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Strategical Planning Business Development&
Traditional and Digital Branding Intensive Campain Lead Generation and Strategical Planning
Career Summary
My Results-driven professional in marketing and communications strategic planning and development with over 6-years of combined
corporate and private consulting experience in multi-level project management.
An extensive history of success in creating comprehensive communications, brand and viral marketing campaigns. Solid reputation as a
leader with a unique ability to manage multiple, diverse teams and foster development in a wide range of environments. Possesses excep-
tional problem-solving skills.In all projects I actively communicated with end users, stake holders and technical team members during devel-
opment, support and revamping the websites.I believe that my experience , enhanced with my education MBA-UK is an excellent match
for your company.
MBA-Feb 2011
London School of Business & Finance.Birmingham.UK
PGD-Post Graduate Diploma-BA-Oct 2008
British Institute of Technology & E-Commerce,london.UK
BCS-Bachelor of Computer Science-Sep2006
Leicester College of Professional Studies.London.UK
(Assumptions accepted with BCS-IT)
ADCS- Computer Sciences-Aug 2006
Leicester College of Technology. London.UK
DCS-Computer Sciences-Aug 2005
Leicester College of Technology. London.UK
Preston University
Core Comptence
Market Development
Strategic Relationship Building
Branding and Product Launch
Competitive Analysis
Market Analysis and Research
Project Management
Channels Support
Strategic Product Plans
Digital Marketing Survey
Product and Brand Strategy
Diverse Industry Experience
Info graphics and logo design
c.Social marketing
d.Interactive media
e.Exhibition plan
b.R & Analysis
d.After e鍖ect
b.Poster design
c.Logo design
d.Banner design
e.Editorial design
f.Smart phoneUI
Interpersonal skill
Good oral and written
Creativity and imagination
In鍖uencing and negotiation skill
Organizational ability
IT skill
Business and commercial acumen
Communication skill
Analytical ability
Idea Xecution
15% Crazy5%
Strategic Marketing/Market
Channel Management
New Product Launches
Client Relationship Management
New Market Identi鍖cation
Sales Materials Creation
Graphic designing
Day to Day management operation
Development & maintain logistics Strategy
Development of team via coaching & mentoring
Mange & motive the Warehouse team
Manage the security system
See workload and ensure full coverage where necessary
Maintenance of delivery vehicles
Manage the stock returns
To ensure Stock keeping & movement are maintained under
company policies
Maintain regular stock report
Maintain health and safety in warehouse
Regularly appraise team member and carry out performance
review at the communicated time
Warehouse Assistant
EUROCAR PARTS-UK July 2010 till Feb 2011
(Supervisor) Business Development Assistant
Overall responsibilities of Information Security
Manage Security issues and risk Assessment
Reviewing security Information system
Develop and implement cost-e鍖cient security solution
Protect tangible and intangible asset of a company
Evaluate security audits on a periodic basis
Conduct Training program and manage System Support task
Maintain reports in their Database
Develop and launch Business Dev/Sales Strategy
Follow/promote existing relationship building
Complete all aspects of life cycle and develop new Business Opp.
Develop and implement cost-e鍖cient Marketing activities.
Protect tangible and intangible asset of a company
Design website/brochure/logo of the company
Look after day to day operation of the company
Maintain reports in their Database
Oct 2007 till April 2008
Aanalyze the data
Making presentation
Making report and containing action
Data analysis using tradition method
Work with partner and client
Forecast and track marketing trend
Attend sta鍖 conference with client
OTM (Customer Solution Provider)-UK
Marketing Communications Business Development Assistant
Oct 2006 till Aug 2007
 Day-to-day operation of a hospital
Cordinate with all dep make sure working perfect.
Making report and containing action
Regulates sta鍖ng in accordance with 鍖uctuating workload
Handling a variety of management issues.
Investigate patient concerns and implements appropriate
courses of action
Communicates with appropriate leadership.
Evaluating and reassigning sta鍖 during crisis situations.
System Administrator
Sep 2005 till Sep 2006
Develope consolidated using MS. O鍖ce
Design system development life cycle
Create instructional user policies
Data optimization and day-to-day backups
Perform system testing reports
Development in MIS
BEVAN SIMPSON FOUNDRY-UK Nov 2004 till July 2005
Develope relationships with strategic clients
Conduct,query data entry and log information
Maintain relevant documents of account
Improve overall processes and productivity
Analyze all outbound and inbound shipments
Maintain cost analysis reports
Analyze capabilities and establish new processes
Report to management about inventory
RIGID Corrugated-UK
Warehouse Operator
Professional Experience
Strategical Planning
Strategy Implementation
Making evaluation plan
Collecting quantitative/qualitative data
Research 鍖nding andwebsite revamping
Developing and reviewing acquisition strategies
Summarizing and analyzing data
Quality reporting of CRM dep.and resolve their issues .
Monitoring marketing activities and work within team setting
Maintain an complete accurate correspondence data
Planning,retention and mangement.
Managing client relationship to build reputation for excellent service.
MTBC-USA BASE IT COMPANY March 2012 till March 2015
Marketing Specialist Planning
RAKWORKS July 2015 till present
Business Developmet
 Create reporting structure of CRM
Making SOPs of sales and Marketing Dep.
 Company's Internal Audit 2014
NASD Issues Tracking Reporting Structure.
Design 15 main index banner.(mtbc.com)
 Revamping the website ( www.mtbc.com ).
 Create leads Strategy for leads department
 Calling Campaign in di鍖erent states of USA
 Design a logo of MOMENTO for facebook
Design Popup form
Revamping the www.beours.com
Design a number of splash screens
& &
Thanks : Anjum Saeed
Bun Kabab,Islamabad (Food Business)2015
Complete Business Structure Including Marketing Plan, VAS Items,Logo,
Standees,Brochure,Menu,maintaining Facebook page and Promotions Banner,
Complete Business Branding.
Vserve Networks:2016
Design Vserve Networks,Vserve Communications,Vserve Integrated Solutions Logos.
Chase-Engineering (http://www.chaseeng.com)2016
Company Branding Including Company logo,Brochure,website,Service Matrix,etc.

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Anjum Saeed.compressed (1) (1)

  • 1. anjum.7@hotmail.com 0315-5143590 www.pk.linkedin.com/in/anjumsaeed ANJUM Saeed Strategical Planning Business Development& MULTIDEMSIONAL BRANDING AND MARKETING PROFESSIONAL WITH A SUCESSFUL RECORD OF Traditional and Digital Branding Intensive Campain Lead Generation and Strategical Planning Career Summary My Results-driven professional in marketing and communications strategic planning and development with over 6-years of combined corporate and private consulting experience in multi-level project management. An extensive history of success in creating comprehensive communications, brand and viral marketing campaigns. Solid reputation as a leader with a unique ability to manage multiple, diverse teams and foster development in a wide range of environments. Possesses excep- tional problem-solving skills.In all projects I actively communicated with end users, stake holders and technical team members during devel- opment, support and revamping the websites.I believe that my experience , enhanced with my education MBA-UK is an excellent match for your company. Education MBA-Feb 2011 London School of Business & Finance.Birmingham.UK PGD-Post Graduate Diploma-BA-Oct 2008 British Institute of Technology & E-Commerce,london.UK BCS-Bachelor of Computer Science-Sep2006 Leicester College of Professional Studies.London.UK (Assumptions accepted with BCS-IT) ADCS- Computer Sciences-Aug 2006 Leicester College of Technology. London.UK DCS-Computer Sciences-Aug 2005 Leicester College of Technology. London.UK BCS-COMPUTER SCIENCES-March 2000 Preston University Core Comptence Market Development Strategic Relationship Building Branding and Product Launch Competitive Analysis Market Analysis and Research Project Management Segmentation Channels Support Strategic Product Plans Digital Marketing Survey Product and Brand Strategy Diverse Industry Experience Info graphics and logo design a.Planning c.Social marketing d.Interactive media e.Exhibition plan b.R & Analysis f.Management DESIGN SKILL e.Photoshope a.Illustrator b.Indesign d.After e鍖ect c.Branding PROFESSIONAL SKILL TECHNICAL SKILL a.Infographics b.Poster design c.Logo design d.Banner design e.Editorial design f.Smart phoneUI } } } Certi鍖cations Skills Interpersonal skill Good oral and written Creativity and imagination In鍖uencing and negotiation skill Organizational ability IT skill Business and commercial acumen Communication skill Analytical ability Teamwork Creativity 50% Planning 35% Idea Xecution 15% Crazy5% Strategic Marketing/Market Channel Management New Product Launches Client Relationship Management New Market Identi鍖cation Sales Materials Creation Graphic designing
  • 2. Day to Day management operation Development & maintain logistics Strategy Development of team via coaching & mentoring Mange & motive the Warehouse team Manage the security system See workload and ensure full coverage where necessary Maintenance of delivery vehicles Manage the stock returns To ensure Stock keeping & movement are maintained under company policies Maintain regular stock report Maintain health and safety in warehouse Regularly appraise team member and carry out performance review at the communicated time Warehouse Assistant EUROCAR PARTS-UK July 2010 till Feb 2011 (Supervisor) Business Development Assistant Overall responsibilities of Information Security Manage Security issues and risk Assessment Reviewing security Information system Develop and implement cost-e鍖cient security solution Protect tangible and intangible asset of a company Evaluate security audits on a periodic basis Conduct Training program and manage System Support task Maintain reports in their Database Develop and launch Business Dev/Sales Strategy Follow/promote existing relationship building Complete all aspects of life cycle and develop new Business Opp. Develop and implement cost-e鍖cient Marketing activities. Protect tangible and intangible asset of a company Design website/brochure/logo of the company Look after day to day operation of the company Maintain reports in their Database June 2008 till May 2010LAWFUL GUARDING SERVICES-UK Oct 2007 till April 2008 Aanalyze the data Making presentation Making report and containing action Data analysis using tradition method Work with partner and client Forecast and track marketing trend Attend sta鍖 conference with client OTM (Customer Solution Provider)-UK Marketing Communications Business Development Assistant Oct 2006 till Aug 2007 Day-to-day operation of a hospital Cordinate with all dep make sure working perfect. Making report and containing action Regulates sta鍖ng in accordance with 鍖uctuating workload Handling a variety of management issues. Investigate patient concerns and implements appropriate courses of action Communicates with appropriate leadership. Evaluating and reassigning sta鍖 during crisis situations. NHS-BIRMINGHAM-UK System Administrator Sep 2005 till Sep 2006 Develope consolidated using MS. O鍖ce Design system development life cycle Create instructional user policies Data optimization and day-to-day backups Perform system testing reports Development in MIS BEVAN SIMPSON FOUNDRY-UK Nov 2004 till July 2005 Develope relationships with strategic clients Conduct,query data entry and log information Maintain relevant documents of account Improve overall processes and productivity Analyze all outbound and inbound shipments Maintain cost analysis reports Analyze capabilities and establish new processes Report to management about inventory RIGID Corrugated-UK Warehouse Operator Professional Experience Strategical Planning Strategy Implementation Making evaluation plan Collecting quantitative/qualitative data Research 鍖nding andwebsite revamping Developing and reviewing acquisition strategies Summarizing and analyzing data Quality reporting of CRM dep.and resolve their issues . Monitoring marketing activities and work within team setting Maintain an complete accurate correspondence data Planning,retention and mangement. Managing client relationship to build reputation for excellent service. MTBC-USA BASE IT COMPANY March 2012 till March 2015 Marketing Specialist Planning RAKWORKS July 2015 till present Business Developmet Create reporting structure of CRM Making SOPs of sales and Marketing Dep. Company's Internal Audit 2014 NASD Issues Tracking Reporting Structure. Design 15 main index banner.(mtbc.com) Revamping the website ( www.mtbc.com ). Create leads Strategy for leads department Calling Campaign in di鍖erent states of USA Design a logo of MOMENTO for facebook Design Popup form Revamping the www.beours.com Design a number of splash screens Projects & & Thanks : Anjum Saeed Bun Kabab,Islamabad (Food Business)2015 Complete Business Structure Including Marketing Plan, VAS Items,Logo, Standees,Brochure,Menu,maintaining Facebook page and Promotions Banner, Complete Business Branding. Vserve Networks:2016 Design Vserve Networks,Vserve Communications,Vserve Integrated Solutions Logos. Chase-Engineering (http://www.chaseeng.com)2016 Company Branding Including Company logo,Brochure,website,Service Matrix,etc.