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EMPOWER                                 EMPOWER                                 EMPOWER
           HOUR                                    HOUR                                    HOUR
Building Your Body of Business          Building Your Body of Business          Building Your Body of Business
   An informative networking luncheon      An informative networking luncheon      An informative networking luncheon
       to strengthen your business.            to strengthen your business.            to strengthen your business.
122 S. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755       122 S. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755       122 S. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755
      P: 260.347.1554 F: 260.347.1575              P: 260.347.1554 F: 260.347.1575              P: 260.347.1554 F: 260.347.1575

       Upcoming Topic:                              Upcoming Topic:                              Upcoming Topic:
Stress & Money                               Stress & Money                               Stress & Money
Featuring Dr. Rudy Kachmann                  Featuring Dr. Rudy Kachmann                  Featuring Dr. Rudy Kachmann
     Neurosurgeon & Founder                       Neurosurgeon & Founder                       Neurosurgeon & Founder
   Kachmann Mind Body Institute                 Kachmann Mind Body Institute                 Kachmann Mind Body Institute
 Learn how to deal with the stress            Learn how to deal with the stress            Learn how to deal with the stress
        associated with the                          associated with the                          associated with the
     current financial climate.                   current financial climate.                   current financial climate.

 Wednesday, April 14, 2010                    Wednesday, April 14, 2010                    Wednesday, April 14, 2010
   11:30 am - 1:00 pm                           11:30 am - 1:00 pm                           11:30 am - 1:00 pm
       Kendallville Public Libray                   Kendallville Public Libray                   Kendallville Public Libray

            Sponsored by:                                Sponsored by:                                Sponsored by:

      Chamber Members                              Chamber Members                              Chamber Members
        $10 per person                               $10 per person                               $10 per person
         Non-Members                                  Non-Members                                  Non-Members
        $15 per person                               $15 per person                               $15 per person
        To register, visit                           To register, visit                           To register, visit
 www.kendallvillechamber.com                  www.kendallvillechamber.com                  www.kendallvillechamber.com

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April E.H. flyer

  • 1. EMPOWER EMPOWER EMPOWER HOUR HOUR HOUR Building Your Body of Business Building Your Body of Business Building Your Body of Business An informative networking luncheon An informative networking luncheon An informative networking luncheon to strengthen your business. to strengthen your business. to strengthen your business.
  • 2. 122 S. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755 122 S. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755 122 S. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755 P: 260.347.1554 F: 260.347.1575 P: 260.347.1554 F: 260.347.1575 P: 260.347.1554 F: 260.347.1575 Upcoming Topic: Upcoming Topic: Upcoming Topic: Stress & Money Stress & Money Stress & Money Featuring Dr. Rudy Kachmann Featuring Dr. Rudy Kachmann Featuring Dr. Rudy Kachmann Neurosurgeon & Founder Neurosurgeon & Founder Neurosurgeon & Founder Kachmann Mind Body Institute Kachmann Mind Body Institute Kachmann Mind Body Institute Learn how to deal with the stress Learn how to deal with the stress Learn how to deal with the stress associated with the associated with the associated with the current financial climate. current financial climate. current financial climate. Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Wednesday, April 14, 2010 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Kendallville Public Libray Kendallville Public Libray Kendallville Public Libray Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Chamber Members Chamber Members Chamber Members $10 per person $10 per person $10 per person Non-Members Non-Members Non-Members $15 per person $15 per person $15 per person To register, visit To register, visit To register, visit www.kendallvillechamber.com www.kendallvillechamber.com www.kendallvillechamber.com