculty of Commerce and Economy, Ramallah, Palestine. BSc major in finance and banking and minor program in business administration (good honor). (2007-2011) High schooldegree of science Palestine,al-Amir Hasanhigh school. (2006)year
  • 2. EXPERIENCE: Quds Bank - Ramallah, Palestine. (March 2015- Present) Present)-(March 2015epartmentDuditingAInternalAuditorInternal :responsibilitiesKey Evaluating, and examining policies and procedures and systems in the Bank. Evaluating the reliability and integrity of information and the efficient and effective use of resources. Reviewing compliance with policies, procedures and regulations. Reporting results and making recommendations to the Internal Audit Manager. Following-up on the progress of implementation of recommendations and directions included in the reports. Participating in process and internal control improvement initiatives. Demonstrate high standards of conduct and ethics as well as appropriate judgment, independence and discretion. Performing other related duties as assigned by the Office of Internal Audit . Bank of Jordan- Ramallah, Palestine. (February 2012- March 2015) October(departmentRCS and treasuryclerkschequeElectronic clearing 2014- March 2015). -(February 2012tdepartmendepositscentral-Employeechequesdated-ostP september 2014). Key responsibilities: dated checks that related to the customers' accounts,-Deposit and withdraw post of 700 checks per day)proximity(aand sort them by bank and by date. Get out payable checks to the issuance of the Clearing House. Do some additional functions of matching statements and checks reports for accuracy. Open accounts for customers and update their data during an intervals to be determined by the Bank. fromWork in the Department of bank loans (receiving loan applications customers, make sure to match applicants with the terms of the loans by making sure that their financial situation in the Central Bank is Good).
  • 3. Al-Zinati fuel Company in Ramallah-Palestine (2009-2011) 2011)-(2009Accountant Interests: Sports, reading and writing novels, new technologies. TRAINING: Cairo Amman bank, Palestine. (During month of October, year 2011) In different branch activities (loans section, teller, customer service Office and money transfer section). Bank of Jordan, Palestine. (10. March 2012-10. April 2012) Time management training course. Palestinianbanking institute, Palestine. (21. March 2015-28. March 2015) Modern approachfor internal audit reporting. EY Institution, Palestine. (8. June 2015-10. June 2015) Internal audit: documentation and reporting. Skills: Language: -Fluent in Arabic and English (reading, writing and speaking)
  • 4. :Computer knowledge typing fast in English,MS Office programsWindows, SPSS, Photoshop,- and Arabic. Professional skills: Ability to prepare business and academic proposals. Excellent in using computer software. Good personalcommunication skills. Strong personality. Work with team as individuals. Commitment in time and deadlines. Other skills: banking communication skills Teamwork Negotiation Problem solving Organization Ability to work under pressure Confidence Typing Basic knowledge of PC and computer software Flexibility Professional appearance Service Customers Listening Loyal Precise OTHER INFORMATION: A member of AL-Ameer Hasan high school football team. (2006) Participation in many volunteer activities in the university. (2007-2011) Member of bank of Jordan football team. (2012-prsent)