This document contains 4 journal entries by a student named Cynthia about her experiences with social psychology concepts like social influence, interdependence, self-actualization, and ingratiation. In the first entry, Cynthia describes being bullied in high school due to jealousy over her friendship with a popular boy, which led her to develop bulimia. She has since gained confidence. The second entry discusses how she realized she has interdependent cultural influences as an Asian, after her father discouraged her dream of being a lifelong volunteer. The third entry explores how finding purpose in helping others has helped her progress towards self-actualization. The fourth entry describes techniques of ingratiation used by her landlord to control tenants' impressions of her thorough
This document provides biographical information about Phil Rich, a 17-year-old high school senior. It details his background, family, strengths, values, influences, goals and life philosophy. Phil sees himself as a leader who is driven, passionate and focused on attending the Air Force Academy to serve his country. His top values are integrity, service before self and excellence. He is influenced by his parents and teachers and hopes to have a career of service and leadership.
The author describes surviving an extremely abusive five-year relationship. She felt scared, alone, and confused, and kept going back despite the cycle of blame, abuse, and forgiveness, hoping it would change. It affected her son, job, family, and personality. After a near-death experience from the abuse, she realized she deserved a better life. She sought therapy and support from her family to reconstruct her thinking and lifestyle. Now she has control over her life, can love and be loved, and looks forward to continuing personal growth.
This document is a reflective paper written by Randall Noggle for a psychology course. It summarizes his difficult upbringing with absent parents in a dysfunctional home. As a teenager, he abused drugs and distanced himself from his family. After high school, he moved around and eventually entered rehabilitation programs. He is now sober and pursuing higher education, with goals of helping others avoid the mistakes of his past.
The document discusses parenting and self-image. It says that parenting involves more than just providing basic needs and education - it is shaping children to be responsible citizens through teaching values, habits, thinking skills, appreciation, quality time, and understanding of relationships and culture. It also discusses how self-image directly impacts results and behavior. Developing a positive self-image involves making promises and keeping discipline, dressing for the image you want, respecting others, and increasing your comfort zone. Above all, parenting and self-image are about winning together through trust in oneself and interdependence.
This document contains a student's submission for a social psychology course. It includes the student's name, student ID number, class schedule, and submission date. The document then discusses several topics related to cognitive biases and social comparisons, including confirmation bias, downward social comparison, and mood-congruence effects. Examples from the student's own experiences are provided to illustrate each concept.
Sang Nguyen's top five strengths according to their Strengths Quest report are restorative, relator, responsibility, competition, and significance. They agreed that these strengths accurately represent them overall but had some disagreements with parts of the descriptions. They believe they are responsible and competitive but managers said they tend to complain more than solve problems. They enjoyed applying their strengths at their job and in relationships but struggled to use them effectively as manager of their high school store. While their strengths help them succeed, they can also be weaknesses when taken to an extreme, like forcing a friend into unnecessary competition. Going forward, they aim to better utilize their strengths and improve areas of weakness.
We are all broken in some way. How we respond to our brokenness depends upon good fortune and the beliefs we develop. In our everyday life, we seek meaning, connection, fulfillment, and love. This seeking is built into our DNA and is necessary for our survival in infancy. Throughout our lives, seeking and its fulfillment give meaning to our lives. In this article, I discuss these ideas and illustrate them with examples from my personal life and from my research on resilience and the meanings of violence to perpetrators. I conclude with reflections on beliefs and spiritual longing.
Teresa Wills created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experience in pursuit of a career in psychology. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. Her life experiences, including an abusive childhood and teenage parenthood, fueled her passion to help others overcome obstacles. She hopes to earn a graduate degree in counseling to become a family and marriage counselor. Her ePortfolio contains examples of her research skills, ethics training, applied psychology work, and interpersonal skills to demonstrate her qualifications for further study.
This document contains Addie Bruyr's senior exit portfolio from Newton High School, including sections on her resume, personal essay, transcript, academic accomplishments, honors and activities, letters of reference, service learning, and personal information. The personal essay describes Addie's difficult freshman year when she switched schools and experienced trauma, her struggles with mental health issues in subsequent years, and how she has matured and grown more confident over time.
Whilst there has been increasing interest by government in the issue of teenage pregnancy much of the emphasis of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy has focused on pregnant young women and young mothers with little regard for the fathers of their babies.
For this assignment, I described some key events that have happened in my life to make me the person I am today. I took some development theories and applied the stages described in the theory to my own life.
Olivia was bullied from a young age for being overweight and having sensory issues. The bullying caused her low self-esteem and she struggled to make friends. In middle school, she started competing in pageants to gain confidence and started an anti-bullying initiative called "Raise Your Crown Against Bullying". In high school, she joined the cheer team but faced more bullying when she spoke up against it. The bullying caused her such stress that she had to leave school. Now, she is thriving in online school and continues her anti-bullying work through speaking engagements and initiatives.
This document demonstrates my ability to work with a client and ask them purposeful questions about the situation they are discussing with me. This assignment shows my effectiveness in using the appropriate counseling skills when working with a client.
Luke took a StrengthsQuest assessment that accurately identified his top five strengths as adaptability, harmony, restorative, positivity, and achiever. He agreed with most of the strengths identified, though found restorative less accurate. Luke feels strongest helping others with personal issues and staying positive. His harmony and achiever strengths can conflict when he tries to push others competitively. His restorative nature can get him into trouble, but his adaptability helps. Luke's strengths both help and hinder him academically, and his positivity versus his sister's negativity challenges their relationship. After taking the assessment, Luke better understands his personality traits.
Jacob took the StrengthsQuest assessment and learned his top strengths are responsibility, positivity, achiever, learner, and woo. He agreed with parts of positivity and achiever that fit his personality of being optimistic and driven to accomplish tasks. However, he disagreed with aspects of learner because he only enjoys learning about subjects that interest him, and woo because he is hesitant around strangers. In school, he struggles with responsibility by procrastinating but ensures he learns material. His strengths help his relationships by being reliable and cheering others up, though positivity could be seen as nosiness. He takes charge in groups for class and prioritizes attendance and work completion with responsibility and being an achiever. Overall,
For this assignment, I interviewed a friend of mine who grew up in a family who does not speak English as their first language. Her parents are both immigrants from Mexico, and I was able to learn about the ways that her background is different from mine.
This document discusses the author's top 5 strengths as identified by a StrengthsQuest survey: Restorative, Achiever, Competitor, Harmony, and Individualization. The author analyzes how each strength fits their personality and experiences. They describe using their strengths to lead their soccer team to victory, resolve arguments among friends, and succeed academically with a goal of becoming a doctor. Their strengths both help them in leadership roles but also sometimes cause challenges in group work and making new friends due to their competitive nature.
This document contains a social psychology journal assignment submitted by a student named Chia Ly Vier. It discusses several concepts in social psychology through examples from the student's own experiences, including social loafing, social identity, self-efficacy, attribution biases, attitudes, learning theories, and balance theory. The assignment provides insight into how social psychology concepts can be applied to understand one's own behaviors and perspectives. It was submitted on April 27th, 2015 for a social psychology course at a university in Malaysia.
This document contains a creative non-fiction writing sample by Nancy Kanter about confronting her high school bullies at a reunion. The sample describes how Kanter was bullied for her looks from elementary through high school, often skipping school to avoid it. At her reunion, Kanter gathered the courage to confront four of her main bullies and ask them why they treated her poorly. Three apologized, with two admitting they took out their insecurities on others. The experience helped Kanter realize the bullying reflected the bullies' own insecurities rather than something wrong with her.
An awareness of how people are socialized to accept inequalities makes it possible for teachers to expose and disrupt the narratives that maintain inequalities in rules, practices and imbalances of power in the classroom.....
For this assignment, I worked with a high school student and practiced my counseling skills while conducting an interview with her. I describe the skills being used and show my knowledge of how to work with a young client.
This document discusses the author's motivation and belief in success. The author was raised in Senegal where education is highly valued, and her mother stressed the importance of working hard and believing in oneself to succeed. Though the path was challenging, with many exams needed to advance grades and complete high school, the author's mother provided support and encouragement. Now as a mother herself, the author wants to be a role model of success through education for her own children. Despite facing obstacles like having a family and taking breaks from school, the author's deep belief in herself and motivation to succeed enabled her to complete her bachelor's degree, and she is now pursuing a master's degree with plans for a PhD.
This document contains a student's journal entries on various topics related to social psychology. It discusses how the student was influenced by others as a teenager to go against her parents' advice. It also explores social comparison theory and how the student engaged in downward social comparisons after exams. The document examines the student's experiences with stereotypes of Asians knowing martial arts and Malays being poor at math. It discusses the self-serving bias, where the student attributed successes to ability but failure to external factors.
Charles Horton Cooley developed the theory of the looking-glass self, which states that a person's self-concept and personality are shaped by their perceptions of how others see them. According to Cooley, this process has three steps: 1) imagining how we appear to others, 2) imagining others' judgements of us based on that appearance, and 3) developing feelings about ourselves based on those perceived judgements. The author describes struggling with insecurity and a negative self-image in their youth due to overthinking how others might perceive them, as described by Cooley's theory. They have since learned that maintaining a positive outlook prevents assuming others dislike them and helps develop a healthier self-concept.
The document provides biographical and health-related information about Ashley Rianne Wong. It includes details about her family history, birthplace, physical fitness scores, daily activities, social relationships, and progression of photos from childhood to age 15. The document also shares an interview with her mother discussing health, fitness, diet and lifestyle in high school during the 1970s.
Este documento describe un juego que se utiliza en clase para trabajar la lectoescritura. Los estudiantes comienzan observando y analizando las s鱈labas y letras de sus propios nombres escritos en la pizarra, luego intentan encontrar letras que se repiten y combinar las letras para formar palabras nuevas, todo con el objetivo de desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades de lectura y escritura.
際際滷 Boom es un nuevo servicio de almacenamiento de presentaciones que ofrece ventajas sobre servicios similares como 際際滷Share. Permite compartir presentaciones f叩cilmente a trav辿s de enlaces web sin necesidad de cargar archivos grandes por correo. Incluye herramientas como resaltadores y convierte las presentaciones a formato flash. La infoxicaci坦n se refiere a la sobrecarga de informaci坦n en internet, la cual afecta a profesionales y usuarios al causar s鱈ntomas como agobio o par叩lisis ante grandes vol炭menes de datos.
Teresa Wills created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experience in pursuit of a career in psychology. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. Her life experiences, including an abusive childhood and teenage parenthood, fueled her passion to help others overcome obstacles. She hopes to earn a graduate degree in counseling to become a family and marriage counselor. Her ePortfolio contains examples of her research skills, ethics training, applied psychology work, and interpersonal skills to demonstrate her qualifications for further study.
This document contains Addie Bruyr's senior exit portfolio from Newton High School, including sections on her resume, personal essay, transcript, academic accomplishments, honors and activities, letters of reference, service learning, and personal information. The personal essay describes Addie's difficult freshman year when she switched schools and experienced trauma, her struggles with mental health issues in subsequent years, and how she has matured and grown more confident over time.
Whilst there has been increasing interest by government in the issue of teenage pregnancy much of the emphasis of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy has focused on pregnant young women and young mothers with little regard for the fathers of their babies.
For this assignment, I described some key events that have happened in my life to make me the person I am today. I took some development theories and applied the stages described in the theory to my own life.
Olivia was bullied from a young age for being overweight and having sensory issues. The bullying caused her low self-esteem and she struggled to make friends. In middle school, she started competing in pageants to gain confidence and started an anti-bullying initiative called "Raise Your Crown Against Bullying". In high school, she joined the cheer team but faced more bullying when she spoke up against it. The bullying caused her such stress that she had to leave school. Now, she is thriving in online school and continues her anti-bullying work through speaking engagements and initiatives.
This document demonstrates my ability to work with a client and ask them purposeful questions about the situation they are discussing with me. This assignment shows my effectiveness in using the appropriate counseling skills when working with a client.
Luke took a StrengthsQuest assessment that accurately identified his top five strengths as adaptability, harmony, restorative, positivity, and achiever. He agreed with most of the strengths identified, though found restorative less accurate. Luke feels strongest helping others with personal issues and staying positive. His harmony and achiever strengths can conflict when he tries to push others competitively. His restorative nature can get him into trouble, but his adaptability helps. Luke's strengths both help and hinder him academically, and his positivity versus his sister's negativity challenges their relationship. After taking the assessment, Luke better understands his personality traits.
Jacob took the StrengthsQuest assessment and learned his top strengths are responsibility, positivity, achiever, learner, and woo. He agreed with parts of positivity and achiever that fit his personality of being optimistic and driven to accomplish tasks. However, he disagreed with aspects of learner because he only enjoys learning about subjects that interest him, and woo because he is hesitant around strangers. In school, he struggles with responsibility by procrastinating but ensures he learns material. His strengths help his relationships by being reliable and cheering others up, though positivity could be seen as nosiness. He takes charge in groups for class and prioritizes attendance and work completion with responsibility and being an achiever. Overall,
For this assignment, I interviewed a friend of mine who grew up in a family who does not speak English as their first language. Her parents are both immigrants from Mexico, and I was able to learn about the ways that her background is different from mine.
This document discusses the author's top 5 strengths as identified by a StrengthsQuest survey: Restorative, Achiever, Competitor, Harmony, and Individualization. The author analyzes how each strength fits their personality and experiences. They describe using their strengths to lead their soccer team to victory, resolve arguments among friends, and succeed academically with a goal of becoming a doctor. Their strengths both help them in leadership roles but also sometimes cause challenges in group work and making new friends due to their competitive nature.
This document contains a social psychology journal assignment submitted by a student named Chia Ly Vier. It discusses several concepts in social psychology through examples from the student's own experiences, including social loafing, social identity, self-efficacy, attribution biases, attitudes, learning theories, and balance theory. The assignment provides insight into how social psychology concepts can be applied to understand one's own behaviors and perspectives. It was submitted on April 27th, 2015 for a social psychology course at a university in Malaysia.
This document contains a creative non-fiction writing sample by Nancy Kanter about confronting her high school bullies at a reunion. The sample describes how Kanter was bullied for her looks from elementary through high school, often skipping school to avoid it. At her reunion, Kanter gathered the courage to confront four of her main bullies and ask them why they treated her poorly. Three apologized, with two admitting they took out their insecurities on others. The experience helped Kanter realize the bullying reflected the bullies' own insecurities rather than something wrong with her.
An awareness of how people are socialized to accept inequalities makes it possible for teachers to expose and disrupt the narratives that maintain inequalities in rules, practices and imbalances of power in the classroom.....
For this assignment, I worked with a high school student and practiced my counseling skills while conducting an interview with her. I describe the skills being used and show my knowledge of how to work with a young client.
This document discusses the author's motivation and belief in success. The author was raised in Senegal where education is highly valued, and her mother stressed the importance of working hard and believing in oneself to succeed. Though the path was challenging, with many exams needed to advance grades and complete high school, the author's mother provided support and encouragement. Now as a mother herself, the author wants to be a role model of success through education for her own children. Despite facing obstacles like having a family and taking breaks from school, the author's deep belief in herself and motivation to succeed enabled her to complete her bachelor's degree, and she is now pursuing a master's degree with plans for a PhD.
This document contains a student's journal entries on various topics related to social psychology. It discusses how the student was influenced by others as a teenager to go against her parents' advice. It also explores social comparison theory and how the student engaged in downward social comparisons after exams. The document examines the student's experiences with stereotypes of Asians knowing martial arts and Malays being poor at math. It discusses the self-serving bias, where the student attributed successes to ability but failure to external factors.
Charles Horton Cooley developed the theory of the looking-glass self, which states that a person's self-concept and personality are shaped by their perceptions of how others see them. According to Cooley, this process has three steps: 1) imagining how we appear to others, 2) imagining others' judgements of us based on that appearance, and 3) developing feelings about ourselves based on those perceived judgements. The author describes struggling with insecurity and a negative self-image in their youth due to overthinking how others might perceive them, as described by Cooley's theory. They have since learned that maintaining a positive outlook prevents assuming others dislike them and helps develop a healthier self-concept.
The document provides biographical and health-related information about Ashley Rianne Wong. It includes details about her family history, birthplace, physical fitness scores, daily activities, social relationships, and progression of photos from childhood to age 15. The document also shares an interview with her mother discussing health, fitness, diet and lifestyle in high school during the 1970s.
Este documento describe un juego que se utiliza en clase para trabajar la lectoescritura. Los estudiantes comienzan observando y analizando las s鱈labas y letras de sus propios nombres escritos en la pizarra, luego intentan encontrar letras que se repiten y combinar las letras para formar palabras nuevas, todo con el objetivo de desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades de lectura y escritura.
際際滷 Boom es un nuevo servicio de almacenamiento de presentaciones que ofrece ventajas sobre servicios similares como 際際滷Share. Permite compartir presentaciones f叩cilmente a trav辿s de enlaces web sin necesidad de cargar archivos grandes por correo. Incluye herramientas como resaltadores y convierte las presentaciones a formato flash. La infoxicaci坦n se refiere a la sobrecarga de informaci坦n en internet, la cual afecta a profesionales y usuarios al causar s鱈ntomas como agobio o par叩lisis ante grandes vol炭menes de datos.
This document summarizes a study that developed a Web ERosivity Module (WERM) to calculate rainfall erosivity (R factor) values across South Korea. The study calculated annual R factors for 75 stations using the WERM tool and hourly rainfall data from 1999-2015. Spatial interpolation was used to create an R factor map of South Korea. Regression equations were also developed to estimate monthly R factors based on monthly rainfall and order of month for several locations with R^2 values ranging from 0.75 to 0.92. Comparison of R factors from WERM and the Ministry of Environment showed differences of up to 46%.
This document provides information about Eileen Orloff's Innermetrix Values Index report. It discusses the seven dimensions of value and motivation measured by the Index: Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Political, Altruistic, Regulatory, and Theoretical. Eileen's scores on each dimension are provided, with her highest scores being on the Aesthetic, Individualistic, and Altruistic dimensions. The document analyzes Eileen's motivations and tendencies based on her scores in each dimension.
El documento presenta un curso sobre transistores electr坦nicos para motores impartido por Beto Booster. Explica que los transistores son componentes fundamentales en los sistemas de encendido electr坦nico de los autos pero rara vez son explicados en escuelas de mec叩nica. Describe las partes y tipos de transistores, c坦mo fluye la corriente el辿ctrica a trav辿s de ellos y su funci坦n principal como interruptores en los sistemas de encendido. Resalta que comprender este concepto clave le permiti坦 al instructor reparar con 辿xito cualquier auto con problemas en el enc
Este documento describe las caracter鱈sticas principales de los micr坦fonos, incluyendo su impedancia, conexi坦n y precios. Explica que la mayor鱈a de los micr坦fonos tienen baja impedancia entre 150-4,000 ohmios y salida balanceada. Una salida balanceada reduce la interferencia de ruido mediante la circulaci坦n de se単ales opuestas en un par de cables aislados. El documento tambi辿n lista algunos precios de micr坦fonos entre $6-7.
Sulhendra is an Indonesian electrical engineer seeking new opportunities. He has over 10 years of experience in quality control, production, and installation roles in various industries including oil and gas, electronics, and telecommunications. Sulhendra holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and various welding and quality management certifications. He is proficient in English, Indonesian, and Microsoft Office programs.
Este documento introduce los fundamentos de la programaci坦n en ABAP/4, incluyendo los tipos de instrucciones, comentarios, combinaci坦n de frases, declaraci坦n de objetos de datos como campos, tablas, literales y variables internas, y las estructuras b叩sicas de un programa como REPORT, TABLES, DATA, TOP-OF-PAGE y END-OF-PAGE. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo declarar y procesar datos mediante la asignaci坦n de valores, conversi坦n de tipos, operaciones aritm辿ticas y procesamiento de campos de texto, adem叩s de revisar las variables
Digital marketing trends in 2016 will include increased use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram for advertising and commerce. Marketers will be able to create integrated campaigns that offer exclusive content on these platforms. Live streaming apps like Meerkat and Periscope will also become more important for engaging audiences. Additionally, new forms of targeted advertising will emerge, such as identity-based pay-per-click marketing that sends ads to individuals based on email or phone number.
Adaptive relaying systems allow protective relays to adapt to changing operating conditions in modern power systems. They provide more reliable, faster and smarter protection compared to conventional relays. Adaptive relays can implement functions like proactive load shedding, fault type-based speed of operation, and adaptive reclosing. They apply algorithms to continuously monitor systems and modify protection settings in response to network changes. This improves reliability and selectivity of fault isolation over static relay schemes.
The Happiest Days of Your Life Begins Here!Genesis Espino
The happiest days of your life will begin with at any Suntrust Properties.Check the slides out to see which one is near you. Let's start the happiest days of our lives now!
Sales is undergoing a radical and fundamental change in response to the evolving demands of a more informed and increasingly digital world of prospects. HubSpot CRO Mark Roberge interviewed nine thought leaders regarding their predictions on the Future of Sales.
1. The Woman that I am TODAY
The Woman that I want to BECOME
We will figure it out when the time comes
Growing up in strict Seventh Day Adventist home, I had parents that disciplined
and mold me into a strong woman that I am today. My family had a dairy farm, so I
grew up in the country and we had chores instead of running around getting into
trouble. I remember when I was younger and in my teen years, my father always made
me help others out no matter where we went. He said someday, you will understand
and you will thank me. I was allowed to go to church socials, family reunions and had a
very limited social life. During church socials or family reunions, I was always called
away to help the host in the kitchen or to help tidy the place up. No matter how badly I
wanted to tell my father NO, I knew better than to be disrespectful and did what I was
asked. Of course they were thankful and I helped out without hesitation. It was a
sheltered lifestyle and I was not as exposed to what the other teenagers were doing. It
was not until my college years that I began drinking, socializing and wanting to be
accepted. True, I was innocent and drawn into the wrong crowds and surrounded by
individuals who also struggled with similar issues.
I have had moments of doubt that I questioned the direction of my life. My life
didnt turn out as planned. I was attending community college when I met the father of
my 4 kids, we both dropped out because I found out I was pregnant with my now 16 year
old. He even threatened me back then that if I didnt move with him, he would take the
baby away from me. Now, I have always been a people pleaser; however, I was afraid of
saying NO and was scared to stand up for myself. Getting bullied while attending high
school didnt help with my low self- esteem; therefore, I gave in to peer -pressure to
make friends. This resulted in making poor decisions when it came to my marriage
(divorced now) and relationships. They wanted control by making threats and
manipulating others to get what they wanted. I eventually lowered my standards as a
woman because I was desperate to be accepted. I drank and started using street drugs
that were offered to ease the peer pressure. The mental and verbal abuse that followed
eventually opened my eyes, this was not what I was looking for and I wanted to be
happy. I remember my ex boy-friend (he was coming down from getting high) telling
me you will never make it or achieve anything in life, what a disappointment you are to
me. My ex-husband would tell me (when he was on his narcolepsy medication) you
dont love this family, youre not a wife or mother. What made me stay in such
controlling, abusive relationships? I stayed because I was afraid of being on my own,
afraid of being left behind, afraid of being financially unstable. I had that much low self-
esteem and my parents wanted me to get my life back together. They are the ones who
strongly encouraged me to go back to school so that I could be a good mother for my
2. kids. I turned to alcohol to numb the pain and to escape to a happy place. My family and
my kids realized that I needed help, I was not happy with who I was as a person.
Giving others a second chance only works if they want it to work. You cant force
somebody if they have doubts, their heart is not in it 100% and being selfish is not an
option. I gave in to others needs despite taking care of myself because of such a guilt
trip they bestowed in return. I tried to be supportive of their needs even when they didnt
support my desire to get help. Oh, you dont need to go to an AA meeting every single
night, I dont have a support group and I dont get to go to a meeting. You have a family
that needs you, you dont need AA.
The Woman that I am TODAY
The Woman that I am today is determined, strong and successful. I have been
knocked down and have had no choice but to pull myself back together for the sake of
my kids. I have been on the low end of poverty and I was forced to really think about
what was important in my life, prioritize my needs accordingly. I craved having a job
where I could at least make money and have a say in decision making. According to the
father of my kids, I didnt need to work and at one time he actually said its his money.
That right there made me even more determined to become independent. Such sarcasm
and disrespect only pushed me further away, deeper into hiding an addiction just to get
My decision to go back to school was supported by my daughter and my parents.
The father of my 4 kids didnt entirely support this since he wanted a large family in
hopes to anchor me home. Yet, despite the arguments I went back because I wanted to
improve my life and be educated. It was a struggle, since I had to focus on my studies
and take care of my 3 babies (a toddler and newborn twins). The only family help that I
received was from my mother who traveled 4 hours just to help so that I could study and
my sister in law. This caused a lot of problems at the home; however, I devoted myself
to my education and my parents strongly encouraged me to finish when I was against
all odds. It was my determination and will power that I worked my way to the top 5 out
of 250 in graduate school. I earned and accepted the Delta Mu Delta Honor Society in
Business and had the opportunity to speak at graduation. Dedication is making
sacrifices, becoming a role model for my teenager because all I did was study for school.
My will power kept me strong, despite the sarcasm I received; however, I maintained a
4.0 GPA for my last 2 years of graduate school. The encouragement I received from my
daughter, my parents and my friends made an impact on my success.
IF you put your mind to it, it can be done. I am also a strong believer in my own
recovery and I will not allow negative thoughts bring me down. Education has enhanced
my life when others have indeed doubted me. I am the woman that I am today because I
3. forced myself to take a step back, take a deep breath and figure out a solution to my
problems. I realize NOW that alcohol has NO place in my life, it solves nothing. We all
have challenges that arise from the deck of cards we are dealt, we must work to resolve
those issues. During my struggles, I was also able to help motivate a few struggling
friends with their own issues by simply listening and offering advice. I have rebuilt the
relationship with my daughter, especially while I was incarcerated for only a few short
months. My downfalls have shown my now 16 year old what to avoid and this has only
brought us closer. Knowing that I put all my faith in my higher power has helped
strengthen me, I have met some amazing individuals while in recovery, shared similar
struggles and I am now stepping forth within my community.
The Woman that I want to BECOME
The Woman that I want to become is a wise, well- educated, goodhearted
individual unafraid of lifes challenges. There is enough confidence and spiritual
wellness within her to keep her on solid ground. She is able to manage her life
successfully with the ability to say NO and make important decisions without the guilt
trip from others. She is strong enough in her career to be successful and use her
knowledge to counsel other individuals. She has a great personality, treats others well
and has a great positive attitude. The woman I want to be makes smart but wise
decisions. I am able to say no without feeling guilty, I am not given a guilt trip to give in
to what others want. Learning how to say NO is also a way of gaining respect from
others, beneficial to yourself and others while having the respect that is needed. I want
to become reliable and dependable, having that trust established with my family, with
my job and with my friends. Telling the truth is better than telling a lie. Lies get you
nowhere and the truth always comes out. Working out my insecurities made me believe
in myself, I am not nor am I in competition with anyone.
Be determined, work hard and learn from your mistakes. Self-improvement is the
key to learning and success. Fear is not an option. Dont dwell on the dark side of things
but look for the light and build around it. Follow your dreams, even if it means making
sacrifices to achieve your goals. One of my goals is to work in management, become a
team leader. I want to be recognized as a strong and successful woman who is not afraid
of commitments. I have encountered curveballs that not many other people in this
world would be able to work around, somehow I got up off the ground whenever I was
knocked down, stood back up on my own two feet, and moved forward -- and guess
what? I paid attention. I am hungry for success and do my best to create a positive
environment for my kids and my family.