The black cat presentation.judithElenaThe narrator married early and was happy with his wife and pet cat Pluto. He began drinking heavily and mistreating his animals and wife, eventually cutting out one of Pluto's eyes in a fit of rage. Later, a black cat with a white mark resembling a gallows is found. The narrator avoids the cat due to shame over abusing Pluto. When the police investigate after his wife's murder, the cat cries out from behind a wall, where the police discover it sitting on his wife's decapitated head.
English.pptx english ppt class 12harbanskaur6The play "On the Face of It" by Susan Hill tells the story of an unlikely friendship between an old man named Mr. Lamb and a withdrawn boy named Derry. Derry has a disfigured face from an acid burn and suffers from low self-esteem. He avoids social interaction due to harsh comments from others. Mr. Lamb, who is also physically impaired, befriends Derry through his kindness and wise words. Through their friendship, Derry learns to accept himself and transforms from a distrusting person to one with confidence and a positive outlook, looking beyond appearances.
Asertivnost.pptxpetraognjenovic(uvod u tehnike asertivnog komuniciranja)
Guiao do teatro musical - Natal no fundo do mar 2019Educacao Musical Jose GalvaoEste pequeno Teatro Musical começou por ser pensado para os alunos do 1º ciclo, a ideia era falar um pouco sobre a diversidade marinha e aprofundar conhecimentos sobre determinados animais do mar. Com o tempo fui experimentando o tema em alunos do 2ºciclo e (felizmente) percebi que também pode funcionar com alunos destas idades. Basta alterar um pouco o texto do teatro apontando o foco para questões como a poluição do mar, os animais em vias de extinção, etc..
Future budućnostDraženka ŠeovićThe document discusses different ways to talk about the future in English using future tenses like Future Simple and Be Going To. Future Simple uses will + infinitive verb and is used to make predictions, plans, promises etc. Be Going To uses am/is/are + going to + infinitive verb and is used to talk about intentions, plans and predictions based on evidence. Present tenses like Simple Present and Present Continuous can also be used to talk about the future in certain contexts like schedules, time clauses and pre-arranged events.
"The Great Gatsby" Chapter 6Lina EllGatsby's true identity was James Gatz, the son of poor farmers in North Dakota. However, he reinvented himself as Jay Gatsby in hopes of connecting with wealth. He was inspired by Dan Cody's lavish lifestyle and wealth. After observing Cody's exploits, Gatsby learned how the wealthy lived and began throwing extravagant parties in an attempt to fit in with high society. His obsession with reliving the past with Daisy stems from wanting to validate his status and dream of wealth, though that dream is unrealistic and cannot capture the past.
Eric Key QuotesBethan ThomasThe document is a series of dialogue excerpts from a play that discuss a woman who was fired from her job and later died. Characters debate whether she should have been let go and if they were responsible for her death. One character angrily states that the dead girl still matters more than any money and nothing can undo what happened to her.
American Born Chinese OverviewKate ThompsonOverview of the three stories that are included in the fantastic graphic novel by Gene Yang, winner of the 2007 Printz Award.
English.pptx english ppt class 12harbanskaur6The play "On the Face of It" by Susan Hill tells the story of an unlikely friendship between an old man named Mr. Lamb and a withdrawn boy named Derry. Derry has a disfigured face from an acid burn and suffers from low self-esteem. He avoids social interaction due to harsh comments from others. Mr. Lamb, who is also physically impaired, befriends Derry through his kindness and wise words. Through their friendship, Derry learns to accept himself and transforms from a distrusting person to one with confidence and a positive outlook, looking beyond appearances.
Asertivnost.pptxpetraognjenovic(uvod u tehnike asertivnog komuniciranja)
Guiao do teatro musical - Natal no fundo do mar 2019Educacao Musical Jose GalvaoEste pequeno Teatro Musical começou por ser pensado para os alunos do 1º ciclo, a ideia era falar um pouco sobre a diversidade marinha e aprofundar conhecimentos sobre determinados animais do mar. Com o tempo fui experimentando o tema em alunos do 2ºciclo e (felizmente) percebi que também pode funcionar com alunos destas idades. Basta alterar um pouco o texto do teatro apontando o foco para questões como a poluição do mar, os animais em vias de extinção, etc..
Future budućnostDraženka ŠeovićThe document discusses different ways to talk about the future in English using future tenses like Future Simple and Be Going To. Future Simple uses will + infinitive verb and is used to make predictions, plans, promises etc. Be Going To uses am/is/are + going to + infinitive verb and is used to talk about intentions, plans and predictions based on evidence. Present tenses like Simple Present and Present Continuous can also be used to talk about the future in certain contexts like schedules, time clauses and pre-arranged events.
"The Great Gatsby" Chapter 6Lina EllGatsby's true identity was James Gatz, the son of poor farmers in North Dakota. However, he reinvented himself as Jay Gatsby in hopes of connecting with wealth. He was inspired by Dan Cody's lavish lifestyle and wealth. After observing Cody's exploits, Gatsby learned how the wealthy lived and began throwing extravagant parties in an attempt to fit in with high society. His obsession with reliving the past with Daisy stems from wanting to validate his status and dream of wealth, though that dream is unrealistic and cannot capture the past.
Eric Key QuotesBethan ThomasThe document is a series of dialogue excerpts from a play that discuss a woman who was fired from her job and later died. Characters debate whether she should have been let go and if they were responsible for her death. One character angrily states that the dead girl still matters more than any money and nothing can undo what happened to her.
American Born Chinese OverviewKate ThompsonOverview of the three stories that are included in the fantastic graphic novel by Gene Yang, winner of the 2007 Printz Award.
3. Sadržaj i kompozicija
- nagovaranje sina da pokuša plivati
- sin ide u vodu, ali samo do koljena
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b
4. Sadržaj i kompozicija
- gura sina da ide plivati
- otac ide pokazati sinu kako se elegantno pliva
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b
5. Sadržaj i kompozicija
- otac se umalo utopi
- čuvar bazena osvještava oca umjetnim disanje
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b
6. Likovi
- grub (sili dijete da ide u vodu)
- ljut (na sina jer ga je ugrizao za ruku)
Amir (sin)
- bojažljiv (boji se vode)
- grub (ugrizao je oca za ruku)
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b
7. Likovi
Čuvar bazena
- čudi se ocu koji pokušava učiti
dijete plivati, a ni sam to ne zna
- smiju se ocu što ne može
naučiti svoje dijete plivati
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b
8. Ideja
- „pecnuti” ljudi koji žele druge
naučiti nešto što ni oni sami ne
- kritika odgojnih stilova
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b
9. Stil
- humor je u priči postignut
- satira - oštriji i kritičniji oblik
izdvajanja i ocjenjivanja mana i
poroka pojedinaca i društva; uz
smijeh, satira sadrži i porugu i
2.6.2013Izradio: Vlaho-Josip Štironja ,8. b