The black cat presentation.judithElenaThe narrator married early and was happy with his wife and pet cat Pluto. He began drinking heavily and mistreating his animals and wife, eventually cutting out one of Pluto's eyes in a fit of rage. Later, a black cat with a white mark resembling a gallows is found. The narrator avoids the cat due to shame over abusing Pluto. When the police investigate after his wife's murder, the cat cries out from behind a wall, where the police discover it sitting on his wife's decapitated head.
1. Razred - Obrada teksta - Tabele - Primer 02 - Spisak učenikaПрва нишка гимназија "Стеван Сремац" ИнфоThe document contains a list of students divided into 6 classrooms (Odeljenje IV-1 to IV-6). It includes each student's name, gender, date of birth, and whether they are present or absent. Each classroom contains between 20-30 students for a total of around 150 students listed across the 6 classrooms. Gender breakdown shows a slight majority of female students. Dates of birth range from January 1996 to May 1997, indicating the students are between 10-12 years old.
Nezavisno složena rečenica vježbaIvana Čališ Nezavisno složena rečenica. Zadaci za ponavljanje i vježbanje gradiva o rečenici. Učenicima sedmog i osmog razreda i učenicima srednje škole.
Snowman symbol in to kill a mockingbirdLynnSchiavoThe document discusses symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird through the examples of the snowman built by Jem and Scout and the Radley house. The snowman, made of both dirt and snow on the inside and outside respectively, symbolizes how people are fundamentally the same regardless of outward appearances like race. The mysterious Radley house represents the fears and curiosity of Jem and Scout towards the unknown. Both objects are used by the author to convey themes of racism, fear of the unknown, and the deceptiveness of appearances.
The Crucible, Act 1Chris EdgeThe document provides background information on Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, which is set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 during the Salem witch trials. It summarizes the plot of Act 1, where Abigail and the girls are caught dancing in the woods by Reverend Parris. Abigail accuses others of witchcraft, including Tituba, to deflect blame from herself. Tensions rise between those who believe in witchcraft, like the Putnams, and skeptics like Proctor and Rebecca Nurse.
Nezavisno složena rečenica vježbaIvana Čališ Nezavisno složena rečenica. Rečenice za ponavljanje i vježbanje gradiva o rečenici za učenike sedmog i osmog razreda, ali i za učenike srednje škole.
"The Great Gatsby" Chapter 6Lina EllGatsby's true identity was James Gatz, the son of poor farmers in North Dakota. However, he reinvented himself as Jay Gatsby in hopes of connecting with wealth. He was inspired by Dan Cody's lavish lifestyle and wealth. After observing Cody's exploits, Gatsby learned how the wealthy lived and began throwing extravagant parties in an attempt to fit in with high society. His obsession with reliving the past with Daisy stems from wanting to validate his status and dream of wealth, though that dream is unrealistic and cannot capture the past.
The black cat presentation.judithElenaThe narrator married early and was happy with his wife and pet cat Pluto. He began drinking heavily and mistreating his animals and wife, eventually cutting out one of Pluto's eyes in a fit of rage. Later, a black cat with a white mark resembling a gallows is found. The narrator avoids the cat due to shame over abusing Pluto. When the police investigate after his wife's murder, the cat cries out from behind a wall, where the police discover it sitting on his wife's decapitated head.
1. Razred - Obrada teksta - Tabele - Primer 02 - Spisak učenikaПрва нишка гимназија "Стеван Сремац" ИнфоThe document contains a list of students divided into 6 classrooms (Odeljenje IV-1 to IV-6). It includes each student's name, gender, date of birth, and whether they are present or absent. Each classroom contains between 20-30 students for a total of around 150 students listed across the 6 classrooms. Gender breakdown shows a slight majority of female students. Dates of birth range from January 1996 to May 1997, indicating the students are between 10-12 years old.
Nezavisno složena rečenica vježbaIvana Čališ Nezavisno složena rečenica. Zadaci za ponavljanje i vježbanje gradiva o rečenici. Učenicima sedmog i osmog razreda i učenicima srednje škole.
Snowman symbol in to kill a mockingbirdLynnSchiavoThe document discusses symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird through the examples of the snowman built by Jem and Scout and the Radley house. The snowman, made of both dirt and snow on the inside and outside respectively, symbolizes how people are fundamentally the same regardless of outward appearances like race. The mysterious Radley house represents the fears and curiosity of Jem and Scout towards the unknown. Both objects are used by the author to convey themes of racism, fear of the unknown, and the deceptiveness of appearances.
The Crucible, Act 1Chris EdgeThe document provides background information on Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, which is set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 during the Salem witch trials. It summarizes the plot of Act 1, where Abigail and the girls are caught dancing in the woods by Reverend Parris. Abigail accuses others of witchcraft, including Tituba, to deflect blame from herself. Tensions rise between those who believe in witchcraft, like the Putnams, and skeptics like Proctor and Rebecca Nurse.
Nezavisno složena rečenica vježbaIvana Čališ Nezavisno složena rečenica. Rečenice za ponavljanje i vježbanje gradiva o rečenici za učenike sedmog i osmog razreda, ali i za učenike srednje škole.
"The Great Gatsby" Chapter 6Lina EllGatsby's true identity was James Gatz, the son of poor farmers in North Dakota. However, he reinvented himself as Jay Gatsby in hopes of connecting with wealth. He was inspired by Dan Cody's lavish lifestyle and wealth. After observing Cody's exploits, Gatsby learned how the wealthy lived and began throwing extravagant parties in an attempt to fit in with high society. His obsession with reliving the past with Daisy stems from wanting to validate his status and dream of wealth, though that dream is unrealistic and cannot capture the past.
3. Sadržaj
radi se o tome da mali Rafi nije želio spavati prije no što
dobije sladoleda
njegova dadilja je bila toliko uporna sa željom da mu
ispriča priču Crvenkapica da nije marila za Rafijevo
mali Rafi nije želio slušati tu priču, no gđa Popper je
pričala sve dalje i dalje i Rafi se sve više plašio jer je
priča bila strašna
na kraju je došla njegova mama i vidjela ga kako leži
ispod kreveta te je ironično zahvalila gđi Popper na brizi
4. Likovi
u ovoj priči izdvajamo tri lika
Rafi - ne želi spavati, hoće jesti
sladoled prije spavanja, neposlušan,
ne želi slušati strašnu priču, jako
gđa Popper - uporna, plaši Rafija,
mama - ironično zahvaljuje gđi
Popper, uplašena
5. Ideja
u ovoj priči tobože ozbiljan komentar je komentar gđe
Popper nakon što ju je Rafijeva mama pitala što se
događa, zašto je Rafi pod krevetom:
„Ah, ništa naročito! Mali je danas malo nemiran pa sam
mu, da bih ga umirila, ispričala jednu priču.”
i mame:
„Hvala vam gospođo Popper. Što bismo mi bez vas?!”
takvi ozbiljni komentari zapravo predstavljaju ironiju i
kritiku društvenih i drugih prilika
6. Stil
humor je u priči postignut ironijom
ironija - podrugljivo duhovit način
kazivanja koji iskazanome sadržaju
daje suprotno značenje od onoga
što se riječima kazuje
ironija je u ovoj priči postignuta
zadnjom rečenicom: „Hvala vam
gospođo Popper. Što bismo mi bez
nije joj uistinu zahvalila, nego je to
rekla ironično (suprotno od onoga
što je mislila)