This document discusses the types and characteristics of informative speeches. It identifies five main types: objects, processes, events, concepts, and issues. For each type, it provides examples and discusses common organizational patterns. It also offers tips for effectively explaining information to an audience, such as using analogies, visualization, checking for understanding, and avoiding abstractions. The goal of an informative speech is to teach the audience and convey knowledge about a topic.
This document provides information on informative speeches, including the purpose and strategies of informative communication. It discusses the different types of informative speeches, including descriptions of objects, explanations of processes, events, concepts/definitions, and issues. The document cautions that some topics may fit into multiple categories and can be organized using different patterns. It advises picking one type and organizational pattern to use consistently. Finally, it offers strategies for teaching new information to audiences, such as using analogies, illustrations, explanations, and comparing/contrasting to known concepts.
This document outlines the objectives and strategies for teaching home economics. For grade 4, objectives include responsibilities to oneself and family, basic knowledge of agriculture and handicraft tools, and simple food preservation and sewing. Grade 5 focuses on further knowledge and skills to improve family and community life through work ethics and various types of work. Grade 6 develops interest in different jobs and home management. Teaching strategies discussed include discussion, panel forums, debates, lectures, laboratory methods, problem-solving, and project-based learning through individual, family and community experiences.
The document provides information about an upcoming course on contemporary and critical studies, including its structure and aims. It outlines the session topics, such as the purpose of education, assessment, and technology. It also discusses critical thinking, forms of knowledge, conceptions of criticality, and expectations for academic writing and reading at the master's level. The course aims to help students think critically about education and develop theoretical and analytical skills through exploring current issues.
The document discusses the nature of knowledge from a philosophical perspective. It covers various thinkers' views on knowledge from Plato and Aristotle to modern philosophers. It also examines different perspectives on knowledge like positivism, constructivism, and realism. Finally, it analyzes current typologies of knowledge in knowledge management, distinguishing between different types of knowledge like tacit vs explicit knowledge. The overall document aims to describe the underlying debates around the notion of knowledge and assess different philosophical paradigms in understanding knowledge.
Planning for Effective Learning Experiences - Dr Christine RedmanWileyProLearn
Presented by Dr Christine Redman, as part of the Wiley Professional Learning seminar, 'Across the Professions'. For info visit or follow us @WileyProLearn
Twitter: @sciencematters
The document discusses rethinking education in the digital age. It argues that learning must be active, engaging, and focus on metacognition. Visible thinking routines can support this by making the thinking process explicit and encouraging questioning, evidence-based reasoning, and reflection. Some example routines described are See-Think-Wonder, What's Going On?, Headlines, and Looking 10x2. When thinking is visible, students can analyze, assess, and improve their thinking.
This document provides guidance for conducting a classroom debate about evolution and Christianity. It recommends the activity for middle and high school science and Bible classes with less than 20 students from varied backgrounds. The objective is to foster critical thinking, strengthen apologetics skills, and develop research, debate, and group work abilities. Students are randomly assigned to groups and research evidence "for" and "against" evolution from sources like the fossil record. They then participate in a debate to experience the exercise firsthand.
This document provides information about structuring and delivering an effective speech, including key components such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. It discusses important features like language choice, tone, research, and audience. The document also defines key vocabulary terms related to social issues and policies. Overall, the document serves as a guide for how to construct and present a speech, with a focus on addressing social topics.
This document discusses theories of learning and higher education. It begins by outlining objectives around developing a theory of theory, explaining its uses for understanding educational development, locating higher education in the context of wider societal institutions, and applying the concept of a hidden curriculum. It then discusses reflective practice and the role of formal theory versus experience. Different orientations and functions of theory are presented, including inductive/deductive, holistic/generative, and predictive/explanatory/generative/typifying/falsifiable. Institutions of society and production versus reproduction are contrasted. The hidden curriculum and critical theory are also discussed.
This document is an expository essay written by Sandra Daniela Vasquez Portes for her tutor Milly Andrea Mu単oz. It discusses the characteristics and structure of an expository essay. An expository essay aims to clearly explain a topic to the reader. It uses explanatory paragraphs and has an accurate, impartial, and formal tone. The essay structure typically includes an introduction with a question or statement about the topic, a body with organized paragraphs developing the explanation, and a conclusion that restates the main points. References are also included to cite sources used in researching the topic.
This document is an expository essay written by Sandra Daniela Vasquez Portes for her tutor Milly Andrea Mu単oz. It discusses the characteristics and structure of an expository essay. An expository essay aims to clearly explain a topic to the reader. It uses explanatory paragraphs and has an accurate, impartial, and formal tone. The essay structure includes an introduction with a question or statement about the topic, a body with organized paragraphs using chronological, comparative, or other modes of organization, and a conclusion that restates the main points. References are also included.
This document provides an overview of using an inquiry workshop model to teach comprehension of informational texts. It discusses:
1) The components of an inquiry workshop, which includes modeling strategies, lessons specific to projects, and small and independent group work.
2) How an inquiry workshop aligns with Common Core standards by having students write arguments, explanations, and conduct investigations.
3) A planning process for an inquiry workshop, which involves creating a guiding question, determining final projects, and backwards planning lessons and activities to build students' inquiry skills.
This document discusses connectivism as a learning theory proposed by George Siemens. It provides background on connectivism and critiques of the theory. The document makes the following key points:
1. Connectivism posits that learning is a network phenomenon influenced by technology and socialization. Knowledge resides in a distributed manner across networks rather than solely in the mind of individuals.
2. Existing learning theories like cognitivism and constructivism assume learning happens internally, while connectivism argues learning occurs externally through connections formed with people and information.
3. A new theory of learning is needed to address changes like increased information and faster knowledge growth, driven by advances in technology and society's expectations
This document discusses the nature and importance of research. It defines research as an investigative process of seeking information and discovering truths about a topic by asking questions. Research involves higher-order thinking like interpreting, analyzing and synthesizing to gain conceptual understanding. The advantages of research include improving learning, problem-solving, social awareness, and encouraging cooperative learning. Research provides a foundation for creating knowledge, testing theories, and advancing fields. It is significant for gathering information, improving life standards, exploring history, and understanding various topics.
Public speaking involves speaking to an audience to inform, influence, or entertain them. It commonly refers to face-to-face communication with a group intended to share knowledge or perspectives to achieve a purpose. Successful public speaking requires considering elements like the speaker, purpose, message, medium, setting, listener response, potential interferences, and consequences. An effective speech structure includes an attention-grabbing introduction, presentation of main points organized logically in the body, and a conclusion that restates the key themes.
The document summarizes a workshop on the future of publishing that used causal layered analysis to explore challenges and paradigms. Key findings from a prior study on the future of publishing were presented. The workshop consisted of an introduction to causal layered analysis and its layers of litany, systems and institutions, worldviews, and myths/metaphors. Participants then used this framework to uncover existing paradigms and explore potential futures, identifying challenges around industry supply chains, the shift to digital content, translation, and making print less boring.
How to Develop Discussion Materials for Public DialogueEveryday Democracy
Good discussion materials help people explore a complex, public issue from a wide range of views, and find solutions that they can agree to act on and support. Discussion materials dont have to provide all the answers; instead, they provide a framework and a starting place for a deep, fair discussion where every voice can be heard.
The step-by-step instructions provided here mirror the order that many discussion guides follow. They are designed to help the writing team move through a series of meetings and tasks to produce the discussion materials.
Mastering the Art of effective communication 123vaishali.ppt.pptxVaishaliRaghuwanshi2
This document discusses effective communication and its importance for career and personal success. It identifies key pillars of effective communication like reading, writing, listening and speaking. It also covers different forms of communication like sharing, leadership and persuasion. The document provides elements of good writing, a framework for writing a draft, and important aspects of different communication mediums like email, reports and proposals. It emphasizes self and peer review for drafts to be publish ready.
Running Head Public Speaking Class1Public Speaking Class3.docxtoltonkendal
Running Head: Public Speaking Class 1
Public Speaking Class 3
Each of the two chapters offers very important information. This information shall be summarized into the five most important items derived from each of the chapters as is done below:
Chapter Three: The Importance of Listening
揃 When we hear, we choose to filter out the sounds that we are of less meaning to us and pay attention to the more meaningful sounds.
揃 When we listen, we are motivated by a purpose to exert effort to pay attention to something, such as when working, something which we do only at given times.
揃 For a person to listen critically, an activity which goes hand in hand with critical thinking, he/she engages in a systematic thought process to determine whether the message received is sensible enough.
揃 Some of the main ways for developing critical listening are uncovering assumptions, recognizing the differences between facts and opinions, relating new ideas to old ones, being open to new ideas and relying on reason and common sense (Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias, The Importance of Listening, 2011).
揃 To listen ethically entails giving the speaker a fair opportunity to speak make himself clearly understood, and being mindful and respectful of him as well.
Chapter Four: Ethics Matter: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking
揃 Based on the ethics pyramid, the three basic concepts of ethics in public speaking are ends (what a person hopes to achieve), means (how a person intends to achieve the outcome he desires) and intention.
揃 For ethics to be exercised efficiently in public speaking, the speaker should be able to strike a balance between these three basic concepts.
揃 Nine principles of ethical communication basically define the moral considerations that are to be made when engaging in communication under public speaking.
揃 What each of these principles have in common is that they acknowledge that while it is necessary for public speakers to speak up/communicate whenever they feel it is necessary, they should do so while considering the impact of their communication to others.
揃 Free speech, which is the right that one has to freely express ideas or information without having to worry about government restrictions or any other limitations as guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution is of importance to a public speaker since public speaking generally entails the passage of information and ideas to the public allowing them to consider multiple points of view (Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias, Ethics Matters: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking, 2011).
Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias. (2011). Ethics Matters: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking. In Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking. Flatworld Knowledge.
Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias. (2011). The Importance of Listening. In Stand Up, Seak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking. Flatworld Knowledge.
Informative speaking involves sharing knowledge with others to create shared understanding. The goal is to help listeners understand, retain, and apply the information by answering who, what, when, where, why, how, and how does questions. There are three main types of informative speeches: descriptions which create a clear picture, explanations which clarify issues and ideas, and demonstrations which clarify processes. Effective informative speaking requires choosing a topic the audience doesn't already know and relating it to their needs while using straightforward language.
This document summarizes a workshop on developing powerful vocabulary in early childhood. It discusses why vocabulary is important, how to choose words to teach, and what methods to use. Developing vocabulary helps close the "30 million word gap" and predicts later success. Teachers should choose words that help children communicate and learn about the world, and provide daily opportunities to use new words through conversation, stories, and activities. Dialogic reading and intentional conversation are effective strategies to promote word learning.
Must be at least 250 words and sources cited.Science hel.docxroushhsiu
Must be at least 250 words and sources cited.
Science helps us in our Quest
Top of Form
As a companion thread to the required one in the other discussion thread, we can add science which hasnt always been considered helpful in this quest of ours (from the major religions viewpoint).
See the following link for the Ted talk referred to in the following narrative or you can access it directly at:油
As we begin Week 2, several important points must be made.油 First, the religious quest is both an internal and an external series of events.油 It is individual or internal because everything you and I think is ours, privately and securely ours unless we let someone know what we are thinking or seeing what we are doing.油 The quest is also an external (to ourselves) because we live in society and one that is connected via the Internet to the world.油 So, there are many influences that shape the way we think.
Second, if you have heard and viewed TED talks then you have discovered a rich source of insights and for our work, this is another source to add to our discussions. For us our journey of discovery must address that various approaches such as the skeptic, the cynic, the agnostic, and the fundamental challenge brought by fundamentalists, literalists, and those who employ the ancient-thinking about religion as science offers us facts about the word.
The journey must include both to be deep and meaningful in this second half of the second decade of the 21st油century.
Join the discussion thread on this topic that begins the exploring of other sources as part of our weekly discussions. Remember to start the discussion early in the week rather than waiting for the end of the week to post your notes.
Thoughts and sources, class?
Bottom of Form
Studying philosophy provides several important benefits. It develops critical thinking skills which are essential for problem solving, creativity, and effective communication. Philosophy teaches us how to carefully examine issues from multiple perspectives and identify strengths and weaknesses in different positions. This helps sharpen analytical abilities and the ability to construct strong arguments. The study of philosophy also encourages independent thinking, flexibility, and working across disciplines to address complex problems. Overall, philosophy enhances skills that are valuable for career success and for being an engaged citizen.
The document discusses rethinking education in the digital age. It argues that learning must be active, engaging, and focus on metacognition. Visible thinking routines can support this by making the thinking process explicit and encouraging questioning, evidence-based reasoning, and reflection. Some example routines described are See-Think-Wonder, What's Going On?, Headlines, and Looking 10x2. When thinking is visible, students can analyze, assess, and improve their thinking.
This document provides guidance for conducting a classroom debate about evolution and Christianity. It recommends the activity for middle and high school science and Bible classes with less than 20 students from varied backgrounds. The objective is to foster critical thinking, strengthen apologetics skills, and develop research, debate, and group work abilities. Students are randomly assigned to groups and research evidence "for" and "against" evolution from sources like the fossil record. They then participate in a debate to experience the exercise firsthand.
This document provides information about structuring and delivering an effective speech, including key components such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. It discusses important features like language choice, tone, research, and audience. The document also defines key vocabulary terms related to social issues and policies. Overall, the document serves as a guide for how to construct and present a speech, with a focus on addressing social topics.
This document discusses theories of learning and higher education. It begins by outlining objectives around developing a theory of theory, explaining its uses for understanding educational development, locating higher education in the context of wider societal institutions, and applying the concept of a hidden curriculum. It then discusses reflective practice and the role of formal theory versus experience. Different orientations and functions of theory are presented, including inductive/deductive, holistic/generative, and predictive/explanatory/generative/typifying/falsifiable. Institutions of society and production versus reproduction are contrasted. The hidden curriculum and critical theory are also discussed.
This document is an expository essay written by Sandra Daniela Vasquez Portes for her tutor Milly Andrea Mu単oz. It discusses the characteristics and structure of an expository essay. An expository essay aims to clearly explain a topic to the reader. It uses explanatory paragraphs and has an accurate, impartial, and formal tone. The essay structure typically includes an introduction with a question or statement about the topic, a body with organized paragraphs developing the explanation, and a conclusion that restates the main points. References are also included to cite sources used in researching the topic.
This document is an expository essay written by Sandra Daniela Vasquez Portes for her tutor Milly Andrea Mu単oz. It discusses the characteristics and structure of an expository essay. An expository essay aims to clearly explain a topic to the reader. It uses explanatory paragraphs and has an accurate, impartial, and formal tone. The essay structure includes an introduction with a question or statement about the topic, a body with organized paragraphs using chronological, comparative, or other modes of organization, and a conclusion that restates the main points. References are also included.
This document provides an overview of using an inquiry workshop model to teach comprehension of informational texts. It discusses:
1) The components of an inquiry workshop, which includes modeling strategies, lessons specific to projects, and small and independent group work.
2) How an inquiry workshop aligns with Common Core standards by having students write arguments, explanations, and conduct investigations.
3) A planning process for an inquiry workshop, which involves creating a guiding question, determining final projects, and backwards planning lessons and activities to build students' inquiry skills.
This document discusses connectivism as a learning theory proposed by George Siemens. It provides background on connectivism and critiques of the theory. The document makes the following key points:
1. Connectivism posits that learning is a network phenomenon influenced by technology and socialization. Knowledge resides in a distributed manner across networks rather than solely in the mind of individuals.
2. Existing learning theories like cognitivism and constructivism assume learning happens internally, while connectivism argues learning occurs externally through connections formed with people and information.
3. A new theory of learning is needed to address changes like increased information and faster knowledge growth, driven by advances in technology and society's expectations
This document discusses the nature and importance of research. It defines research as an investigative process of seeking information and discovering truths about a topic by asking questions. Research involves higher-order thinking like interpreting, analyzing and synthesizing to gain conceptual understanding. The advantages of research include improving learning, problem-solving, social awareness, and encouraging cooperative learning. Research provides a foundation for creating knowledge, testing theories, and advancing fields. It is significant for gathering information, improving life standards, exploring history, and understanding various topics.
Public speaking involves speaking to an audience to inform, influence, or entertain them. It commonly refers to face-to-face communication with a group intended to share knowledge or perspectives to achieve a purpose. Successful public speaking requires considering elements like the speaker, purpose, message, medium, setting, listener response, potential interferences, and consequences. An effective speech structure includes an attention-grabbing introduction, presentation of main points organized logically in the body, and a conclusion that restates the key themes.
The document summarizes a workshop on the future of publishing that used causal layered analysis to explore challenges and paradigms. Key findings from a prior study on the future of publishing were presented. The workshop consisted of an introduction to causal layered analysis and its layers of litany, systems and institutions, worldviews, and myths/metaphors. Participants then used this framework to uncover existing paradigms and explore potential futures, identifying challenges around industry supply chains, the shift to digital content, translation, and making print less boring.
How to Develop Discussion Materials for Public DialogueEveryday Democracy
Good discussion materials help people explore a complex, public issue from a wide range of views, and find solutions that they can agree to act on and support. Discussion materials dont have to provide all the answers; instead, they provide a framework and a starting place for a deep, fair discussion where every voice can be heard.
The step-by-step instructions provided here mirror the order that many discussion guides follow. They are designed to help the writing team move through a series of meetings and tasks to produce the discussion materials.
Mastering the Art of effective communication 123vaishali.ppt.pptxVaishaliRaghuwanshi2
This document discusses effective communication and its importance for career and personal success. It identifies key pillars of effective communication like reading, writing, listening and speaking. It also covers different forms of communication like sharing, leadership and persuasion. The document provides elements of good writing, a framework for writing a draft, and important aspects of different communication mediums like email, reports and proposals. It emphasizes self and peer review for drafts to be publish ready.
Running Head Public Speaking Class1Public Speaking Class3.docxtoltonkendal
Running Head: Public Speaking Class 1
Public Speaking Class 3
Each of the two chapters offers very important information. This information shall be summarized into the five most important items derived from each of the chapters as is done below:
Chapter Three: The Importance of Listening
揃 When we hear, we choose to filter out the sounds that we are of less meaning to us and pay attention to the more meaningful sounds.
揃 When we listen, we are motivated by a purpose to exert effort to pay attention to something, such as when working, something which we do only at given times.
揃 For a person to listen critically, an activity which goes hand in hand with critical thinking, he/she engages in a systematic thought process to determine whether the message received is sensible enough.
揃 Some of the main ways for developing critical listening are uncovering assumptions, recognizing the differences between facts and opinions, relating new ideas to old ones, being open to new ideas and relying on reason and common sense (Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias, The Importance of Listening, 2011).
揃 To listen ethically entails giving the speaker a fair opportunity to speak make himself clearly understood, and being mindful and respectful of him as well.
Chapter Four: Ethics Matter: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking
揃 Based on the ethics pyramid, the three basic concepts of ethics in public speaking are ends (what a person hopes to achieve), means (how a person intends to achieve the outcome he desires) and intention.
揃 For ethics to be exercised efficiently in public speaking, the speaker should be able to strike a balance between these three basic concepts.
揃 Nine principles of ethical communication basically define the moral considerations that are to be made when engaging in communication under public speaking.
揃 What each of these principles have in common is that they acknowledge that while it is necessary for public speakers to speak up/communicate whenever they feel it is necessary, they should do so while considering the impact of their communication to others.
揃 Free speech, which is the right that one has to freely express ideas or information without having to worry about government restrictions or any other limitations as guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution is of importance to a public speaker since public speaking generally entails the passage of information and ideas to the public allowing them to consider multiple points of view (Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias, Ethics Matters: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking, 2011).
Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias. (2011). Ethics Matters: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking. In Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking. Flatworld Knowledge.
Wrench, Goding, Johnson, & Attias. (2011). The Importance of Listening. In Stand Up, Seak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking. Flatworld Knowledge.
Informative speaking involves sharing knowledge with others to create shared understanding. The goal is to help listeners understand, retain, and apply the information by answering who, what, when, where, why, how, and how does questions. There are three main types of informative speeches: descriptions which create a clear picture, explanations which clarify issues and ideas, and demonstrations which clarify processes. Effective informative speaking requires choosing a topic the audience doesn't already know and relating it to their needs while using straightforward language.
This document summarizes a workshop on developing powerful vocabulary in early childhood. It discusses why vocabulary is important, how to choose words to teach, and what methods to use. Developing vocabulary helps close the "30 million word gap" and predicts later success. Teachers should choose words that help children communicate and learn about the world, and provide daily opportunities to use new words through conversation, stories, and activities. Dialogic reading and intentional conversation are effective strategies to promote word learning.
Must be at least 250 words and sources cited.Science hel.docxroushhsiu
Must be at least 250 words and sources cited.
Science helps us in our Quest
Top of Form
As a companion thread to the required one in the other discussion thread, we can add science which hasnt always been considered helpful in this quest of ours (from the major religions viewpoint).
See the following link for the Ted talk referred to in the following narrative or you can access it directly at:油
As we begin Week 2, several important points must be made.油 First, the religious quest is both an internal and an external series of events.油 It is individual or internal because everything you and I think is ours, privately and securely ours unless we let someone know what we are thinking or seeing what we are doing.油 The quest is also an external (to ourselves) because we live in society and one that is connected via the Internet to the world.油 So, there are many influences that shape the way we think.
Second, if you have heard and viewed TED talks then you have discovered a rich source of insights and for our work, this is another source to add to our discussions. For us our journey of discovery must address that various approaches such as the skeptic, the cynic, the agnostic, and the fundamental challenge brought by fundamentalists, literalists, and those who employ the ancient-thinking about religion as science offers us facts about the word.
The journey must include both to be deep and meaningful in this second half of the second decade of the 21st油century.
Join the discussion thread on this topic that begins the exploring of other sources as part of our weekly discussions. Remember to start the discussion early in the week rather than waiting for the end of the week to post your notes.
Thoughts and sources, class?
Bottom of Form
Studying philosophy provides several important benefits. It develops critical thinking skills which are essential for problem solving, creativity, and effective communication. Philosophy teaches us how to carefully examine issues from multiple perspectives and identify strengths and weaknesses in different positions. This helps sharpen analytical abilities and the ability to construct strong arguments. The study of philosophy also encourages independent thinking, flexibility, and working across disciplines to address complex problems. Overall, philosophy enhances skills that are valuable for career success and for being an engaged citizen.
Item_3_PISA 2022 Results for Cambodia.pptxssuser05d00f
This document provides an overview of Cambodia's participation in PISA 2022. Some key points:
- Cambodia participated in PISA for the first time in 2022 after participating in PISA-D in 2017. Scores increased in all subjects between the two assessments.
- About 36% of 15-year-olds in Cambodia were enrolled in school, lagging OECD and ASEAN averages. Many students were behind grade level.
- Girls outperformed boys in reading and science. Urban students scored higher than rural.
- Socioeconomic gaps exist but have narrowed, and some disadvantaged students demonstrated resilience.
- Factors in Cambodia's improved scores may include minimal capacity gaps and diminished urban-
English Report Writing presentation in the training coursessuser05d00f
The document outlines a training course on report writing. The goal is to improve participants' skills in writing different types of reports scientifically and with confidence. The training will provide knowledge on report writing methodology, data management, and how to apply the skills in the workplace. It involves 15 hours of in-class lessons, 30 hours of self-study, and assignments. The course covers topics such as basic report writing knowledge, data analysis, and information organization. Participants will practice report writing and have the option to write a report on the training course or an organization's project.
Week 3 Chapter 4 Giving your first speech.pptxssuser05d00f
This document summarizes tips for giving a first speech, including preparing the speech, delivering the speech, and sample speeches. When preparing a speech, focus the topic to fit the time limit and develop the topic creatively using descriptive language. When organizing the speech, introduce the subject, select a method to organize the main points, and conclude by reinforcing the central idea. Rehearse the speech aloud and time it, and when delivering be expressive, maintain eye contact, and reduce nervousness through preparation.
This document summarizes a lecture on needs analysis and curriculum design. It discusses conducting a needs analysis to determine learners' needs, lacks, and wants to inform curriculum development. A needs analysis was conducted for a private security company in Rwanda to create an English course for employees. Data from needs analyses is used to prioritize learner needs and revise curricula. Curriculum designers must interpret needs analysis data and decide which needs to address in the curriculum. Standardized tests may also factor into curriculum design depending on a program's goals.
This document summarizes key points from Say Sokunpharoth's lecture on the art of public speaking. The lecture covers topics like the power and tradition of public speaking, similarities and differences between public speaking and conversation, developing confidence and dealing with nervousness, the role of critical thinking, the speech communication process, and public speaking in a multicultural world. The overall message is that effective public speaking requires preparation, an understanding of your audience, and the ability to logically organize and deliver a message while adapting to different cultural contexts.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
4. Types of Informative Speeches
1. Objects
Includes anything visible, tangible or stable
in form
1. Includes places, structures, people, &
2. Uses Chronological, Spatial or Topical
Organizational Patterns
5. Types of Informative Speeches
2. Processes
A systematic series of actions that leads to a specific
result or product
2 Types:
1.To understand the process better
2. Listeners can do the process
- Chronological or Topical Organizational Patterns
6. Types of Informative Speeches
3. Events Anything that happens
1. Narrow your focus
2. Chronological, Topical or Cause/Effect
4. Concepts
1. Can be tricky!
2. A belief, theory, idea or principle
3. Topical
7. Types of Informative Speeches
5. Speeches about Issues
1. Problems or Disputes
2. Do not advocate
8. Caution!
Caution: Sometimes topics fit into more than
one category and can be organized using various
Speech Topic - Hurricane Katrina
Is this speech topic a process, object or
Pick one type of informative speech topic and
one organizational pattern! Then use each option
consistently throughout your speech.
9. How can you explain
1. Use analogies to build on prior
2. Use visualization (presentation aids)
3. Check for understanding
- Ask questions
10. How can you explain information?
4. Avoid Abstractions
1. Be Descriptive
2. Use Comparisons
3. Use Contrasts
11. Tips for Informative Speaking
Dont be too technical
-Avoid Jargon
Dont over or
underestimate what
your audience knows
Relate the subject of
your speech to the