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BTEC ExtendedDiplomainCreativeMediaProduction
IG4 Final MajorProject
Contingency Plans If ProblemsAnticipated)
Mon W/B 05/01/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekourtutor introducedourfinal majorproduct.Ihave
decidedtoworkina group;we have decidedtocreate an advert
pack as thisiswhere our strengthsare.Duringthisweekwe have
startedto create our schedule foreverytaskwe needtocomplete
and discussedthe rolesof eachperson.
Nextweekwe planonresearchingavarietyof thingsto
do withGame Adverts andresearchinformationthat
may helpusgrowour ideafor pre-production.Some of
the researchincludes environments,trailersand
Mon W/B 12/01/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe completedtask1givingusan understandingabout
the differenttypesof briefsandexamplesof these briefsinthe
game designindustry.Thishastookuslongerthenexpectedand
so mustredraftour schedule toidentifywe needmore timefor
our research.
Our planfor nextweekistostart our researchboth
primaryand secondaryandgetan understandingof
whatour ideawill be.
Mon W/B 19/01/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe startedourresearchand completedall the research
tasksthat we have beenset.I believe thesetaskswentwell
because we have gatheredlotsof researchtogetherforourFMP
and have a clearunderstandingof whatwe intendtomake.
Nextweekwe plantoevaluate ourresearchinfull asa
groupand commenton howthishas helpeduswith
ideasandinspiration.We are onschedule andhopefully
finishtasks7/8 nextweektoa professionalstandard.
Mon W/B 26/01/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
We have finishedevaluatingourresearchaswell asour initial
+ideas;we have createda mindmap,mood boardand a numberof
sketches.We have beenearlyforthistaskand a weekahead
meaningthisgivesustime torevieweverythingsofar.
Nextweekwe plantoachieve storydevelopmentand
sketchesforall our productswe will be making. Thisis
part of the pre-productionstage andwill spendaround
1 weekonthis.
Mon W/B 02/02/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe have finishedstorydevelopmentas well asstarted
sketchingsome conceptart. We have alsostartedour project
proposal as thiswill outline ourfinal plan.Ithinkthisweekhas
gone well asall tasksare on schedule andworkingtogood
Nextweekwe intendtocreate some more sketchesas
well asconceptart. Witha weekaddedontoour
schedule givingustime toevaluate andoverlookthe
restof the projecton where we stand.
Mon W/B 09/02/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe finishedthe sketchesthisgave usa clear
understandingof ourideasandgave us an opportunitytofinish
the productionplan.Thisproductionplanhashelpedusgive usa
final ideaforour project.
Nextweekishalf termandso we have decidedtostart
our presentation.Overhalf termwe will thinkalot
aboutthe scriptand the visualsof the presentationto
prepare forwhenwe getback.
Mon W/B 16/02/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
BTEC ExtendedDiplomainCreativeMediaProduction
IG4 Final MajorProject
Mon W/B 23/02/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe designedourpitchvisualsusingimagesrelevantto
our presentationandproject.Ourpitchwasmainlyaudiobased
usingQ cards and explainingeveryaspectof ourplan.We
rehearsedourpitchmakingsure we were confidentandusedthe
appropriate terms.
Nextweekwe planonpresentingourideaafterall our
preparationandpractice as well asusingthe visualswe
have made.Our progressionisgoodandworkingtothe
time scale.
Mon W/B 02/03/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe performedourpitchafterall the preparationwe
preparedandusedQ cards to helpguide us.The pitchwentwell
and we got across our pointhowevertimingcouldhave been
improved.We3alsocreateda planfor our productionstage.
Nextweekwe startproductionaccordingtoour
schedule withindividualandgrouptasks.Aswell as
Mon W/B 09/03/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe startedproductionfirstcreatingaproduction
schedule dedicatedtoall ourproducts.We firststartedwith
posterssourcingoutmaterialsandimagestoinspire us.Thistask
wentwell aswe are onschedule andmakinggoodprogress.
Nextweekwe planonstartingconceptart and thiswill
be done earlierbecause we overestimatedthe timeto
make our posters.Thiswill include charactersand
Mon W/B 16/03/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe startedconceptart as well assome workfor the
trailer.Thisincludedstoryboardsandsketches.Thisweekwe have
done well andare aheadof schedule.
Nextweekwe planoncreatinga 3D environment
withinunitytodoa flythroughforour trailer.Aswell as
more developedsketchesforconceptart.
Mon W/B 23/03/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe have startedmore sketchesfocusing onbanditsfrom
imagesonline aswell asourimaginationandalsothe 3D
environmentusingAfterEffects.We will be creatingaflythrough
usingthis.Thisweekhasgone well howeverprogresshassloweda
little andwe needtopickup on that.
Nextweekwe planoncreatinganotherscene forour
trailerandfocuson zombie concepts.We will pickup
on the speedsowe fitour time progressinto our
Mon W/B 30/03/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe didsome ideasgenerationandoverall projectreview
of where we were uptomakingsure we were onschedule and
whatwe neededtodoto make upfor it.
Nextweekwe are off fromcollege sowill dosome
sketchesandschedule planning
Mon W/B 06/04/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe generatedideasforfuture productsaswell as
Carry on withideageneration
Mon W/B 13/04/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe generatedideasforfuture productsaswell as
Carry on withideageneration
BTEC ExtendedDiplomainCreativeMediaProduction
IG4 Final MajorProject
Mon W/B 20/04/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe were backincollege sorenderedthe final shotsof
the trailerand are now puttingittogetherthishasworkedwell and
the shotsare lookinglike afinal product.We have finalizedall
sketches andhave uploadedthemtoourcomputers.
Nextweekwe planonrecordingall the soundsand
soundfx and integratingitintoour trailer.We alsoplan
on finalizingthe trailer.
Mon W/B 27/04/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe finishedthe trailerandthiswasdone reallywell and
managedto getfeedbackfroma game designcompany.Thisweek
we have alsostartedfinishingall the improvementsforthe project
so far.
Nextweekwe planonmakingmore improvementsto
the project,andstartingthe final taskforthe project
Mon W/B 04/05/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe have finishedthe researchimprovementsandthis
has helpedusunderstandhowtoresearchasecondarysource
otherthan the internet.
Nextweekwe planonstartingthe Packagingforour
productand start evalutation.
Mon W/B 11/05/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe have finishedall the productionthatwe have
plannedandoverall Ithinkthishasworkedwell andwe have a
goodcollectionof material.We have alsostartedpreparingforour
Nextweekwe planonhavingourFocusgroup were we
can gain feedbackonourproductionandhelpevaluate
the project.
Mon W/B 18/05/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
We decidednottodo a focusgroup as thiswouldtake tolongand
insteadchose todo a surveythat allowedustogainfeedback
quickerandallowedustoassessitmuch easier.
NextweekIplanonevaluatingall myworkusingthe 6
questionsinthe evaluationtasktohelpme.
Mon W/B 25/05/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Thisweekwe evaluatedall of ourworkmakingsure thatwe kept
to the task brief verywell.Ibelieve thiswentwell andwe managed
to recorda voice recordingversionof questions3and4.
NextweekIplanonmakingsure everythingisthere and
makinganyimprovementstomyprojectinthe final
Mon W/B 01/06/15
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
We decidedtomake sure all ourwork wasuploadedand
completedwithanyimprovementsaddedsowe couldgainthe
highestgrade possible.Afterthiswe submittedourworkfor

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  • 1. BTEC ExtendedDiplomainCreativeMediaProduction IG4 Final MajorProject ProductionDiary AnthonyBowes PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (IncludingPossible Contingency Plans If ProblemsAnticipated) Mon W/B 05/01/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekourtutor introducedourfinal majorproduct.Ihave decidedtoworkina group;we have decidedtocreate an advert pack as thisiswhere our strengthsare.Duringthisweekwe have startedto create our schedule foreverytaskwe needtocomplete and discussedthe rolesof eachperson. Nextweekwe planonresearchingavarietyof thingsto do withGame Adverts andresearchinformationthat may helpusgrowour ideafor pre-production.Some of the researchincludes environments,trailersand characters Mon W/B 12/01/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe completedtask1givingusan understandingabout the differenttypesof briefsandexamplesof these briefsinthe game designindustry.Thishastookuslongerthenexpectedand so mustredraftour schedule toidentifywe needmore timefor our research. Our planfor nextweekistostart our researchboth primaryand secondaryandgetan understandingof whatour ideawill be. Mon W/B 19/01/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe startedourresearchand completedall the research tasksthat we have beenset.I believe thesetaskswentwell because we have gatheredlotsof researchtogetherforourFMP and have a clearunderstandingof whatwe intendtomake. Nextweekwe plantoevaluate ourresearchinfull asa groupand commenton howthishas helpeduswith ideasandinspiration.We are onschedule andhopefully finishtasks7/8 nextweektoa professionalstandard. Mon W/B 26/01/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) We have finishedevaluatingourresearchaswell asour initial +ideas;we have createda mindmap,mood boardand a numberof sketches.We have beenearlyforthistaskand a weekahead meaningthisgivesustime torevieweverythingsofar. Nextweekwe plantoachieve storydevelopmentand sketchesforall our productswe will be making. Thisis part of the pre-productionstage andwill spendaround 1 weekonthis. Mon W/B 02/02/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe have finishedstorydevelopmentas well asstarted sketchingsome conceptart. We have alsostartedour project proposal as thiswill outline ourfinal plan.Ithinkthisweekhas gone well asall tasksare on schedule andworkingtogood progress. Nextweekwe intendtocreate some more sketchesas well asconceptart. Witha weekaddedontoour schedule givingustime toevaluate andoverlookthe restof the projecton where we stand. Mon W/B 09/02/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe finishedthe sketchesthisgave usa clear understandingof ourideasandgave us an opportunitytofinish the productionplan.Thisproductionplanhashelpedusgive usa final ideaforour project. Nextweekishalf termandso we have decidedtostart our presentation.Overhalf termwe will thinkalot aboutthe scriptand the visualsof the presentationto prepare forwhenwe getback. Mon W/B 16/02/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary)
  • 2. BTEC ExtendedDiplomainCreativeMediaProduction IG4 Final MajorProject ProductionDiary Mon W/B 23/02/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe designedourpitchvisualsusingimagesrelevantto our presentationandproject.Ourpitchwasmainlyaudiobased usingQ cards and explainingeveryaspectof ourplan.We rehearsedourpitchmakingsure we were confidentandusedthe appropriate terms. Nextweekwe planonpresentingourideaafterall our preparationandpractice as well asusingthe visualswe have made.Our progressionisgoodandworkingtothe time scale. Mon W/B 02/03/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe performedourpitchafterall the preparationwe preparedandusedQ cards to helpguide us.The pitchwentwell and we got across our pointhowevertimingcouldhave been improved.We3alsocreateda planfor our productionstage. Nextweekwe startproductionaccordingtoour schedule withindividualandgrouptasks.Aswell as gettingfeedbackonourpresentation. Mon W/B 09/03/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe startedproductionfirstcreatingaproduction schedule dedicatedtoall ourproducts.We firststartedwith posterssourcingoutmaterialsandimagestoinspire us.Thistask wentwell aswe are onschedule andmakinggoodprogress. Nextweekwe planonstartingconceptart and thiswill be done earlierbecause we overestimatedthe timeto make our posters.Thiswill include charactersand props. Mon W/B 16/03/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe startedconceptart as well assome workfor the trailer.Thisincludedstoryboardsandsketches.Thisweekwe have done well andare aheadof schedule. Nextweekwe planoncreatinga 3D environment withinunitytodoa flythroughforour trailer.Aswell as more developedsketchesforconceptart. Mon W/B 23/03/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe have startedmore sketchesfocusing onbanditsfrom imagesonline aswell asourimaginationandalsothe 3D environmentusingAfterEffects.We will be creatingaflythrough usingthis.Thisweekhasgone well howeverprogresshassloweda little andwe needtopickup on that. Nextweekwe planoncreatinganotherscene forour trailerandfocuson zombie concepts.We will pickup on the speedsowe fitour time progressinto our schedule. Mon W/B 30/03/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe didsome ideasgenerationandoverall projectreview of where we were uptomakingsure we were onschedule and whatwe neededtodoto make upfor it. Nextweekwe are off fromcollege sowill dosome sketchesandschedule planning Mon W/B 06/04/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe generatedideasforfuture productsaswell as finalizingsketches. Carry on withideageneration Mon W/B 13/04/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe generatedideasforfuture productsaswell as finalizingsketches. Carry on withideageneration
  • 3. BTEC ExtendedDiplomainCreativeMediaProduction IG4 Final MajorProject ProductionDiary Mon W/B 20/04/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe were backincollege sorenderedthe final shotsof the trailerand are now puttingittogetherthishasworkedwell and the shotsare lookinglike afinal product.We have finalizedall sketches andhave uploadedthemtoourcomputers. Nextweekwe planonrecordingall the soundsand soundfx and integratingitintoour trailer.We alsoplan on finalizingthe trailer. Mon W/B 27/04/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe finishedthe trailerandthiswasdone reallywell and managedto getfeedbackfroma game designcompany.Thisweek we have alsostartedfinishingall the improvementsforthe project so far. Nextweekwe planonmakingmore improvementsto the project,andstartingthe final taskforthe project production. Mon W/B 04/05/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe have finishedthe researchimprovementsandthis has helpedusunderstandhowtoresearchasecondarysource otherthan the internet. Nextweekwe planonstartingthe Packagingforour productand start evalutation. Mon W/B 11/05/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe have finishedall the productionthatwe have plannedandoverall Ithinkthishasworkedwell andwe have a goodcollectionof material.We have alsostartedpreparingforour Focusgroup. Nextweekwe planonhavingourFocusgroup were we can gain feedbackonourproductionandhelpevaluate the project. Mon W/B 18/05/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) We decidednottodo a focusgroup as thiswouldtake tolongand insteadchose todo a surveythat allowedustogainfeedback quickerandallowedustoassessitmuch easier. NextweekIplanonevaluatingall myworkusingthe 6 questionsinthe evaluationtasktohelpme. Mon W/B 25/05/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Thisweekwe evaluatedall of ourworkmakingsure thatwe kept to the task brief verywell.Ibelieve thiswentwell andwe managed to recorda voice recordingversionof questions3and4. NextweekIplanonmakingsure everythingisthere and makinganyimprovementstomyprojectinthe final week. Mon W/B 01/06/15 (Detailed Weekly Summary) We decidedtomake sure all ourwork wasuploadedand completedwithanyimprovementsaddedsowe couldgainthe highestgrade possible.Afterthiswe submittedourworkfor marking. PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (IncludingPossible ContingencyPlans)