Акафист Ангелу-ХранителюDimOK ADАкафист Ангелу-Хранителю
(трудность выбора в сложной ситуации; для желающих создать семью, вступить в брак)
читается в понедельник - 20.30
Think all realtors offer#2 1.ppt 2013 -Michael J. Roza - Realtor,QSC, CDPEThe document describes how a real estate agent, Michael J. Roza, helped transform a run-down former rental property into a highly profitable sale. Michael oversaw cosmetic renovations over nine weeks that increased the home's estimated value from $875K-$900K to an "AS IS" sale of $1,150K, netting the owners over $100K more than expected. The summary highlights Michael's vision and hands-on work that delivered significant financial benefits for his clients and attracted multiple offers. It invites contacting Michael for more information on the services he provides.
Acknowledging information in a paperEleazar NoviAndonoSources of information for research can include books, magazines, newspapers, journals, seminar papers, research papers, the internet, interviews, videos, and one's own opinions and experiences.
Think all realtors_offer_the_same_services #1 2013Michael J. Roza - Realtor,QSC, CDPEThis real estate agent transformed a run-down house in just 10 weeks by completely overhauling the exterior, renovating all rooms, installing new fixtures and flooring, and removing 40 years worth of personal items and debris without help from the sellers. Through overseeing all repairs, improvements, and demolition, coordinating contractors, and personally assisting with tasks, the agent helped the sellers net over $150K more than expected after renovations. The transformation attracted multiple cash offers over the listing price, showing how extra services can yield significantly higher sale prices.
Agile planningJuan BandaThis document discusses agile planning techniques, including estimating story sizes using planning poker. It recommends that the product owner have all stories sized before the first sprint using planning poker to estimate relative sizes quickly and without bias. The product owner can then use these estimates to create a release plan and update it during sprints as new stories are added or split. It also discusses when stories should be re-estimated, such as when their relative size changes or when goal-level stories are split into smaller stories. Velocity is also discussed as a way to estimate future sprints based on the team's past performance.
Final presentationEleazar NoviAndonoFast food may be addictive in the same way as drugs like heroin and cocaine due to the high fat, salt, and sugar content. Fast food should be avoided because it has poor nutritional value and contributes to obesity and health issues, causes environmental damage through packaging waste and pollution, and promotes a bad habit of unhealthy eating in society.
Think all realtors_offer_the_same_services #1 2013Michael J. Roza - Realtor,QSC, CDPEThis real estate agent transformed a run-down house in just 10 weeks by completely overhauling the exterior, renovating all rooms, installing new fixtures and flooring, and removing 40 years worth of personal items and debris without help from the sellers. Through overseeing all repairs, improvements, and demolition, coordinating contractors, and personally assisting with tasks, the agent helped the sellers net over $150K more than expected after renovations. The transformation attracted multiple cash offers over the listing price, showing how extra services can yield significantly higher sale prices.
Agile planningJuan BandaThis document discusses agile planning techniques, including estimating story sizes using planning poker. It recommends that the product owner have all stories sized before the first sprint using planning poker to estimate relative sizes quickly and without bias. The product owner can then use these estimates to create a release plan and update it during sprints as new stories are added or split. It also discusses when stories should be re-estimated, such as when their relative size changes or when goal-level stories are split into smaller stories. Velocity is also discussed as a way to estimate future sprints based on the team's past performance.
Final presentationEleazar NoviAndonoFast food may be addictive in the same way as drugs like heroin and cocaine due to the high fat, salt, and sugar content. Fast food should be avoided because it has poor nutritional value and contributes to obesity and health issues, causes environmental damage through packaging waste and pollution, and promotes a bad habit of unhealthy eating in society.
Акафист св.муч. Авраамию, Болгарскому чудотворцуDimOK ADАкафист св.муч. Авраамию, Болгарскому чудотворцу
(о покровительстве и успехе в торговле, личном предпринимательстве; и особо о болящих младенцах)
читается во вторник - 20.30
Акафист Божией Матери в честь иконы Её «Неупиваемая Чаша»DimOK ADАкафист Божией Матери в честь иконы Её «Неупиваемая Чаша»
(о страдающих пьянством, наркоманией, курением, блудом)
читается в среду - 20.00
Акафист Божией Матери в честь иконы Её «Умягчение злых сердец»DimOK ADАкафист Божией Матери в честь иконы Её «Умягчение злых сердец»
(о примирении враждующих)
читается в среду - 20.30
Акафист Пресвятой Богородице в честь иконы Её «Всецарица»DimOK ADАкафист Пресвятой Богородице в честь иконы Её «Всецарица»
(о страждущих от рака)
читается в среду - 21.00