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Programul Erasmus+ reprezint o punte ctre inovaie, diversitate i dezvoltare, iar Liceul Tehnologic Vasile Sav din Roman demonstreaz cum sprijinul acestui program poate transforma educaia.
n perioada 2023-2024, liceul a implementat proiectul Click pentru o educaie european (nr. 2023-1-RO01-KA122-SCH-000126544), un proiect ambiios, finanat de Uniunea European, care i-a propus s 樽mbunteasc at但t procesul educaional, c但t i integrarea socio-profesional a elevilor.
Prezentare Erasmus+ "Stay in school" - Nr. de ref. 2015-1-ES01-KA219-016347 ...Elena Adriana Dobrinoiu
Prezentare Erasmus+ "Stay in school"
Nr. de ref. 2015-1-ES01-KA219-016347
- Prima reuniune de proiect - Olanda 2015 - .
Realizator: Elena Dobrinoiu & Echipa de proiect
Beneficiar proiect: Scoala Gimnaziala Comuna Stoilesti
The document outlines the agenda for an Ambassadors Meeting, including discussions on the 2023 annual theme and upcoming eTwinning community activities and events. Key agenda items include two eTwinning communication campaigns in spring 2023 and the eTwinning Weeks, as well as the eTwinning Annual Conference in 2023. The document also announces two upcoming webinars on neuroscience and language and cross-curricular teaching in vocational education through eTwinning projects. Finally, it shares a survey from the House of European History seeking teacher input to develop new learning materials and provides a link to a recording of the European School Education platform webinar.
Prezentare Erasmus+ "Stay in school" - Nr. de ref. 2015-1-ES01-KA219-016347 ...Elena Adriana Dobrinoiu
Prezentare Erasmus+ "Stay in school"
Nr. de ref. 2015-1-ES01-KA219-016347
- Prima reuniune de proiect - Olanda 2015 - .
Realizator: Elena Dobrinoiu & Echipa de proiect
Beneficiar proiect: Scoala Gimnaziala Comuna Stoilesti
The document outlines the agenda for an Ambassadors Meeting, including discussions on the 2023 annual theme and upcoming eTwinning community activities and events. Key agenda items include two eTwinning communication campaigns in spring 2023 and the eTwinning Weeks, as well as the eTwinning Annual Conference in 2023. The document also announces two upcoming webinars on neuroscience and language and cross-curricular teaching in vocational education through eTwinning projects. Finally, it shares a survey from the House of European History seeking teacher input to develop new learning materials and provides a link to a recording of the European School Education platform webinar.
4. STEAM - for a better community 24 iulie 2021.pptxAlis Popa
David Gules from Romania presents two successful STEAM projects from their high school that integrated various disciplines. The first project was called "Climate Volunteers" and won first place in its category in the European Erasmus+ eTwinning competition. The second was a digital academy project that took a STEAM approach. Both projects incorporated science, technology, engineering, art, and math disciplines. They engaged students in research, use of IT tools, recycling and agriculture technologies, art of communication and design, and calculating environmental impacts. The "Climate Volunteers" project focused on climate change and involved collaborative work, pandemic-era communication, public awareness videos and materials, and was evaluated.
This document summarizes the work of the "Climate Volunteers" eTwinning project led by Alina Mirela Popa of Romania. The project engaged students in communication and collaboration around increasing awareness of climate change and COVID-19 during the pandemic period through activities like creating a project website, a video to promote climate change awareness, a COVID awareness video, and an e-magazine about climate change. For their efforts, the Climate Volunteers project was awarded the top prize in the 16-19 category of the European eTwinning competition.
This document discusses approaches to inclusion, violence, and bullying at a school in Greece. It provides background on the teacher, including their experience and roles. It then describes the school, noting that it tries to be inclusive and that violence is rare. It discusses one serious incident of violence in the past. It also introduces the new role of School Life Advisor, whose responsibilities include advising and supporting students, communicating with teachers and parents, and connecting the school to society through social and pedagogical approaches.
This document outlines the plan for a Digital Academy eTwinning project on bringing eSafety into eTwinning projects. The project will take place over 5 stages from February to May 2022, focusing on digital security, digital literacy, media literacy and disinformation, and digital transformation. Each stage will include activities like mind maps, quizzes, logo competitions, and collaborative works. The project aims to develop students' digital skills and combat disinformation. Partners will communicate using various online tools and share their work through a virtual exhibition. Surveys will be used to evaluate the project's effectiveness.
The document announces a project dissemination meeting with partners using the eTwinning Live Online Event platform. It will share results and next steps from a collaboration. Partners will connect remotely to discuss outcomes and future cooperation.
This document summarizes an international project and awards won in 2021 by Alina Mirela Popa, a food industry engineer and teacher in Romania. It discusses her qualifications and experience in educational programs. It then describes an eTwinning project called "Climate Volunteers" that she coordinated from 2019-2022 across 5 countries. The project aimed to raise awareness of climate change among students and develop their collaboration skills. Key activities included creating awareness videos and materials about climate impacts, discussions on climate solutions, and presenting the work through a website. The project was awarded the eTwinning European Prize in the 16-19 age category.
Climate volunteers prezentare cerc nov 2021Alis Popa
This document summarizes a project titled "Climate Volunteers" that won the 16-19 age category of the 2021 eTwinning European Prize. The project was a collaboration between students in Turkey, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. It had the objectives of understanding climate change, developing discussion and research skills, combating and adapting to climate change, and developing 21st century skills. Over its duration from February to June, the project involved activities such as creating communication channels between the schools, choosing a logo and slogan, creating awareness videos about climate change, discussions on forums, mind maps and posters about climate change, and producing a final collaborative magazine and song.
proiectul Erasmus+ ANTI-BULLYING CAMPAIGN"(ABC) nr. referin
proiect 2019-1-DE03-KA229-060178 coordonat de coala din GERMANIA.
colile partenere 樽n acest proiect :
PIC 920545424 -Theodor-Heuss-RealschuleDortmund,Germania;
PIC 921648993 - Liceul Tehnologic de Industrie Alimentar
G.E.Palade, Satu Mare, Rom但nia;
PIC 947601440 - Istituto Tecnico Economico e Liceo Linguistico
Giulio Cesare, Bari, Italy.
* O educaie deschis i inovare 樽n practicile digitale i dezvoltarea acestor
*Scderea ratei de abandon colar i prsirea timpurie a colii 樽n r但ndul
tinerilor i eliminarea dezavantajelor
* Promovarea incluziunii sociale
* Sensibilizarea cu privire la problematica aspectului bullying i Prevenirea
situaiilor critice 樽n coal privind problemele de bullying
* Contribuie la CETENIA EUROPEAN prin dezvoltarea abilitilor
morale i sociale de baz
* Eliminarea prejudecilor, sprijinirea dezvoltrii lingvistice
* Promovarea toleranei 樽n i dincolo de Europa
* Schimb intercultural pentru elevi i activiti colaborative
* Desfurarea 樽ntregul proces pe platforma, pentru a
lucra 樽n spirit colaborativ i pentru a avea interaciuni internaionale mai largi
cu comuniti diferite.
- Familiarizarea participanilor, exploatarea, evaluarea i folosirea
樽n siguran釘 a resurselor web2.0 pentru crearea de produse
finale ale proiectului filme/videouri cu diverse aplicaii
video, cu tematic Anti-Bullying Campaign, desene, mesaje ale
proiectului, brouri, prezentri ca produse finale digitale padlet,
wakelet, G-Suite, crearea de coninuturi multimedia.
- mbunt釘irea aptitudinilor participan釘ilor de a se adapta noile
tehnologii 樽n diferite contexte ale activit釘ilor de 樽nv釘are;
- Vizitarea rilor partenere le ofer prilejul 樽n dialoguri
interculturale, schimb de experiente privind tradiiile rilor,
socializare 樽n alte contexte sociale i de a dezvolta atitudini
pozitive, bazate pe respect i toleran, fa de alte culturi.
Participani total proiect: 40 profesori, 100 elevi
Participani Rom但nia: 10 profesori, 25 elevi
Perioada Locul Activitate Nr.profesori Nr elevi
1. Noiembrie
Reuniune Parteneri 2 0
2. Februarie
Activiti proiect
Bullying Verbal
2 5
3. Octombrie
Satu Mare,
Activiti proiect
Bullying Fizic
2 5
4. Ianuarie
Activiti proiect
Bullying Social
2 5
5. Aprilie
Bari ,
Activiti proiect
Bullying Sexual
2 5
6. Iunie
Dortmund ,
Activiti proiect
2 5
Total participani= 10 25
nscrierea proiectului etwinning AntiBullying Campaign pe platforma;
Realizarea de activiti folosind instrumente web2.0 tools,
Produse digitale pentru creare de Logo, postere,
Prezentri ale etapelor de proiect, promovare i diseminare, conferinte,
Panouri vizibilitate proiect, concurs de caricaturi, desene ale elevilor cu
tematica bullying,
creare site-ului i canalului de youtube;
promovare 樽n pres, social media site, blog, youtube, twitter, instagram,
combaterea Bullyingului de orice natur.