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Topic: Chapter 1 Readers, writer and texts
Course: Narrative Across Media
Lectured by Mr. Say Sokunpharoth
Members of group II:
1. Heng MeyMey 2. Kim Sreyny
3. Nov Sreyneth 4. Lang Saren
Table of contents
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
02 | Exploring visual literacy
03 | Having a sense of humour
 Who is Sylvia Plath?
 An American poet (19321963) known for her vivid
and emotional poetry.
 Published one major poetry collection, Colossus,
early in her career.
 Why focus on nature imagery?
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
a) Introduction
 Start with broad ideas and refine after
> Broad question: "How does Plath use nature
imagery to express emotions? "
> Focus on patterns and themes, not just
gathering evidence for a pre-decided argument.
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
b) Defining the Topic
> questions to guide research:

How does Plath use nature imagery to reflect identity and emotions?

How does Plath turn concepts into visual images through nature?
Narrowing: From "nature imagery," focus specifically on trees in Colossus.
Example: Think of trees as symbols. A strong, tall tree might symbolize hope or
resilience, while a bare, broken tree might represent sadness or emptiness. Plath
often uses these contrasts in her work.
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
c) Beginning the Exploration
 Reread the poems in Colossus.
 Identify tree imagery and list examples in a table.
 Analyze each image's effect and meaning.
Example : In Colossus, Plath might describe trees as "fossils" to show how
emotions like grief or trauma make her feel stuck, as if time has stopped.
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
d) Collecting Evidence
Use color-coding to group related themes in the evidence:
Green: Personal memories (childhood, family).
Red: Social/historical issues (poverty, Holocaust).
Blue: Inner conflicts (identity, emotions).
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
e) Identifying Patterns
> Expand exploration by fruit imagery
01 | An approach to the higher level essay
e) Identifying Patterns
Quote Explanation
The apples rot
in their places.
Think of an apple
tree in fall. When
the fruit falls to
the ground and
rots, it could
remind you of
things that were
once beautiful but
have now been
neglected or lost.
> Graphic novels share elements
like characters, setting, and
storyline with traditional novels,
but they also rely on visuals to
convey meaning.
02 | Exploring visual literacy
 Graphic Novels vs. Traditional
 Panels: Panels are boxes containing parts of the story, arranged
sequentially (not always in a straight line).
 Closure: Readers fill in missing details, like imagining a
characters full body even if only part is shown.
 Gutter: The space between panels represents the time and
motion between scenes.
02 | Exploring visual literacy
o Key Features of Graphic Novels:
 Transitions: Panels can show changes in time,
action, or perspectives, requiring readers to interpret
 Visual Style: Artists can draw detailed or abstract
images, which affect how readers understand the
 Speech Bubbles and Captions: Used for dialogue
and narration.
02 | Exploring visual literacy
o Key Features of Graphic Novels:
 Art Techniques
Lines and colors create effects (e.g., showing sound), and speech
bubbles or captions tell the story.
Example Analysis:
The story of Paul Crystal and his cats uses graphic conventions,
like captions and visuals, to humorously show his lifestyle and work
in design.
In my point of view, the text emphasizes how graphic novels
combine art and storytelling in unique ways, engaging readers'
02 | Exploring visual literacy
All Over Coffee by Paul Madonna is a
unique graphic art series that combines
complex imagery with intuitive music.
 Madonnas creative process is
remarkable, as she often begins by
selecting an idea or concept from her
02 | Exploring visual literacy
 Graphic art and the real Musings and the city
* Richard Feynman's Graphic Biography: Celebrating an Intellectual Legacy
In contrast, the graphic biography "Feynman" by Ottaviani and Myrick tells
the story of Richard Feynman, the famous American physicist who won the
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.
02 | Exploring visual literacy
 The graphic biography of a Nobel prize winner
Through this graphic biography, Ottaviani and Myrick celebrate
Feynman's intellectual legacy by providing a compelling perspective on his
unique characteristics.
03 | Having a sense of humour
 The Nature of Humor: What constitutes
humor, including examples of jokes and their
 Stories: The text mentions Mark Twain,
famous for his clever humor and funny
stories. He often used satire to criticize
society while keeping readers entertained.
03 | Having a sense of humour
 Cultural Differences: Shows how humor changes across
cultures. What is funny in one culture may not be funny in
 Examples: A joke that works in one culture might not work in
another because of different values, traditions, or social norms.
 Mark Twains Perspective: Talks about Mark Twains ideas on
humor and how it helps with communication and storytelling.
 Irony: Saying
the opposite of
what you mean
to show
something is
comedy, such as
slipping on a
banana peel.
Jokes that use words
with different
meanings, like
Time flies like an
arrow; fruit flies like
a banana.
03 | Having a sense of humour
 Humour as a Tool: Humour can help people deal with
problems, criticize society, or form connections.
 Types of Humour:
03 | Having a sense of humour

Practice Activities: Includes questions or activities to
help readers understand humor or recognize how it
works in social situations.

Tasks: Readers are asked to think about what makes
things funny and why humor varies between cultures.
Do you have any questions?
Thank you!

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An approach to the higher level essay writing

  • 1. Topic: Chapter 1 Readers, writer and texts Course: Narrative Across Media Lectured by Mr. Say Sokunpharoth PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Members of group II: 1. Heng MeyMey 2. Kim Sreyny 3. Nov Sreyneth 4. Lang Saren
  • 2. Table of contents 01 | An approach to the higher level essay 02 | Exploring visual literacy 03 | Having a sense of humour
  • 3. Who is Sylvia Plath? An American poet (19321963) known for her vivid and emotional poetry. Published one major poetry collection, Colossus, early in her career. Why focus on nature imagery? 01 | An approach to the higher level essay a) Introduction
  • 4. Start with broad ideas and refine after research. > Broad question: "How does Plath use nature imagery to express emotions? " > Focus on patterns and themes, not just gathering evidence for a pre-decided argument. 01 | An approach to the higher level essay b) Defining the Topic
  • 5. > questions to guide research: How does Plath use nature imagery to reflect identity and emotions? How does Plath turn concepts into visual images through nature? Narrowing: From "nature imagery," focus specifically on trees in Colossus. Example: Think of trees as symbols. A strong, tall tree might symbolize hope or resilience, while a bare, broken tree might represent sadness or emptiness. Plath often uses these contrasts in her work. 01 | An approach to the higher level essay c) Beginning the Exploration
  • 6. Steps: Reread the poems in Colossus. Identify tree imagery and list examples in a table. Analyze each image's effect and meaning. Example : In Colossus, Plath might describe trees as "fossils" to show how emotions like grief or trauma make her feel stuck, as if time has stopped. 01 | An approach to the higher level essay d) Collecting Evidence
  • 7. Use color-coding to group related themes in the evidence: Green: Personal memories (childhood, family). Red: Social/historical issues (poverty, Holocaust). Blue: Inner conflicts (identity, emotions). 01 | An approach to the higher level essay e) Identifying Patterns
  • 8. > Expand exploration by fruit imagery 01 | An approach to the higher level essay e) Identifying Patterns Quote Explanation The apples rot in their places. Think of an apple tree in fall. When the fruit falls to the ground and rots, it could remind you of things that were once beautiful but have now been neglected or lost.
  • 9. > Graphic novels share elements like characters, setting, and storyline with traditional novels, but they also rely on visuals to convey meaning. . 02 | Exploring visual literacy Graphic Novels vs. Traditional Novels:
  • 10. Panels: Panels are boxes containing parts of the story, arranged sequentially (not always in a straight line). Closure: Readers fill in missing details, like imagining a characters full body even if only part is shown. Gutter: The space between panels represents the time and motion between scenes. 02 | Exploring visual literacy o Key Features of Graphic Novels:
  • 11. Transitions: Panels can show changes in time, action, or perspectives, requiring readers to interpret connections. Visual Style: Artists can draw detailed or abstract images, which affect how readers understand the story. Speech Bubbles and Captions: Used for dialogue and narration. 02 | Exploring visual literacy o Key Features of Graphic Novels:
  • 12. Art Techniques Lines and colors create effects (e.g., showing sound), and speech bubbles or captions tell the story. Example Analysis: The story of Paul Crystal and his cats uses graphic conventions, like captions and visuals, to humorously show his lifestyle and work in design. In my point of view, the text emphasizes how graphic novels combine art and storytelling in unique ways, engaging readers' imagination. 02 | Exploring visual literacy
  • 13. All Over Coffee by Paul Madonna is a unique graphic art series that combines complex imagery with intuitive music. Madonnas creative process is remarkable, as she often begins by selecting an idea or concept from her notebook. 02 | Exploring visual literacy Graphic art and the real Musings and the city
  • 14. * Richard Feynman's Graphic Biography: Celebrating an Intellectual Legacy In contrast, the graphic biography "Feynman" by Ottaviani and Myrick tells the story of Richard Feynman, the famous American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. 02 | Exploring visual literacy The graphic biography of a Nobel prize winner Through this graphic biography, Ottaviani and Myrick celebrate Feynman's intellectual legacy by providing a compelling perspective on his unique characteristics.
  • 15. 03 | Having a sense of humour The Nature of Humor: What constitutes humor, including examples of jokes and their structures. Stories: The text mentions Mark Twain, famous for his clever humor and funny stories. He often used satire to criticize society while keeping readers entertained.
  • 16. 03 | Having a sense of humour Cultural Differences: Shows how humor changes across cultures. What is funny in one culture may not be funny in another. Examples: A joke that works in one culture might not work in another because of different values, traditions, or social norms. Mark Twains Perspective: Talks about Mark Twains ideas on humor and how it helps with communication and storytelling.
  • 17. Irony: Saying the opposite of what you mean to show something is ridiculous. Slapstick: Physical comedy, such as someone slipping on a banana peel. Wordplay/Puns: Jokes that use words with different meanings, like Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. 03 | Having a sense of humour Humour as a Tool: Humour can help people deal with problems, criticize society, or form connections. Types of Humour:
  • 18. 03 | Having a sense of humour Practice Activities: Includes questions or activities to help readers understand humor or recognize how it works in social situations. Tasks: Readers are asked to think about what makes things funny and why humor varies between cultures.
  • 19. Do you have any questions? Thank you!