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Analysis of magazine front
                                                 The header reveals a special
   The Masthead, NME, stands                     feature to the audience. It is
     for ‘New Musical Express’.                  above the target audience
   NME sounds like ‘enemy’ so                    may be encouraged to buy
            it suggests that the                 the magazine by the fact that
           magazine is rebelling                 there is new content in this
             against pop music.                  issue.
                                               The cover lines give the audience
 The flash reveals an exciting
                                               an insight into other artists
        feature included in the
                                               included in the magazine.
       magazine to the target
                                               Because they are in line with the
                                               masthead, the audience are more
                                               likely to notice the names of the
      The Background of the
         image is graffiti which
        relates to the genre of               The main image is at a canted
      Dizzee Rascal’s music.                  angle to show that the artist is
  Graffiti fits in with the genre             lively. The arm coming out of the
    because Hip-Hop/Rap is                    image adds movement to the
  associated with the streets,                image. His clothes matches the
            cities and rebellion.             colour scheme and relate to the
                                              genre of music.
    The use of “man!” in the pull             The main cover line is at 2 different
quote shows the target audience               angles with a drop shadow to
 that the artist is informal, young           create the idea of movement and
                         and happy.           liveliness of the artist and his

        The footer gives an                         Barcode, issue date and
 insight into more features                         price are required on the
   in the magazine so that                          cover because the
     the contents are more                          magazine has to be
                 appealing.                         purchased by the target

                                               The main cover line and pull
                                               quote are positioned in the
                                               top third so that they can be
                                               seen on a magazine rack in
                                               stores. This is because the
     “Q” masthead clear and                    cover star’s face is centred so
  recognisable in top third of                 the main cover line cannot
                    the cover                  cover it. The name of the
                                               cover star is the largest word
                                               as it is the most important
                                               word to attract the target
                                               audience as they are more
  The cover lines vary in size
                                               likely to pick up an amgazine
             according to their
                                               with a well known artists on
importance in the magazine.
                                               rather than a “woman on the
       The word “GIG” is the
                                               edge” that you don’t know the
largest as it emphasises that
                                               name of.
    there is a special section
              about live music.                The cover star’s face is in
                                               the centre of the cover.
                                               There are no other images
                                               so her face is the most
    Barcode, issue date and                    important part of the image.
    price are required on the                  Her hair surrounds her and
           cover because the                   is used as a background to
         magazine has to be                    suggest that not only is she
     purchased by the target                   a musician, she is a also
                    audience.                  interested in fashion, which
                                               could appeal to a wider

The cover uses a black and                          Sell lines are above the
 white image with bright red                        masthead in a small font
  white and blue to contrast                        because this issue is
 against it so that the iconic                      putting a lot of emphasis on
   artist on the front can be                       the cover star.
 recognised. The magazine
    has used David Bowie’s
 iconic lightning bolt make-
            up against a dark
     background so that the                         Barcode, issue date and
         target audience can                        price are required on the
recognise the cover star on                         cover because the
                 a shop shelf                       magazine has to be
                                                    purchased by the target
 Pull quote invites reader to                       audience.
  read the article by leaving
             the quote open.
                                                   The cover star’s face is
                                                   large and dominates the
                                                   cover. Against a black
                                                   background, his face is
                                                   clear and recognisable.

The main cover line remains
within the colour scheme but
portrays David Bowie’s fame
by resembling the Hollywood
Key Features Required for a Music
Magazine Front Cover
•   Strong main image that dominates the cover.
•   A large, clear masthead at the top of the page.
•   Cover lines advertising other contents in the magazine.
•   Barcode, issue date and price.
•   A main cover line to accompany the main image. This can also
    include a pull quote.
•   A colour scheme related to the genre and target audience.

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Analysis of front cover

  • 1. Analysis of magazine front covers
  • 2. FRONT COVER ANALYSIS (NME September 2009) The header reveals a special The Masthead, NME, stands feature to the audience. It is for ‘New Musical Express’. above the target audience NME sounds like ‘enemy’ so may be encouraged to buy it suggests that the the magazine by the fact that magazine is rebelling there is new content in this against pop music. issue. The cover lines give the audience The flash reveals an exciting an insight into other artists feature included in the included in the magazine. magazine to the target Because they are in line with the audience masthead, the audience are more likely to notice the names of the The Background of the bands. image is graffiti which relates to the genre of The main image is at a canted Dizzee Rascal’s music. angle to show that the artist is Graffiti fits in with the genre lively. The arm coming out of the because Hip-Hop/Rap is image adds movement to the associated with the streets, image. His clothes matches the cities and rebellion. colour scheme and relate to the genre of music. The use of “man!” in the pull The main cover line is at 2 different quote shows the target audience angles with a drop shadow to that the artist is informal, young create the idea of movement and and happy. liveliness of the artist and his music. The footer gives an Barcode, issue date and insight into more features price are required on the in the magazine so that cover because the the contents are more magazine has to be appealing. purchased by the target audience.
  • 3. FRONT COVER ANALYSIS (NME November 2012) The main cover line and pull quote are positioned in the top third so that they can be seen on a magazine rack in stores. This is because the “Q” masthead clear and cover star’s face is centred so recognisable in top third of the main cover line cannot the cover cover it. The name of the cover star is the largest word as it is the most important word to attract the target audience as they are more The cover lines vary in size likely to pick up an amgazine according to their with a well known artists on importance in the magazine. rather than a “woman on the The word “GIG” is the edge” that you don’t know the largest as it emphasises that name of. there is a special section about live music. The cover star’s face is in the centre of the cover. There are no other images so her face is the most Barcode, issue date and important part of the image. price are required on the Her hair surrounds her and cover because the is used as a background to magazine has to be suggest that not only is she purchased by the target a musician, she is a also audience. interested in fashion, which could appeal to a wider audience.
  • 4. FRONT COVER ANALYSIS (Mojo July 2002) The cover uses a black and Sell lines are above the white image with bright red masthead in a small font white and blue to contrast because this issue is against it so that the iconic putting a lot of emphasis on artist on the front can be the cover star. recognised. The magazine has used David Bowie’s iconic lightning bolt make- up against a dark background so that the Barcode, issue date and target audience can price are required on the recognise the cover star on cover because the a shop shelf magazine has to be purchased by the target Pull quote invites reader to audience. read the article by leaving the quote open. The cover star’s face is large and dominates the cover. Against a black background, his face is clear and recognisable. The main cover line remains within the colour scheme but portrays David Bowie’s fame by resembling the Hollywood sign
  • 5. Key Features Required for a Music Magazine Front Cover • Strong main image that dominates the cover. • A large, clear masthead at the top of the page. • Cover lines advertising other contents in the magazine. • Barcode, issue date and price. • A main cover line to accompany the main image. This can also include a pull quote. • A colour scheme related to the genre and target audience.