August 2016 Product Camp 17 presentation. PCATX PCATX17 - Going back to basics with Emotions, Communication, Storytelling to capture your audience's attention in marketing and maintain a relationship with them.
15. Customer Profile Template
Name: ______________________
male | female Age: __________
Job Title: ____________________
Location: ____________________
Income: ______________________
Marital Status: ________________
Kids: _________________________
Birthday: _____________________
Challenges they face professionally: _____________________________________
Challenges they face personally: _________________________________________
If they could have one problem solved (in relation to your business) what would
that be?:
Purchase Power: ________________ Other People involved: ______________
Previously Purchased from you: _____________________________________
Where do they find business advice: _________________________________
How do they communicate: ____________________________
Where do they get their news: __________________________
3 Hobbies: ___________________________________
Vacation Destination: ___________________________________
Social Profiles: