This job posting is for an Administrative Assistant position within an Investment and Commercialization group. The position reports to the Vice President of the group and provides a range of administrative support duties, including managing schedules and meetings, responding to inquiries, assisting with reports and documents, and coordinating travel. Strong communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills are required to support the fast-paced work of the group.
Este documento proporciona información sobre materiales compuestos, incluyendo su definición, clasificación, tipos de matrices y fibras utilizadas, y representación gráfica de piezas monolíticas fabricadas con materiales compuestos. Se define material compuesto como aquel formado por dos o más materiales distintos sin reacción química. Se clasifican según la matriz, distinguiendo metales, cerámicas u orgánicas. Las fibras más usadas son de vidrio, carbono y aramida, presentadas en hilos, cintas o
This document discusses the bio-efficacy of Andrographis paniculata, an annual plant. It describes the plant's physical characteristics including its height, family, geographical distribution, stem, leaves, and root properties. The document outlines the plant's main chemical constituents including diterpene lactones and flavones. It then examines the pharmacology of the plant, indicating it possesses anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, hypoglycemic, cardiovascular, anti-tumour, anti-HIV, anti-fertility, and anti-malarial properties. Finally, it lists some common uses for the plant including treating common colds, respiratory issues, HIV
This document describes the methodology used in a project involving the extraction and isolation of compounds from the plant Andrographis paniculata. Key steps included:
1) Collecting and preparing the plant material, then extracting it using methanol and water to obtain crude extracts.
2) Isolating compounds from the crude extracts using chromatographic techniques like column chromatography and centrifugal thin layer chromatography.
3) Characterizing the isolated pure compounds using various analytical instruments and spectroscopy techniques like NMR, IR, MS, UV-Vis and polarimetry.
Two pure compounds, coded KZY001 and KZY002, were isolated and identified as andrographolide and 14-deoxy-11,12-
A Consensus Review on Hepatoprotective Potential of Herbal DrugsGaurav kumar sharma
This document summarizes a review article on the hepatoprotective potential of herbal drugs. It discusses how liver disease is a major health problem and conventional drugs can have side effects. Herbal medicines from plants like Picrorhiza kurroa and Andrographis paniculata have shown promising hepatoprotective effects compared to silymarin. Several plants are described that have been studied for their hepatoprotective properties, including Abutilon indicum, Borreria articularis, and Citrus microcarpa fruit peel extract. The review evaluates the evidence for hepatoprotective effects of herbal medicines and calls for more standardized clinical trials to support their use in treating liver diseases.
This document presents information about the biological properties of Boerhavia diffusa, a small creeper plant, presented by Dr. Sudhakar Kokate. It describes the plant's appearance, chemical constituents including alkaloids, acids, and other compounds found in different parts of the plant. The biological activities of compounds from the roots, leaves, and flowers are summarized, including diuretic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. Finally, the traditional medicinal uses of the plant are outlined for treating conditions like asthma, edema, urinary disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.
This document discusses the isolation and estimation of two phytoconstituents - glycerrhizin from liquorice root and phyllanthin from Phyllanthus amarus. It describes the biological sources, chemical constituents, isolation methods including acid precipitation, alcohol extraction and ammonia extraction for glycerrhizin. For phyllanthin, the isolation involves extraction with petroleum ether followed by column chromatography. Estimation methods discussed are TLC densitometry, colorimetric and HPLC methods for glycerrhizin and TLC and HPLC for identifying and estimating phyllanthin.
1) The liver plays a key role in metabolism and detoxification, and is susceptible to damage from toxins like alcohol, chemicals, and certain drugs.
2) Drugs are a common cause of liver injury (DILI), with anti-tuberculosis drugs, anti-convulsants, NSAIDs, anti-microbials, and anesthetics carrying risks. DILI can range from asymptomatic enzyme elevations to acute liver failure.
3) Many agents have hepatoprotective properties, including N-acetylcysteine, penicillamine, antioxidants, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), and herbal medicines like Silybum marianum (
100% Pure Herbal Products manufactured by using more than 30 herb species in traditional chinese medicine method. Product with patented formulated and recognised by the GUINNESS WORLD OF RECORDS.
100% Pure Herbal Products manufactured by using more than 30 herb species in traditional chinese medicine method. Product with patented formulated and recognised by the GUINNESS WORLD OF RECORDS.
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