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Few months ago, an Indian Sikh travelling on a Greyhound bus from Phoenix to
Indianapolis was glad to see a Pakistani join the bus. They bonded quickly because the Sikh could
barely speak English and was glad to speak in Punjabi with his new found co-traveler.
Whatever transpired thereafter in their excitement and conversations, someone contacted
law enforcement at a stop in Amarillo, Texas with a complaint that there were two terrorists in the
bus. Needless to say, the two were detained until investigation was completed that cleared them of the
allegation. Legal process appears to have been initiated to determine if the passengers right was
violated in this detention scenario .
Few years ago ( before 9-11) , I represented a Sikh gentleman who was ridiculed by co-
workers and management and addressed as Rag Head because of his religious turban and
believed he never got professional training and opportunities given to none Sikhs at the company.
While there was an admission that the name-calling was done in jest and not mearnt to injure him,
United States Federal law (42 U.S.C. 2000) prohibits discrimination in places of employment based
on a persons religion, national origin, gender etc. This is the law !!! I am glad that those who present
themselves as Political Conservatives embrace strict interpretation of the laws by courts, which
should protect diversity in the work place. The law is not ambiguous---fair opportunity and level
playing field for everyone. Those who are victims of employment discrimination must promptly
report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in their area since untimely filed
claims will be dismissed by courts.
Likewise, Federal laws prohibit discrimination (based on race religion etc.) in places that
cater to the general public or businesses that engage in interstate commerce. For instance, if you use
credit card machine processor in your business---you must comply with the nondiscrimination policy.
Those who believe they are victims of discrimination can seek redress by complaining to the U.S.
Department of Justice (Civil Rights Division), with or without the assistance of a private attorney.
(Attorney Patrick Chukelu : graduated from the University of Houston and has practiced law
for over 25 years, represents small business owners and individuals injured in automobile accidents.
Attorney can be reached at 713-270-5533 for questions on this article).

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  • 1. DISCRIMINATION Few months ago, an Indian Sikh travelling on a Greyhound bus from Phoenix to Indianapolis was glad to see a Pakistani join the bus. They bonded quickly because the Sikh could barely speak English and was glad to speak in Punjabi with his new found co-traveler. Whatever transpired thereafter in their excitement and conversations, someone contacted law enforcement at a stop in Amarillo, Texas with a complaint that there were two terrorists in the bus. Needless to say, the two were detained until investigation was completed that cleared them of the allegation. Legal process appears to have been initiated to determine if the passengers right was violated in this detention scenario . Few years ago ( before 9-11) , I represented a Sikh gentleman who was ridiculed by co- workers and management and addressed as Rag Head because of his religious turban and believed he never got professional training and opportunities given to none Sikhs at the company. While there was an admission that the name-calling was done in jest and not mearnt to injure him, United States Federal law (42 U.S.C. 2000) prohibits discrimination in places of employment based on a persons religion, national origin, gender etc. This is the law !!! I am glad that those who present themselves as Political Conservatives embrace strict interpretation of the laws by courts, which should protect diversity in the work place. The law is not ambiguous---fair opportunity and level playing field for everyone. Those who are victims of employment discrimination must promptly report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in their area since untimely filed claims will be dismissed by courts. Likewise, Federal laws prohibit discrimination (based on race religion etc.) in places that cater to the general public or businesses that engage in interstate commerce. For instance, if you use credit card machine processor in your business---you must comply with the nondiscrimination policy. Those who believe they are victims of discrimination can seek redress by complaining to the U.S. Department of Justice (Civil Rights Division), with or without the assistance of a private attorney. (Attorney Patrick Chukelu : graduated from the University of Houston and has practiced law for over 25 years, represents small business owners and individuals injured in automobile accidents. Attorney can be reached at 713-270-5533 for questions on this article).