How truthful documentary filmmaking has inspired my practice..Jessica Mone
The document discusses the documentary film "Capturing the Friedmans" directed by Andrew Jarecki in 2003. It explores the controversial case of Arnold and Jessie Friedman, who were charged with sexually abusing young boys in their home in the 1980s. The filmmaker claims to believe Jessie Friedman is innocent, raising questions about the film's objectivity. The document analyzes techniques used in the film, and how they have inspired but also made the author more cautious in her own documentary filmmaking to avoid being too one-sided.
How truthful documentary filmmaking has inspired my practice..Jessica Mone
The document discusses the documentary film "Capturing the Friedmans" directed by Andrew Jarecki in 2003. It explores the controversial case of Arnold and Jessie Friedman, who were charged with sexually abusing young boys in their home in the 1980s. The filmmaker claims to believe Jessie Friedman is innocent, raising questions about the film's objectivity. The document analyzes techniques used in the film, and how they have inspired but also made the author more cautious in her own documentary filmmaking to avoid being too one-sided.
Creating database table in ABAP Data Dictionarynityaabap
To create a database table in the data dictionary, enter a short description like "Employees" and select delivery class and data browser/table view maintenance options. Click save, then click local object to save the ZEmployees table.
Mott MacDonald is hiring for various engineering roles in multiple UK cities. Positions include administration assistants, engineers specializing in civil, structural, bridge, railway, heavy civils, mechanical, electrical, highways and more. Candidates should apply on the company's careers website, providing the relevant job number.
The document discusses the history and technical details of the CPS2 arcade system which was used by Capcom in 1994. It introduces the CPS2 and notes it was succeeded by the PC based system in 1999. It then provides a brief overview of the encryption method used to protect games on the CPS2 system and references some external links for additional information on the system and its emulation.
Cell therapies in heart failure thet don't workdrucsamal
This document discusses cell therapies for heart failure. It summarizes several studies that have shown cell therapies can improve left ventricular function after a myocardial infarction in animal models. However, the data is limited on whether cell therapies work in established heart failure models, on background medical therapy, or have durable effects. Several meta-analyses of clinical trials found moderate evidence cell therapies improve left ventricular ejection fraction but low quality evidence of potential benefits on mortality. Other studies found no effects on outcomes like death or left ventricular function compared to controls. Further studies directly examining human hearts found very poor engraftment of transplanted cells and no improvements in vascularity or fibrosis. In conclusion, while cell therapies show some modest benefits in animal models and clinical trials,
Fabrizio Depascale studied Hospitality Management. The document is a record dated February 2nd, 2016 that includes Fabrizio Depascale's name and area of study. In 3 sentences or less, it provides high-level information about an individual and their field of study on a specific date.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.
Les ciutats romanes estaven emmurallades i tenien un tra巽at
Al centre urb hi havia el f嘆rum, una gran pla巽a envoltada dedificis
p炭blics, de temples i de botigues.
Per a lesbarjo i lentreteniment dels habitants hi havia termes,
teatre, amfiteatre i cirs.
Tamb辿 hi havia monuments, com arcs de trionf, aq端eductes
Les ciutats eren el centre de la vida social, econ嘆mica, pol鱈tica i
cultural del m坦n rom.
All es venien els productes agr鱈coles i es desenvolupaven tot tipus
A la societat romana hi havia persones:
Rics: propietaris de terres, comerciants
Humils: artesans, pagesos
Esclaves: no tenien cap dret i feien les feines m辿s dures.
Les explotacions agr鱈coles sorganitzaven al voltant de grans cases de
camp (vil揃les).
Una vil揃la estava formada pel conjunt dedificacions i els camps dels
Els conreus m辿s importants a Hispnia eren : blat, vinya, oliveres.
La mineria i el comer巽 tamb辿 van ser molt importants a l竪poca dels