Esitelma pidetty marraskuussa 08 tyoelaman muutoksesta, joka johtuu nuorten uudenlaisista digitaalisista kayttokulttuureista ja viihdekayton murtautumisesta myos koulu- ja tyoelamaan.
Hajautunut yhteistyö ja yhteisöllisen työkulttuurin eri muodot -luentoni oppilaitosjohtajille LUT Koulutus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen kurssilla Tietojohtamisen työkalut ja uudet työskentelymuodot. Lahti, 23.9.2014.
Mitä uutta ja mitä vanhaa sosiaalinen media tuo tutkimukseen? Yleiskatsaus lähestymistapoihin, menetelmiin, työkaluihin ja koko sosioteknisen tutkimusprosessin hallintaan.
This document discusses how games can be used for learning. It defines what a game is, noting they have set rules and provide interactive feedback. Game mechanics like challenges, problem solving, and failure can motivate learning. The document advocates using games to create flexible learning that supports different learner types and perspectives. Games provide a safe practice environment, consolidate relevant resources, and encourage cooperation among players.
Pelillistäminen ei ole saareke. Se on yksi tapa hallita digitalisaatiokehitystä. En usko tarroihin, paremmuustaulukoihin ja mitaleihin. Uskon motivoiviin prosesseihin ja eri tavalla ajattelemisen ja tekemisen tukemiseen. Esitys pidetty toukokuussa 2015.
Different Children Different InstructionDrew Gerdes
The document discusses differentiated instruction and how to meet the different needs and learning styles of children. It emphasizes that children learn in different ways, including through various modalities and multiple intelligences. The author provides examples of how to incorporate differentiated instruction through learning centers, informal and formal assessments, and modifying activities and materials. Teachers are encouraged to get to know each child's strengths and needs.
This document discusses the differences between casual and hardcore massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. It defines casual games as those with simpler mechanics that require less time and money investment from players. Casual MMOs typically focus on social interaction and activities rather than gameplay and achievement. In contrast, hardcore MMOs involve more complex gameplay like quests and raids. The document outlines key differences in typical players, monetization strategies, and motivational factors between these two branches of MMO development.
This session highlights simple strategies educators and school leaders can implement in their quest to improve communications and relationships with others.
Hajautunut yhteistyö ja yhteisöllisen työkulttuurin eri muodot -luentoni oppilaitosjohtajille LUT Koulutus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen kurssilla Tietojohtamisen työkalut ja uudet työskentelymuodot. Lahti, 23.9.2014.
Mitä uutta ja mitä vanhaa sosiaalinen media tuo tutkimukseen? Yleiskatsaus lähestymistapoihin, menetelmiin, työkaluihin ja koko sosioteknisen tutkimusprosessin hallintaan.
This document discusses how games can be used for learning. It defines what a game is, noting they have set rules and provide interactive feedback. Game mechanics like challenges, problem solving, and failure can motivate learning. The document advocates using games to create flexible learning that supports different learner types and perspectives. Games provide a safe practice environment, consolidate relevant resources, and encourage cooperation among players.
Pelillistäminen ei ole saareke. Se on yksi tapa hallita digitalisaatiokehitystä. En usko tarroihin, paremmuustaulukoihin ja mitaleihin. Uskon motivoiviin prosesseihin ja eri tavalla ajattelemisen ja tekemisen tukemiseen. Esitys pidetty toukokuussa 2015.
Different Children Different InstructionDrew Gerdes
The document discusses differentiated instruction and how to meet the different needs and learning styles of children. It emphasizes that children learn in different ways, including through various modalities and multiple intelligences. The author provides examples of how to incorporate differentiated instruction through learning centers, informal and formal assessments, and modifying activities and materials. Teachers are encouraged to get to know each child's strengths and needs.
This document discusses the differences between casual and hardcore massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. It defines casual games as those with simpler mechanics that require less time and money investment from players. Casual MMOs typically focus on social interaction and activities rather than gameplay and achievement. In contrast, hardcore MMOs involve more complex gameplay like quests and raids. The document outlines key differences in typical players, monetization strategies, and motivational factors between these two branches of MMO development.
This session highlights simple strategies educators and school leaders can implement in their quest to improve communications and relationships with others.
This document discusses organizational structures that enhance communication within complex organizations. It describes SmartDev, an offshore development center and consulting firm in Vietnam that provides Agile training and coaching. It then profiles two of SmartDev's Agile facilitators, Alexandre Cuva and Hoang Nhac Trung. The document goes on to discuss Agile training offerings and strategies for scaling Agile structures, such as using cross-functional teams, generalizing specialists, and value units to add layers while requiring added value.
Couple of our readers suggested that we post something which would be easy reference for Vistex Technical who are beginners. Hope this post would help all Vistex Technical who are starting their first project in Vistex.
A. Common Modules in Vistex
1. Customer Rebate
2. Chargeback
3. Contract
4. CLM
Sapbpc nw 10.0 master data load from bw to bpcSatya
This document provides steps to load master data (attributes and texts) from flat files into SAP BW (InfoObjects), and then from BW into SAP BPC using the Data Manager. It involves two parts:
Part I loads attributes and texts from flat files into BW InfoObjects using SAP GUI. This includes creating a source system, data source, transformation, InfoPackage, and data transfer process.
Part II will load the BW data from Part I into BPC dimensions using the EPM Office Add-in for Excel and the Data Manager package.
There are not much documents in the internet world regarding Vistex. In this post, the author has tried to give an overview of the Vistex Contract (with examples from Pharma Contracts Management System) and the bird’s eye view to the common terminologies, screens, transactions and technical objects (user exits, BADIs etc). Hope this post would act as a launch pad to all interested consultants who would like to take deep dive into Vistex Contract.
Below are the contents of the attached document:
i) Vistex Introduction
ii) Benefits of Vistex Solution
iii) Industry Challenges
iv) Benefits of Vistex Solution
v) Integrated Contract Life-Cycle Management
vi) Contract Development and Administration
vii) Contract Types
viii) Contract Screen General Tab
ix) Contract Screen Customer Tab
ix) Contract Screen Products Tab
x) Group Purchase Organization (GPO) & Buying Group
xi) Group Membership
xii) Membership/Block Maintenance Screen
xiii) Buying Group assignment to Contract
xiv) Sample Process Flow
xv) Sample Exception Processing Flow
xvi) Contract Activation
xvii) Contract Best Price Logic
xviii) Contract Data Upload
xix) Manual File Upload
xx) File Upload
xxi) Inbound Contract Create/Update (EDI 845)
xxii) Common T-Codes, Tables & BADI
This document summarizes several online games and virtual worlds targeted towards girls, including their key features, target demographics, and company information. It describes established MMOs like Barbiegirls and newer offerings in beta like Sparkle City. It provides statistics on registered and active users for these services in comparison to general online gaming communities. The document also briefly outlines other online services popular with tweens and teens such as dress-up games and virtual pet/plush toy sites.
This document discusses basic computer hardware and software maintenance. It provides explanations of common hardware components like cases, drives, keyboards, mice, monitors, and printers. It also discusses basic software like programming software, operating systems, and applications. Specific examples of operating systems and applications are given. The document then defines window environments and provides examples of environment variables and how to set them up in Windows.
The document describes SAP HANA remote data sync, which allows for synchronization of data between SAP HANA and thousands of remote databases, even over intermittent networks. It synchronizes data bidirectionally for applications at remote locations. Key use cases include internet of things with data exchange between HANA and IoT gateways, offline mobile applications, and continuous operations at remote workplaces. It provides always available data at remote locations for business applications.
The document outlines Jeunesse Global's financial rewards plan to help distributors create wealth and a secure financial future. There are six ways to earn income, including retail profits, bonuses for new customer acquisition, team commissions, leadership matching bonuses, and shares of a leadership bonus pool. Higher ranks provide additional benefits like trips and recognition of success. The plan rewards both building a retail business and developing a sales organization through multiple streams of residual income.
This document summarizes the key depot activities in the SAP ERP system for manufacturing (PP) processes, including goods receipt of stock transferred material, excise duty capture, depot excise invoice generation, displaying depot stock balances, extracting the RG23D register, and printing the RG23D register. It provides an overview of the purpose, master data, primary steps, and transaction codes for each major depot activity.
Mikko Lampi: Digiajan kulttuuri ja teknologia mahdollistajanaVerke
Esitys pidetty tapahtumassa 2016.
Millainen on digiajan kulttuuri? Miksi maailma digitalisoituu? Millainen kansalaistaito koodaaminen oikein on? Kokeilukulttuuri on juuri nyt trendikäs sana, mutta mitä se oikeastaan tarkoittaa? Meillä ihmisillä on sisäinen tarve yhteisöllisyydelle. Meillä kaikilla on kyky unelmoida, rakentaa ja tehdä. Me jaamme kokemuksia ja tietoa. Me opimme yhdessä ja pidämme hauskaa. Hakkeri- eli värkkäämiskulttuuri yhdistää uudenlaista ajattelua, teknologiaa ja yhteisöllisyyttä. Digiajan yhteiskunta on parempi, avoimempi ja kestävämpi. Se tarjoaa valtavasti mahdollisuuksia uteliaille. Maailma muuttuu joka tapauksessa – ilman meitä tai meidän johdolla.
Snack Size process is a way to utilize game mechanics and efficient practices in every day work routines. Gamification solutions typically just solve one particular problem. Snack size process will focus on modular approach and work day routines.
The document provides guidance on how to design games for beginners. It recommends starting with an inspiring idea, studying existing games, finding a team or working alone, ensuring the target is feasible, choosing design tools, defining a timeframe and sticking to it, and sharing the game for feedback. It also offers tips for coming up with ideas, creating a simple design document, forming a team with different skills, setting milestones and time limits, and making a quick prototype. The overall message is that with planning and small, achievable goals, anyone can start designing games.
The success story of Finnish game industry and IGDA FinlandSonja Ängeslevä
Presented at Colombia 3.0. (2013). The story is about IGDA Finland & the growth of Finnish game development community. What are the key building blocks, how IGDA Finland became being one of the most active IGDA chapters in the world.
An overview of current mobile game marketing trends.
What Scoreloop SDK provides and how social features will dramatically change the way mobile games are discovered.
This document discusses strategies for mobile game developers to engage users and generate word-of-mouth marketing through social features. It notes that casual gamers do not follow media and developers need to improve stickiness. The BlackBerry Games app is highlighted as a way to connect gamers and discover friends' gaming activities through social sharing and a long tail of content. Key features include comparing skills with friends, seeing game launches and achievements, and highlighting gaming moments on a timeline.
What are the differences between boys and girls "geek culture"?Sonja Ängeslevä
1. There are differences between boys' and girls' participation in geek culture. Boys' geek interests like gaming, programming, and hacking are more visible, while girls engage more privately through handicrafts, decorating, and games like The Sims that allow self-expression.
2. Stereotypes say technology is not for girls, but girls can be motivated to create and develop when given opportunities. Friends and social pressures can influence girls away from male-dominated geek activities.
3. While boys focus more on challenges, performance, and showing off their technical skills, girls prioritize different activities and focus more on crafts and utilizing rather than deeply developing technology. However, both boys and girls
This presentation will be given at European iGaming Congress & Expo in September 2009. iGaming means online money gaming & gambling. Innovation and product differentiation is becoming increasingly important within this highly competitive sector of gaming.
The document discusses key aspects of game business development including concept design, technical design, implementation phases, marketing, and post-release activities. It emphasizes the importance of business planning and managing the relationships between user needs, technical requirements, economic factors, and innovation. Various frameworks for game design and types of fun in games are presented. Lessons learned around failures and alternative plans are also covered.
1. The document discusses the history and development of girl games over the past 15 years, from the release of Barbie Fashion Designer in 1996 to more recent trends.
2. It notes key milestones like the rise of mobile and internet in the late 1990s, the popularity of The Sims in 2000, and the success of the Nintendo Wii in 2006 in attracting more female players.
3. More recently, the distinction between "girl games" has blurred as games have diversified into social, casual, and mobile formats played by both genders.