Леся Українкаestet13Життя Лесі Українки гідне подиву, а талант - захоплення. ЇЇ поезія – насолоджує, чарує.
У творах Лесі Українки відчувається захоплення красою довкілля, уміння не тільки побачити, а й передати барви прекрасного. Є тут музика слова і духовна, моральна краса людської душі, є національний колорит і патріотичні почуття, є загальнолюдські цінності. Читаймо і пізнаваймо ці скарби.
Sinteza sedmi književnostIvana Čališ Sinteza gradiva književnosti sedmog razreda.
Realismo no brasil 3kingkayaO documento descreve o movimento realista no Brasil no século XIX, abordando suas manifestações nas artes plásticas, teatro e literatura. O realismo caracterizou-se pela representação realista da sociedade e crítica aos problemas sociais da época, como a miséria e exploração. Na literatura brasileira, o marco inicial foi o livro "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas" de Machado de Assis.
Rješenja vježbe (testa)Pogled kroz prozorNaslov: Rješenje vježbe – morfologija
Autorica: Sonja Delimar, prof. hrvatskog jezika
Gimnazija „Fran Galović“ Koprivnica
Леся Українкаestet13Життя Лесі Українки гідне подиву, а талант - захоплення. ЇЇ поезія – насолоджує, чарує.
У творах Лесі Українки відчувається захоплення красою довкілля, уміння не тільки побачити, а й передати барви прекрасного. Є тут музика слова і духовна, моральна краса людської душі, є національний колорит і патріотичні почуття, є загальнолюдські цінності. Читаймо і пізнаваймо ці скарби.
Sinteza sedmi književnostIvana Čališ Sinteza gradiva književnosti sedmog razreda.
Realismo no brasil 3kingkayaO documento descreve o movimento realista no Brasil no século XIX, abordando suas manifestações nas artes plásticas, teatro e literatura. O realismo caracterizou-se pela representação realista da sociedade e crítica aos problemas sociais da época, como a miséria e exploração. Na literatura brasileira, o marco inicial foi o livro "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas" de Machado de Assis.
Rješenja vježbe (testa)Pogled kroz prozorNaslov: Rješenje vježbe – morfologija
Autorica: Sonja Delimar, prof. hrvatskog jezika
Gimnazija „Fran Galović“ Koprivnica
Greg's presentation at SS conference 2009Franchise AustralasiaThe document discusses seven steps to improve sales recruitment and avoid hiring poorly performing salespeople. It recommends 1) considering whether industry experience is necessary or if sales skills can be trained, 2) targeting advertisements to attract the right candidates, 3) evaluating sales pitches, 4) using personality assessments during interviews, 5) administering sales-focused tests, 6) making conditional offers quickly while thoroughly checking references, and 7) providing training but being willing to terminate new hires within 90 days if they do not meet performance standards. The document emphasizes using objective evaluations to recruit top performers who are a good personality and skills fit while avoiding costly hiring mistakes.
Seven SEO tips to improve on page Sahadat RoushoThis document provides tips for optimizing content for search engine optimization including using a short and sweet title, including keywords in the first paragraph and headings, optimizing images, and using an SEO friendly URL. It also recommends visiting www.seopowerlink.com for world-class SEO services.
Identifying ConventionsLauraHinds_There are five key music video conventions according to Andrew Goodwin: 1) Demonstrating typical genre characteristics 2) Focusing on looking and the female body 3) Relating the lyric/music to the video 4) Including close ups of the artist with a consistent visual style 5) Including intertextual references. For singer-songwriter music videos specifically, they often feature live performance elements, a focus on musical instruments, neutral colors to focus on the story/lyrics, and themes of nature or urban life. Ben Howard's videos and album covers in particular make prominent use of nature and emphasize mise-en-scene over performance, unlike many singer-songwriters. Magazine ads for singer-songwriters tend to be
Laura video pitchLauraHinds_The document outlines plans for a music video for the song "Old Pine" by Ben Howard. It will have a loose narrative featuring a friendship between two people that grows over the course of the video. The video will be filmed in various outdoor country locations using a handheld camera to give it an indie, home video feel. Close-ups and point-of-view shots will be used to make the viewer feel personally connected. Soft lighting and focus will create a warm, uplifting atmosphere conveying messages about friendship and enjoying life.
Historia de internet y la webPaulo Cesar OrdoñezThis document provides a brief history of personal computers and the Internet. It describes how the Internet originated as a network created by the US Department of Defense in 1969 called ARPANET. It then evolved to include email, chat, file transfers, and the World Wide Web, which was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The document also discusses the key developments that led to the popularization of personal computers and graphical user interfaces, as well as the growth of the Internet and its commercialization.
5 useful android tips & tricks you should knowSahadat RoushoDisable app notifications by long pressing on notifications and unticking "Show notifications". Disable mobile data in Settings > Data usage to save battery life when not needing a mobile connection. Disable automatic app updates in Play Store settings to manually review app permissions and updates. Check for Android system updates by going to Settings > About phone and tapping "System updates" and "Check now". Change default apps by going to Settings > Apps, selecting the app, and tapping "Clear defaults".
KPI zaverecna uloha, fokalizáciaSimonEvinTáto seminárna práca stručne charakterizuje a popisuje naratologický element fokalizáciu a uvádza možnosti interpretácie na základe fokalizácie v poviedke Hogo von Hofmannsthal: "Das Märchen der 672. Nacht."// This paper briefly characterizes narratological element - focalization and provides possibilities for focalization-based interpretation of the short story Hogo von Hofmannsthal: "Das Märchen der 672. Nacht."
Explanation of decisions for my thriller filmLauraHinds_The document discusses the author's choices in characters, locations, and plot for an opening film sequence. Two female characters are chosen as victims with a male as the antagonist. The locations include an interview room, abandoned room, and confined space like a car trunk. The main character is chosen to be mentally unstable to create fear and unpredictability, with two trapped women and an interview as the main event. Flashbacks are also used to expand the plot gradually.
3. Kishon ne piše o velikim ni važnim
događajima, nego o sitnim detaljima iz
u humoreski „Duda Cuci” on govori o
problemima s malom djecom koja se
navežu na neku stvar
4. 1. Uvodni dio opširnije govori o
osnovnom problemu
- opisuje kako Renana brzo napreduje i
kako joj pelene više nisu potrebne
- ali Renana je navezana na dudu koju
zove Cuci
5. 2. U razradi se uvodi više likova koji
nastoje riješiti naoko jednostavnu
situaciju, a zapravo je sve više
- doktor govori Kishonu i njegovoj ženi da
Renani nedostaje roditeljske ljubavi
6. 3. rasplet donosi nagli obrat (najčešće
nepovoljan za glavnog junaka), ali je
on i šaljiva, humoristična poanta koja
se može tumačiti na više načina
- na kraju Kishon vidi kroz ključanicu Renanu
da sama skriva dudu
- tada shvati da mu je dijete potpuno
zdravo, ali uživa mučeći obitelj
- nakon što su to ispričali doktoru,
on je to protumačio kao
nedostatak roditeljske ljubavi
7. Renana - djevojčica koja plače kada
izgubi dudu, uživa mučeći ukućane
Kishon i njegova žena - zabrinuti su za
malu Renanu i boje se nestanka dude Cuci
doktor - govori da Renani treba
više roditeljske ljubavi
članovi obitelji - pokušavaju
naći izgubljenu Cuci
mljekar Elizer - donosi obitelji
Kishon mlijeko
8. „Pritajna daha gledali smo kroz ključanicu kako
naša malena Renata nečujno silazi s krevetića,
prilazi kauču i gura Cuci duboko u procjep
između jastuka. Potom se odgega natrag, uzvere
se natrag na krevetac i zaurla svom snagom...
Odahnuli smo: naše je dijete dakle zdravo kao
dren, nema kompleksa i nije ovisno ni o kakvoj
dudi, već jednostavno uživa da nas muči.”
u današnje se vrijeme djeca
često ružno ponašaju prema
roditeljima, neka započinju
kao mala vođena primjerom
starije braće