Ambients al RoserCoordinacioinfantilEls ambients que fem a l'escola Mare de Déu del Roser.
Ambients roser segon trimestreCoordinacioinfantilEste documento describe las actividades planeadas para un segundo trimestre en un ambiente infantil. Las actividades incluyen jugar con luces, construcciones, arte, juego simbólico y un mundo teatral para experimentar.
Ppt cos 16 17roserprimerThe document discusses learning about the human skeletal system through a cooperative group activity. Students will each contribute an idea to build an understanding of the skeletal system. They will then reflect on what they have learned about how the human body works on the inside.
ʰàcoordinacioprimariaThis document discusses strategies for cooperative learning in school. It advocates learning from each other in groups and considering multiple intelligences and perspectives. Various techniques are proposed to structure group work, including different dynamics, listening exercises, debating formats, and sharing experiences to empower students as protagonists in their own learning. The overall message is that together through cooperation, students can be much stronger.
ʰòroserprimerThe document describes a prehistoric experience at Can Canadell where children made clay necklaces, authentic cave paintings, and huts turning themselves into prehistoric humans. They also lit fires in the dark caves and had a quina por, or acorn porridge. It concludes that it was time to leave after the prehistoric experience.
Visitem la biblioteca Agustí Centelles !roserprimerVisitem la biblioteca Agustí Centelles !
Linea de tiempo ADNFacundo SusarteAcá dejo un muy breve linea de tiempo del ADN, espero que les sirva, también tiene imagenes para relacionar mejor los conceptos. Good luck !
Presentacion dia del niñoYuri BanegasEl documento describe un pasaje bíblico en el que Jesús recibe niños y los bendice, a pesar de que los discípulos trataban de impedirlo. Jesús se enoja con los discípulos porque, para él, los niños son importantes y pueden acceder al reino de Dios, al igual que los adultos. El documento también celebra el día de los niños.
CONSTRUCCIÓ COET coordinaciosecundariaThe document provides instructions for building a paper rocket in Spanish. It outlines the steps of measuring, cutting out the five sides of the rocket template, gluing them together, decorating the rocket with harmonious and complementary colors as well as textures and shapes, and completing the homemade rocket.
Ppt cos 16 17roserprimerThe document discusses learning about the human skeletal system through a cooperative group activity. Students will each contribute an idea to build an understanding of the skeletal system. They will then reflect on what they have learned about how the human body works on the inside.
ʰàcoordinacioprimariaThis document discusses strategies for cooperative learning in school. It advocates learning from each other in groups and considering multiple intelligences and perspectives. Various techniques are proposed to structure group work, including different dynamics, listening exercises, debating formats, and sharing experiences to empower students as protagonists in their own learning. The overall message is that together through cooperation, students can be much stronger.
ʰòroserprimerThe document describes a prehistoric experience at Can Canadell where children made clay necklaces, authentic cave paintings, and huts turning themselves into prehistoric humans. They also lit fires in the dark caves and had a quina por, or acorn porridge. It concludes that it was time to leave after the prehistoric experience.
Visitem la biblioteca Agustí Centelles !roserprimerVisitem la biblioteca Agustí Centelles !
Linea de tiempo ADNFacundo SusarteAcá dejo un muy breve linea de tiempo del ADN, espero que les sirva, también tiene imagenes para relacionar mejor los conceptos. Good luck !
Presentacion dia del niñoYuri BanegasEl documento describe un pasaje bíblico en el que Jesús recibe niños y los bendice, a pesar de que los discípulos trataban de impedirlo. Jesús se enoja con los discípulos porque, para él, los niños son importantes y pueden acceder al reino de Dios, al igual que los adultos. El documento también celebra el día de los niños.
CONSTRUCCIÓ COET coordinaciosecundariaThe document provides instructions for building a paper rocket in Spanish. It outlines the steps of measuring, cutting out the five sides of the rocket template, gluing them together, decorating the rocket with harmonious and complementary colors as well as textures and shapes, and completing the homemade rocket.
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