Learn About the Google / GeoEye Insurance Solution Set - Webinar 際際滷sDigitalGlobe
Did you miss our Google / GeoEye Insurance Solution Set Webinar? Google is teaming with GeoEye to help insurance organizations more effectively address risk management and crisis event response. Check out the presentation slides here!
Solving the Challenges of Asian Web Fonts by Bill DavisMonotype
Solving the Challenges of Asian Web Fonts
Monotypes Bill Davis was honored to give a presentation at the ATypI Hong Kong 2012 Conference titled Solving the Challenges of Asian Web Fonts. When he looked at the top 1000 websites, he found that 10 to 15 percent are already using Web fonts. But for East Asian languages and scripts, only a handful has started to deploy Web fonts. His AtypI presentation, provided here as a slideshare, examines the two primary challenges for developers of Asian websites: 1) Website design issues and 2) Asian Web font file sizes.
His experience with the broad range of language and script support available in Fonts.com Web Fonts service has allowed him to gain insights into early adoption of non-Latin and Asian Web fonts by Web designers and developers.
This slideshare reviews some of the main benefits of Web fonts, no matter the language or geographic market for your audience, are:
Establish typographic consistency
Improve user experience
Eliminate the use of text as graphics, improve workflow
Enhance SEO, accessibility
To learn more about Web fonts, check out Bill Davis Fonts.com blog at http://blog.fonts.com/contributors/bill-davis
For more information on Fonts.com Web Font Services, check out http://www.fonts.com/web-fonts
Este documento presenta los resultados oficiales de la carrera de cross country nacional maestra de 8 km en Bariloche en 2012. Divide los resultados por categor鱈as de edad y sexo, mostrando el nombre, n炭mero, instituci坦n y tiempo de cada participante. Ganadores incluyen a Daniela Aqueveque y Roberto Cayupan.
Learn About the Google / GeoEye Insurance Solution Set - Webinar 際際滷sDigitalGlobe
Did you miss our Google / GeoEye Insurance Solution Set Webinar? Google is teaming with GeoEye to help insurance organizations more effectively address risk management and crisis event response. Check out the presentation slides here!
Solving the Challenges of Asian Web Fonts by Bill DavisMonotype
Solving the Challenges of Asian Web Fonts
Monotypes Bill Davis was honored to give a presentation at the ATypI Hong Kong 2012 Conference titled Solving the Challenges of Asian Web Fonts. When he looked at the top 1000 websites, he found that 10 to 15 percent are already using Web fonts. But for East Asian languages and scripts, only a handful has started to deploy Web fonts. His AtypI presentation, provided here as a slideshare, examines the two primary challenges for developers of Asian websites: 1) Website design issues and 2) Asian Web font file sizes.
His experience with the broad range of language and script support available in Fonts.com Web Fonts service has allowed him to gain insights into early adoption of non-Latin and Asian Web fonts by Web designers and developers.
This slideshare reviews some of the main benefits of Web fonts, no matter the language or geographic market for your audience, are:
Establish typographic consistency
Improve user experience
Eliminate the use of text as graphics, improve workflow
Enhance SEO, accessibility
To learn more about Web fonts, check out Bill Davis Fonts.com blog at http://blog.fonts.com/contributors/bill-davis
For more information on Fonts.com Web Font Services, check out http://www.fonts.com/web-fonts
Este documento presenta los resultados oficiales de la carrera de cross country nacional maestra de 8 km en Bariloche en 2012. Divide los resultados por categor鱈as de edad y sexo, mostrando el nombre, n炭mero, instituci坦n y tiempo de cada participante. Ganadores incluyen a Daniela Aqueveque y Roberto Cayupan.
The toughest, geekiest quiz night in Manchester. Took place 19 February 2014 at TwentyTwentyTwo.
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This document discusses challenges facing the electricity sectors of the Baltic states. It notes that Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are in the process of liberalizing their electricity markets between 2013 and 2014, which is expected to lead to price increases for households of 30-55% in Estonia and 30% in Latvia. In Lithuania, price increases are ongoing due to a dominant producers' market and the centralization of the state energy sector. The document also discusses issues around the development of renewable electricity sources and further centralization of the energy sector in Lithuania. It provides country-specific details on electricity market liberalization and resulting price increases and disputes in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
The document summarizes the implementation of an energy savings program across Department of Education schools in the US Virgin Islands. It began with an initial phone call in 2009 and led to two task order schedules (TOS) that implemented energy conservation improvements. TOS #1 invested $6.8 million and achieved $1.3 million in annual guaranteed energy savings. TOS #2 invested $10.8 million and is projected to achieve $1.7 million in annual guaranteed energy savings. The program has resulted in local economic benefits through job creation and spending, and feedback from school principals indicates it has been well received and should continue.
The document is a list from Gheorghe Magheru School in Caracal, Romania of students in the 3rd class and their favorite foods. It includes the names of several students between the ages of 9-10 years old and one teacher, with no other context provided about the purpose or topic being discussed.
The document discusses the history and initial planning of the Twin Cities Bike Share program. It outlines Minneapolis' investments in bicycling infrastructure in 2010 and the formation of Nice Ride Minnesota in 2008. The initial Phase I planning involved distributing 1,000 bicycles based on density data and station siting focused on downtown, Uptown and the University area to maximize convenience and reliability. Public workshops were held to gather input on station locations.
El documento repite la palabra "original" varias veces y luego la palabra "transformado", lo que sugiere un cambio o transformaci坦n de alg炭n tipo del estado original a uno transformado.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang inovasi pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme. Kualitas pembelajaran IPA masih rendah dan perlu diperbaiki, antara lain dengan memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk berpikir kritis dan mengkonstruksi pengetahuan melalui pengalaman. Pembelajaran IPA ideal sesuai teori konstruktivisme perlu melibatkan siswa secara aktif dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
This document summarizes a competition for young entrepreneurs in the Americas. It outlines the phases of the competition which include virtual training, submitting deliverables like a business plan and promotional video, being evaluated by international judges, and announcing finalists. Finalists will then attend a final event in April 2015 where they will present their projects, exchange knowledge, gain international visibility, and have opportunities for seed capital and investment. The competition has categories for social innovation, economic innovation, environmental innovation, and a Caribbean challenge. Finalists and winners will receive scholarships, exposure to investors, and $5,000 awards.
The Gallery Blue Moon writing instruments are the fruit of Delta's traditional handicraft.
This collection produced from a special multicolor resin is turned by hand from solid rods.
Gallery Blue Moon collection renders homage to Drip painting, a form of abstract art in which
paint is dripped or poured onto the canvas. This painting style has been used since 1946 by
various famous Americans artists who defined it as: "expressive power through material
outbreaks in a frenetic vortex of signs".
Pr kusuma trust donation to the ou 16 apr 2012KusumaTrustUK
The Open University has received a 贈953,523 grant from the Kusuma Trust UK to develop teacher professional development programs in secondary science and English in the Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The funding will support developing materials and training programs for all science teachers in grades 9-12 in the district through June 2013, with the goal of expanding to all teachers of science, English, and math if additional funding is obtained. The programs aim to improve student learning outcomes using practical classroom activities and leveraging technology and mobile phones.
Ghost House Pictures is a production company formed as a joint venture between Mandate Pictures and directors Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert. It specializes in financing and distributing horror and thriller films. Some of its successes include The Grudge and Drag Me to Hell. The company partners with Grindstone Entertainment to distribute direct-to-video films and extend the Ghost House brand to the home video market.
Tijdens het 1e Science Caf辿 in Ede gaf Prof Henny J.G.L.M. Lamers, emeritus hoogleraar astronomie en ruimteonderzoek aan de universiteiten van Utrecht en Amsterdam een boeiende lezing over een aantal astronomische verschijnsel.
2. Grote brokken massa die
Voornamelijk bestaande
uit koolstof
In een baan rond de zon
of een andere planeet
Maximaal 1000 km
Wat zijn astero誰den
3. Eerst ontdekt door
Guiseppe Piazzi in 1801
Onderzoek: astero誰den
in een baan rond de
Reeds miljoenen
nieuwe astero誰den
Korte geschiedenis
4. Binnen ons
voornamelijk op de
asteroid belt tussen
mars en jupiter
Geen planeet door
The asteroid belt
5. De buitenste rand van
ons zonnestelsel
Voorbij Neptunus
Enorme hoeveelheid
stof en rotsblokken
The Kuiper belt
6. NEAs (Near Earth
Enkele astero誰den
kruisen de baan van de
Zeer weinig gevaar op
Iets dichter bij huis