1. EDB launched an improved business with aligned and coordinated capabilities, including a new powerful consulting unit and simplified legal structure represented by a new logo.
2. The company saw positive revenue trends after a challenging 2009, with revenue of 1,824 million NOK (a 5% year-over-year decrease) and improved EBITA margins of 7.4%.
3. EDB secured future business with 1.3 billion NOK in new signings for the quarter and an order backlog of 12.1 billion NOK across business areas including IT Operations, Solutions, and Consulting.
- EDB Business Partner ASA and ErgoGroup AS announced a merger to create the largest IT company in Norway and second largest IT services company in the Nordics.
- The combined company will have annual revenues of NOK 12.7 billion and approximately 10,000 employees across the Nordic region and globally.
- The transaction aims to generate cost synergies of NOK 250-350 million annually by rationalizing employees, consolidating servers, and reducing software license costs.
EDB secured a record NOK 8.6 billion in new contracts in 2009, including a NOK 3.8 billion agreement with DnB NOR. Key contracts also included agreements with four Norwegian banks worth NOK 800 million total, and contracts with Green Cargo, REC, and others. EDB entered 2010 with a record order backlog of NOK 12.6 billion, positioning it well for future earnings in a challenging market.
The document summarizes Q4 highlights for a group. Key points include:
- Revenue was NOK 1,917 million, a 10% increase year-over-year. EBITA was NOK 168 million, a 12% increase.
- A cost program secured a sustainable margin and the Bank & Finance segment continued to outperform the market. New signings were NOK 1.4 billion, a 64% increase year-over-year.
- For 2009, revenue decreased 5% in line with market trends. EBITA was NOK 603 million, a 17% decrease, but order backlog secured visibility through 2013.
Corporate Responsibility og betydningen av samarbeid med underleverandørerEDB
Telenor is a global telecommunications company operating in 14 countries with over 170 million subscribers and 40,000 employees. As a responsible company, Telenor is committed to corporate responsibility and sustainable business practices. This includes reducing its carbon emissions by 40% by 2017, empowering marginalized groups through access to mobile services, and establishing responsible supply chain management through adherence to supplier conduct principles. Telenor recognizes that as a major company, it can make a positive economic and social impact through its business activities.
- EDB Business Partner ASA and ErgoGroup AS announced a merger to create the largest IT company in Norway and second largest IT services company in the Nordics.
- The combined company will have annual revenues of NOK 12.7 billion and approximately 10,000 employees across the Nordic region and globally.
- The transaction aims to generate cost synergies of NOK 250-350 million annually by rationalizing employees, consolidating servers, and reducing software license costs.
EDB secured a record NOK 8.6 billion in new contracts in 2009, including a NOK 3.8 billion agreement with DnB NOR. Key contracts also included agreements with four Norwegian banks worth NOK 800 million total, and contracts with Green Cargo, REC, and others. EDB entered 2010 with a record order backlog of NOK 12.6 billion, positioning it well for future earnings in a challenging market.
The document summarizes Q4 highlights for a group. Key points include:
- Revenue was NOK 1,917 million, a 10% increase year-over-year. EBITA was NOK 168 million, a 12% increase.
- A cost program secured a sustainable margin and the Bank & Finance segment continued to outperform the market. New signings were NOK 1.4 billion, a 64% increase year-over-year.
- For 2009, revenue decreased 5% in line with market trends. EBITA was NOK 603 million, a 17% decrease, but order backlog secured visibility through 2013.
Corporate Responsibility og betydningen av samarbeid med underleverandørerEDB
Telenor is a global telecommunications company operating in 14 countries with over 170 million subscribers and 40,000 employees. As a responsible company, Telenor is committed to corporate responsibility and sustainable business practices. This includes reducing its carbon emissions by 40% by 2017, empowering marginalized groups through access to mobile services, and establishing responsible supply chain management through adherence to supplier conduct principles. Telenor recognizes that as a major company, it can make a positive economic and social impact through its business activities.
2. Hvorfor bekjempe hvitvasking?Den svarte økonomien utgjør anslagsvis rundt 100 milliarderkroner i året. Sannsynligvis gjøres det forsøk på å hvitvaske en stor andel av dette. Hvitvasking av penger er ofte vevd sammen med annen organisert kriminalitet, blant annet narkotikahandel, våpensmugling og prostitusjon. De kriminelle prøver på ulike måter å reinvestere penger fra kriminelle handlinger i lovlig virksomhet. Kilde: FNH
3. EDB leverer antihvitvasksystemer til nordiske banker140 norske banker75 danske bankerNoen mindre svenske banker (under oppstart)Aktiviserer reglerBankene definerer regler for hva som skal gi varselRegler tilpasses endringer i betalingsmønstreKunder og transaksjoner vaskes mot sanksjonslisterEDBs systemer er tilpasset ny hvitvasklov i Norge (EU’s 3-dje hvitvaskdirektiv)Fakta om antihvitvask fra EDB
6. 1.3 % av flaggede saker rapporteres til Økokrim74 % fanges av det elektroniske overvåkingssystemet52 % i 2006Andelen regler for næringsrelaterte saker steg til 12 % i 2009Fra 5 % i 2008Kun 3 % av rapporterte meldinger gjelder bedriftskunder1 av 5 saker er knyttet til spesielle næringer der bygg og anlegg er størst. TrenderPage6EDB 2010