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Gianni Serio
 League was started in order to land the
1994 bid for the World Cup in America.
 Inaugural season was in 1996, included 10
 Currently is made up of 20 teams.
REVOLUTION The Teams name focuses on
the regions rich history, being
the main location of the
American Revolution
 Everything about the club
speaks Patriotism, the Crest,
the name, and the uniforms all
scream RED, WHITE, and
REVOLUTION Supporters are known as the Midnight Riders
after Paul Reveres midnight ride warning of
the British attack
 The teams name alludes to the Union of the 13 original
colonies, when Philadelphia was the capital
 The teams colors are navy blue and gold representing
the Continental Army
 The crest shows 13 stars resembling the 13 colonies and the snake
signifies the Join or Die political cartoon created by Benjamin
 The clubs supporters are the Sons of Ben, founded on Benjamin
Franklins 301st birthday
 Name comes form the capital preaching unity amongst
the country
 Much like the club does with its supporters
 The 3 Feathers on the logo represents the 3 jurisdictions
of Washington Metropolitan Area
 Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia
 Team name references the Great Chicago Fire in 1871
 One of the largest disasters of the 19th century
 Rumor: started by a cow kicking over a lantern in a
 Logo represents the Florian cross, which
is a symbol for synonymous with
 Los Angeles team name
alludes to the multitude of
stars that live and work in
 Los Angeles reached movie royalty beginning
with the completion of the Santa Fe Railroad
giving the economy its base in tourism and
 One of the supporters groups is the
Riot Squad, this references the LA race
riots in 1992 over the Rodney King Trial
 Name references Pacific Northwests Logging industry
 Began booming in late 19th to the early 20th century
due to dwindling supplies in upper Midwest
 Timber Joey the clubs mascot cuts a slab
off a log after every goal the Timbers score

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Apush final project

  • 1. ORIGINS OF MLS TEAMS Gianni Serio
  • 2. ABOUT THE MLS League was started in order to land the 1994 bid for the World Cup in America. Inaugural season was in 1996, included 10 teams. Currently is made up of 20 teams.
  • 3. NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION The Teams name focuses on the regions rich history, being the main location of the American Revolution Everything about the club speaks Patriotism, the Crest, the name, and the uniforms all scream RED, WHITE, and BLUE
  • 4. NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION Supporters are known as the Midnight Riders after Paul Reveres midnight ride warning of the British attack
  • 5. PHILADELPHIA UNION The teams name alludes to the Union of the 13 original colonies, when Philadelphia was the capital The teams colors are navy blue and gold representing the Continental Army
  • 6. PHILADELPHIA UNION The crest shows 13 stars resembling the 13 colonies and the snake signifies the Join or Die political cartoon created by Benjamin Franklin The clubs supporters are the Sons of Ben, founded on Benjamin Franklins 301st birthday
  • 7. D.C. UNITED Name comes form the capital preaching unity amongst the country Much like the club does with its supporters The 3 Feathers on the logo represents the 3 jurisdictions of Washington Metropolitan Area Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia
  • 8. CHICAGO FIRE Team name references the Great Chicago Fire in 1871 One of the largest disasters of the 19th century Rumor: started by a cow kicking over a lantern in a barn
  • 9. CHICAGO FIRE Logo represents the Florian cross, which is a symbol for synonymous with Firefighters
  • 10. LOS ANGELES GALAXY Los Angeles team name alludes to the multitude of stars that live and work in Hollywood Los Angeles reached movie royalty beginning with the completion of the Santa Fe Railroad giving the economy its base in tourism and movies
  • 11. LOS ANGELES GALAXY One of the supporters groups is the Riot Squad, this references the LA race riots in 1992 over the Rodney King Trial
  • 12. PORTLAND TIMBERS Name references Pacific Northwests Logging industry Began booming in late 19th to the early 20th century due to dwindling supplies in upper Midwest
  • 13. PORTLAND TIMBERS Timber Joey the clubs mascot cuts a slab off a log after every goal the Timbers score