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Norvell B DeAtkine
June 2009
Application of Culture to Warfare
Generally not
done or if done
What is Stereotyping?
 Taking a kernel of truth and creating a
broad all-inclusive generalization
 It can lead to disaster in threat assessment
Pakistan outgunned and outnumbered by India launches an
attack on India.WHY?
One Pakistani soldier equals 20 Indians
The Indo-Pakistan War, 1971
Culture and Stereotyping
Disasters in History
 Hitlers assessment of U.S.
 war making capability
 Our assessment of the
Japanese in 1940
 German assessment of the
 Eastern Europeans prior to
 Operation Barbarossa
Culture and Stereotyping
 Arab view of the Jews prior to 1948
 Our assessment of the North Vietnamese in 1966
 Israeli view of the
Egyptian military
in 1973
Culture and Stereotyping
 Iraqi assessment of the
U.S. in 1990.and
perhaps again in 2003?
 Ben Ladens view of
the U.S.?
Culture is a prime determinant of the
nature of warfare as the history of its
development in Asia clearly
John Keegan The History of Warfare
The beginning and the ending of handling
Arabs is the unremitting study of them
TE Lawrence The Arab Bulletin Aug 1920
Attributes Not Applicable to
Cultural Studies in Warfare
 Human Intelligence
Roman Imperial Army
Arab Warfare in History
 Amazing Arab/Islamic expansion in 7th
Century due to number of historical and
social factors, but also because of
 Extensive battle experience
 Excellent leadership
 Excellent mobilization
All peoples have a distinct cultural approach
to warfare. As Americans we have our own
strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to
minimize the weaknesses and use the
strengths. EXAMPLE;
Kasserine Pass in WWII demonstrated our weaknesses.
General Observations on Styles of War
 Vaunted position of
smart weapons and
 Quick resolution demanded
 Decisive victory expected
 Firepower decisive
 War must be socially beneficial
 Requires clear demarcation between peace and
 Ambiguity avoided and/or the complex
Arab Style of War
 Political context
 Defense over offense
 Psychological warfare
Victories without battles
- T.E. Lawrence 1921
 * low soldier maintenance.
 * Inured to austere living conditions
 * Tradition of obedience to authority
 * Islam and the Arabic language are great
vehicles for motivation and control.
 *Dogged in Defense
 *History of rising from the ashes
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Overly Centralized
 Decisions made at higher
 No subordinate input
 Written orders a must
 Top-heavy rank structure
 Very little latitude given
 Stovepipe organization
inhibiting lateral
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Inhibitions on
individual initiative
 Nail that stands up
gets hammered down
 Byproduct of an
authoritarian culture
 Comparison of the
Israeli and Egyptian
Suez crossing in 1973
 Soviet training
reinforced top-down
command style
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Decision-making and taking responsibility
 U.S. E-7 equals authority of most Arab O-5/O-6
 Always at the top
 Tendency to reject personal responsibility
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Distrust of military, especially ground
 Balance of forces
 Iraqi Army and Republican Guard
 Egyptian Army and Central Security Force
 Syrian Army and
Republican Guard
 Dual-edged sword
 Syrian in 1967
 Egypt in 1973
 Iraq in 1991
Weaknesses and vulnerabilities
Other effects of the environment
of distrust;
- Lack of effective joint operations
- Lack of effective coalition war
- Inhibitions on large scale training
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 The Heavy Hand of
 The Islamist threat
 The ethnicity problem
 The waning but still
important place of
certain ideologies
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Manipulation of
information and
 Information is
 Paranoia on
 Egyptians in 1973
 Egyptians and
Syrians in 1973
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Dissimulation and
 Killing the
 The lie which
facilitates is better
than the truth which
 Arabic language as a
powerful cultural
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 The Education Process
 By rote
 Instructor/instructors never challenged
 Rigid classroom
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
 Officers and
Enlisted Gap and
Unit Cohesiveness
 Non-existent NCO
 EM treatment
 No communication
 Typical Egyptian
Army weekend in
tactical unit
Considerations in Assessing Arab
Military Effectiveness
Arabs have a flair for the dramatic and present
Outstanding dog and pony shows.
 The maintenance system is culture
dependent, e.g.,
mechanical aptitude
trust in subordinates
the educational system
dependence on outside support
Logistics and maintenance are perennial problems.
 Urban warfare is the Middle East warfare of the
past and future
 1948 Jerusalem: Israeli-/Arabs
 1967 Jerusalem: Israeli conquest(reconquest)
 1970 Amman: Jordanian conflict with PLO
 1973 Suez City: Egypt stops Israeli attack
 1975-1990 Lebanon: The civil war
 1980/1981 Iran Iraq: Khoramshar
 1980 and 1982 : Syria. Islamist revolt
 1989- 2002 Intifadah I and II in Palestine
Arab Way of War
 Israeli Tank in Bethlehem
Look For a strategy of urban terrorism:
The lesson learned in the evolution of the PLO strategy
is that terrorism, not conventional or guerrilla war,
As we must face in parts of Iraq
To begin to understand the apparent Arab
propensity for self-sacrifice in terrorist attacks,
one must read Eric Hofer, The True Believer, and
Raphael Patais The Arab Mind.
Dying and killing seem easy when they are part
of ritual, ceremonial, dramatic
 One of the main tasks of a real leader is to
mask the grim reality of killing and dying by
evoking in his followers the illusion that they are
participating in a grand spectacle.
 Glory is a theatrical concept. There is no striving
for glory without a vivid audience..the
knowledge that our mighty deeds will become
known to our contemporaries.
Above quotes from Eric Hofer
 It is a characteristic of the Arab mind to be
swayed more by words than ideas and ideas
more than facts.
George Attiyeh in The Arabs.
Palestinian suicide bomber
 The Influence of Arab Culture on Arab
Military effectiveness
 A PHD THESIS by Kenneth Pollack completed
in 1996 at The Massachusetts Institute of
Arab culture had a tremendous influence on the
ability of Arab militaries to conduct maneuver warfare,
and the weakness of Arab militaries in maneuver
warfare was the single most detrimental aspect of their
poor military performance.
Other findings of Pollock:
 Weakness in mechanized warfare
 Socio-economic backwardness
 Politicization of officer corps
 Focus on internal security
Concluding Observations
In the Arab World if the right hand is active, keep
a sharp eye on the left.
 Reverse the Clausewitzean theorem; War is not a
continuation of politics but actually politics is a
continuation of war.
 The Middle Eastern wars will be most often
fought in urban areas.

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Arab way of war 09

  • 1. THE ARAB WAY OF WAR Norvell B DeAtkine Youstahz@aol.com June 2009
  • 2. Application of Culture to Warfare Generally not done or if done stereotypically applied
  • 3. What is Stereotyping? Taking a kernel of truth and creating a broad all-inclusive generalization It can lead to disaster in threat assessment
  • 4. Pakistan outgunned and outnumbered by India launches an attack on India.WHY? One Pakistani soldier equals 20 Indians Example The Indo-Pakistan War, 1971
  • 5. Culture and Stereotyping Disasters in History Hitlers assessment of U.S. war making capability Our assessment of the Japanese in 1940 German assessment of the Eastern Europeans prior to Operation Barbarossa
  • 6. Culture and Stereotyping Arab view of the Jews prior to 1948 Our assessment of the North Vietnamese in 1966 Israeli view of the Egyptian military in 1973
  • 7. Culture and Stereotyping Iraqi assessment of the U.S. in 1990.and perhaps again in 2003? Ben Ladens view of the U.S.?
  • 8. Culture is a prime determinant of the nature of warfare as the history of its development in Asia clearly demonstrates. John Keegan The History of Warfare The beginning and the ending of handling Arabs is the unremitting study of them TE Lawrence The Arab Bulletin Aug 1920
  • 9. Attributes Not Applicable to Cultural Studies in Warfare Courage Human Intelligence Genetics Example: Roman Imperial Army ACCULTURATION NOT GENES
  • 10. Arab Warfare in History Amazing Arab/Islamic expansion in 7th Century due to number of historical and social factors, but also because of Extensive battle experience Excellent leadership Adaptability Excellent mobilization
  • 11. ARAB WAY OF WAR All peoples have a distinct cultural approach to warfare. As Americans we have our own strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to minimize the weaknesses and use the strengths. EXAMPLE; Kasserine Pass in WWII demonstrated our weaknesses.
  • 12. General Observations on Styles of War American Vaunted position of smart weapons and technology Quick resolution demanded Decisive victory expected Firepower decisive War must be socially beneficial Requires clear demarcation between peace and war Ambiguity avoided and/or the complex oversimplified
  • 13. Arab Style of War Political context Evasive/Indirection Delay/attrite Standoff Deception Defense over offense Psychological warfare Victories without battles - T.E. Lawrence 1921
  • 14. STRENGHTS OF ARAB MILITARY * low soldier maintenance. * Inured to austere living conditions * Tradition of obedience to authority * Islam and the Arabic language are great vehicles for motivation and control. *Dogged in Defense *History of rising from the ashes
  • 15. ARAB Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Overly Centralized Decisions made at higher levels No subordinate input Written orders a must Top-heavy rank structure Very little latitude given subordinates Stovepipe organization inhibiting lateral communications
  • 16. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Inhibitions on individual initiative Nail that stands up gets hammered down Byproduct of an authoritarian culture Comparison of the Israeli and Egyptian Suez crossing in 1973 Soviet training reinforced top-down command style
  • 17. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Decision-making and taking responsibility U.S. E-7 equals authority of most Arab O-5/O-6 Always at the top Tendency to reject personal responsibility
  • 18. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Distrust of military, especially ground forces Balance of forces SANG and SALF Iraqi Army and Republican Guard Egyptian Army and Central Security Force Syrian Army and Republican Guard Division Dual-edged sword Examples Syrian in 1967 Egypt in 1973 Iraq in 1991
  • 19. Weaknesses and vulnerabilities Other effects of the environment of distrust; - Lack of effective joint operations - Lack of effective coalition war - Inhibitions on large scale training
  • 20. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Arab The Heavy Hand of Politicization The Islamist threat The ethnicity problem The waning but still important place of certain ideologies
  • 21. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Arab Manipulation of information and security Information is power Paranoia on security Examples Egyptians in 1973 Egyptians and Syrians in 1973
  • 22. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Arab Dissimulation and Objectivity Killing the messenger The lie which facilitates is better than the truth which confronts Arabic language as a powerful cultural influence
  • 23. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Arab The Education Process By rote Instructor/instructors never challenged Rigid classroom etiquette Questioning Grading Ranks
  • 24. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities Arab Officers and Enlisted Gap and Unit Cohesiveness Non-existent NCO Corps EM treatment execrable No communication Typical Egyptian Army weekend in tactical unit
  • 25. Considerations in Assessing Arab Military Effectiveness Arabs have a flair for the dramatic and present Outstanding dog and pony shows.
  • 26. ARAB WAY of WAR The maintenance system is culture dependent, e.g., mechanical aptitude trust in subordinates the educational system infrastructure dependence on outside support Logistics and maintenance are perennial problems.
  • 27. ARAB WAY OF WAR Urban warfare is the Middle East warfare of the past and future 1948 Jerusalem: Israeli-/Arabs 1967 Jerusalem: Israeli conquest(reconquest) 1970 Amman: Jordanian conflict with PLO 1973 Suez City: Egypt stops Israeli attack 1975-1990 Lebanon: The civil war 1980/1981 Iran Iraq: Khoramshar 1980 and 1982 : Syria. Islamist revolt 1989- 2002 Intifadah I and II in Palestine
  • 28. Arab Way of War Israeli Tank in Bethlehem
  • 29. THE ARAB WAY OF WAR Look For a strategy of urban terrorism: The lesson learned in the evolution of the PLO strategy is that terrorism, not conventional or guerrilla war, works.
  • 30. As we must face in parts of Iraq
  • 31. ARAB WAY OF WAR To begin to understand the apparent Arab propensity for self-sacrifice in terrorist attacks, one must read Eric Hofer, The True Believer, and Raphael Patais The Arab Mind. Dying and killing seem easy when they are part of ritual, ceremonial, dramatic performance..
  • 32. ARAB WAY OF WAR One of the main tasks of a real leader is to mask the grim reality of killing and dying by evoking in his followers the illusion that they are participating in a grand spectacle. Glory is a theatrical concept. There is no striving for glory without a vivid audience..the knowledge that our mighty deeds will become known to our contemporaries. Above quotes from Eric Hofer
  • 33. ARAB WAY OF WAR It is a characteristic of the Arab mind to be swayed more by words than ideas and ideas more than facts. George Attiyeh in The Arabs. Palestinian suicide bomber
  • 34. ARAB WAY OF WAR The Influence of Arab Culture on Arab Military effectiveness A PHD THESIS by Kenneth Pollack completed in 1996 at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology HIS PRIMARY CONCLUSION Arab culture had a tremendous influence on the ability of Arab militaries to conduct maneuver warfare, and the weakness of Arab militaries in maneuver warfare was the single most detrimental aspect of their poor military performance.
  • 35. ARAB WAY OF WAR Other findings of Pollock: Weakness in mechanized warfare Socio-economic backwardness Politicization of officer corps Focus on internal security
  • 36. ARAB WAY OF WAR Concluding Observations In the Arab World if the right hand is active, keep a sharp eye on the left. Reverse the Clausewitzean theorem; War is not a continuation of politics but actually politics is a continuation of war. The Middle Eastern wars will be most often fought in urban areas.