The document is Melissa Thomas's undergraduate ePortfolio for her BA in Psychology from 2012. It includes her personal statement about wanting to help others through psychology and working in criminal justice settings, as well as her resume highlighting relevant experience in healthcare and social services.
For this assignment, I interviewed a friend of mine who grew up in a family who does not speak English as their first language. Her parents are both immigrants from Mexico, and I was able to learn about the ways that her background is different from mine.
Coun 533 ethical self reflection part 1MorganPalser
This document highlights what I find to be the most important qualities in a professional counselor. I describe what it is that a counselor should do professionally, so they are more effective in their overall practice.
For this assignment, I described some key events that have happened in my life to make me the person I am today. I took some development theories and applied the stages described in the theory to my own life.
For this assignment, I worked with a high school student and practiced my counseling skills while conducting an interview with her. I describe the skills being used and show my knowledge of how to work with a young client.
This document demonstrates my ability to work with a client and ask them purposeful questions about the situation they are discussing with me. This assignment shows my effectiveness in using the appropriate counseling skills when working with a client.
RIWC_PARA_A176 Overcoming barriers to Work: Nothing is Impossible, the word i...Marco Muscroft
Claire overcame significant barriers to obtain her current job due to living with multiple disabilities including mental illness, Aspergers syndrome, and physical health conditions. She faced discrimination and a lack of support from teachers growing up but was determined to prove them wrong by achieving academic success. Claire encountered further barriers at university and in her career due to her disabilities, but found supportive employment through a coordinator and a workplace accommodating of her needs. Her success in maintaining her current job shows that with the right support, nothing is impossible for disabled people seeking employment.
Margarete Chubbuck earned her Bachelor's degree in psychology in 2011 from Argosy University. She grew up in a small town in Colorado and struggled in high school but found her passion for psychology while earning her Associate's degree. Throughout her education, she volunteered at mental health facilities to gain experience in the field. Margarete strives to continue learning and plans to earn certifications to become an addictions counselor and eventually pursue a Master's degree in criminal psychology. She is dedicated to helping others through her career in psychology.
This document contains 4 journal entries by a student named Cynthia about her experiences with social psychology concepts like social influence, interdependence, self-actualization, and ingratiation. In the first entry, Cynthia describes being bullied in high school due to jealousy over her friendship with a popular boy, which led her to develop bulimia. She has since gained confidence. The second entry discusses how she realized she has interdependent cultural influences as an Asian, after her father discouraged her dream of being a lifelong volunteer. The third entry explores how finding purpose in helping others has helped her progress towards self-actualization. The fourth entry describes techniques of ingratiation used by her landlord to control tenants' impressions of her thorough
Misti Reynolds wrote a multigenre essay about her search for the right college. She discusses her high school experiences, visiting different colleges, and applying to schools. Misti was accepted to Ball State, IPFW, International Business College, IUPUI, and Purdue. After careful consideration of programs, location, finances, and her passion for teaching, Misti decides to attend Ball State University due to their strong teaching program.
Au psy492 e_portfolio template for slidesharepatdebmal3
Debra Murphy created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experiences. She grew up in foster care but was driven to help others. She became a foster/adoptive parent and adopted four children, two with special needs. She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology while working full-time and caring for her family. She hopes to earn a master's degree in social work to continue empowering others. Her experiences have given her passion for working with developmentally delayed individuals. Overall, her ePortfolio demonstrates her strengths in caring for others, overcoming adversity, and lifelong commitment to learning.
Rose Barraza values her family greatly because they have always supported her and encouraged her to complete her education. She also highly values education and knowledge, having struggled through community college but applying to a four-year university. Additional values she discusses include happiness, ambition, independence, responsibility, honesty, love, and learning to make important decisions through reflecting on different perspectives. The document is a slideshow where she explains several values that are important to her and how they influence her decisions and life.
Teresa Wills created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experience in pursuit of a career in psychology. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. Her life experiences, including an abusive childhood and teenage parenthood, fueled her passion to help others overcome obstacles. She hopes to earn a graduate degree in counseling to become a family and marriage counselor. Her ePortfolio contains examples of her research skills, ethics training, applied psychology work, and interpersonal skills to demonstrate her qualifications for further study.
This document provides biographical information about Phil Rich, a 17-year-old high school senior. It details his background, family, strengths, values, influences, goals and life philosophy. Phil sees himself as a leader who is driven, passionate and focused on attending the Air Force Academy to serve his country. His top values are integrity, service before self and excellence. He is influenced by his parents and teachers and hopes to have a career of service and leadership.
NSTP teaches students about self-awareness, which helps them understand their personality, strengths, weaknesses, likes, and abilities. This self-awareness can motivate students and help them face challenges. It also relates to self-leadership, as self-awareness allows students to lead themselves. Additionally, NSTP instills patriotism and prepares students to be socially aware and responsible community members.
Coun 534 morgan sanders sds assessment paperMorganPalser
John Holland developed the Self-Directed Search (SDS) assessment based on his RIASEC theory that categorizes people and careers into six types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. The purpose of the SDS is to match a person's interests and talents to career choices and opportunities by having them complete a questionnaire and receiving a customized report on their top categories. The author scored highest in the social, conventional, and enterprising categories, which aligned with their personality as a teacher who enjoys working with others, numbers, and new ideas. Insights gained included better understanding differences from their spouse and how to use strengths outside of teaching, such as welcoming new church members. The assessment could benefit marriage
Ellie Schafer took the StrengthsQuest assessment and discovered her top five strengths are Communication, Includer, Woo, Belief, and Connectedness. These strengths describe her personality well and are also very similar to her mother's strengths. Ellie discusses how her strengths help and sometimes hurt her relationships with others as well as her academic performance. She realizes her strengths of talking, socializing, and including others can negatively impact her schoolwork if not managed properly. Ellie hopes to continue using her strengths in positive ways and recognizing how each one influences her life.
An awareness of how people are socialized to accept inequalities makes it possible for teachers to expose and disrupt the narratives that maintain inequalities in rules, practices and imbalances of power in the classroom.....
Jordan Lee provides a resume summarizing his skills, education, field experience, volunteer experience, and college activities. He received a B.S. in University Studies from Texas Tech University with concentrations in Communication Studies, Integrative Studies, and Organizational Leadership. He has extensive experience in restaurant management and hospitality. Lee outlines definitions of integrative studies and interdisciplinary metaphors. He provides a personal narrative describing how his various life experiences and perspectives have influenced his career goals in restaurant management.
Melody Phillips graduated from high school in 2000 and has since gained experience in retail, dining services, telemarketing, and library sciences. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University with a 3.16 GPA. Her career goals include obtaining an entry-level position in criminal justice or retail management and eventually pursuing a Master's in Psychology. She highlights strengths in customer service, problem solving, and adaptability from her various work experiences.
Crizzel Mae T. Maningo reflects on three experiences from her ethics course that relate to her daily life:
1) Understanding different perspectives on right and wrong through the concept of ethical relativism and how this helped her understand her angry brother's behavior.
2) Watching an Ivana Alawi video where she pretended to beg and was reminded of her responsibility to help others in need.
3) Registering to vote and realizing her role and obligations as a citizen to make decisions that benefit others in society.
Hayley envisions moving to London, England in the future after completing her education. She hopes to obtain a career in the mental health field and dreams of living happily in London, traveling, spending time with friends, and maintaining her love of music, fashion, and independence. Hayley acknowledges she will face challenges achieving this vision but remains determined to pursue her goals and dreams.
This document summarizes Kimberly Smith's educational background and career goals. She grew up in a small town in Vermont and initially attended college to become an elementary school teacher but discovered a passion for psychology. After having a family, she returned to school part-time at a community college and then transferred to an online psychology program to earn her bachelor's degree. Her goal is to continue her education by obtaining a master's degree and PhD in psychology to open her own counseling practice helping abused and neglected children.
This document is a statement of purpose for a PhD in Psychology. It summarizes how the applicant became interested in human behavior and psychology through debates with friends about sensitive topics. Their undergraduate studies provided a better understanding of how genes, experiences, and environment shape behavior. The applicant no longer remains silent on these topics but rather tries to educate others. In the future, they plan to open their own counseling office to help victims of bullying and discrimination receive a good life. They believe XX University's program offers suitable strategies for their PhD studies and they are honored to prove their worth as a professional psychologist.
Kyla Andre reflects on her educational journey at Alvernia University and how it influenced her advancement in ethical self-awareness, reflection, curricular and co-curricular connections, and vocation. She discusses navigating the ethical issue of physician-assisted suicide and how her values and medical knowledge would help her support allowing terminally ill patients the right to choose their manner of death.
This document contains a student's submission for their Social Psychology course. It discusses several cognitive biases through examples from the student's life experiences, including:
1) Perseverance effect - how the student's parents continued believing negative stereotypes about Nigerians despite evidence to the contrary.
2) Confirmation bias - how the student's mother only acknowledged information confirming her view that her niece was perfect.
3) False consensus effect - how the student assumed other university students would be open-minded about discussing sex but found some were not.
4) Observational learning - how the student began smoking after dating a boyfriend who smoked frequently.
5) Halo effect - how the student's positive view
Huntington's disease is a hereditary brain disorder caused by a mutated gene on chromosome 4. It is characterized by uncontrolled movements, cognitive decline, and behavioral changes. Symptoms typically appear between the ages of 30-50 and worsen over 10-20 years, ultimately leading to death. While there is no cure, various therapies can help manage symptoms and allow patients to live more comfortably. The disease has devastating emotional and psychological impacts not only on patients, but also their families.
Este documento presenta un examen semanal de razonamiento matem叩tico, verbal y otras materias para el 6to grado de primaria de la Instituci坦n Educativa Privada "Delta". El examen contiene 46 preguntas de opci坦n m炭ltiple sobre temas como conjuntos, operaciones matem叩ticas, l坦gica y parentesco.
Civil security relations in a democratising polity the nigerian case.2Kayode Fayemi
The document profiles the different governments in Nigeria since independence in 1960, outlining the type of government, main leaders, and key military, political, and economic shifts. It shows Nigeria experienced periods of elected civilian rule, military juntas, and dictatorships. The early governments focused on internal security issues and an agrarian economy. Later military regimes gained more legitimacy and emphasis was placed on professionalism and political change, though authoritarianism increased over time. The current civilian government faces challenges of authoritarian residues and organizing security structures.
Misti Reynolds wrote a multigenre essay about her search for the right college. She discusses her high school experiences, visiting different colleges, and applying to schools. Misti was accepted to Ball State, IPFW, International Business College, IUPUI, and Purdue. After careful consideration of programs, location, finances, and her passion for teaching, Misti decides to attend Ball State University due to their strong teaching program.
Au psy492 e_portfolio template for slidesharepatdebmal3
Debra Murphy created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experiences. She grew up in foster care but was driven to help others. She became a foster/adoptive parent and adopted four children, two with special needs. She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology while working full-time and caring for her family. She hopes to earn a master's degree in social work to continue empowering others. Her experiences have given her passion for working with developmentally delayed individuals. Overall, her ePortfolio demonstrates her strengths in caring for others, overcoming adversity, and lifelong commitment to learning.
Rose Barraza values her family greatly because they have always supported her and encouraged her to complete her education. She also highly values education and knowledge, having struggled through community college but applying to a four-year university. Additional values she discusses include happiness, ambition, independence, responsibility, honesty, love, and learning to make important decisions through reflecting on different perspectives. The document is a slideshow where she explains several values that are important to her and how they influence her decisions and life.
Teresa Wills created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experience in pursuit of a career in psychology. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. Her life experiences, including an abusive childhood and teenage parenthood, fueled her passion to help others overcome obstacles. She hopes to earn a graduate degree in counseling to become a family and marriage counselor. Her ePortfolio contains examples of her research skills, ethics training, applied psychology work, and interpersonal skills to demonstrate her qualifications for further study.
This document provides biographical information about Phil Rich, a 17-year-old high school senior. It details his background, family, strengths, values, influences, goals and life philosophy. Phil sees himself as a leader who is driven, passionate and focused on attending the Air Force Academy to serve his country. His top values are integrity, service before self and excellence. He is influenced by his parents and teachers and hopes to have a career of service and leadership.
NSTP teaches students about self-awareness, which helps them understand their personality, strengths, weaknesses, likes, and abilities. This self-awareness can motivate students and help them face challenges. It also relates to self-leadership, as self-awareness allows students to lead themselves. Additionally, NSTP instills patriotism and prepares students to be socially aware and responsible community members.
Coun 534 morgan sanders sds assessment paperMorganPalser
John Holland developed the Self-Directed Search (SDS) assessment based on his RIASEC theory that categorizes people and careers into six types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. The purpose of the SDS is to match a person's interests and talents to career choices and opportunities by having them complete a questionnaire and receiving a customized report on their top categories. The author scored highest in the social, conventional, and enterprising categories, which aligned with their personality as a teacher who enjoys working with others, numbers, and new ideas. Insights gained included better understanding differences from their spouse and how to use strengths outside of teaching, such as welcoming new church members. The assessment could benefit marriage
Ellie Schafer took the StrengthsQuest assessment and discovered her top five strengths are Communication, Includer, Woo, Belief, and Connectedness. These strengths describe her personality well and are also very similar to her mother's strengths. Ellie discusses how her strengths help and sometimes hurt her relationships with others as well as her academic performance. She realizes her strengths of talking, socializing, and including others can negatively impact her schoolwork if not managed properly. Ellie hopes to continue using her strengths in positive ways and recognizing how each one influences her life.
An awareness of how people are socialized to accept inequalities makes it possible for teachers to expose and disrupt the narratives that maintain inequalities in rules, practices and imbalances of power in the classroom.....
Jordan Lee provides a resume summarizing his skills, education, field experience, volunteer experience, and college activities. He received a B.S. in University Studies from Texas Tech University with concentrations in Communication Studies, Integrative Studies, and Organizational Leadership. He has extensive experience in restaurant management and hospitality. Lee outlines definitions of integrative studies and interdisciplinary metaphors. He provides a personal narrative describing how his various life experiences and perspectives have influenced his career goals in restaurant management.
Melody Phillips graduated from high school in 2000 and has since gained experience in retail, dining services, telemarketing, and library sciences. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University with a 3.16 GPA. Her career goals include obtaining an entry-level position in criminal justice or retail management and eventually pursuing a Master's in Psychology. She highlights strengths in customer service, problem solving, and adaptability from her various work experiences.
Crizzel Mae T. Maningo reflects on three experiences from her ethics course that relate to her daily life:
1) Understanding different perspectives on right and wrong through the concept of ethical relativism and how this helped her understand her angry brother's behavior.
2) Watching an Ivana Alawi video where she pretended to beg and was reminded of her responsibility to help others in need.
3) Registering to vote and realizing her role and obligations as a citizen to make decisions that benefit others in society.
Hayley envisions moving to London, England in the future after completing her education. She hopes to obtain a career in the mental health field and dreams of living happily in London, traveling, spending time with friends, and maintaining her love of music, fashion, and independence. Hayley acknowledges she will face challenges achieving this vision but remains determined to pursue her goals and dreams.
This document summarizes Kimberly Smith's educational background and career goals. She grew up in a small town in Vermont and initially attended college to become an elementary school teacher but discovered a passion for psychology. After having a family, she returned to school part-time at a community college and then transferred to an online psychology program to earn her bachelor's degree. Her goal is to continue her education by obtaining a master's degree and PhD in psychology to open her own counseling practice helping abused and neglected children.
This document is a statement of purpose for a PhD in Psychology. It summarizes how the applicant became interested in human behavior and psychology through debates with friends about sensitive topics. Their undergraduate studies provided a better understanding of how genes, experiences, and environment shape behavior. The applicant no longer remains silent on these topics but rather tries to educate others. In the future, they plan to open their own counseling office to help victims of bullying and discrimination receive a good life. They believe XX University's program offers suitable strategies for their PhD studies and they are honored to prove their worth as a professional psychologist.
Kyla Andre reflects on her educational journey at Alvernia University and how it influenced her advancement in ethical self-awareness, reflection, curricular and co-curricular connections, and vocation. She discusses navigating the ethical issue of physician-assisted suicide and how her values and medical knowledge would help her support allowing terminally ill patients the right to choose their manner of death.
This document contains a student's submission for their Social Psychology course. It discusses several cognitive biases through examples from the student's life experiences, including:
1) Perseverance effect - how the student's parents continued believing negative stereotypes about Nigerians despite evidence to the contrary.
2) Confirmation bias - how the student's mother only acknowledged information confirming her view that her niece was perfect.
3) False consensus effect - how the student assumed other university students would be open-minded about discussing sex but found some were not.
4) Observational learning - how the student began smoking after dating a boyfriend who smoked frequently.
5) Halo effect - how the student's positive view
Huntington's disease is a hereditary brain disorder caused by a mutated gene on chromosome 4. It is characterized by uncontrolled movements, cognitive decline, and behavioral changes. Symptoms typically appear between the ages of 30-50 and worsen over 10-20 years, ultimately leading to death. While there is no cure, various therapies can help manage symptoms and allow patients to live more comfortably. The disease has devastating emotional and psychological impacts not only on patients, but also their families.
Este documento presenta un examen semanal de razonamiento matem叩tico, verbal y otras materias para el 6to grado de primaria de la Instituci坦n Educativa Privada "Delta". El examen contiene 46 preguntas de opci坦n m炭ltiple sobre temas como conjuntos, operaciones matem叩ticas, l坦gica y parentesco.
Civil security relations in a democratising polity the nigerian case.2Kayode Fayemi
The document profiles the different governments in Nigeria since independence in 1960, outlining the type of government, main leaders, and key military, political, and economic shifts. It shows Nigeria experienced periods of elected civilian rule, military juntas, and dictatorships. The early governments focused on internal security issues and an agrarian economy. Later military regimes gained more legitimacy and emphasis was placed on professionalism and political change, though authoritarianism increased over time. The current civilian government faces challenges of authoritarian residues and organizing security structures.
Here are 12 of the dumbest business ideas of all timeValera Burduja
Here are three key points about 12 dumb but profitable business ideas:
1. Several ideas like the Pet Rock, Snuggie, and Chia Pet became popular by marketing simple, everyday items as novel pets or accessories. These businesses made millions by capitalizing on passing fads.
2. Practical joke items like Whoopee cushions and fake feet hanging from car trunks have endured for decades, showing that humor can be a lucrative business model despite skepticism about some products.
3. Inventions like the Flowbee vacuum hair trimmer, Doggles sunglasses for dogs, and antenna balls succeeded through clever marketing on infomercials and by addressing unmet needs, no matter how minor or
The document discusses Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and provides a disclaimer and copyright notice. It contrasts a Character Ethic, which focuses on principles like integrity and patience, versus a Personality Ethic, which focuses on skills, techniques and social image to achieve instant success. The document notes that true achievement comes from integrating basic principles into one's character.
Civil security relations in a democratising polity the nigerian case.3Kayode Fayemi
The document discusses the legacy of Nigeria's military rule from 1966-1999 and its impact on the military as an institution and the country. Key points:
1) Military coups beginning in 1966 undermined the professionalism and cohesion of the military by exacerbating ethnic divisions. Subsequent coups led to the executions of many officers.
2) While the civil war provided legitimacy for continued military rule, opportunities were missed to reform the military which remained fragmented along ethnic lines.
3) Under successive military regimes from Gowon to Abacha, personalization and politicization of rule further weakened the military's institutional coherence and professionalism as patronage replaced merit.
4) By 1999,
Comments on the human security aspect of the poverty reduction guidelinesKayode Fayemi
The document discusses the human security dimension of poverty reduction guidelines. It analyzes four typical policy levers proposed in the guidelines: 1) Support for peace building and reconstruction, 2) Support for state monopoly of means of coercion, 3) Promoting social coherence through civil society and tolerance, and 4) Building assets against disasters and economic shocks. However, the document argues that the assumptions and focus on the state in the guidelines provide an incomplete picture in Africa given increasing state illegitimacy. A human security approach requires considering non-state actors and the complex local and international dimensions driving conflicts on the continent.
Framework for security architecture in a sub region in transition - challenge...Kayode Fayemi
This document discusses the challenges and prospects for developing a security architecture in Africa. It identifies four pillars needed: human security, democratic governance, transforming conflicts through political processes, and collective security. Some challenges are the legacy of Westphalian sovereignty, regionalism without shared values, and regionalism being leader-driven rather than people-driven. The context of regional cooperation changed in the late 1980s due to shifts in global power and the end of the Cold War. Recommendations include promoting regional values, reducing poverty, democratic security sector governance, and strengthening institutions for conflict prevention and resolution.
Governing the security sector in a democratising polity the nigerian caseKayode Fayemi
This document discusses governance of the security sector in Nigeria's democratizing polity. It examines the legacies of Nigeria's authoritarian past and the effects of militarism on democratic governance. Specifically, it analyzes how decades of military rule politicized and weakened the military institution, led to the personalization of power by rulers, and undermined accountability. It also explores how the failure to reform the military after the civil war exacerbated these issues. The document aims to assess options for security sector restructuring in Nigeria by examining these historical contexts and their implications for democratic consolidation and reforming the relationship between the military and civilian authorities.
Un anciano viv鱈a solo en una casa cerca de un basurero, donde pasaba los d鱈as ordenando la basura. So単aba con vivir en una selva tropical llena de vida silvestre. Un d鱈a, tuvo la idea de usar la basura para crear un bosque, el cual fue creciendo gracias a sus cuidados. M叩s adelante, un p叩jaro lleg坦 al bosque y empez坦 a cantar, trayendo de vuelta la vida al lugar.
Este documento es una prueba de Ciencias Naturales sobre las propiedades del agua. Contiene preguntas para evaluar la habilidad de los estudiantes para extraer informaci坦n, relacionar e interpretar informaci坦n, y reflexionar sobre el texto. Las preguntas van desde un nivel elemental hasta un nivel avanzado e incluyen identificar los estados del agua, determinar si las afirmaciones sobre sus propiedades son verdaderas o falsas, ordenar im叩genes que muestran el ciclo del agua, y explicar procesos como la evaporaci坦n y la fus
El documento contiene 15 problemas aritm辿ticos de suma y resta sobre diferentes temas como el n炭mero de ni単os y ni単as, bolas, golosinas, entradas al cine, animales de granja, libros, frutas y m叩s. Cada problema presenta una situaci坦n num辿rica y pregunta cu叩ntos objetos hay en total o cu叩ntos quedan despu辿s de sumar o restar cantidades.
Governance and the challenge of state reconstructionKayode Fayemi
This document discusses governance challenges in state reconstruction in Africa, specifically around establishing accountable and legitimate states. It covers governance in the public sector and security sector. Regarding the public sector, it discusses the shift from interventionist states to prioritizing private markets, which often had social consequences. For security sectors, it notes the challenges of establishing civilian oversight of armed forces and ensuring security institutions protect citizens during democratic transitions. The document advocates comprehensive reform addressing both accountability and security to consolidate democracy.
The document summarizes KeyTrain, a skills training program that helps individuals and organizations improve performance on the WorkKeys skills assessment. KeyTrain provides customized curriculum and tools to help users strengthen skills in applied mathematics, reading for information, locating information, and other areas measured by WorkKeys. Research shows that using KeyTrain significantly increases scores on WorkKeys and other standardized tests, and helps more people obtain the Career Readiness Certificate, improving their employment prospects. KeyTrain is used widely by schools, businesses, and workforce programs.
Challenges of free and fair elections towards 2011 general electionsKayode Fayemi
This document discusses the challenges of free and fair elections in Nigeria towards the 2011 general elections. It focuses on the importance of independent, impartial and transparent election management bodies for a viable democratic system. Key points discussed include the concepts of independence, transparency and impartiality for credible election management. The document also examines the need to address electoral malpractices and litigation issues that undermine the electoral process.
This document summarizes a consultation held in Abuja, Nigeria to discuss the report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) titled "The Responsibility to Protect". The consultation was organized by the Centre for Democracy & Development and brought together civil society organizations from West Africa. Key discussions focused on examining the conceptual basis of the responsibility to protect, its relevance in the regional context of West Africa, and how its principles could be operationalized in the region. Regional perspectives on applying the report's flexible view of sovereignty were presented.
Final technical report on the project on good governance and the transformati...Kayode Fayemi
The project produced a handbook on security sector transformation in Africa to facilitate good governance. Workshops were held across Africa to review drafts of the handbook. The final handbook provides a framework for security sector governance and has impacted policies in Africa and among international organizations. The project succeeded in its objectives of initiating dialogue on security sector reform and establishing governance procedures. It has increased understanding of these issues and remains an important reference.
The document is Elaina Wilson's personal statement for her undergraduate psychology ePortfolio, in which she discusses her interest in psychology sparked by personal experiences and professors, her goal of becoming a counselor to help women with issues like addiction and eating disorders, and her education and work experience in areas like the county education office that have prepared her for a career in counseling.
This document contains Shannae Peters' personal statement and reflections from her undergraduate psychology ePortfolio. In her statement, she discusses her background and motivation to earn her degree as the first in her family to do so. She is motivated to provide a positive example for her daughter. Her reflections analyze her strengths and weaknesses based on a self-assessment. She identifies interpersonal skills and diversity awareness as strengths and critical thinking and communication skills as weaknesses. The document includes sections on her research, communication, ethics and diversity awareness skills with examples of her work.
Krystina Lange is completing her Bachelor's degree in psychology from Argosy University Online. She has worked various jobs including as a paraprofessional, teacher's aide, and personal care attendant. She believes these experiences will help her achieve her goal of working in social services helping children and families. Lange maintains high grades while raising her daughter as a single mother. She reflects that her time at Argosy has given her a new perspective in psychology and prepared her for her career.
This document is a personal statement and resume from Melissa Simmons, who is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. The personal statement discusses her childhood experiences with family members struggling with addiction and her desire to help those suffering from addiction or involved in the criminal justice system. It details her educational and career path working in homeless shelters, group homes, and as a case manager. The resume further outlines her qualifications and experience in human services, criminal justice, and healthcare case management.
Meghan Vargo completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. She grew up in a military family, moving frequently, which instilled a strong work ethic and high expectations for herself. Vargo has worked as a nanny for 5 years and became interested in psychology after meeting her middle school guidance counselor. She intends to obtain a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology to work with children or OCD patients. Vargo is confident in her psychology knowledge and oral communication skills and aims to continue her education through potential doctoral studies.
My aim in life essay creativesavantz.comscholar333
The document provides 8 essays on the topic of "My Aim in Life". The essays discuss various career goals and life aims, including becoming a doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, scientist, and businessman/businesswoman. Each essay is 3-5 paragraphs exploring the individual's reasons for pursuing that career or aim, the necessary skills and education required, and their motivation and vision for that path.
The document is a portfolio for an undergraduate psychology student named Sheila Kalla. It includes sections about her educational background and career goals, resume, reflection on her studies, and plans to continue learning. Her goal is to become a college professor with interests in ethics, diversity, and behavior. She has maintained high grades throughout her associate's and bachelor's degrees in psychology and wants to teach pre-kindergarten while gaining more experience.
Theresa Wood is pursuing a Master's degree in Forensic Psychology at Argosy University. She has a 3.98 GPA in undergraduate psychology and relevant experience volunteering with troubled teens. Her research interests include the relationship between physical activity and depression/suicide in adolescents. She aims to lower recidivism rates and help those suffering from mental illness, substance abuse, and family issues through counseling and research with non-profit organizations after completing her master's degree.
Au Psy492 E Portfolio Template For 際際滷 Shareraygoodsell
1. Ray Goodsell presents a relapse prevention model for his client Peter. He identifies several life circumstances and psychological issues that could lead Peter to relapse, including having parents and siblings with substance abuse issues.
2. Ray recommends family therapy and regular attendance at AA/NA meetings to help the family address issues that led to dysfunction and provide support. He also stresses the importance of Peter continuing his medication as prescribed to manage his bipolar disorder and ADHD.
3. Ray notes potential risks of Peter living with his two former roommates, who also struggle with substance abuse, and identifies the highly addictive drugs Peter previously abused. He acknowledges Peter's progress in counseling over the past two years.
Tanya Huggins is graduating with her bachelor's degree in psychology from Argosy University. She is excited to be the first in her family to graduate from college. She has worked in the field of developmental disabilities for several years. After graduating, she plans to continue her career in that field and eventually pursue a master's degree once her son is older and in school.
Diane Garcia-Becker is applying to the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology/MFT graduate program at Argosy University. She has experience working with children and families through volunteer work and looks forward to learning how to best serve military families and children in her career. Her experiences as a veteran and mother of four will help her connect with clients facing similar challenges from military life. She is committed to continuing her education to become a successful counselor and help others overcome barriers.
Katherine Lewis is pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University. She currently works as a head cashier at Lowe's and hopes to continue her education to obtain a Master's in Forensics. Her dream job is to become a criminal profiler for the FBI or a Forensic Psychologist. She believes that with hard work and perseverance, she can achieve her goals. Upon graduating, she plans to enter the police academy while continuing her education in Forensics.
Au Psy492 E Portfolio Template For 際際滷 Share Stevens P.Pptportiaastevens
The document discusses three social structure theories of crime: social disorganization theory, strain theory, and cultural conflict theory. Social disorganization theory proposes that crime results from a breakdown in social integration, as seen with Polish immigrants in the early 1900s who struggled to adapt customs from their homeland. Strain theory maintains that a lack of opportunities leads to crime as an alternative path to success, such as a poor young man selling drugs to support his family. Cultural conflict theory suggests that norms between two cultures can conflict and result in crime when members of one culture enter another, like honor killings practiced in some Middle Eastern cultures that immigrate to the U.S.
2. Personal Statement When I close my eyes and imagine where I am, I always see myself standing on a hill surrounded by tall grass. I look out as the wind blows threw my hair and I can see as far as my eyes allow me. Out in the open, free. This is how I approach my life. My focus unto others and myself is to be open in my mind and my heart and to live outside the box not be suffocated by it.I have had the unique opportunity to experience many favorable and not so favorable situations in my life and I feel this is what has allowed me to have an open mind and heart. To not judge a book by its cover, yet to be cautious. To look at everyone with a clean slate, yet not disclose too much of myself right away. I like to look at everyone and know they have their own stuff going on and it is what makes them who they are and why they choose to do what they do. I think people deserve to be heard and given a second chance. I feel even those who have wronged others deserve to have an ear to talk to. This is why I am choosing the psychology field. I want to enhance the lives of even just one person.
3. To have someone feel lighter, better, happier because of one person listing to what they have to say and how they deal with their daily struggles is enough for me. Most my life I have wanted to be a psychologist and as I furthered my college education I became very interested in the criminal justice side of it. I befriended several individuals who had run ins with the law, and who to this day still cannot seem to escape. My own father has been in prison my whole life and seems to always go back in given the opportunity to stay out. This experience and embarrassment about having a father in prison just intensified my interest in working with offenders. I have worked in the health field for fifteen years and have had the privileged of working with incredible people who suffered from everything to mild high functioning mental delays to globally profound mental delays, dementia, Alzheimer, quadriplegic, Autism, Asperger, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, ect. Each and everyone have impacted my life for the better. I volunteered in High School during my lunch hour to help out in the LRE room with the developmentally delayed students and this was the starting point in my life in helping others.
4. It felt as if I was making a difference and taught me early on to not judge or make fun of others because they were different. Now I want to have that same effect on someone else. I want to impact the life of another. Although one would think I should go into the nursing field I feel I am better equipped to work in the correctional setting. It takes a strong mind and an open heart to listen and help people who others may not feel deserve the chance to be heard.I plan to apply to the Masters program. At this point I am unsure if I will apply to the Forensic program or the Counseling program. My ultimate goal is to become a psychologist and work in the correctional setting and I am open to working with adults or juveniles. I am very interested in Criminal Justice and have thought of obtaining a BA in that program as well. I want to use my degree to gain experience and knowledge and then branch out into a crisis center as I am working towards my Masters degree. I plan to do my internship in a correctional setting and apply for jobs focused around offender rehabilitation. After so many struggles and many unique situations I feel I am mentally and emotionally ready to conquer my educational and career goals. With the determination and compassion I have I know I will be able to achieve the goals I have set. As long as my eyes remain wide open so shall my mind and heart.
5. Resume Melissa Thomas 837 Sarazin Street Shakopee, MN 55379 605-366-5010/ 油 Objective: To obtain an interesting position with the ability to grow. 油 Experience: Professional Resource Network Bloomington, MN 06-09 to07-11 Personal Care Attendant 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Helped with daily living skills/needs 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Conferred with supervisor, social workers and others to develop individual goals specified for clients 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Went to doctors appointments 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Helped with paper work 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Assisted with medications 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Did grocery/household shopping 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Helped to maintain finances 油 油
6. Cennediegh Inc. Eagan, MN Independent Living Skills Worker 10-05 to 10-06 油油油油油油油 Accompanied residents on shopping trips and instructed the purchase of personal items. 油油油油油油油 Observed and documented residents behavior. 油油油油油油油 Helped maintain finances 油油油油油油油 Assisted with shopping 油油油油油油油 Provided social outings. 油油油油油油油 Went to doctors appointments. 油油油油油油油 Helped to fill out paper work. 油 KCQ Inc. Fairbault, MN Job Coach 10-05 to 08-06 油油油油油油油 Assisted young adults with mild MR and Asperger Syndrome. 油油油油油油油 Provided transportation to job searching and interviews. 油油油油油油油 Assisted in filling out applications and job shadowing. 油 Dakota Homemaking Apple Valley, MN Homemaker 11-04 to 10-05 油油油油油油油 Advised families in private home on nutrition and cleanliness 油油油油油油油 Advised and assisted family members in planning nutritious meals. 油油油油油油油 Cleaned and organized for Elderly and Disabled 油油油油油油油 Provided socializing. 油油油油油油油 Ran errands for the clients.
7. 油 油 Victorias Secret Bloomington, MN Sales Associate 10-03 to 01-04 油油油油油油油 Directed ad escorted customers to fitting rooms and to cashier 油油油油油油油 Obtained and received merchandise, totaled bills. 油油油油油油油 Set up advertising displays and arranged merchandise on counters to promote sales. 油油油油油油油 Answered customers questions concerning location, price and use of merchandise. 油 Self-Employed Burnsville, MN Daycare provider 09-02 to 10-03 油油油油油油油 Attended children in a private home. 油油油油油油油 Observed and monitored play activities and entertained children by reading to them and playing games with them. 油油油油油油油 Prepared and served meals and baby formula, 油油油油油油油 Kept childrens quarters clean and tidy. 油 Covington Heights Sioux Falls, SD Certified Nursing Assistant 08-01 to 06-02 油油油油油油油 Performed and tasks, as directed by nursing and medical staff, in order to care for patients. 油油油油油油油 Transported patients, using wheelchair and wheeled cart and assisted patients to walk. 油油油油油油油 Made beds and collected soiled linen. 油油油油油油油 Fed patients unable to feed themselves 油油油油油油油 Documented and recorded medical needs, concerns, behaviors and vitals.
8. 油 Certificates: CPR Certified First Aid Certified 油 Education: Argosy University Eagan, MN Killian Community College Sioux Falls, SD Lincoln High School Sioux Falls, SD 油 Transcripts/Reference
9. Reflection I have had an amazing three years at Argosy and have grown so much. I am very grateful to the staff and all the instructors for being so helpful and willing to communicate with me whenever I needed them. I feel I have learned very much and will only continue to grow and develop as I move forward with my education and career. I have had a great amount of exposure to critical thinking and interpersonal effectiveness. I carry these in my everyday life and feel they have helped me when communicating with others. I have learned patience and the skills necessary to be an effective adult.
10. I find that I really enjoy learning about new theories and research however I also enjoy keeping all my assignments personal and try to relate to all questions or papers assigned. I feel it allows me to think more critically and learn how to use everyday experience as a teaching tool for myself and others around me. I know that with my future education I will become stronger at learning APA rules and styles. I have come a long way with the writing style. I have also learned to have time management and know that it will only get better as I move forward. I feel I will be very successful with my future studies and look forward to earning my masters in psychology.
11. Table of Contents Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Research Skills Communication Skills: Oral and Written Ethics and Diversity Awareness Foundations of Psychology Applied Psychology Interpersonal Effectiveness
12. Critical Thinking One of the assignments for my critical thinking class was to watch the documentary Babies and to evaluate the four babies and write a paper on what we observed. The movie was fantastic and made you think about how we all grow and develop at the same rate regardless of our environment. To see my research paper click on the Babies link Babies
13. My Future in Learning I know that my studies in college have been preparing me for my career and I also know that I still have much to learn. I hope to never stop learning new things or ideas about the world and the people who live in it. I hope to always keep my mind open and strong so I can learn all there is to learn in a world so full of information and exciting new changes. Reading and researching are a part of who I am and now that I have been given the opportunity to continue learning, I just cant stop .
14. Contact Me Thank you for viewing my ePortfolio. For further information, please contact me at the e-mail address below. [email_address]